340 research outputs found

    Experiments : tan senzills i tan exemplificadors

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    Es presenta una pàgina web que ofereix diverses unitats didàctiques de ciències per a primària en llengua anglesa. Els temes estan relacionats amb els éssers vius i la matèria i tenen un plantejament investigatiu. De cadascun d'ells s'ofereixen les programacions per al professorat, les activitats per a l'alumnat, les respostes a les activitats i altres informacions i enllaços que poden resultat útils. Els materials estan pensats de forma molt gràfica per ajudar l'alumnat a utilitzar-los sense haver de fer-ne la traducció

    Determining force-closure grasps reachable by a given hand

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    The paper presents an approach to find contact points on an object surface that are reachable by a given hand and such that the resulting grasp satisfies the force-closure condition. This is a very common problem that still requires a practical solution. The proposed method is based on the computation of a set of independent contact regions on the object boundary such that a finger contact on each region produces a force-closure grasp, and then this set of regions is iteratively recomputed while looking for a set of contact points that are reachable by a given hand. The search is done guided by a cost function that indicates the proximity of the hand fingertips to a candidate set of grasping contact points. The approach has been implemented for the Schunk Anthropomorphic Hand and planar objects,and application examples are included to illustrate its performance.Postprint (published version

    A Computational Architecture Based on RFID Sensors for Traceability in Smart Cities

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    Information Technology and Communications (ICT) is presented as the main element in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable city resource management, while making sure that the needs of the citizens to improve their quality of life are satisfied. A key element will be the creation of new systems that allow the acquisition of context information, automatically and transparently, in order to provide it to decision support systems. In this paper, we present a novel distributed system for obtaining, representing and providing the flow and movement of people in densely populated geographical areas. In order to accomplish these tasks, we propose the design of a smart sensor network based on RFID communication technologies, reliability patterns and integration techniques. Contrary to other proposals, this system represents a comprehensive solution that permits the acquisition of user information in a transparent and reliable way in a non-controlled and heterogeneous environment. This knowledge will be useful in moving towards the design of smart cities in which decision support on transport strategies, business evaluation or initiatives in the tourism sector will be supported by real relevant information. As a final result, a case study will be presented which will allow the validation of the proposal

    La crisis económica de los clubes de fútbol. De la financiación al concurso de acreedores

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    Soccer has gone from being a simple entertainment to become an important factor in the economy. The professionalization of soccer implies a commoditization of the activity that is subjected to the rules of the market economy. In this context, clubs must maintain their level of income in order to continue competing at the highest level. In their continuous search for financing, sports entities enter into financial structures that are not really compatible with the criteria of competition and which lead to exceeding acceptable levels of indebtedness. Soccer clubs in a permanent situation of economic stress sometimes have to resort to insolvency proceedings to try to restore the viability of the company. In this special context, the insolvency proceeding applied to sports limited liability companies takes on special relevance, due to the peculiarities of the sports framework.El fútbol ha pasado de ser un simple entretenimiento para convertirse en un factor importante de la economía. La profesionalización del fútbol supone una mercantilización de la actividad, que se somete a las reglas de la economía de mercado. En este contexto los clubes deben mantener su nivel de ingresos para seguir competiendo al más alto nivel. En su continua búsqueda de financiación las entidades deportivas se adentran en estructuras financieras poco compatibles con los criterios de la competición, que conducen a superar niveles de endeudamiento aceptables. Los clubes de fútbol en permanente situación de tensión económica deben en ocasiones recurrir a la normativa sobre insolvencias para tratar de recuperar la viabilidad de la empresa. En este especial contexto cobra una relevancia especial el concurso de acreedores aplicado a las sociedades anónimas deportivas, por las peculiaridades que reviste el ámbito deportivo

    Preparation and application of novel selective and polar materials for sorptive extraction of emerging contaminants from environmental waters

