3,732 research outputs found

    The credit supply channel of monetary policy: evidence from a FAVAR model with sign restrictions

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    We test whether the credit channel of the monetary policy was present in the United States' economy from January 2001 to April 2016. To this end, we use a factor-augmented vector autoregression, and we impose sensible theoretical sign restrictions in our structural identification scheme. We use the expected substitution effect between bank commercial loans and commercial papers to identify the credit supply channel. We found that the credit channel appears to have operated in the US economy during the sample period. However, when we split the sample, we found that the credit channel did not operate after the subprime crisis (close to the Zero Lower Bound of the interest rate). This result is robust to changing the sign restriction horizons. It supports current views in the literature regarding the ineffectiveness of the credit channel as a means to foster real economic activity during crises episodes

    A Novel Approach for Learning How to Automatically Match Job Offers and Candidate Profiles

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    Automatic matching of job offers and job candidates is a major problem for a number of organizations and job applicants that if it were successfully addressed could have a positive impact in many countries around the world. In this context, it is widely accepted that semi-automatic matching algorithms between job and candidate profiles would provide a vital technology for making the recruitment processes faster, more accurate and transparent. In this work, we present our research towards achieving a realistic matching approach for satisfactorily addressing this challenge. This novel approach relies on a matching learning solution aiming to learn from past solved cases in order to accurately predict the results in new situations. An empirical study shows us that our approach is able to beat solutions with no learning capabilities by a wide margin.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Computational study on the non-reacting flow in Lean Direct Injection gas turbine combustors through Eulerian-Lagrangian Large-Eddy Simulations

