107 research outputs found


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    En este trabajo se analiza la evolución de la productividad total de los factores (PTF) y su influencia en el proceso de convergencia regional en el periodo 1964-1991. El punto de partida es el cálculo de índices de PTF, incluyendo como factor productivo el capital público. Utilizando deflactores sectoriales, aislamos el impacto que el cambio de los precios relativos puede tener sobre la productividad observada. A continuación se analiza el proceso de convergencia en PTF, y la relación de los cambios en PTF y en los precios con el incremento del producto por empleado. Por ultimo, se utiliza el modelo de convergencia neoclásico, con el fin de analizar la posibilidad de que la convergencia observada entre las regiones españolas pueda ser explicada por un proceso de catching-up propuesto por Abramovitz. Classification-JEL :: Eficiencia productiva, Productividad total de los factores, Capital público, Convergencia regional

    La evaluación de los riesgos de deterioro en el patrimonio cultural. Métodos y estrategias para su estudio en el ámbito docente de la conservación preventiva

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    Se presenta la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la evaluación de riesgos como herramienta de gestión para la conservación del patrimonio complutense. Se propone el uso de distintas métodos de análisis y procedimientos de trabajo a aplicar con actitud crítica de manera colaborativa e interdisciplinar.Fac. de Bellas ArtesFALSEsubmitte

    Utilización de chamota posconsumo en la formulación de una pasta refractaria como sustitución de la alúmina

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    O desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos refratários é derivado de indústrias que utilizam altas temperaturas em seus processos. O uso de material pós-consumo para a formulação de pastas refratárias é de interesse para o desenvolvimento sustentável com impacto econômico e ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o efeito da adição de chamotte pós-consumo em uma pasta refratária como substituição de alumina. A chamotte foi obtida a partir de tijolos isolantes refratários porosos que cumpriram seu ciclo de vida na indústria cerâmica. Estes foram submetidos a um processo de trituração usando um moinho de bolas até passar pela malha 50. A chamotte foi caracterizada por difração de raios X. Quatro misturas foram formuladas e sinterizadas a 1600 °C. Foram avaliados cone cromático (ASTM C-24), densidade e porosidade (ASTM C-20), contração linear e dilatometria. Os resultados indicam que a adição de chamotte pós-consumo reduz o cone pirrométrico do refratário obtido, a amostra que não contém chamotte tem um cone maior que 36 e a amostra de maior conteúdo possui um cone de 32, adequado para uso como tijolo refratário Com a adição de chamotte, a densidade das amostrasaumentou e a porosidade e contração diminuíram. Finalmente, no teste de dilatometria, são evidenciadas alterações na curva dilatométrica, atribuídas a uma maior formação de fase  líquida e finas devido à contribuição da sílica e do K2O presente na chamotte.El desarrollo de los materiales cerámicos refractarios ha sido derivado de las industrias que utilizan altas temperaturas en sus procesos. El uso de material posconsumo para la formulación de pastas refractarias es de interés para el desarrollo sostenible con impacto económico y ambiental. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el efecto de la adición de chamota posconsumo en una pasta refractaria como reemplazo de alúmina. La chamota fue obtenida a partir de ladrillos aislantes refractarios porosos que cumplieron su ciclo de vida en la industria cerámica. Estos fueron sometidos a un proceso de conminución utilizando un molino de bolas hasta llevarlo a pasante malla 50. La chamota se caracterizó mediante Fluorecencia de rayos X. Se formularon cuatro mezclas y se sinterizaron a 1600 ºC. Se evaluó el cono pirométrico (ASTM C-24), la densidad y la porosidad (ASTM C-20), la contracción lineal y dilatometría. Los resultados indican que la adición de chamota posconsumo disminuye el cono pirométrico del refractario obtenido; la muestra que no contiene chamota tiene un cono superior a 36 y la muestra de mayor contenido tiene un cono de 32, los cuales son adecuados para el uso como ladrillo refractario. Con la adición de chamota se aumentó la densidad de las muestras y se disminuyó la porosidad y la contracción. Finalmente, en el ensayo de dilatometría se evidencian cambios en la curva dilatometría que se atribuyen a una mayor formación de fase líquida y mulita, debido al aporte que hace la sílice y el K2O presentes en la chamota.The development of refractory ceramic materials has been derived from industries that use high temperatures in their processes. The use of post-consumer material for the formulation of refractory pastes is of interest for sustainable development with economic and environmental impact. The objective of this work is to study the effect of the addition of post-consumption chamotte in a refractory paste as an alumina replacement. The chamotte was obtained from porous refractory insulating bricks that fulfilled their life cycle in the ceramic industry. These were subjected to a comminution process using a ball mill until it was passed through 50 mesh. The chamotte was characterized by X-ray diffraction. Four mixtures were formulated and sintered at 1600 °C. Pyrometric cone (ASTM C-24), density and porosity (ASTMC-20), linear contraction and dilatometry were evaluated. The results indicate that the addition of postconsumption chamotte reduces the pyrometric cone of the refractory obtained, the sample that does not contain chamotte has a cone over 36 and the sample of higher content has a cone 32, which are suitable for use as a refractory brick. With the addition of chamotte, the density of the samples was increased and the porosity and contraction decreased. Finally, in the dilatometry test, changes in the dilatometric curve are evidenced, which are attributed to a greater formation of liquid phase and fines due to the contribution made by silica and K2O present in the chamotte

