114 research outputs found

    Doped activated carbons obtained from nitrogen and sulfur-containing polymers as metal-free catalysts for application in nitroarenes hydrogenation

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    Activated carbons doped with nitrogen and/or sulfur have been obtained by pyrolysis followed of steam activation of a sulfur containing polymer (polythiophene) and two nitrogen-containing polymers (polyaniline and polypyrrole). These polymers were synthesized by oxidative chemical polymerization in aqueous media of their corresponding monomers. The influence of the steam activation on the textural properties and surface chemistry of the carbons has been evaluated and their catalytic activity has been determined in the hydrogenation reaction of 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene. The degree of conversion in the reaction depends on the development of adequate porosity in the activated carbon (which is determined by the activation conditions) together with the presence of heteroatoms that act as active catalytic sites, with S showing considerably greater effectiveness than N. A compromise between an acceptable level of doping with sulfur and an adequate porosity is necessary, which has been achieved in a carbon obtained from polythiophene pyrolyzed at 900 °C and steam activated at 800 °C for 4 h, with a specific surface area of 742 m2/g and S content of 1.71 at%.Financial support from Spain Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108453GB-C21) is gratefully acknowledged

    Comprensiones de los rasgos de normalización y singularización inscritos en los cuerpos de los bailarines infantiles de la compañía Danza Kapital

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    Las comprensiones presentadas a continuación son resultado de la sistematización de la experiencia de formación en danza infantil de la Compañía Danza Kapital, cuyo principal interés fue develar las concepciones de cuerpo infantil que se han ido construyendo a través de su historia. La concepción de cuerpo fue objeto de estudio desde dos categorías: singularización y normalización, las cuales están compuestas de atributos; estos últimos son el resultado de la voz de los actores en diálogo con autores, conceptos y constructos analizados en la línea de investigación Cuerpo, poder y subjetividad de la Maestría en Desarrollo Educativo y Social de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional en convenio con el CINDE

    The impact of COVID-19 on levels of adherence to the completion of nursing records for inpatients in isolation

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    Producción CientíficaThe COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased workload for nurses and organisational and structural changes, which have been necessary to meet the needs of inpatients in isolation. Aim: To describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on levels of adherence to the completion of nursing records that document the risk of developing pressure ulcers, falling, and social vulnerability among hospitalised patients in isolation. Methods: Observational pre-post comparison study. Comparison between nursing records (the Braden, Downton, and Gijón scales) belonging to 1205 inpatients took place in two phases. Phase 1: 568 patients admitted in February 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, vs. phase 2: 637 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in March–April 2020, during the peak of the first wave of the pandemic. This research adheres to the STROBE guidelines for the reporting of observational studies. Results: The degree of completion of the Braden, Downton, and Gijón scales decreased significantly in phase 2 vs. phase 1 (p < 0.001). The mean Downton and Gijón scale scores for patients admitted in phase 1 were higher compared to those of patients admitted in phase 2 (p < 0.001). The mean Braden scale score in phase 2 was higher than in phase 1 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in the completion of nursing records in the clinical records of patients in isolation. The levels of risk of developing PUs, falling, and social vulnerability of patients admitted to hospital were lower during the first wave of the pandemic

    NURSES' evidence-based practice competence and hospital practice environment after specific training under the best practice spotlight organization® programme. A cross sectional study

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a specific training within the framework of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® programme, on nurses' evidence-based practice competence and the practice environment in two hospitals. The study sample were 204 nurses working at medical and surgical inpatient units at two hospitals involved in the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® programme. They were classified into two groups: those who had received specific training within the framework of the programme, called trained-champions (n = 66), and those who had not yet received training, control group (n = 138). The trained-champions exhibited better evidence-based practice competence values than the control group in all dimensions (p < 0.001), with a higher difference in means in the “Utilisation” dimension (−0.80; CI:-0.99,-0.60) and the “Knowledge” dimension (−0.63; CI:-0.88,-0.38). The conclusions are that Specific EBP training within the framework of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® programme has succeeded in nurses (trained-champions) obtaining better EBP competence than others without this training

    U-Pb geochronology of carbonatites from NW Fuerteventura revisited: new data and geological implications

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    En este trabajo se presentan nuevas edades U-Pb en circones de carbonatitas del sector NW de Fuerteventura. Los circones presentan características tanto texturales como composicionales que indican su origen ígneo y su cristalización a partir de magmas carbonatíticos. La edad obtenida, 24.2 ± 0.3Ma, es algo más joven que la existente para las carbonatitas del sector centro-occidental de la isla, por lo que se propone que habrían existido al menos dos intrusiones alcalino-carbonatíticas con cierta migración temporal en el sentido SW-NE, dentro de una zona de rift. Esta edad, además, restringe el episodio magmático alcalino-carbonatítico de la isla a prácticamente 1 Ma de duración. Sin embargo, este lapso temporal es significativo, en cuanto que representa la consecuencia de los cambios que ha sufrido la placa africana en su movimiento de divergencia con respecto a América del Sur y de convergencia con Eurasia.In this work, new U-Pb zircon ages in carbonatites from the NW sector of Fuerteventura are presented. The zircons show textural and compositional characteristics indicating its igneous origin and its crystallization from carbonatitic magmas. The obtained age, 24.2 ± 0.3 Ma, is slightly younger than the existing age for carbonatites in the central-western sector of the island. Therefore, we propose that at least two alkaline- carbonatitic intrusions would have been emplaced in a rift zone, with a certain degree of time migration from SW to NE. In addition, this age constrains the alkaline-carbonatitic magmatic episode in the island to an almost virtually 1 Ma span. However, this time lapse is meaningful, as it represents the consequence to the changes underwent by the African plate in its divergent movement with respect to South America and its convergence with Eurasia.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)Universidad del País Vascopu

