27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Acarofauna of the Domiciliary Ecosystem in Juiz de Fora, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    From August 1999 to January 2000, samples of house dust were collected from 160 domiciles in the city of Juiz de Fora, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 36 of these domiciles kitchen samples were obtained. Prevalence rate was 77.5%, varying according to the geographical sector. There were found 2,278 specimens of mites, with 1,530 (67.2%) in the adult stage and 748 (32.8%) in immature forms. The main species found were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Euroglyphus maynei, Blomia tropicalis and Tyrophagus putrescentiae. In a minor incidence we found Lepidoglyphus destructor, Suidasia pontificiae, Chortoglyphus arcuatus, Cheyletus malaccensis, C. fortis, Ker bakeri, Cheletonella vespertilionis, C. caucasica and others. C. vespertilionis and C. caucasica were identified for the first time in the domiciliary ecosystem and in Brazil. The abundance rate and the infestation intensity were analyzed. There was a varied correlation between climatic conditions and positive domiciles and number of mites. The difference between the number of positive domiciles in the urban area and in the expanding urban area was significant and so was the difference between samples from the domiciles compared to those from the kitchens.

    Manifestações dermatológicas desencadeadas por ácaros da família Cheyletidae: relato de caso

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    Cheyletidae mites are of great importance in the veterinary sciences, as they are associated with parasitism in birds and mammals. Yet they are barely studied as etiological factors to human dermatitis in spite of being referred to since the beginning of the 20th century. The authors propose to analyze a clinical case of dermatitis caused by mites of the Cheyletidae family in a six-month old patient. The discovery of three species of that family in the patient's domiciliary ecosystem, associated to the cutaneous manifestations correlated with its definitive cure after this environment was sanitized, leads the authors to believe in the need to consider this diagnostic hypothesis for human dermatitisÁcaros da família Cheyletidae são de grande importância na veterinária, por estarem associados com parasitismo em aves e mamíferos. Permanecem, contudo, pouco estudados como fatores etiológicos em dermatites humanas, apesar de serem encontradas referências a esse respeito desde o início do século 20. O objetivo dos autores foi o de analisar, em paciente de seis meses de idade, um caso clínico de dermatite por ácaros da família Cheyletidae. O achado de três espécies dessa família no ecossistema domiciliar desse paciente, associado às manifestações cutâneas e cura definitiva após higienização do ambiente, faz acreditar na necessidade de se considerar essa hipótese diagnóstica nas dermatites humanas


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    RESUMO   É assinalado o caso índice para o parasitismo de Eunectes murinuns L. por Amblyomma casssum Robinson, 1926, na Reserva Ecológica Baia Bonita, município de Bonito, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, e também é o registro de novo hospedeiro para esta espécie de carrapato duro.  

    First report of the mite Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 in the auditory canal of free-living giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758

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    Os jardins zoológicos são excelente fonte de material biológico para pesquisas, pois recebem exemplares de animais silvestres de vida livre com frequência. O presente relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de ácaros em canal auditivo em tamanduá-bandeira de vida livre na Região Metropolitana de Sorocaba, encaminhado ao Zoológico de Sorocaba. Durante exame clínico do animal foram localizados e colhidos ectoparasitos do paciente. Os ácaros colhidos do canal auditivo foram depositados em potes plásticos com álcool 70% e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Referência Nacional em Vetores das Riquetsioses (LIRN) do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). Utilizando chaves taxonômicas específicas e com auxílio de microscópio, foram identificados morfologicamente à espécie Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896. A espécie já foi registrada em outras espécies da Ordem Pilosa, mas este é o primeiro registro da espécie Psoralges libertus parasitando Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 de vida livre.Zoological parks are an excellent source of biological material for research, as they often receive free-living wild animals. The present report discusses the occurrence of mites in the ear canal in a free-living anteater in the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba, forwarded to the Sorocaba Zoo. During the clinical examination of the animal ectoparasites were located and collected. The mites were collected from the ear canal and were deposited in plastic pots with 70% alcohol, then sent to the National Reference Laboratory for Rickettsial Diseases Vectors (LIRN) of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). Using taxonomic specific keys and with the aid of a microscope, the species Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 was morphologically identified. This species was reported in another species from the Order Pilosa, but it is the first record of Psoralges libertus parasitizing a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758

