Correlation between Bipolar Affective Disorder and Suicide Reviewing by the Risk Factors: a Systematic Review


Background: Because there are several reports associations between affective (AD) and bipolar disorder (BD) and suicide, the research develops a discussion of risk factors that inflence the occurrence of suicide attempts in patients with BD.Objectives: To relate risk factors present in patients with bipolar disorder who committed suicide or some suicide attempt.Methods: A survey was made in Scopus with the keyword "bipolar" and the terms "suicide" and "attempted"and "risk factors" from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We use only Scopus as the data source, and the statistical information available in tables and graphs provided from this source.Results: Frequently the AD and BD were associated with suicide occurrence in the studies included in this review. They identifid the main risk factors for suicide the previous suicide attempt and hopelessness. The main risk factors for nonfatal suicidal behavior included family history of suicide, early onset of bipolar disorder, extent of depressive symptoms, increasing severity of affective episodes, the presence of mixed affective states, rapid cycling, comorbid Axis I disorders, and abuse of alcohol or drugs. The suicide rate in this disorder reaches three times compared with other mental illnesses, and there are several risk factors: 3:1 ratio of suicide in men compared to women, but in females a greater number of attempts are observed. 25% of persons consume alcohol prior to suicidal attempt. The studies relate these factors and show how they can pose a risk to the carrier of the disorder. There are other risk factor for BD discussed on this review.Conclusions: It is inferred that the factors related to the risk of suicide in patients with bipolar disorder are important to enable the development of strategies designed to identify a possible suicidal ideation, prevention and control of these deaths. These elements are well characterized and defied in the studies

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