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    [ES] El principal desafío en los motores turbina de gas empleados en aviación reside en aumentar la eficiencia del ciclo termodinámico manteniendo las emisiones contaminantes por debajo de las rigurosas restricciones. Ésto ha conllevado la necesidad de diseñar nuevas estrategias de inyección/combustión que operan en puntos de operación peligrosos por su cercanía al límite inferior de apagado de llama. En este contexto, el concepto Lean Direct Injection (LDI) ha emergido como una tecnología prometedora a la hora de reducir los óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) emitidos por las plantas propulsoras de los aviones de nueva generación. En este contexto, la presente tesis tiene como objetivos contribuir al conocimiento de los mecanismos físicos que rigen el comportamiento de un quemador LDI y proporcionar herramientas de análisis para una profunda caracterización de las complejas estructuras de flujo de turbulento generadas en el interior de la cámara de combustión. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una metodología numérica basada en CFD capaz de modelar el flujo bifásico no reactivo en el interior de un quemador LDI académico mediante enfoques de turbulencia U-RANS y LES en un marco Euleriano-Lagrangiano. La resolución numérica de este problema multi-escala se aborda mediante la descripción completa del flujo a lo largo de todos los elementos que constituyen la maqueta experimental, incluyendo su paso por el swirler y entrada a la cámara de combustión. Ésto se lleva a cabo través de dos códigos CFD que involucran dos estrategias de mallado diferentes: una basada en algoritmos de generación y refinamiento automático de la malla (AMR) a través de CONVERGE y otra técnica de mallado estático más tradicional mediante OpenFOAM. Por un lado, se ha definido una metodología para obtener una estrategia de mallado óptima mediante el uso del AMR y se han explotado sus beneficios frente a los enfoques tradicionales de malla estática. De esta forma, se ha demostrado que la aplicabilidad de las herramientas de control de malla disponibles en CONVERGE como el refinamiento fijo (fixed embedding) y el AMR son una opción muy interesante para afrontar este tipo de problemas multi-escala. Los resultados destacan una optimización del uso de los recursos computacionales y una mayor precisión en las simulaciones realizadas con la metodología presentada. Por otro lado, el uso de herramientas CFD se ha combinado con la aplicación de técnicas de descomposición modal avanzadas (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition). La identificación numérica de los principales modos acústicos en la cámara de combustión ha demostrado el potencial de estas herramientas al permitir caracterizar las estructuras de flujo coherentes generadas como consecuencia de la rotura de los vórtices (VBB) y de los chorros fuertemente torbellinados presentes en el quemador LDI. Además, la implementación de estos procedimientos matemáticos ha permitido tanto recuperar información sobre las características de la dinámica de flujo como proporcionar un enfoque sistemático para identificar los principales mecanismos que sustentan las inestabilidades en la cámara de combustión. Finalmente, la metodología validada ha sido explotada a través de un Diseño de Experimentos (DoE) para cuantificar la influencia de los factores críticos de diseño en el flujo no reactivo. De esta manera, se ha evaluado la contribución individual de algunos parámetros funcionales (el número de palas del swirler, el ángulo de dichas palas, el ancho de la cámara de combustión y la posición axial del orificio del inyector) en los patrones del campo fluido, la distribución del tamaño de gotas del combustible líquido y la aparición de inestabilidades en la cámara de combustión a través de una matriz ortogonal L9 de Taguchi. Este estudio estadístico supone un punto de partida para posteriores estudios de inyección, atomización y combus[CA] El principal desafiament als motors turbina de gas utilitzats a la aviació resideix en augmentar l'eficiència del cicle termodinàmic mantenint les emissions contaminants per davall de les rigoroses restriccions. Aquest fet comporta la necessitat de dissenyar noves estratègies d'injecció/combustió que radiquen en punts d'operació perillosos per la seva aproximació al límit inferior d'apagat de flama. En aquest context, el concepte Lean Direct Injection (LDI) sorgeix com a eina innovadora a l'hora de reduir els òxids de nitrogen (NOx) emesos per les plantes propulsores dels avions de nova generació. Sota aquest context, aquesta tesis té com a objectius contribuir al coneixement dels mecanismes físics que regeixen el comportament d'un cremador LDI i proporcionar ferramentes d'anàlisi per a una profunda caracterització de les complexes estructures de flux turbulent generades a l'interior de la càmera de combustió. Per tal de dur-ho a terme s'ha desenvolupat una metodología numèrica basada en CFD capaç de modelar el flux bifàsic no reactiu a l'interior d'un cremador LDI acadèmic mitjançant els enfocaments de turbulència U-RANS i LES en un marc Eulerià-Lagrangià. La resolució numèrica d'aquest problema multiescala s'aborda mitjançant la resolució completa del flux al llarg de tots els elements que constitueixen la maqueta experimental, incloent el seu pas pel swirler i l'entrada a la càmera de combustió. Açò es duu a terme a través de dos codis CFD que involucren estratègies de mallat diferents: una basada en la generación automàtica de la malla i en l'algoritme de refinament adaptatiu (AMR) amb CONVERGE i l'altra que es basa en una tècnica de mallat estàtic més tradicional amb OpenFOAM. D'una banda, s'ha definit una metodologia per tal d'obtindre una estrategia de mallat òptima mitjançant l'ús de