819 research outputs found

    Unsupervised edge map scoring: a statistical complexity approach

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    We propose a new Statistical Complexity Measure (SCM) to qualify edge maps without Ground Truth (GT) knowledge. The measure is the product of two indices, an \emph{Equilibrium} index E\mathcal{E} obtained by projecting the edge map into a family of edge patterns, and an \emph{Entropy} index H\mathcal{H}, defined as a function of the Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) statistic. This new measure can be used for performance characterization which includes: (i)~the specific evaluation of an algorithm (intra-technique process) in order to identify its best parameters, and (ii)~the comparison of different algorithms (inter-technique process) in order to classify them according to their quality. Results made over images of the South Florida and Berkeley databases show that our approach significantly improves over Pratt's Figure of Merit (PFoM) which is the objective reference-based edge map evaluation standard, as it takes into account more features in its evaluation

    Accuracy of MAP segmentation with hidden Potts and Markov mesh prior models via Path Constrained Viterbi Training, Iterated Conditional Modes and Graph Cut based algorithms

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    In this paper, we study statistical classification accuracy of two different Markov field environments for pixelwise image segmentation, considering the labels of the image as hidden states and solving the estimation of such labels as a solution of the MAP equation. The emission distribution is assumed the same in all models, and the difference lays in the Markovian prior hypothesis made over the labeling random field. The a priori labeling knowledge will be modeled with a) a second order anisotropic Markov Mesh and b) a classical isotropic Potts model. Under such models, we will consider three different segmentation procedures, 2D Path Constrained Viterbi training for the Hidden Markov Mesh, a Graph Cut based segmentation for the first order isotropic Potts model, and ICM (Iterated Conditional Modes) for the second order isotropic Potts model. We provide a unified view of all three methods, and investigate goodness of fit for classification, studying the influence of parameter estimation, computational gain, and extent of automation in the statistical measures Overall Accuracy, Relative Improvement and Kappa coefficient, allowing robust and accurate statistical analysis on synthetic and real-life experimental data coming from the field of Dental Diagnostic Radiography. All algorithms, using the learned parameters, generate good segmentations with little interaction when the images have a clear multimodal histogram. Suboptimal learning proves to be frail in the case of non-distinctive modes, which limits the complexity of usable models, and hence the achievable error rate as well. All Matlab code written is provided in a toolbox available for download from our website, following the Reproducible Research Paradigm

    The Lecture-Performance: Implementing Performative Pedagogy in Literature Class

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    In recent years the performative has gained importance within the pedagogical field and has opened new perspectives in educational research. Experience has shown that the integration of performative elements in the learning process allow teachers to involve learners emotionally and cognitively. The present paper deals with a learning experience performed with students in the course “German Literature (2nd language)” at the University of Valencia. From the perspective of Performative Pedagogy, students are asked to carry out a research project and then transfer the acquired knowledge to the theatrical format that must be didactic: a Lecture-Performance. This activity highlights the benefits of students’ autonomous and cooperative learning, as well as the development of students’ performative competence, with which they achieved deeper levels of understanding and improved their retention of what was studied. The teacher evaluation and a questionnaire carried out by the students at the end of the activity confirm the achievement of the initial objectives.This work is part of the INNOVA-TEA project funded by the Centre for Continuing Education and Innovation of the University of Valencia (Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa). Project UV- SFPIE_PID19-1098225.Gimenez Calpe, A. (2020). The Lecture-Performance: Implementing Performative Pedagogy in Literature Class. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1001-1008. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11186OCS1001100830-05-202

    Visualizing the Doppler Effect

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    The development of Information and Communication Technologies suggests some spectacular changes in the methods used for teaching scientific subjects. Nowadays, the development of software and hardware makes it possible to simulate processes as close to reality as we want. However, when we are trying to explain some complex physical processes, it is better to simplify the problem under study using simplified pictures of the total process by eliminating some elements that make it difficult to understand this process. In this work we focus our attention on the Doppler effect which requires the space-time visualization that is very difficult to obtain using the traditional teaching resources. We have designed digital simulations as a complement of the theoretical explanation in order to help students understand this phenomenon.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The Challenges of Teaching and Training in Intellectual Property

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    The article discusses the challenges of teaching Intellectual Property (IP) in the University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), with reference to the data obtained from a large survey and analysis of the disciplines offered in the undergraduate, graduate and university extension courses, and interviews with professors responsible for these courses and disciplines. The results indicate that although Unicamp has a prominent role in promoting innovation, occupying the second position in the ranking of the largest depositors of patent applications in Brazil, the teaching of the subject in the institution still relies on individual initiatives of the professors themselves, being exclusively dependent on the interest and skills of these individuals rather than a more general orientation of the university. The discussion closes with some observations as to how education and training in IP could be improved, in an attempt to convert them into instruments conducive to the promotion of innovation within nations

    Proximate and Mineral profile of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) consumed in north of Argentina