    Comparativa de estrategias de despliegue de redes MEC en Castilla y León

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    [ES] El taller sobre Tecnologías Disruptivas de la Información y la Comunicación para la Innovación y la Transformación Digital, organizado en el ámbito del proyecto DISRUPTIVE (disruptive.usal.es) y celebrado el 12 de septiembre de 2022 en Valladolid, tiene como objetivo debatir sobre los problemas, retos y beneficios del uso de tecnologías digitales disruptivas, a saber, Internet de las Cosas, Big data, computación en la nube, sistemas multiagente, aprendizaje automático, realidad virtual y aumentada y robótica colaborativa, para apoyar la transformación digital en curso en la sociedad. El programa del taller incluyó 6 papers técnicos aceptados, 2 charlas de invitados y una sesión de networking. Este volumen contiene 6 de las ponencias presentadas en el taller sobre Tecnologías Disruptivas de la Información y la Comunicación para la Innovación y la Transformación Digital. Este taller fue organizado por ICE (Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León), UVa (Universidad de Valladolid) y apoyado principalmente por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Interreg España-Portugal V-A (POCTEP) bajo la subvención 0677_DISRUPTIVE_2_E (Dinamización de los Digital Innovation Hubs dentro de la región PocTep para el impulso de las TIC disruptivas y de última generación a través de la cooperación en la región transfronteriza).[EN] The workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital transformation, organized under the scope of the DISRUPTIVE project (disruptive.usal.es) and held on September 12, 2022 in Valladolid, aims to discuss problems, challenges and benefits of using disruptive digital technologies, namely Internet of Things, Big data, cloud computing, multi-agent systems, machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, and collaborative robotics, to support the on-going digital transformation in society. The main topics included: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; Industry 4.0 and digital transformation; Internet of Things; Cyber-security; Collaborative and intelligent robotics; Multi-Agent Systems; Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems; Virtualization and digital twins; Predictive maintenance; Virtual and augmented reality, Big Data and advanced data analytics; Edge and cloud Computing; Digital Transformation. The workshop program included 6 accepted technical papers, 2 invited talks and a networking session. This volume contains 6 of the papers presented at the Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation. This workshop was organized by ICE (Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León), UVa (University of Valladolid) and mainly supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Spain-Portugal V-A Program (POCTEP) under grant 0677_DISRUPTIVE_2_E (Intensifying the activity of Digital Innovation Hubs within the PocTep region to boost the development of disruptive and last generation ICTs through cross-border cooperation)

    Response‐adapted treatment with rituximab, bendamustine, mitoxantrone, and dexamethasone followed by rituximab maintenance in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma after first‐line immunochemotherapy: Results of the RBMDGELTAMO08 phase II trial

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    Background: Consensus is lacking regarding the optimal salvage therapy for patients with follicular lymphoma who relapse after or are refractory to immunochemotherapy. Methods: This phase II trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of response‐adapted therapy with rituximab, bendamustine, mitoxantrone, and dexamethasone (RBMD) in follicular lymphoma patients who relapsed after or were refractory to first‐line immunochemotherapy. Sixty patients received three treatment cycles, and depending on their response received an additional one (complete/unconfirmed complete response) or three (partial response) cycles. Patients who responded to induction received rituximab maintenance therapy for 2 years. Results: Thirty‐three (55%) and 42 (70%) patients achieved complete/unconfirmed complete response after three cycles and on completing induction therapy (4‐6 cycles), respectively (final overall response rate, 88.3%). Median progression‐free survival was 56.4 months (median follow‐up, 28.3 months; 95% CI, 15.6‐51.2). Overall survival was not reached. Progression‐free survival did not differ between patients who received four vs six cycles (P = .6665), nor between patients who did/did not receive rituximab maintenance after first‐line therapy (P = .5790). Median progression‐ free survival in the 10 refractory patients was 25.5 months (95% CI, 0.6‐N/A) and was longer in patients who had shown progression of disease after 24 months of first‐line therapy (median, 56.4 months; 95% CI, 19.8‐56.4) than in those who showed early progression (median, 42.31 months; 95% CI, 24.41–NA) (P = .4258). Thirty‐six (60%) patients had grade 3/4 neutropenia. Grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia and infection were recorded during induction (4/60 [6.7%] and 5/60 [8.3%] patients, respectively) and maintenance (2/43 [4.5%] and 4/43 [9.1%] patients, respectively). Conclusions: This response‐adapted treatment with RBMD followed by rituximab maintenance is an effective and well‐tolerated salvage treatment for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma following first‐line immunochemotherapy. Clinical trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT01133158