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    The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is the development of novel polymeric materials for different sorptive extraction techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) and stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE). Both techniques were applied in liquid-chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for determining a group of emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and personal care products, from wastewater samples. To improve the detection of these contaminants in several environmental samples at low levels of concentrations, extraction techniques have to enable a high enrichment factor and high selectivity towards the analytes of interest removing interfering compounds. In this Doctoral thesis, a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) specific for a group of non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other polymeric material with strong cation-exchange behaviour were evaluated as sorbents for SPE. Moreover, different monolithic materials with a polar nature were also synthesised to be used as coatings for SBSE and as a result, favour the extraction of more polar compoundsLa present Tesi Doctoral té com a objectiu principal el desenvolupament de nous materials per a diferents tècniques d’extracció per sorció, com són l’extracció en fase sòlida i l’extracció mitjançant barres magnètiques agitadores. Ambdues tècniques van ser aplicades a la cromatografia de líquids seguida de l’espectroscòpia de masses en tàndem (LC-MS/MS) per a la determinació de diversos contaminants orgànics considerats com emergents, com són fàrmacs, drogues d’abús i productes d’higiene personal. Per tal de millorar la detecció d’aquests compostos en diferents mostres mediambientals a baixes concentracions, les tècniques d’extracció han de permetre un gran factor de preconcentració, selectivitat cap als analits d’interès i a la vegada eliminar interferències. En aquesta tesi, un polímer comercial d’empremta molecular específic per a un grup de fàrmacs (non-steroidal and antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)) i un altre polímer d’intercanvi catiònic fort sintetitzat al laboratori van ser avaluats com a sorbents per a l’extracció en fase sòlida. A més a més, diferents materials monolítics de caràcter polar van ser també sintetitzats per recobrir barres magnètiques agitadores i així afavorir l’extracció de compostos de polaritat mitjana i elevada

    Caracterización de mutantes del gen ABCB4 asociados a enfermedades hepáticas infantiles: análisis in vitro del tratamiento con chaperonas farmacológicas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Bioquímica. Fecha de lectura: 27-02-2015El transportador canalicular MDR3 (ABCB4) es responsable de la secreción de fosfatidilcolina (PC) a la bilis, un proceso esencial para proteger las membranas celulares hepáticas de la acción detergente de las sales biliares. Mutaciones en el gen que la codifica (ABCB4) han sido asociadas a un amplio espectro de enfermedades hepatobiliares de distinta gravedad. Las formas más graves se manifiestan en la edad infantil y cursan con progresión a cirrosis y fallo hepático. Algunos niños afectados responden favorablemente al tratamiento crónico con ácido ursodesoxicólico (AUDC); en otros, el trasplante hepático constituye la única opción terapéutica. Se desconocen las razones de estas diferencias, aunque se ha postulado que obedecen a un distinto impacto de las mutaciones sobre la funcionalidad de MDR3. En este estudio se han identificado 18 mutaciones en ABCB4 en una cohorte de niños con fenotipos clínicos sugerentes de deficiencia de MDR3. El impacto de estas mutaciones se ha evaluado in vitro, mediante la caracterización de los niveles de expresión, localización subcelular, y actividad transportadora de PC de los respectivos mutantes. Cuatro de las mutaciones identificadas comprometen la correcta localización de MDR3 en la membrana apical; el resto afecta en distinta medida a su capacidad para transportar PC. Los resultados obtenidos se han correlacionado con los datos clínicos de los pacientes. Los niños con mutaciones que causan una pérdida total o casi total (90%) de funcionalidad de MDR3 han manifestado enfermedad hepática progresiva, refractaria al tratamiento farmacológico, que ha hecho necesaria la realización de un trasplante hepático. Aquéllos que retienen al menos un 30% de la actividad estimada de MDR3 han mostrado una respuesta favorable al tratamiento crónico con AUDC. Las mutaciones G68R, G228R, D459H y A934T conducen a una expresión predominante de la forma inmadura de MDR3 y a la retención de la proteína en el retículo endoplásmico (RE). El tratamiento con dosis farmacológicas de 4-fenilbutirato o curcumina, dos compuestos de uso clínico con actividad chaperona, es capaz de restaurar la localización en membrana de los mutantes G228R y A934T, aunque sólo para el primero se evidencia recuperación en la actividad de MDR3. En resumen, los resultados de este trabajo aportan evidencia experimental de la correlación entre el impacto de las mutaciones de ABCB4 y la evolución de la enfermedad hepática en los individuos que las portan. Para mutaciones específicas que causan la retención de MDR3 en el RE, la administración de chaperonas farmacológicas puede suponer una opción terapéutica.The canalicular membrane protein MDR3 (ABCB4) mediates the efflux of phosphatidylcoline (PC) into bile. This phospholipid is essential to protect the cellular membranes of the biliary tree from the detergent action of free bile acids. Mutations in the gene encoding MDR3, ABCB4, have been identified in association with a wide spectrum of hepatobiliary diseases. The most severe forms present in infancy or childhood with persistent cholestasis that progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Some affected children have a favourable response to chronic treatment with ursodeoxycolic acid (UDCA); liver transplantation is the only therapeutic option for nonresponders. The reasons for these differences are unknown, but it has been hypothesized to be determined by the extent to which ABCB4 mutations compromise MDR3 function. In this study, we have identified 18 ABCB4 mutations in a cohort of children with chronic clolestasis and suspected MDR3 deficiency. These mutations have been phenotyped in vitro by assessing their effects on MDR3 expression, subcellular localization, and PC transport activity. Four mutations prevented the protein from trafficking to the apical membrane. The remaining mutations did not affect apical expression of MDR3 but impaired PCtranslocating activity to different extents. Children harbouring mutations causing complete or near-complete (90%) loss of MDR3 function developed severe liver disease refractory to pharmacological treatment and required liver transplantation. Patients who retained at least a 30% of MDR3 floppase activity favourably responded to chronic UDCA therapy. ABCB4 mutations G68R, G228R, D459H and A934T caused a predominant expression of the immature form of MDR3 and an accompanying retention of the protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. Treatment with chaperones 4-phenylbutyrate or curcumin, two clinically approved compounds, restored membrane localization of G228R and A934T mutants at pharmacological doses. However, recovery of MDR3 activity was only evidenced for G228R mutant. In summary, these data provide experimental evidence of the correlation between the impact of ABCB4 mutations and the clinical outcomes of patients harbouring such mutations. The use of pharmacological chaperones may represent a therapeutic option for patients carrying specific mutations that lead to retention of MDR3 in endoplasmic reticulum

