1,277 research outputs found

    Analysis of the functional relationships of garnetocidal genes

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    Resistance to stem rust race TTKS in wheat relative Haynaldia villosa

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    Resistance to stem rust race TTKS in wheat relative Haynaldia villosa

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    Tese de doutoramento em Território, Risco e Políticas Públicas, apresentada ao Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de CoimbraFor several decades critical infrastructure management belonged to engineering domains; however a new paradigm has emerged - socio-technical paradigm - infrastructures are critical because they have value for society and for a culture. Thus, critical infrastructure operate not only according to technical specifications but also according to constraints imposed by the social environment. The problem is how to integrate in the same model the linkages between infrastructure and social systems. The main goal of this thesis is to propose a new model the Structural Functional Risk Model – SFRM- a model that identifies the roads more vulnerable to interruptions, based on an integrated approach of the structural and functional component of the road network- a critical infrastructure responsible for connecting people, assets and services separated in space. The model is applied to real road network in a multiscalar perspective, the regional context and the municipal context. The case studies are the Central Region of Portugal and Coimbra, a municipality located in this Region. The system used as example focus the road network as element of connection and access between the parishes and the nearest Hospital – a critical infrastructure of the health sector. The methodological approach is composed by three main phases: firstly, the road network is assessed in a structural perspective based on the application of a new approach of the biclustering technique; the following phase is focused on the evaluation of the road network in a functional perspective based on a modified gravity model; the last phase is focused on the integration of structural and functional perspective, which resulted the SFRM. Scenario- based approaches are also relevant in this work, focusing questions such: what can happen? If it does happen, what are the consequences? A scenario-based approach can be a useful support to a more informed, strategic action. Thus, through the work there will be simulated and analyzed road interruption scenarios. The results confirmed the importance of an integrated approach of the structural and functional components. In the assessment of the road network structural component the results pointed that the Biclusters with highest connectivity are mainly located in the II areas economically most dynamic, such the Coastal zone, and the Biclusters with lowest connectivity are mainly located in areas less dynamic, such Beira Transmontana. So, even when the analysis is focused on a network transformed into nodes and edges it is possible to identify relations with the territorial dynamics. The results of the road network functional component assessment point to a significant resources concentration in Coimbra municipality; in the regional context identified significant accessibility gaps across geographical areas and population groups; even in a normal scenario there are significant disparities in terms of accessibility to health care, which can get worse in a road network interruption scenario. From the integration of the structural and functional component of the road network resulted the SFRM, which is a step forward; quantifying the share of accountability of each of the components in the road level of vulnerability. The results demonstrate that territorial constraints play a fundamental role in critical infrastructure management; the strategies set in this domain should take into account the specificities of each territory and population characteristics. This thesis can be seen as step forward in the consolidation of the socio-technical paradigm as well as a tool for the definition of efficient of prevention measures and the definition of strategies aiming quick recovery of the system in case of a disruptive event.Durante várias décadas a gestão das infra-estruturas críticas pertenceu ao domínio da engenharia; contudo surgiu um novo paradigma – o paradigma socio-técnico – as infraestruturas são críticas pelo valor que representam para a sociedade e para a cultura. Neste sentido, o funcionamento das infra-estruturas críticas depende não só de especificidades técnicas, mas também é condicionado pelo meio social. O problema reside em saber como integrar no mesmo modelo as ligações existentes entre as infraestruturas e os sistemas sociais. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é propor um novo modelo - Modelo de Risco Estrutural e Funcional – MREF- que identifica as vias mais vulneráveis a interrupções, numa abordagem integrada da componente estrutural e funcional da rede viária – uma infra-estrutura crítica que tem como função ligar pessoas, bens e serviços separados no espaço. O MRFE é aplicado a uma rede viária real numa perspetiva multiescalar, os casos de estudo são a Região Centro de Portugal e Coimbra, um município localizado nesta Região. O sistema de análise, usado como exemplo, focase na rede viária como elemento de ligação e acesso entre as freguesias e os Hospitais – importantes infra-estruturas críticas do sector da saúde. A metodologia usada neste trabalho é constituída por três fases: numa primeira fase a rede viária é avaliada sob o ponto de vista estrutural com base numa nova abordagem da técnica de biclustering; a fase seguinte foca-se na avaliação da rede viária sob o ponto de vista funcional com base num modelo gravitacional adaptado aos objetivos do presente trabalho; a última fase foca-se na integração da avaliação estrutural com a funcional da qual resulta o MRFE. As abordagens com base em cenários também assumem relevância neste trabalho, focando questões como: O que pode acontecer? Caso aconteça, quais são as consequências? Os resultados desta abordagem contribuem para ação mais informada e estratégica. Neste sentido, ao longo do trabalho serão apresentados e avaliados vários cenários de interrupção de vias. Os resultados demonstram a importância de uma abordagem integrada da componente funcional e da estrutural. Aquando da avaliação da rede viária sob o ponto de vista estrutural os resultados indicaram que os biclusters com maior nível de conectividade se IV encontram essencialmente localizados nas áreas economicamente mais dinâmicas – como a zona costeira, enquanto os biclusters com menor nível de conectividade se encontram essencialmente localizados nas áreas economicamente mais deprimidas – como a Beira Transmontana. Conclui-se que mesmo quando a análise se foca na rede viária enquanto conjunto de nós e ligações é possível identificar relações com a dinâmica territorial. Os resultados da avaliação da rede viária sob o ponto de vista funcional indicam uma significativa polarização de recursos no município de Coimbra, no contexto regional foram identificadas expressivas diferenças em termos de áreas geográficas e grupos populacionais; estas significativas disparidades poderão ser agravadas num cenário de interrupção de vias. O MREF resulta de uma abordagem integrada das componentes estruturais e funcionais da rede viária, um modelo que pode ser visto como um passo em frente uma vez que são definidas e quantificadas as variáveis que influenciam a vulnerabilidade da rede viária. Os resultados demonstram que as condicionantes territoriais devem constituir uma componente fundamental na gestão das infra-estruturas críticas; as estratégias definidas neste âmbito devem ter em atenção as especificidades do território e as características da população. O presente trabalho pode ser visto como contributo para a consolidação do paradigma sociotécnico assim como um instrumento para a definição de medidas de prevenção eficientes e definição de estratégias que tenham em vista o rápido restabelecimento do funcionamento do sistema num cenário disruptivo.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/70952/201