    A new focus of spotted fever caused by Rickettsia parkeri in Brazil

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    Spotted fever (SF) is a tick-borne zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Rickettsia . The disease varies in severity from mild clinical forms to severe cases. In Brazil, Rickettsia rickettsii SF is the most serious rickettsiosis and can result in death if not diagnosed and treated at the onset of symptoms. The SF mild form is caused by Rickettsia parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest, and this etiological agent has been reported in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions of the country, in areas of preserved or little antropized Atlantic Rainforest. Amblyomma ovale is the proven vector and dogs are the hosts associated with the bioagent cycle. During a SF case investigation in Paraty municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, an Atlantic Rainforest biome area in Southeastern Brazil, the human pathogen R. parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest was detected by PCR in a sample of human skin inoculation eschar and in a female A. ovale tick collected from a dog. These results expand the known area of occurrence of this mild form rickettsiosis in Brazil. In addition, the results of the present study indicate the importance of implementing programs to control canine ectoparasites and to raise awareness of the risks of infection, signs and symptoms of SF caused by R. parkeri strain Atlantic Rainforest

    Diagnóstico de Ixodes woodi Bishopp, 1911 (Acari: Ixodidae) no Brazil: imigração em Homo sapiens - Relato de caso.

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    ABSTRACT. Serra-Freire N.M., Amorim M. & Gazêta G.S. Diagnostic of Ixodes woodi Bishopp, 1911 (Acari: Ixodidae) in Brazil: immigration on Homo sapiens - Case report. [Diagnóstico de Ixodes woodi Bishopp, 1911 (Acari: Ixodidae) no Brazil: imigração em Homo sapiens - Relato de caso.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(1):97-99, 2015. Laboratório de Referência Nacional para Vetores das Riquetsioses, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ, Av. Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, RJ 21045-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] One nymph of Ixodes wood (Ixodidae: Ixodinae) was self-collected from a woman that had just arrived in Rio de Janeiro after a holiday period in Norway, Europe. She traveled by plane presenting a skin irritation on right leg and preserved the parasite that was in her skin. This is the first brazilian record of I. woodi. Also, in South America Ixodes wood hadn’t been previously reported. In United State of America, rodents appear to be the main hosts for immature stages, although there are other records from members of Mammalia class. I. woodi doesn’t seem to be a threat to men and domestic mammals, from which has seldom been reported, but there is quoting of his relationship between trophic and rickettsiae bacteria, but no transmission

    A importância da rinite alérgica na etiologia da respiração bucal

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    Buccal breathing (BB) has many causes, such as: allergic rhinitis, deviations of nasal septum, incorrect posture, nasal polyps, congenital anatomical abnormalities, abscesses, and tumors. The most usual though is allergic rhinitis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the importance of allergic rhinitis as cause of buccal breathing. 31 patients were analyzed under the following protocol: history-taking and examination, questionnaire, x-ray, analysis of saliva, and skin tests to aeroallergens. Positivity to mite was showed, mainly to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalis. The analysis of Odds Ratio (OR) showed that BB in patients with allergic rhinitis is higher than in normal patients. This result were confirmed by the Spearman`s correlation test.A respiração bucal (RB) pode ter diversas causas, tais como: rinite alérgica, desvios de septo nasal, postura incorreta, pólipos nasais, alterações anatômicas congênitas, abscessos, tumores, constituindo a rinite alérgica uma das mais comumente encontradas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a importância da rinite alérgica como causa de respiração bucal. Foram analisados 31 pacientes, seguindo-se um protocolo preestabelecido: anamnese, aplicação de questionário aos pacientes, exame clínico, exames radiográficos, análise de saliva e testes cutâneos de leitura imediata. Reação positiva para ácaros esteve presente, sobretudo, para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus e Blomia tropicalis. A análise da razão de chance (OR) demonstrou que são muito acentuadas as chances de um paciente com rinite alérgica desenvolver RB em relação aos pacientes normais. Este resultado foi corroborado pelo Teste de Correlação de Spearman