393 research outputs found

    Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard – La Sauvagère

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    La présence dans une prairie rase, au flanc d’un coteau dominant de l’est le marais de Jard, d’un nombre important de petites buttes constituées de plaquettes calcaires issues du substrat, avait conduit le prospecteur à envisager l’existence à cet endroit d’une nécropole composée de tertres tumulaires. Devant la menace d’un remodelage du sol en vue de son exploitation agricole, J.-M. Gilbert a été chargé d’effectuer un diagnostic archéologique sur l’ensemble de la parcelle. L’un de ces montic..

    Talmont-Saint-Hilaire – Bois de la Mine

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    Le gisement est situé à l’emplacement d’un chemin piétonnier qui longe la falaise littorale de la commune de Talmont-Saint-Hilaire. Cette zone archéologique se distingue par une grande concentration d’éclats de silex dans une surface assez réduite (50 m2 environ), traversée par le « chemin douanier ». Ce qui reste du niveau archéologique non bouleversé semble se trouver dans un horizon rougeâtre, à une quinzaine de centimètres au-dessous de la surface du sol, et d’une épaisseur maximum de 0,3..

    Transition énergétique : la France en échec

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    Le changement climatique, résultant de l’émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) dans l’atmosphère, pourrait modifier profondément l’équilibre de la planète. Malgré des engagements forts au niveau mondial, mais surtout au niveau européen, les progrès enregistrés sont extrêmement décevants. Ce livre a pour ambition d’apporter aux citoyens une information complète, mais aussi à la portée de tous, sur l’évolution en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Il dresse un panorama de l’énergie, productions et consommations, de son impact sur le dérèglement climatique, mais également sur la biosphère, la santé, l’économie et la société. Plus particulièrement, en ce qui concerne la France, les objectifs de la Loi relative à la transition énergétique pour une croissance verte (LTECV) sont rappelés et examinés. Les premiers résultats se révèlent souvent décevants. Pour sortir de cet échec des éléments de réflexion sont proposés, pour une politique de l’énergie efficace basée sur des priorités claires et des échéances cohérentes. Cette politique doit tenir compte de la situation particulière de la France, qui bénéficie aujourd’hui d’une électricité n’émettant que très peu de gaz carbonique, le principal gaz à effet de serre. Or la politique nationale a donné depuis une dizaine d’année priorité à une réduction du nucléaire, décarboné, plutôt qu’à la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. La France devrait être capable de respecter ses engagements, à condition de réorienter la LTECV avec un objectif clair de réduction des émissions de GES, au meilleur coût et en préservant le lien social qui nous unis dans de nombreux domaines grâce aux infrastructures communes bâties par le génération précédentes (électricité, gaz, eau, réseaux de transports, …)

    Outcomes in Mitral Regurgitation Due to Flail Leaflets. A Multicenter European Study

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess incidence and predictors of events associated with nonsurgical and surgical management of severe mitral regurgitation (MR) in European institutions. Background: The management of patients with MR remains disputed, warranting multicenter studies to define clinical outcome in routine clinical practice. Methods: The MIDA (Mitral Regurgitation International DAtabase) is a registry created for multicenter study of MR with echocardiographically diagnosed flail leaflet as a model of pure, organic MR. Our cases were collected from 4 European centers. We enrolled 394 patients (age 64 ± 11 years; 67% men; 64% in New York Heart Association functional class I to II; left ventricular ejection fraction 67 ± 10%). Results: During a median follow-up of 3.9 years, linearized event rates/year under nonsurgical management were 5.4% for atrial fibrillation (AF), 8.0% for heart failure (HF), and 2.6% for death. Mitral valve (MV) surgery was performed in 315 (80%) patients (repair in 250 of 315, 80%). Perioperative mortality, defined as death within 30 days from the operation, was 0.7% (n = 2). Surgery during follow-up was independently associated with reduced risk of death (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 0.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.21 to 0.84; p = 0.014). Benefit was largely driven by MV repair (adjusted HR vs. replacement 0.37, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.76; p = 0.007). In 102 patients strictly asymptomatic and with normal ventricular function, 5-year combined incidence of AF, HF, or cardiovascular death (CVD) was 42 ± 8%. In these patients, surgery also reduced rates of CVD/HF (HR 0.26, 95% CI 0.08 to 0.89; p = 0.032). Conclusions: In this multicenter study, nonsurgical management of severe MR was associated with notable rates of adverse events. Surgery especially MV repair performed during follow-up was beneficial in reducing rates of cardiac events. These findings support surgical consideration in patients with MR due to flail leaflets for whom MV repair is feasible. © 2008 American College of Cardiology Foundation

