1,518 research outputs found

    Sexual behavior in the elderly watched family health strategy

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    Objective: To analyze the sexual behavior of elderly assisted on primary health care. Method: Transversal study, exploratory and quantitative. Results: The sample was comprised of 130 elderly people, these 60,8% were male, showing age between 60 and 92 years, with an average of 69 ± 7,04 years. With respect to the sexual profile, 63,1% elderly had active sex life, being more frequent among men with stable or married. With regard to sexual desire, 30% reported having no more desire for sexual practices, represented mostly by women and 12,3% maintained total desire, with most men. Among the sexually active seniors, 17% use some preventive method for sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion: Highlights that there is a gradual decrease in the frequency of interest and sexual practices with age, reinforces the necessity of educational action of nurses in primary health care for the elderly

    First report of anthracnose of Capsicum Chinense in Brazil caused by Colletotrichum brevisporum

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    Fruit of “yellow lantern” chili pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) with typical symptoms of anthracnose were observed in the city of Manaus in 2008 and Manacapuru in 2014, in Amazonas state, Brazil. The symptoms initially consisted of small dark-brown lesions, circular, depressed, with defined edges, progressing to the center and becoming gray to black, with concentric circles. Losses of up to 100% have occurred in some plantings. Isolation of the fungus was carried out from masses of spores present on the fruit lesions. Colonies were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 25°C and 12-h photoperiod. Monosporic cultures were obtained and the isolates were deposited in the Microorganisms Culture Collection of the National Institute of Amazonian Research, Manaus, Brazil (INPA 1858 and INPA 2800). After 7 days on PDA, single spore colonies had a cottony appearance and the color ranged from white to brownish, with orange-colored masses of conidia. Conidia were hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical with rounded ends, and measured 10.2 to 17.7 µm in length × 3.3 to 5.6 µm in width. Appressoria formed were dark-brown in color, irregularly shaped or lobate, and measured 5.9 to 12.0 µm in length and 5.5 to 8.9 µm in width. Partial sequences of actin (ACT) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes were amplified and comparted to GenBank accession nos. KU315567 and KX878886 for ACT and KU315572 and KX878887 for GAPDH. Bayesian inference analyses performed with concatenated gene sequences showed that the isolate INPA 1858 and INPA 2800 clustered with the ex-type specimen of Colletotrichum brevisporum (BCC 38876) in a clade with high support (posterior probability = 1). Pathogenicity tests with isolates INPA 1858 and INPA 2800 were conducted on healthy chili peppers using the wound inoculation method by droplet (106 conidia/ml) on the fruit surface (Lin et al. 2002). Pathogenicity tests were done with 10 fruit per isolate (INPA 1858 and INPA 2800) replicated three times. The controls were inoculated with sterile water. Typical symptoms of anthracnose were observed 7 days post inoculation, while the controls did not show any symptoms. The fungus C. brevisporum was recovered from the inoculated chili peppers, thereby confirming Koch’s postulates. C. brevisporum was described in Thailand causing symptoms in Neoregalia sp. and in Pandanus pygmaeus (Noireung et al. 2012), in Korea in Lycium chinense (Paul et al. 2014), and in Brazil in Carica papaya and Sechium edule (Bezerra et al. 2016; Vieira et al. 2013). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. brevisporum on C. chinense fruits in Brazil. © 2017, American Phytopathological Society. All rights reserved

    Influência de Plantas de Cobertura de Inverno na Estrutura da Vomunidade da Fauna e Eáfica