    Concessions within the maritime-terrestrial public domain on the beaches of southeastern Spain

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    Tourism makes an important contribution to the economies of some territories, especially ‘sun and sand’ tourism that uses public domain areas. Some of these areas are operated through concession systems. This article studies the evolution of 31 eminently touristic beaches in 5 provinces of the Spanish Mediterranean coast during the period 2005–2016, analysing both their physical (shoreline evolution) and administrative (concessions documents) aspects. For this purpose, orthophotos interpreted by Geographic Information Systems are used, as well as the concession contract for each beach. The results obtained show that first, there is no relationship between the evolution of the shoreline and the surface area that is assigned under the concession agreement. Second, concessions do not follow uniform criteria (i.e., set boundaries, surface area, annual fee or distance from the water line). Despite the existence of specific legislation applicable to the entire Spanish coastline, there also exist loopholes in it. The conclusion of the study is that for the sustainable management of these areas, it is necessary to link the physical aspects of beaches with the management of the public domain. This would achieve a balance between the natural, economic and social aspects of the territory, and would ensure that there is no decrease in the quality of the beach, which would have a negative impact on visitor satisfaction. This is crucial to avoid in the tourism sector, which is a key GDP contributor for many countries

    Unemployment Syndrome during COVID-19: A Comparison of Three Population Groups

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    Introduction: Of the serious problems that characterise the current crisis in Spain, the most alarming and revealing is unemployment, which, despite being so common, continues to be quite a negative experience for most people, often with serious negative effects on their biopsychosocial health. The perpetuation of this situation has given rise to a new syndrome of the unemployed. If these effects of economic downsizing are accompanied by the magnitude of the current situation brought about by COVID-19, the results can be devastating for the individuals and families experiencing it. Objective: To compare the symptoms of the unemployed syndrome in three population groups. Method: Three groups were studied: short-term unemployed (n = 91), long-term unemployed (n = 150), and those unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic (n = 94). Unemployment syndrome was assessed with the Unemployment Syndrome Scale (USS). The three population groups were contacted through web pages, social networks, etc. and answered the instruments online in a single session. Once the responses were obtained, their information was encoded in a database and analysed through the SPSS v. 21 program. Population groups were compared using the ANOVA analysis and the Bonferroni post hoc test. Results: The unemployed individuals who lost their job during the pandemic reported higher scores in the symptoms of the Unemployed Syndrome Scale compared to the long- and short-term unemployed individuals. ANOVA analyses for symptoms of USS were all significant in the different groups considering a significance level of <0.005. Participants who were unemployed for less than one year had lower scores in the USS than the long-term unemployed participants and those unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic that reported a significantly higher number of symptoms in the USS