2,373 research outputs found

    Identification et fonctions des ARN messagers du spermatozoïde bovin étude du transcriptome

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    Chez les mammifères, la spermaogenèse métamorphose la spermatide en spermatozoïde. Durant ce processus une condensation extrême du noyau et une perte de la majorité du cytoplasme se produit. Le spermatozoïde devient une cellule légère et motile afin qu'il puisse exécuter sont but ultime: féconder l'ovule. De par son extrême remodelage, la majorité des andrologistes considèrent le gamète mâle comme une cellule quiescente au point de vue transcriptionnel et traductionnel. Depuis une dizaine d'années, plusieurs études ont démontré la présence d'ARN messagers dans le spermatozoïde. Généralement, ces transcrits sont considérés comme des vestiges de la spermatogenèse, toutefois certains travaux ont établi une possibilité de fonction associée à ces messagers retrouvés dans le spermatozoïde. Ces derniers pourraient avoir un rôle dans le potentiel de fertilité ou représenter une signature de la qualité de la spermatogenèse. Ils pourraient de plus soutenir un développement embryonnaire normal. L'objectif principal de ce travail porte sur la caractérisation des ARN messagers (ARNm) trouvés dans les spermatozoïdes bovins. En premier lieu, l'intégrité des ARN contenus dans le spermatozoïde bovin a été évaluée par deux approches (SMART, micro-électrophorèse). Dans un deuxième temps, mes travaux ont consisté à dresser un inventaire des messagers retrouvés dans le gamète mâle du taureau à l'aide de la technique de micropuces à ADN. Finalement, la présence de certains candidats a été suivie durant le développement embryonnaire précoce par RT-PCR. Les études d'intégrité ont révélé une prépondérance de fragments de faibles tailles suggérant une dégradation partielle et naturelle de la population d'ARNm spermatique. L'analyse de biopuce a démontré la présence d'un grand nombre de messagers impliqués dans toutes sortes de fonctions cellulaires suggérant qu'ils représentent une sous population des ARN retrouvés dans les stades précédents de la spermatogenèse. Le suivi de certains candidats durant le développement embryonnaire précoce semble être influencé par la présence de plusieurs spermatozoïdes pris dans la zone pellucide des zygotes. Toutefois, dans les embryons sans zone pellucide, il ne semble pas y avoir de transcrits spermatiques de détectés. En conclusion, la grande diversité des ARN et le manque d'intégrité indiquent qu'il est peu probable que ces ARN aient un rôle crucial dans le développement embryonnaire. Par contre, l'obtention du transcriptome associé aux spermatozoïdes nous permettra peut-être d'établir une empreinte définissant la qualité du gamète mâle. Ces travaux sont une étape de défrichage essentielle qui permettra par la suite de cibler les candidats les plus prometteurs qui permettront de déterminer le potentiel fertile des taureaux

    Lactation length, lactation milk yield and dry off period of exotic and local crossed cows in Cameroon

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    Data on of 403 genetic crossed cows obtained from the database of the Bambui Centre of the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) in the Sudano-guinean altitude zone of West of Cameroon were used to evaluate effect of parity and season on lactation length, lactation milk yield and dry off period. These animals reared between 1985 and 1998 were crosses between imported Jersey (J) and Holstein (H) bull semen with local White Fulani (WF) and Gudali (G) cows. Results obtained revealed that lactation length (LL), lactation milk yield (LMY) and dry off period (DOP) varied significantly between the different genetic crossed groups of cows. Lactation number and season simultaneously affected these traits. Cows with 75% of Holstein exotic blood (75% H x 25% G) recorded the longest LL (265 ± 27.0 days) and the highest LMY (1995 ± 317 kg) being the shortest DOP (82.7 ± 41.3 days) was in 50% H x 50% G genetic crossed group. Genetic crossed group II (75% J x 25% WF) registered the shortest LL (215 ± 6.35 days), lowest LMY (1149 ± 89.7 kg) and longest dry off period (166 ± 10.4 days). Performances obtained for both LL, LMY and DOP with Holstein-Gudali (50% H x 50% G and 75% H x 25% G) crossed as compared to Jersey-White Fulani crossed revealed their high productive potential through their adaptability capacity to harsh conditions of tropics. Key words: crossed cows, Cameroon, dry off period, exotic and local breeds, lactation length, lactation milk yiel

    Acute Tubular Necrosis and Interstitial Nephritis during Pemetrexed Therapy

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    We report a patient with unknown primary undifferentiated carcinoma who developed acute renal failure associated with interstitial fibrosis following pemetrexed therapy. Despite drug withdrawal, renal function remained altered and the patient experienced chronic renal insufficiency. Pemetrexed disodium (Alimta™) is a multitargeted antifolate agent approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for patients diagnosed with mesothelioma and non-small cell lung cancer. This drug is almost exclusively cleared by renal excretion [1]. The most common side effects are hematologic dose-limiting toxicities and nonhematologic toxicities including fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, mucositis and rash. Although few cases of renal failure have been published, no study has reported on the renal pathological findings in this setting. We present a case of acute tubular necrosis associated with interstitial fibrosis after pemetrexed therapy