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    The use of cover crops contributes to soil management by improvingtheir biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to determinethe contribution of winter cover crops in mesofauna and macrofaunacommunity. The work was developed at the experimental area of theFederal University of Santa Maria, on Frederico Wesphalen campus, inrandomized block design, in a factorial 6 x 4, being six winter covercrops (oats - Avena sativa L.; ryegrass - Lolium multiflorum L.; canola- Brassica napus L.; linseed - Linum usitatissimum L.; triticale - Triticosecale Witt. and fallow vegetated area) and four sampling times (0, 50,100 and 150 days after sowing), with four repetitions. Samples were collectedwith PROVID traps, staying in the field for seven days. The capturedindividuals from the traps were identified by class or order. It wasevaluated the quantity of individuals and the Margalef richness index,Simpson dominance, Shannon diversity and Pielou evenness. The multivariableanalysis of different sampling times was realized based onthe number of individuals. The results showed that winter cover cropscontribute to increasing amount of individuals of soil fauna. The usedcover crop used and its development stage induce the Shannon diversityindex and the Simpson dominance.A utilização de plantas de cobertura contribui para o manejo do solo, promovendo melhorias em suas características biológicas. O trabalho objetivou determinar a contribuição de plantas de cobertura de inverno na comunidade da mesofauna e da macrofauna edáfica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em área experimental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus Frederico Westphalen, em delineamento blocos casualizados, num fatorial 6 X 4, sendo seis culturas de cobertura de inverno (aveia branca - Avena sativa L.; azevém - Lolium multiflorum L.; canola - Brassica napus L.; linhaça - Linum usitatissimum L.; triticale – Tritico secale Witt. e área em pousio vegetado) e quatro épocas de coleta (0, 50, 100 e 150 dias após a semeadura), com quatro repetições. As coletas foram realizadas com armadilhas PROVID, permanecendo no campo por sete dias. Os indivíduos capturados nas armadilhas foram identificados quanto à classe ou ordem. Foram avaliados a quantidade de indivíduos e os índices de riqueza de Margalef, dominância de Simpson, diversidade de Shannon e equabilidade de Pielou. Com base na quantidade de indivíduos, realizou-se a análise multivariada de agrupamento nas diferentes épocas de coleta. Os resultados revelaram que as plantas de coberturas de inverno contribuem para o aumento da quantidade de indivíduos da fauna do solo. A cultura de cobertura utilizada e seu estádio de desenvolvimento influenciam nos índices de diversidade de Shannon e dominância de Simpson

    Edaphic fauna influenced by the use of soil cover crops and intercropping

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    The edaphic fauna is considered sensitive and responds relatively fast to the impact of different types of production systems, thereby enabling its use as an active component for evaluating soil quality. This study was conducted to determine the influence of black oat, turnip, vetch and the intercropping of turnip/black oat and vetch/turnip/black oat in the structure and composition of the edaphic fauna. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 6x4 factorial scheme, consisting of six soil cover crops (black oat, turnip and vetch, the intercropping of turnip/black oat and vetch/turnip /black oat and fallow ground) and four sampling times (0, 50, 100 and 150 days after sowing), with four replications. After collecting the soil fauna, the abundance of individuals, Collembola number, Margalef richness, Shannon diversity index, Pielou equitability and Simpson dominance were determined. The intercropping of turnip/black oat and vetch/turnip/black oat favored the abundance of individuals and the Collembola number, within the first 50 days. The intercropping of vetch/turnip/black oat reduced the Shannon diversity index by increasing the Collembola population. The highest species diversity was observed at 100 days after the crops implantation. The edphic fauna was influenced by the vegetative stage and soil cover crop types

    Effect of mash maceration and ripening stage of apples on phenolic compounds and antioxidant power of cloudy juices: A study using chemometrics

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    AbstractThe effects of different enzymatic preparations on total phenolic content, phenolic profile (HPLC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) of cloudy juices from Lis Gala and Fuji Suprema apples varieties, at three ripening stages (unripe, ripe and senescent) were investigated using Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. The commercial preparations enzymatic (Ultrazym® AFPL; Pectinex® Ultra Clear; Pectinex® SMASH XXL; Panzym® YieldMASH) increased the total phenolic compounds and ferric reducing capacity of the cloudy juice from unripe and ripe Lis Gala (respectively by 67 and 49% for unripe apples, and 28 and 33% for ripe apples) and unripe Fuji Suprema apples (23 and 55%), while for the ripe Fuji Suprema apples only Pectinex® Ultra Clear and Panzym® YieldMASH had this effect. No significant (p > 0.05) was observed on senescent stage, whatever the enzymatic preparation. Enzymatic preparations could increase phenolic compounds concentration and antioxidant capacity of cloudy apple juice, but this effect depended on the maturity of the apples

