337 research outputs found

    Neo-Allopatry and Rapid Reproductive Isolation

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    Over the past 3 centuries, many species have been dispersed beyond their natural geographic limits by humans, but to our knowledge, reproductive isolation has not been demonstrated for such neo-allopatric species. We grew seeds from three species of Centaurea (Centaurea solstitialis, Centaurea calcitrapa, and Centaurea sulphurea) that are native to Spain and have been introduced into California, and we tested to what extent seed production was affected by pollen source. Compared with within-population crosses, seed production decreased by 52% and 44%, respectively, when C. solstitialis and C. sulphurea from California were pollinated with conspecific pollen from native populations in Spain. This implies rapid evolution of reproductive isolation between populations in their native and nonnative ranges. Whether reproductive isolation has evolved following the introduction of other species is unknown, but additional cases are likely, considering the large number of neoallopatric species

    Tipos de motivação e música no ensino de inglês no 1º CEB

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    Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês no 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente relatório propõe-se analisar a motivação intrínseca e extrínseca, a competência existencial da timidez e a abertura a novas experiências de uma turma do 4.º ano de escolaridade do 1.º CEB principalmente através de atividades musicais. Analisamos três intervenções realizadas durante o nosso estágio usando uma estratégia de investigação do tipo qualitativo e uma abordagem de investigação-ação. Através da observação direta, da análise de um questionário e videogravações analisámos e obtemos algumas elações acerca dos tópicos acima mencionados com vista a melhorar as nossas práticas didáticas, o nosso conhecimento acerca desses tópicos e criar interesse nestes campos investigativos. Perante os dados obtidos concluímos que os principais fatores de motivação intrínseca são a satisfação pessoal e o gosto pela cultura alvo; já em relação à motivação extrínseca concluímos que o professor e os pais são os que mais influenciam os alunos. Concluímos também que as atividades musicais realizadas nesta investigação motivaram os alunos para a aprendizagem e desenvolveram a competência existencial da timidez e abertura a novas experiências de forma positiva.The following report is set to analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the existential skill of shyness and the openness to new experiences of a class from the forth-elementary stage, mainly through music activities. We analyzed three interventions that occurred through our internship while using a strategy comprised of a qualitative type of investigation and an action-research focus. Through direct observation and the analysis of a questionnaire and video recordings, we set to analyze and reach some conclusions about the above-mentioned topics while trying to better our educational practices, our knowledge about those topics and to create further interest in these investigation fields. Facing the data we collected we believe that the main factors of intrinsic motivation are personal satisfaction and the enjoyment of the target culture; when looking at extrinsic motivation we concluded that the professor and parents are the ones that mostly influence the students. We also concluded that the musical activities produced in this investigation motivated the students toward the leaning of the English language and developed their existential competence in regard to their shyness and openness toward new experiences in a positive fashion

    Gungunhana: herói/anti-herói

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    Mestrado em Línguas, Literaturas e CulturasNeste trabalho pretende-se realizar uma análise de três obras literárias sobre a figura histórica de Gungunhana: Ualalapi,de Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa (1990), As Andorinhas,de Paulina Chiziane (2008), e Gungunhana o último rei de Moçambique,de Manuel Ricardo Miranda. Esta análise tem em conta a relação entre o que se conhece acerca de Gungunhana pelos dados históricos e o que foi feito da sua figura enquanto personagem literária.À luz desta análise, veremos como se poderá Gungunhana enquadrar numa classificação de herói ou de anti-herói e como cada escritor constrói a sua personagem literária de acordo com vários factores, sendo eles o género de narrativa, o tipo de direção de enredo, entre outros. Este trabalho incide sobre a figura de Gungunhana através do prisma da literatura, e não tem o objetivo de comprovar ou negar episódios históricos, mas sim ponderar acerca de como a sua figura é decifrada e rearranjada, neste caso pelos escritores em questão.In this paper we intend to analyze three literary works about the historical character of Gungunhana: Ualalapi by Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa (1990), As Andorinhas (2008) by Paulina Chiziane and Gungunhana o Último Rei de Moçambique (2013) by Manuel Ricardo Miranda. This analysis will account the connection between what is historically known about Gungunhana and what has been done about the fictionalization of his character in literature. In the light of this analysis we will see how can Gungunhana fit in the notion of hero or anti hero and how each writer will build his literary character depending on several factors, like the type of the narrative, the direction of the story, among others. This paper is about the character of Gungunhana through its literary view and does not have the objective of verifying or denying historical episodes but to think about how it´s character is deciphered and rearranged, in this case by these chosen writers