    Modelo estratégico integral para el proceso de prevención y control en el área de salud ocupacional para la cooperativa departamental de caficultores del Huila Ltda

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    La gerencia de talento humano de la cooperativa Cadefihuila desea desarrollar un modelo estratégico integral para el proceso de salud ocupacional con el interés de mejorar la calidad en la prestación de los productos y servicios ofertados y así lograr lazos más estrechos con los clientes y asociados ya que esto es determinante para la competitividad de la organización.The human talent management of the cooperative Cadefihuila wishes to develop a comprehensive strategic model for the occupational health process with the interest of improving the quality in the provision of the products and services offered and so as to achieve closer ties with the clients and associates. This is determining for the competitiveness of the organization

    Influencia de distintos parámetros en la reacción de oxidación del polipirrol

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    La velocidad de la reacción a la que se produce la oxidación de uno de los polímeros conductores más estudiados, como es el polipirrol, ha sido investigada mediante técnicas electroquímicas modificando distintos parámetros: electro lito, disolvente y e5pesor de la película, variando en cada estudio tan sólo uno de ellos. A partir de estos valores de velocidad, y siguiendo la ecuación de la cinética química ha sido posible hallar el valor de los coeficientes cinéticos para cada uno de los disolventes y aniones empleados, así como las energías de activación para los distintos espesores. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo varía la velocidad de reacción con cada uno de los parámetros anteriores.Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Cartagena, (AJICT). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT, (ETSII). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales, y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas, (EICM). Fundación Séneca, Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Grupo Aquilin

    Impaired Antioxidant Defence Status Is Associated With Metabolic-Inflammatory Risk Factors in Preterm Children With Extrauterine Growth Restriction: The BIORICA Cohort Study

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    Introduction: An impaired antioxidant status has been described during foetal growth restriction (FGR). Similarly, the antioxidant defence system can be compromised in preterm children with extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR). The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the antioxidant status in prepubertal children with a history of prematurity without FGR, with and without EUGR, compared to a healthy group. Methods: In total, 211 children were recruited and classified into three groups: 38 with a history of prematurity and EUGR; 50 with a history of prematurity and adequate extrauterine growth (AEUG); and 123 control children born at term. Catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities were assessed in lysed erythrocytes with spectrophotometric methods. Plasma levels of the antioxidants α-tocopherol, retinol and β-carotene were determined through solvent extraction and ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Results: Children with the antecedent of EUGR and prematurity had lower CAT activity than the other two groups and lower GPx activity than the control children. Lower SOD, GPx and GR activities were observed in the AEUG group compared to the controls. However, higher concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene were found in the EUGR group compared to the other groups; retinol levels were also higher in EUGR than in AEUG children. In EUGR and AEUG children, enzymatic antioxidant activities and plasma antioxidants were associated with metabolic syndrome components and pro-inflammatory biomarkers. Conclusions: This study reveals, for the first time, that the EUGR condition and prematurity appear to be linked to an impairment of the antioxidant defence status, which might condition an increased risk of adverse metabolic outcomes later in life.This study was funded by the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (Iþ DþI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Project No. PI13/01245 from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and co-financed by the Consejería de Innovación y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucía, PI-0480-2012, Spain. ÁG was funded by the Research Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spain. This paper will be included in MO-D's doctorate under the Biomedicine Program at the University of Córdoba, Spain. The funding bodies did not partake in the design, collection, analyses, or interpretation of the data or in writing the manuscript. Maternal-Infant and Developmental Health Network (SAMID), RETICS Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), Madrid, Spain (Red SAMID RD12/0026/0015).Ye

    Computational flow cytometry reveals that cryopreservation induces spermptosis but subpopulations of spermatozoa may experience capacitation-like changes

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    [EN] The reduced lifespan of cryopreserved spermatozoa in the mare reproductive tract has been attributed to both capacitative and apoptotic changes. However, there is a lack of studies investigating both phenomena simultaneously. In order to improve our knowledge in this particular point, we studied in raw and frozen-thawed samples apoptotic and capacitative markers using a wide battery of test based in flow cytometry. Apoptotic markers evaluated were caspase 3 activity, externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS), and mitochondrial membrane potential. Markers of changes resembling capacitation were membrane fluidity, tyrosine phosphorylation, and intracellular sodium. Conventional and computational flow cytometry using nonlinear dimensionally reduction techniques (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)) and automatic classification of cellular expression by nonlinear stochastic embedding (ACCENSE) were used. Most of the changes induced by cryopreservation were apoptotic, with increase in caspase 3 activation (P < 0.01), PS translocation to the outer membrane (P < 0.001), loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (P < 0.05), and increase in intracellular Na+ (P < 0.01). Average values of markers of capacitative changes were not affected by cryopreservation; however, the analysis of the phenotype of individual spermatozoa using computational flow cytometry revealed the presence of subpopulations of spermatozoa experiencing capacitative changes. For the first time advanced computational techniques were applied to the analysis of spermatozoa, and these techniques were able to disclose relevant information of the ejaculate that remained hidden using conventional flow cytometry.SIThe authors received financial support for this study from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER, Madrid, Spain, grant AGL2013-43211-R, Junta de Extremadura-FEDER (GR 15029). PMM is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Madrid Spain FPU13/03991. COF is supported by a post-doctoral grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad “Juan de la Cierva” IJCI-2014-21671