    Baseline sensitivity of Brazilian Mycosphaerella fijiensis isolates to protectant and systemic fungicides

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    Black Sigatoka caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis is a foliar disease that affects banana plants and large amounts of fungicides are required to prevent crop losses. Intensive applications of single-site fungicides can select for fungicide-resistant isolates. The objective of this study was to assess the sensitivity of 60 isolates of M. fijiensis to commonly used fungicides. Using two different protocols, microtiter and Petri plate tests, the effective concentration at which mycelium growth is reduced by 50% (EC50) was determined for thiophanatemethyl, tebuconazole, chlorothalonil and mancozeb. Additionally, partial sequences of the cytochrome b gene were obtained for 46 isolates to detect the G143A mutation, commonly associated with strobilurin resistance. The EC50 values for tebuconazole and thiophanate-methyl ranged from 0.02 to 1.39 and from 0.008 to 8.22 μg mL-1, respectively. For chlorothalonil, the lowest and highest EC50 values were 0.39 μg mL-1 and 53.7 μg mL-1, respectively. For mancozeb, approximately 50% of the isolates had EC50 values greater than 1000 μg mL-1. No mutation was found in the isolates assayed for strobilurin resistance. There was no correlation between sensitivity levels to any fungicide and geographic region. Low EC50 values were estimated for most fungicides but, some isolates had high EC50 values for mancozeb

    Correlation between Bipolar Affective Disorder and Suicide Reviewing by the Risk Factors: a Systematic Review

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    Background: Because there are several reports associations between affective (AD) and bipolar disorder (BD) and suicide, the research develops a discussion of risk factors that inflence the occurrence of suicide attempts in patients with BD.Objectives: To relate risk factors present in patients with bipolar disorder who committed suicide or some suicide attempt.Methods: A survey was made in Scopus with the keyword "bipolar" and the terms "suicide" and "attempted"and "risk factors" from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We use only Scopus as the data source, and the statistical information available in tables and graphs provided from this source.Results: Frequently the AD and BD were associated with suicide occurrence in the studies included in this review. They identifid the main risk factors for suicide the previous suicide attempt and hopelessness. The main risk factors for nonfatal suicidal behavior included family history of suicide, early onset of bipolar disorder, extent of depressive symptoms, increasing severity of affective episodes, the presence of mixed affective states, rapid cycling, comorbid Axis I disorders, and abuse of alcohol or drugs. The suicide rate in this disorder reaches three times compared with other mental illnesses, and there are several risk factors: 3:1 ratio of suicide in men compared to women, but in females a greater number of attempts are observed. 25% of persons consume alcohol prior to suicidal attempt. The studies relate these factors and show how they can pose a risk to the carrier of the disorder. There are other risk factor for BD discussed on this review.Conclusions: It is inferred that the factors related to the risk of suicide in patients with bipolar disorder are important to enable the development of strategies designed to identify a possible suicidal ideation, prevention and control of these deaths. These elements are well characterized and defied in the studies

    Marcadores de soroprevalência por Toxoplasma Gondii em gestantes: uma análise epidemiológica na literatura / Markers of Toxoplasma Gondii seroprevalence in pregnant women: an epidemiological analysis of the literature

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    A toxoplasmose resulta de uma infecção causada pelo Toxoplasma Gondii, conhecida popularmente como a “doença do gato”, sendo de auto infectividade. É considerada relevante para a saúde pública, tendo vários meios de transmissão, sendo um deles a transplacentária, que ocorre quando a gestante adquire a toxoplasmose durante a gestação, está transmissão pode acarretar sequelas graves para o feto, sendo assim, as contribuições dos profissionais de saúde são indispensáveis durante o pré-natal, levantando informações relevantes para o diagnóstico precoce da doença. O objetivo desta pesquisa é realizar uma revisão literária sobre a epidemiologia e a soroprevalência do Toxoplasma Gondii em gestantes. A metodologia utilizada para o estudo foi a abordagem qualitativa de revisão de literatura, utilizando como bases Lilacs-Bireme, Scielo, PubMed e Caderno de Atenção Básica do Recém-Nascido do MS. Destaca-se assim, a importância da sorologia no controle de toxoplasmose adquirida na gestação, reduzindo significativamente dados relacionados a patologi