l'AMR i s'han explotat els seus beneficis front als enfocaments tradicionals de malla estàtica. D'aquesta forma, s'ha demostrat que l'aplicabilitat de les ferramente de control de malla disponibles en CONVERGE com el refinament fixe (fixed embedding) i l'AMR són una opció molt interessant per tal d'afrontar aquest tipus de problemes multiescala. Els resultats destaquen una optimització de l'ús dels recursos computacionals i una major precisió en les simulacions realitzades amb la metodologia presentada. D'altra banda, l'ús d'eines CFD s'ha combinat amb l'aplicació de tècniques de descomposició modal avançades (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition). La identificació numèrica dels principals modes acústics a la càmera de combustió ha demostrat el potencial d'aquestes ferramentes al permetre caracteritzar les estructures de flux coherents generades com a conseqüència del trencament dels vòrtex (VBB) i dels raigs fortament arremolinats presents al cremador LDI. A més, la implantació d'estos procediments matemàtics ha permès recuperar informació sobre les característiques de la dinàmica del flux i proporcionar un enfocament sistemàtic per tal d'identificar els principals mecanismes que sustenten les inestabilitats a la càmera de combustió. Finalment, la metodologia validada ha sigut explotada a traves d'un Diseny d'Experiments (DoE) per tal de quantificar la influència dels factors crítics de disseny en el flux no reactiu. D'aquesta manera, s'ha avaluat la contribución individual d'alguns paràmetres funcionals (el nombre de pales del swirler, l'angle de les pales, l'amplada de la càmera de combustió i la posició axial de l'orifici de l'injector) en els patrons del camp fluid, la distribució de la mida de gotes del combustible líquid i l'aparició d'inestabilitats en la càmera de combustió mitjançant una matriu ortogonal L9 de Taguchi. Aquest estudi estadístic és un bon punt de partida per a futurs estudis de injecció, atomització i combustió en cremadors LDI.[EN] Aeronautical gas turbine engines present the main challenge of increasing the efficiency of the cycle while keeping the pollutant emissions below stringent restrictions. This has led to the design of new injection-combustion strategies working on more risky and problematic operating points such as those close to the lean extinction limit. In this context, the Lean Direct Injection (LDI) concept has emerged as a promising technology to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) for next-generation aircraft power plants In this context, this thesis aims at contributing to the knowledge of the governing physical mechanisms within an LDI burner and to provide analysis tools for a deep characterisation of such complex flows. In order to do so, a numerical CFD methodology capable of reliably modelling the 2-phase nonreacting flow in an academic LDI burner has been developed in an Eulerian-Lagrangian framework, using the U-RANS and LES turbulence approaches. The LDI combustor taken as a reference to carry out the investigation is the laboratory-scale swirled-stabilised CORIA Spray Burner. The multi-scale problem is addressed by solving the complete inlet flow path through the swirl vanes and the combustor through two different CFD codes involving two different meshing strategies: an automatic mesh generation with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm through CONVERGE and a more traditional static meshing technique in OpenFOAM. On the one hand, a methodology to obtain an optimal mesh strategy using AMR has been defined, and its benefits against traditional fixed mesh approaches have been exploited. In this way, the applicability of grid control tools available in CONVERGE such as fixed embedding and AMR has been demonstrated to be an interesting option to face this type of multi-scale problem. The results highlight an optimisation of the use of the computational resources and better accuracy in the simulations carried out with the presented methodology. On the other hand, the use of CFD tools has been combined with the application of systematic advanced modal decomposition techniques (i.e., Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition). The numerical identification of the main acoustic modes in the chamber have proved their potential when studying the characteristics of the most powerful coherent flow structures of strongly swirled jets in a LDI burner undergoing vortex breakdown (VBB). Besides, the implementation of these mathematical procedures has allowed both retrieving information about the flow dynamics features and providing a systematic approach to identify the main mechanisms that sustain instabilities in the combustor. Last, this analysis has also allowed identifying some key features of swirl spray systems such as the complex pulsating, intermittent and cyclical spatial patterns related to the Precessing Vortex Core (PVC). Finally, the validated methodology is exploited through a Design of Experiments (DoE) to quantify the influence of critical design factors on the non-reacting flow. In this way, the individual contribution of some functional parameters (namely the number of swirler vanes, the swirler vane angle, the combustion chamber width and the axial position of the nozzle tip) into both the flow field pattern, the spray size distribution and the occurrence of instabilities in the combustion chamber are evaluated throughout a Taguchi's orthogonal array L9. Such a statistical study has supposed a good starting point for subsequent studies of injection, atomisation and combustion on LDI burners.Belmar Gil, M. (2020). Computational study on the non-reacting flow in Lean Direct Injection gas turbine combustors through Eulerian-Lagrangian Large-Eddy Simulations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159882TESI