    Fat Graft for Parotidectomy Defect Reconstruction in the Setting of Malignant Disease

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    Objectives: Currently, limited data examines the safety of utilizing fat transfers in the setting of malignant parotid disease. Here we evaluate the safety of fat graft reconstruction of parotidectomy defects in the setting of malignant disease. Study Design: Retrospective cohort study Methods: Electronic chart review of patients who underwent parotidectomy from 2012-2020 were reviewed. Results: Three hundred and sixty-one patients were identified at a single institution who underwent parotidectomy, and 113 (31.3%) were for malignancy. One hundred and thirty-two patients underwent fat graft reconstruction (49.2%, n=65 for umbilical, 50.8%, n=67 for dermal). One-third of patients had malignant pathology (34.8%, n=46). The most common malignant tumors were squamous cell carcinoma (n=15), acinic cell carcinoma (n=9), and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n=6). Twenty patients (45.5%) received postoperative radiation therapy. Complications included: surgical site necrosis (13%), hematoma (4.3%), and infection (2.2%). Overall incidence of malignant recurrence was 4.4% with a mean time of follow-up of 10.3 (range 0 – 77.3) months. Incidence of malignant recurrence in the fat graft reconstruction subset was 0% with a mean follow-up of 9.8 (range 0.2 – 49.3) months. There was no association with use of fat graft and recurrence (p\u3e0.05). Conclusion: Parotidectomy defects for malignant neoplasms can be reconstructed with fat graft transfers with no impact on surveillance for disease recurrence.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/otoposters/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Second-generation chromosome-specific BAC resources in wheat

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    In the societal and scientific discussions about the support for democracy and gender equality in the Arab Middle East, this study engages the triangular theory, which predicts that Islamic orientations influence gender equality attitudes and democracy negatively, and attitudes towards gender equality are also expected to lead to more democratic support, partly channelling the influence of Islam. This theory was tested on Arab Barometer data for seven countries, including three different dimensions of Islamic-religious identity: affiliation, piety, and political-Islamist attitudes. The analyses roughly back the triangular model, but for democratic support only the Islamist values seem important, partly working through economic gender equality attitudes. Attitudes towards women’s position in politics and education seem unrelated to democratic support. In addition, this study applies the gender and postcolonial concept of ‘othering’ to the triangular model. Theoretically it predicts that in the current neo-colonial era, anti-Western feelings might create more Islamic and less democracy and gender equal attitudes simultaneously, making Islam’s impact partly spurious. Empirically, this is modestly supported for the Islamist-democracy link only. However, anti-Western feelings do relate to gender equality, democratic support, and religious attitudes, and deserves more attention when studying democracy and gender equality in the Arab Middle East
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