    Indicadores de cobertura vacinal/taxa de abandono nas capitais da região norte do Brasil: um desafio a educação popular em saúde na perspectiva da Atenção Primária / Indicators of vaccination coverage/ dropout rate in the capitals of the northern region of Brazil: a challenge to popular education in health from the perspective of Primary Health Care

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    Instituído pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS), o Programa Nacional de Imunização (PNI) foi elencado para cumprir os objetivos da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), e controlar principalmente o sarampo, tuberculose, difteria, tétano, coqueluche, poliomielite e manter até então, a já erradicada varíola. Este estudo objetivou-se em discutir sob a perspectiva da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) os desafios da cobertura vacinal nas capitais da região norte do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, com abordagens quantiqualitativa. A pesquisa incluiu os 6 milhões de habitantes residentes das sete capitais dos estados que compõem a região norte do país, analisados sob a perspectiva da cobertura vacinal/taxa de abandono. Quanto a cobertura vacinal em relação ao índice populacional, nota-se maior abrangência em Palmas (TO), onde os índices na média comparativa entre os dois anos pesquisados encontraram-se em 74,30% e a maior taxa de abandono vacinal em Macapá (AP), 42,26%. Ressalta-se a importância da educação popular em saúde, principalmente na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), principal porta dos usuários aos serviços disponibilizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). 