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) are pseudo-cereals largely consumed in North of Argentina. They gained special attention by scientific community in part due to high nutritional value. Therefore the nutrient analysis with the purpose to be included in Argentinean Food Composition Databank is urgent. In this work proximal and mineral profile of Quinoa consumed in the North of Argentina was determined and reported for the first time, for the purpose to be included in national Food Composition Databank and disseminated through EuroFIR e-search platform. Ash, Moisture, Dietary Fibre, Protein, and Fat content were determined by AOAC methods and Calcium, Copper, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, were analyzed by or ICP-OES and Selenium by ICP-MS. The values were obtained applying quality criteria as defined by EuroFIR guidelines for laboratory analysis. This required criteria on sample handling, an appropriate analytical method in terms of precision and accuracy, limit of quantification selectivity, and an effective internal and external quality control program including appropriate use of Certified Reference Materials and participation in adequate Proficiency Testing Schemes carried out by laboratories hold ISO/EN 17025. Guidelines for laboratory performance are paramount to guarantee the acceptability of values in LATINFOODS and others Food Data Organizations. This provides the necessary information to the users of Food Composition Databanks who wish to have an overview of the parameters, which influence the estimation of nutrient intake, and may affect the diet-disease relationship.This work was completed on behalf of the EuroFIR Nexus consortium and funded under the EU 7th Framework Food Quality and Safety Programm

    A terminological study about university-society relations: third mission, socioeconomic surroundings and the evolution of the role of academia

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    The relationships and interactions between universities and society that go beyond the teaching and research missions have been termed differently by various groups of scholars and in different countries and are more commonly known by the term “university extension”. The different views and interpretations of university missions relate to the development of the understanding of the role of this institution in society. In respect to this, the purpose of the article was to present, based on extensive literature review, the conceptualization of the main terms commonly used to express the university-society relations: third mission, outreach, extension, vinculación, engagement-community and civic. The research results allow us to conclude that the terms studied arise from very similar situations and purposes, namely: teaching and research missions and responsibilities of the university vis-à-vis new visions of the social pact or contract between academic science and society174

    Determinação simultânea de metformina e vildagliptina em plasma humano utilizando um método hilic-em/em

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Roberto PontaroloCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. João Cleverson GasparettoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/08/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar um metodo HILIC-EM/EM para quantificar em plasma humano metformina e vildagliptina. A pre-purificacao dos analitos foi realizada atraves da tecnica de precipitacao de proteinas com acetonitrila acidificada (0,1% acido formico). A fonte de ionizacao por electrospray operou no modo positivo de ionizacao e a separacao cromatografica foi realizada em uma coluna Atlantis HILIC Silica 150 x 2,1 mm, 3 ƒÊm de tamanho de particula. O volume de injecao foi de 5 ƒÊL e a temperatura de forno mantida a 40 ‹C. A fase movel isocratica consistiu de (A) 20% de agua e (B) 80% de solucao acetonitrila:agua (95:5 v/v), ambos contendo 0,1% de acido formico e 3 mM de formiato de amonio. O fluxo foi mantido em 400 ƒÊL/min. Os resultados de validacao mostraram que o novo metodo e seletivo, sensivel (limite de deteccao75%) foi obtida com elevada precisao (CV< 4,0%). O metodo desenvolvido foi aplicado com sucesso em amostras reais de voluntarios que receberam separadamente uma dose de metformina (850 mg), uma dose de vildagliptina (50 mg) ou uma dose de um medicamento contendo a combinacao metformina e vildagliptina (850 mg + 50 mg). O novo metodo pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta analitica para o monitoramento clinico da metformina e vildagliptina no plasma. A partir desse monitoramento, e possivel verificar a adesao ao tratamento e propor ajuste de dose de modo a garantir a efetividade e a seguranca clinica do tratamento. Palavras chave: metformina, vildagliptina, CLAE-EM/EM, plasma, HILIC, diabetes.Abstract: The objective of this work was to develop and validate a HILIC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of metformin and vildagliptin in human plasma. Sample cleanup was achieved using protein precipitation with acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid. The electrospray source was operated in the positive ion mode. Chromatographic separation was achieved using an Atlantis HILIC Silica 150 x 2.1-mm, 3-ƒÊm particle size column maintained at 40 oC. The isocratic mobile phase consisted of 20% water and 80% acetonitrile/water solution 95:5 v/v, containing both 0.1% formic acid and 3 mM ammonium formate. The flow rate was maintained at 400 ƒÊL/min. The volume of injection was 5.0 ƒÊL. Data from validation studies demonstrated that the new method is highly selective, sensitive (limits of detection 75%) was achieved with high reproducibility (RSD<4.0%). The developed method was successfully applied to determine metformin and vildagliptin in plasma volunteers who orally received a single dose of metformin (850 mg), vildagliptin (50 mg) or drug association (metformin 850 mg + vildagliptin 50 mg). The new method can thus be used as a tool for the clinical monitoring of metformin and vildagliptin. Keywords: metformin, vildagliptin, LC-MS/MS, human plasma, HILIC