    Necesaria aprobación de una ley para el cumplimiento de las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en El Salvador

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    Las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos representan la etapa última del esfuerzo que inicia una persona por el reconocimiento de sus derechos humanos, luego de haber tenido que hacer reclamaciones legales en su país (agotamiento de recursos internos), pasando por una primera fase de reclamo ante el Sistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos en la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Finalmente, culmina con aquella sentencia declaratoria de derechos que además, establece reparaciones integrales por el daño causado que emite la Corte IDH. Si bien estas sentencias internacionales son un triunfo particular, porque están definidas para proteger a las personas por las violaciones cometidas en su perjuicio por actos de los Estados, también representan un referente general, porque cada caso o situación resuelta puede tener efectos generales en algunos casos, más allá de la solución del conflicto particular, como se sabe, las violaciones a los derechos humanos son actos cometidos por los Estados por sus funcionarios y esos actos podrían ser realizados por acciones materiales; por omisiones cuando el Estado no realiza actos que debería haber hecho; por aprobación y aplicación de leyes violatorias a los derechos humanos; por actos o políticas públicas inadecuadas, o por cualquier otra circunstancia que afecte a la población en general o a parte de ella y que es cuestionado en el marco de en un caso concreto. Como se aprecia, una sentencia, no solo podría beneficiar a la persona que demandó al Estado, sino a otras personas y comunidades que podrían encontrarse en una situación similar. Lo mismo puede ocurrir con otros países que tengan situaciones generadoras de violaciones de derechos humanos similares a la del Estado condenad

    Contribuição ao estudo da inervação do diafragma em eqüinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês

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    The results obtained through the study of 30 diaphragms of adult throughbred horses, extracted from 15 male and 15 female animals from the Jockey Clube de São Paulo and the Jockey Clube Brasileiro, allowed us to come to the following conclusions: 1) The phrenic nerves terminate in a ventral branch and in a dorsolateral trunk on the right (96.7%) and on the left (26.7%), or in a dorsal branch and a ventrolateral trunk on the left (66.7%) and on the right (3.3%). Trifurcations in ventral, lateral and dorsal branches are also found on the left (6,6%). Right and left phrenic nerves are simetrically arranged in a ventral branch and a dorsolateral trunk (26.7%) and a dorsal branch and a ventrolateral trunk (3.3%). 2) The dorsal branches of the phrenic nerves innervate the lumbar portion on the left (86.6%) and on the right (83.3%) respectively. They provide fillets to the tendinous center of the diaphragm either on the right or on the left (6.6%). They also provide fillets to the dorsal leaflet on the right (6.6%), and to the vena cava caudal on the left (6.6%), and only in one case they provide branches to the right lumbar portion (3.3%). 3) The lateral branches of the phrenic innervate the costal portion on the left (90.0%) and on the right (56.6%), more precisely the dorsal and lateral portion. They provide fillets to the dorsal leaflet on the right (20.0%) and on the left (3.3%), they go towards the ventral portion of the costal part on the left (6.6%). 4) The ventral branches of the phrenic nerves innervate the ventral portion of the costal part and the sternal part on the left (86.6%) and on the right (76.6%), respectively. They send branches to the ventral leaflet on the right and on the left (6.6%). They transverse the ventral leaflet which is responsable for the innervation of the heteronomous sternal part on the left (3.3%). They innervate only the ventral portion of the costal part on the right (3.3%). They form a small trunk which extends into two fillets, one to the ventral portion of the costal part, and other to the sternal part of the right (3.3%). They also send branches to the dorsal leaflet of the right (3.3%). They send fillets to the wall of vena cava caudal on the right (3.3%). They send a branch which goes to the tendinous center of the diaphragm on the right (3 3%). 5) The homolateral conexions ("anastomosis") were found on the right (40.0%) and on the left (3.3%) among the following fillets* of the right dorsal and lateral branches (30.0%) the right lateral branch (33%), of the right ventral branch (3.3%), and of the left lateral and dorsal branches (3.3%). 6) The statistical analysis does not show a significant difference, at the level of 5.0%, concerning several aspects of innervation o f the diaphragmatic muscles, when both sexes are compared.Os resultados obtidos com o estudo de 30 diafragmas de cavalos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, adultos, retirados de 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, oriundos do Jockey Clube de São Paulo e Jockey Clube Brasileiro, permitiram-nos chegar às seguintes conclusões: 1) os nervos frênicos terminam em ramo ventral e tronco dorsolateral à direita (96,7%) e à esquerda (26,7%), ou em ramo dorsal e tronco ventrolateral a esquerda (66,7%) e à direita (3,3%), encontrando-se ainda, trifurcação em ramos dorsal, lateral e ventral à esquerda (6,6%). Os nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo comportam-se simetricamente em ramo ventral e tronco dorsolateral (26,7%) e, em ramo dorsal e tronco ventrolateral (3,3%); 2) os ramos dorsais dos nervos frênicos inervam a esquerda (86,6%) e à direita (83,3%) a parte lombar do mesmo lado; fornecem filetes ao centro tendíneo do diafragma, tanto à direita como a esquerda (6,6%); emitem filetes ao folíolo dorsal à direita (6,6%); a parede da veia cava caudal à esquerda (6,6%); e, em apenas uma oportunidade, enviam ramos à porção lombar direita (3,3%); 3) os ramos laterais dos nervos frênicos inervam à esquerda (90,0%) e à direita (56,6%) a parte costal, mais precisamente, as porções dorsal e lateral; à direita (23,3%) emitem filetes à porção lombar; enviam filetes ao folíolo dorsal à direita (20,0%) e à esquerda (3,3%); e, dirigem-se à porção ventral da parte costal a esquerda (63%); 4) os ramos ventrais dos nervos frênicos inervam a esquerda (86,6%) e à direita (76,6%) a porção ventral da parte costal e a parte estemal do mesmo lado; enviam ramos ao folíolo ventral à direita e à esquerda (6,6%); atravessam o folíolo ventral, sendo o responsável pela inervação da parte estemal heterônima à esquerda (3,3%); inervam somente a porção ventral da parte costal è direita (3,3%); constituem pequeno tronco que se desdobra em dois filetes, um à porção ventral da parte costal e outro à parte esternal, à direita (3,3%); emitem ramos ao folíolo dorsal à direita (3,3%); enviam filetes à parede da veia cava caudal a direita (3,3%); emitem ramo que se endereça ao centro tendíneo do diafragma a direita (3,3%); 5) conexões ("anastomoses") homolaterais foram vistas à direita (40,0%) e à esquerda (3,3%), entre as filetes: dos ramos dorsal direito e lateral direito (30,0%), do ramo dorsal direito (3,3%), do ramo lateral direito (3,3%), do ramo ventral direito (3,3%), e dos ramos dorsal esquerdo e lateral esquerdo (3,3%); 6) a análise estatística não apresenta diferença significante, ao nível de 5,0%, no tocante às várias modalidades de inervação do músculo diafragma, quando confrontados os sexos

    Estrategias cognitivas de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de la retención del léxico en la memoria a largo plazo en la adquisición de un idioma

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    El presente trabajo está focalizado en la importancia de aplicar las estrategias cognitivas de aprendizaje en el aula, con el fin de aprender con éxito el nuevo idioma estas incluyen la repetición, inferencia del léxico, comprensión del significado léxico en cualquier contexto, memorización y retención. Todas estas técnicas implican la manipulación deliberada de la lengua y su información del léxico para mejorar el aprendizaje. El lugar de la investigación sobre las Estrategias Cognitivas de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de la retención del léxico del inglés, fue La Universidad Central del Ecuador y fueron aplicadas al estudiantado del Primer Nivel del Centro de Idiomas, en el semestre comprendido entre marzo y agosto de 2016. Dentro del proceso de investigación se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista mediante el cuestionario aplicado a 180 estudiantes de la universidad central del Ecuador pertenecientes a nivel A1.Después del análisis de los  resultados de la investigación, se puede determinar la gran importancia que tiene al aplicar  las estrategias cognitivas  en el desarrollo de la retención del léxico, para que los estudiantes puedan tener un buen aprendizaje del idioma inglés, y así no tengan dificultades al desarrollar sus competencias lingüísticas  comunicativas en la lengu

    Diseño y elaboración de un manual de procedimientos para el mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos electromecánicos del Hospital Regional San Vicente de Paúl