    Le risque comme objet de recherche académique

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    Le Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (GIS) « Risques collectifs et situations de crise », créé en juillet 2000 s’est achevé en 2005. Il visait à relayer et élargir l’action engagée par le Programme « Risques collectifs et situations de crise » du CNRS. À l’heure des bilans, les résultats sont plutôt positifs même si certaines interrogations restent sans réponse et mériteraient un prolongement des débats.The Scientific interest network “Collective Risks and Crisis Situation”, created in July 2000, ended in 2005. It aimed to take over and to widen the action opened by the Program “Risques collectifs et situations de crise” of the CNRS. For the time being, the results seem quite positive whereas a few questions are still going unanswered and would deserve an extension of the debates

    Quantitative profiling of the UGT transcriptome in human drug metabolizing tissues

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    Alternative splicing as a mean to control gene expression and diversify function is suspected to considerably influence drug response and clearance. We report the quantitative expression profiles of the human UGT genes including alternatively spliced variants not previously annotated established by deep RNA-sequencing in tissues of pharmacological importance. We reveal a comprehensive quantification of the alternative UGT transcriptome that differ across tissues and among individuals. Alternative transcripts that comprise novel in-frame sequences associated or not with truncations of the 5’ and/or 3’ termini, significantly contribute to the total expression levels of each UGT1 and UGT2 gene averaging 21% in normal tissues, with expression of UGT2 variants surpassing those of UGT1. Quantitative data expose preferential tissue expression patterns and remodelling in favour of alternative variants upon tumorigenesis. These complex alternative splicing programs have the strong potential to contribute to interindividual variability in drug metabolism in addition to diversify the UGT proteome

    The Amusic Brain: Lost in Music, but Not in Space

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    Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder of music processing that is currently ascribed to a deficit in pitch processing. A recent study challenges this view and claims the disorder might arise as a consequence of a general spatial-processing deficit. Here, we assessed spatial processing abilities in two independent samples of individuals with congenital amusia by using line bisection tasks (Experiment 1) and a mental rotation task (Experiment 2). Both amusics and controls showed the classical spatial effects on bisection performance and on mental rotation performance, and amusics and controls did not differ from each other. These results indicate that the neurocognitive impairment of congenital amusia does not affect the processing of space

    Unravelling the transcriptomic landscape of the major phase II UDP-glucuronosyltransferase drug metabolizing pathway using targeted RNA sequencing

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    A comprehensive view of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) transcriptome is a prerequisite to the establishment of an individual’s UGT metabolic glucuronidation signature. Here, we uncover the transcriptome landscape of the ten human UGT loci genes in normal and tumoral metabolic tissues by targeted RNA next generation sequencing. Alignment on the human hg19 reference genome identifies 234 novel exon-exon junctions. We recover all previously known UGT1 and UGT2 enzyme-coding transcripts and identify over 130 structurally and functionally diverse novel UGT variants. We further expose a revised genomic structure of UGT loci and provide a comprehensive repertoire of transcripts for each UGT gene. Data also uncover a remodelling of the UGT transcriptome occurring in a tissue- and tumor-specific manner. The complex alternative splicing program regulating UGT expression and protein functions is likely critical in determining detoxification capacity of an organ and stress-related responses, with significant impact on drug responses and diseases. Keywords: Alternative splicing, transcriptome, glucuronidation, RNA sequencing, drug metabolism, glucuronosyltransferase (UGT

    Breed specific factors influence embryonic lipid composition : comparison between Jersey and Holstein

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    Some embryos exhibit better survival potential to cryopreservation than others. The cause of such a phenotype is still unclear and may be due to cell damage during cryopreservation, resulting from overaccumulation and composition of lipids. In cattle embryos, in vitro culture conditions have been shown to impact the number of lipid droplets within blastomeres. Thus far, the impact of breed on embryonic lipid content has not been studied. In the present study were compared the colour, lipid droplet abundance, lipid composition, mitochondrial activity and gene expression of in vivo-collected Jersey breed embryos, which are known to display poor performance post-freezing, with those of in vivo Holstein embryos, which have good cryotolerance. Even when housed and fed under the same conditions, Jersey embryos were found to be darker and contain more lipid droplets than Holstein embryos, and this was correlated with lower mitochondrial activity. Differential expression of genes associated with lipid metabolism and differences in lipid composition were found. These results show genetic background can impact embryonic lipid metabolism and storage