    Use of axial tomography to follow temporal changes of benthic communities in an unstable sedimentary environment (Baie des Ha! Ha!, Saguenay Fjord)

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    In the upper layer of the sediment column, organic matter recycling is greatly influenced by bioturbation. However, there are many physical changes in the nature of the sediment that may disturb benthic communities and create a biogeochemical imbalance. Following a very heavy rainfall between 26 and 29 July 1996, an intense flash flood in the Saguenay Fjord caused discharges of 6 million cubic metres of sediments into Baie des Ha! Ha!. Unstable sediment deposits located at the top of the delta of the Rivie`re des Ha! Ha! were sporadically exported to the deep basin. After this physical disturbance, meiobenthic and macrobenthic organisms progressively re-colonised the sediment column. To determine the impacts of such sedimentary depositions on benthic fauna, two stations, one at the head and one at the mouth of the Baie des Ha! Ha!, have been monitored since 1996. During this survey, we developed a new method for the quantification of biogenic structures using computer axial tomography (CAT-Scan). Benthic fauna analysis showed that the two stations were characterised by different temporal changes in the benthic dynamics according to their geographic location. Using CAT-Scan analysis of sediment cores, we were able to characterise the stability of the sediment column for the two stations in 1999 and 2000. Scan results suggest that colonisation processes were closely linked with the stability of the sediment column. Erosion and redeposition of surficial sediments caused a succession in the formation of biogenic structures. These variations were characterised for the first time using CAT-Scan, which is a nondestructive, rapid, and precise method. Tomographic analysis showed the importance of the production and destruction rates of biogenic structures and the sedimentation rate for the preservation of burrows and potentially reactive components. This study finally demonstrated that each erosional event could be followed by a rapid formation of biogenic structures, allowing the re-oxidation of old deposits

    Left atrial size is a potent predictor of mortality in mitral regurgitation due to flail leaflets results from a large international multicenter study

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    Background-Left atrium (LA) enlargement is common in organic mitral regurgitation (MR) and is an emerging prognostic indicator. However, outcome implications of LA enlargement have not been analyzed in the context of routine clinical practice and in a multicenter study. Methods and Results-The Mitral Regurgitation International DAtabase (MIDA) registry enrolls patients with organic MR due to flail leaflets, diagnosed in routine clinical practice, in 5 US and European centers. We investigated the relation between LA diameter and mortality under medical treatment and after mitral surgery in 788 patients in sinus rhythm (64±12 years; median LA, 48 [43 to 52] mm). LA diameter was independently associated with survival after diagnosis (hazard ratio, 1.08 [1.04 to 1.12] per 1 mm increment). Compared with patients with LA<55 mm, those with LA â¥55 mm had lower 8-year overall survival (P<0.001). LA â¥55 mm independently predicted overall mortality (hazard ratio, 3.67 [1.95 to 6.88]) and cardiac mortality (hazard ratio, 3.74 [1.72 to 8.13]) under medical treatment. The association of LA â¥55 mm and mortality was consistent in subgroups. Similar excess mortality associated with LA â¥55 mm was observed in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients (P for interaction, 0.77). In patients who underwent mitral surgery, LA â¥55 mm had no impact on postoperative outcome (P<0.20). Mitral surgery was associated with greater survival benefit in patients with LA â¥55 mm compared with LA <55 mm (P for interaction, 0.008). Conclusions-In MR caused by flail leaflets, LA diameter â¥55 mm is associated with increased mortality under medical treatment, independent of the presence of symptoms or left ventricular dysfunction. © 2011 American Heart Association, Inc

    La integración familiar para la prevención del maltrato infantil.

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    Para los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Mixta Virgilio Drouet Fuentes del cantón Simón Bolívar, le resulta difícil o incómoda la relación que mantiene con sus padres, En el presente proyecto se realiza un estudio minucioso de este problema, proponiendo soluciones al respecto mediante la aplicación de un taller a los padres de familia y estudiantes para relacionarse y fortalecer la relación padres e hijos y prevenir el maltrato infantil. El propósito que se persigue con este estudio es lograr que los padres se integren para así prevenir el maltrato infantil, por lo que la presente investigación se reviste de una gran importancia, que beneficiará a estudiantes, padre de familia, docentes y a toda la comunidad educativa. Si los familiares se integrarán debidamente no hubiera tantos maltratos