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    La presente investigación se desarrollo con la finalidad de contribuir al desarrollo apropiado de los trabajos de mantenimiento en el Hospital ¿San Vicente de Paúl de Ibarra¿ Elaborando un manual de procedimientos para el mantenimiento preventivo en los equipos electromecánicos, puesto que suministrar un adecuado material educativo para que los Técnicos de Mantenimiento no tengan dificultades al ejecutar su trabajo. Realizando la recolección de información como conceptos y definiciones teóricas que permitan conceptualizar la manera de elaborar un Manual de Procedimientos. Se plantea una encuesta para conocer los criterios de los técnicos de mantenimiento en diferentes temas relacionados a la investigación, en donde se aprecia que es fundamental el desarrollo de un manual de procedimientos. El manual incluye las diferentes tareas a desarrollar durante un mantenimiento preventivo

    Specific insulin and proinsulin secretion in glucokinase-deficient individuals

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    Glucokinase (GCK) is an enzyme that regulates insulin secretion, keeping glucose levels within a narrow range. Mutations in the glucokinase gene cause a rare form of diabetes called maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). An early onset (less than 25 years), autosomal dominant inheritance and low insulin secretion stimulated by glucose characterize MODY patients. Specific insulin and proinsulin were measured in serum by immunofluorimetric assays (IFMA) during a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Two kindreds (SA and LZ) were studied and compared to non-diabetic unrelated individuals (control group 1) matched for age and body mass index (BMI). In one kindred, some of these subjects were also obese (BMI >26 kg/m2), and other family members also presented with obesity and/or late-onset NIDDM. The MODY patients were also compared to a group of five of their first-degree relatives with obesity and/or late-onset NIDDM. The proinsulin profile was different in members of the two MODY kindreds. Fasting proinsulin and the proinsulin/insulin ratio were similar in MODY members of kindred LZ and subjects from control group 1, but were significantly lower than in MODY members of kindred SA (P<0.02 and P<0.01, for proinsulin and proinsulin/insulin ratio, respectively). Moreover, MODY members of family SA had higher levels of proinsulin and proinsulin/insulin ratio, although not significantly different, when compared to their first-degree relatives and to subjects from control group 2. In conclusion, we observed variable degrees of proinsulin levels and proinsulin/insulin ratio in MODY members of two different kindreds. The higher values of these parameters found in MODY and non-MODY members of kindred SA is probably related to the obesity and late-onset NIDDM background present in this family.Hospital Santa CasaHôpital Saint-LouisFondation Jean DaussetUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    The Universal Cut Function and Type II Metrics

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    In analogy with classical electromagnetic theory, where one determines the total charge and both electric and magnetic multipole moments of a source from certain surface integrals of the asymptotic (or far) fields, it has been known for many years - from the work of Hermann Bondi - that energy and momentum of gravitational sources could be determined by similar integrals of the asymptotic Weyl tensor. Recently we observed that there were certain overlooked structures, {defined at future null infinity,} that allowed one to determine (or define) further properties of both electromagnetic and gravitating sources. These structures, families of {complex} `slices' or `cuts' of Penrose's null infinity, are referred to as Universal Cut Functions, (UCF). In particular, one can define from these structures a (complex) center of mass (and center of charge) and its equations of motion - with rather surprising consequences. It appears as if these asymptotic structures contain in their imaginary part, a well defined total spin-angular momentum of the source. We apply these ideas to the type II algebraically special metrics, both twisting and twist-free.Comment: 32 page

    CuS2‐Passivated Au-Core, Au3Cu-Shell nanoparticles analyzed by Atomistic-Resolution Cs-Corrected STEM

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    Au-core, Au3Cu-alloyed shell nanoparticles passivated with CuS2 were fabricated by the polyol method, and characterized by Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. The analysis of the high-resolution micrographs reveals that these nanoparticles have decahedral structure with shell periodicity, and that each of the particles is composed by Au core and Au3Cu alloyed shell surrounded by CuS2 surface layer. X-ray diffraction measurements and results from numerical simulations confirm these findings. From the atomic resolution micrographs, we identified edge dislocations at the twin boundaries of the particles, as well as evidence of the diffusion of Cu atoms into the Au region, and the reordering of the lattice on the surface, close to the vertices of the particle. These defects will impact the atomic and electronic structures, thereby changing the physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles. On the other hand, we show for the first time the formation of an ordered superlattice of Au3Cu and a self-capping layer made using one of the alloy metals. This has significant consequences on the physical mechanism that form multicomponent nanoparticles