    Clinical characteristics and prognosis of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): A prospective single-center study

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    Background: A definition of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) was published by European Society of Cardiology in 2016. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical profile and prognosis of these patients in a prospective single-center study and compare it with the literature data. Methods: During a 3-year period, information from every consecutive MINOCA patient was gathered (n = 109). It was then compared with 412 contemporaneous patients with myocardial infarction and obstructive coronary arteries (MIOCA). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Prognosis analysis was adjusted by age and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Results: MINOCA represented 16.9% of the total of patients admitted for myocardial infarction. Compared with MIOCA, they had more psychosocial disorders (22.9% vs. 10.7%; p < 0.01) and more pro-inflammatory conditions (34.9% vs. 14.0%; p < 0.01). Atrial fibrillation was twice as frequent in MINOCA (14.7% vs. 7.3%; p = 0.016). Predictors of MINOCA were as follows: female gender, absence of diabetes, absence of tobacco use, tachycardia, troponin above 10 times the 99th percentile, and pro-inflammatory conditions. Median follow-up was 17.3 ± 9.3 months. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; a composite of a recurrence of acute myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack/stroke, or death from cardiovascular cause and death from any cause) occurred in 10.8% of the MINOCA group as compared with 10.7% in the MIOCA group (hazard ratio [HR] 1.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.58–2.45; p = 0.645). Cardiovascular re-admission rates were higher in the MINOCA group: 19.8% vs. 13.9% (HR 1.85; CI 1.06–3.21; p = 0.030). Conclusions: The frequency of MINOCA is high, with fewer CVRF, and it is linked to atrial fibrillation, psychosocial disorders, and pro-inflammatory conditions. Mid-term prognosis is worse than previously thought, with a similar proportion of MACE as compared to MIOCA, and even a higher rate of cardiovascular re-admissions

    ¿La evaluación evoluciona? Una experiencia de coevaluación en ABP

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    Desde hace 8 años, el grado de Ingeniería Multimedia imparte el 4º curso utilizando Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) e integrando a todas las asignaturas en él. El programa ha tenido mucho éxito, pero siempre ha acusado un problema, la evaluación. Al tratarse de un trabajo en grupo altamente colaborativo, que integra a todas las asignaturas del curso y que durante los dos semestres trabaja en un único gran proyecto, es muy difícil discernir el trabajo real realizado por cada componente del equipo, produciéndose descompensaciones o incluso malas prácticas. Durante años, se ha tratado de adoptar medidas para paliar esta situación, pero persisten algunas disfunciones. Para solucionarlo, hemos diseñado e implantado una metodología de coevaluación, alineada con la gestión del programa ABP y que persigue dos objetivos: procurar un reparto de nota asociado con el esfuerzo individual realizado, basado en información objetiva y cuantificable, junto con una evaluación formativa y sumativa justa; y desarrollar las habilidades blandas imprescindibles hoy en día en entornos de trabajo colaborativos. En este artículo presentamos la herramienta de coevaluación desarrollada, la valoración realizada sobre la herramienta por las/os participantes en la experiencia y exalumnos de años anteriores, y los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha.For the last 8 years, the Multimedia Engineering degree has been teaching the 4th year using Project Based Learning (PBL) and integrating all the subjects in it. The program has been very successful, but there has always been one problem: assessment. As it is a highly collaborative group work, integrating all the subjects of the course and working on a single large project during the two semesters, it is very difficult to discern the real work done by each member, causing imbalances or even malpractice. For years, we have tried to adopt measures to mitigate this situation, but without any positive results. To solve this problem, we have designed and implemented a co-evaluation methodology, aligned with the PBL program management, which has two objectives: to ensure a distribution of points associated with the individual effort, based on objective and measurable information, together with a fair formative and summative evaluation; and to develop the soft skills that are essential in current collaborative work environments. In this article we present the co-evaluation tool developed, the assessment made of the tool by the participants in the experience and alumni from previous years, and the results obtained to date.El presente trabajo ha contado con una ayuda del Programa de Redes de investigación en docencia universitaria del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Alicante (convocatoria 2021-22). Ref.: 5490, Diseño y desarrollo de una metodología y plataforma TIC para coevaluación en ABP