    Perspectivas para o tratamento da neuromielite óptica: uma revisão de literatura

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    Introduction: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease that affects the central nervous system, predominantly impacting the optic nerves and spinal cord. Clinical manifestations usually occur in a relapsing-remitting manner, becoming progressively disabling and carrying a high risk of mortality (Luo et al., 2022). To prevent these relapses and disabilities, new sequential treatments are of great interest for medical practice. Objective: To compare current sequential treatments for neuromyelitis optica. Methodology: This is a literature review on current sequential treatments for NMO. Data were obtained through a search in the “Biblioteca virtual de saúde” Virtual Health Library (BVS) using the search strategy: "neuromyelitis optica" AND "therapy." Three articles that met the criterion of a systematic review with meta-analysis from the last five years on the main topic of NMO treatment were selected. Results and Discussion: Sequential therapy is based on oral corticosteroids and, primarily, on the immunosuppression of altered immune system cells, especially the depletion of B-type lymphocytes. In this context, several drugs are employed such as eculizumab (ECZ), azathioprine (AZA), and rituximab (RTX). The first has proven effective in preventing relapses in 98.9% of patients over 2 years, while RTX and AZA stand out for their safety (Luo et al., 2022). Furthermore, RTX shows greater efficacy than AZA in reducing the annual relapse rate (Weighted Mean Difference of 1.45 after treatment) and in the progression measured by the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (Dong; Meng; Xiao, 2022), thus standing out among treatment options. Additionally, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after local conditioning with immunosuppressants has shown to be favorable for severe cases, with a reduction of 0.81 points in the EDSS (Nabizadeh et al., 2022). Conclusion: Rituximab has emerged as the most promising new sequential therapy due to its safety and efficacy compared to other immunosuppressants.Introducción: La neuromielitis óptica (NMO) es una enfermedad desmielinizante inflamatoria autoinmune que afecta al sistema nervioso central, impactando predominantemente los nervios ópticos y la médula espinal. Las manifestaciones clínicas suelen presentarse de forma recurrente-remitente, volviéndose progresivamente incapacitantes y conllevando un alto riesgo de mortalidad (Luo et al., 2022). Para prevenir estas recaídas y discapacidades, nuevos tratamientos secuenciales resultan de gran interés para la práctica médica. Objetivo: Comparar los tratamientos secuenciales actuales para la neuromielitis óptica. Metodología: Esta es una revisión de la literatura sobre tratamientos secuenciales actuales para NMO. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante una búsqueda en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) “Biblioteca virtual de saúde” utilizando la estrategia de búsqueda: "neuromyelitis optica" AND "therapy". Se seleccionaron tres artículos que cumplieron con el criterio de una revisión sistemática con metanálisis de los últimos cinco años sobre el tema principal del tratamiento con NMO. Resultados y Discusión: La terapia secuencial se basa en corticoides orales y, principalmente, en la inmunosupresión de células alteradas del sistema inmunológico, especialmente la depleción de linfocitos tipo B. En este contexto, se emplean varios fármacos como eculizumab (ECZ), azatioprina (AZA) y rituximab (RTX). El primero ha demostrado ser eficaz para prevenir las recaídas en el 98,9% de los pacientes a lo largo de 2 años, mientras que RTX y AZA destacan por su seguridad (Luo et al., 2022). Además, RTX muestra mayor eficacia que AZA en la reducción de la tasa de recaída anual (Diferencia de Medias Ponderada de 1,45 después del tratamiento) y en la progresión medida por la Escala Ampliada del Estado de Discapacidad (EDSS) (Dong; Meng; Xiao, 2022), destacando así entre las opciones de tratamiento. Además, el autotrasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas tras acondicionamiento local con inmunosupresores ha demostrado ser favorable para los casos graves, con una reducción de 0,81 puntos en la EDSS (Nabizadeh et al., 2022). Conclusión: Rituximab se ha convertido en la nueva terapia secuencial más prometedora debido a su seguridad y eficacia en comparación con otros inmunosupresores.Introdução: A neuromielite óptica (NMO) é uma doença inflamatória autoimune desmielinizante que acomete o sistema nervoso central afetando predominantemente os nervos ópticos e a medula espinhal. As manifestações clínicas normalmente acontecem em um caráter surto-remissão sendo progressivamente incapacitantes e com alto risco de mortalidade. (Luo et al., 2022). Visando prevenir essas recidivas e incapacidades, novos tratamentos  sequenciais são de grande interesse para a prática médica. Objetivo: comparar os tratamentos sequenciais atuais para a neuromielite óptica. Metodologia: trata-se de uma revisão de literatura sobre os tratamentos sequenciais atuais para NMO, cujos dados foram obtidos através de uma busca na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) com a estratégia de pesquisa: “neuromyelitis optica” AND “therapy”. Foram selecionados 3 artigos que atenderam ao critério de revisão sistemática com meta-análise dos últimos 5 anos com tema principal de tratamento da neuromielite óptica. Resultados e discussão: a terapia sequencial se baseia em corticosteroides orais e, principalmente, na imunossupressão de células alteradas do sistema imune, especialmente na depleção dos linfócitos do tipo B. Nesse sentido, vários fármacos são empregados como eculizumabe (ECZ), azatioprina (AZA), e rituximab (RTX). O primeiro se mostrou eficaz na prevenção de recaídas em 98,9% dos pacientes em 2 anos, enquanto o RTX e a AZA se destacam por sua segurança (Luo et al., 2022). Ainda, o RTX se mostra mais eficaz que a AZA na redução anual das recidivas (Diferença Média Ponderada de 1,45 após o tratamento) e da progressão medida pela Escala Expandida do Estado de Incapacidade (EDSS) (Dong; Meng; Xiao, 2022), sendo, portanto, um destaque entre as formas de tratamento. Ademais, o transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoiéticas após condicionamento local com imunossupressores tem se mostrado favorável para casos graves, com a redução de 0,81 pontos da EDSS (Nabizadeh et al., 2022). Conclusão: o rituximab tem se mostrado como a nova terapia sequencial mais promissora, devido a sua segurança e eficácia em comparação às outras imunossupressora