    The role of unconventional monetary policy

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2019-2020In recent years, central banks have used unconventional monetary policies to overcome the limitations imposed by the lower bound. In this work we review these measures, with special attention to QE and forward guidance. These measures are able to provide a greater stimulus than traditional monetary policies in the face of short-term interest rate constraints. This means that, despite the fact that they started out as exceptional and transitory, unconventional monetary policies have become part of central banks’ standard tools to stimulate economic activity, achieve better financial conditions and improve economic welfare

    Paralelización y adaptación a plataformas de cómputo en la nube de algoritmos de mantenimiento y detección de fallos

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    El foco de la presente tesis se centra en el papel que tiene el big data dentro de la nueva revolución industrial que está teniendo lugar actualmente. Comúnmente nos referiremos a ella con el término Industria 4.0. La característica que más nos interesa de esta nueva industria, es el creciente uso de sensores capaces de monitorizar y registrar de forma continua el funcionamiento de su maquinaria. Gracias a ello surgen nuevas oportunidades para optimizar procesos como el mantenimiento, avanzando hacia nuevas estrategias más eficaces que contribuyan a abaratar costes y maximizar los beneficios. Es el caso del mantenimiento predictivo, el cual, a través de la detección temprana de fallos en todo tipo de maquinaria, como motores de inducción, por ejemplo, se pueden programar mantenimientos que ayuden a evitar paradas inesperadas en el proceso de producción. Fruto de ello surgen líneas de investigación sobre el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos predictivos, o la adaptación de los existentes para hacerlos capaces de trabajar con las grandes cantidades de datos que se generan en estos problemas. Para este último caso, el tipo de adaptación escogida ha sido la paralelización algorítmica para su ejecución en plataformas de cómputo en la nube

    Industry 4.0 in the Theme Park Sector: Design of a RealTime Monitoring System for Queue Management

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    The theme park industry is a consolidated sector where different industrial technologies and management procedures are present. However, the Industry 4.0 paradigm aims at disrupting how industrial processes are conceived. In this thesis, we perform a thorough investigation of key relevant features of theme parks and how industry 4.0 could be applied within the theme park sector. Our methodology is as follows. First, we analyse the technology used in the most innovative attractions. Afterwards, we focus on the most recurrent problem within the sector: queue management at attractions. As part of the solution, a system is designed to allow real-time monitoring of waiting times through an IoT infrastructure. Radio Fre- quency Identification and Bluetooth Low Energy are the chosen technologies for people counting. They allow users to be located in the park in addition to counting. This system gives precise waiting times estimates, and park managers can obtain precious data about user behaviour and preferences. Finally, we develop a proof of concept to test the designed solution and detail the benefits of applying industry 4.0 to the theme park sector.Máster en Industria Conectada 4.

    "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked": Population, Crime, and the 2013 Government Shutdown

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    The vast majority of the empirical literature on crime has focused on the effects of "supply-side" shocks such as the severity of laws and enforcement. In this paper we analyze the effects of a large and unexpected "demand-side" shock: the drop in daytime population in Washington, DC caused by the government shutdown of October 1-16, 2013. We derive implications from a simple theoretical model where criminals choose effort and allocate it across different criminal activities. We test these implications using the city of Baltimore as the comparison group, and employing difference-in-differences methods. Consistent with the model's predictions (and inconsistent with alternative explanations), we find a 3% decline in crime in DC during the shutdown period, with the net effect resulting from a 9% decline during the day hours, and a 5% increase in crime during the evening and night hours, indicating reallocation of criminals' effort induced by the shutdown

    Las artes de la existencia: un asunto de orden pedagógico y político

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    El presente artículo destaca cómo la práctica pedagógica y política toma importancia en las artes de la existencia, en las que el otro se constituye en referente central en la construcción de sí mismo a través de dicho ejercicio pedagógico, en el que entrThe present article emphasizes how the pedagogical and politics practice takes importance in the arts of the existence, in which the other is the center in the construction of himself on the pedagogical exercise which come into play the liberty, the ethi

    Scaling Down Downside Risk with Inter-Quantile Semivariances

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    We propose a risk-management strategy for portfolio allocation based on volatility scaling. The strategy involves decomposing realized volatility according to the magnitude and sign of a given return and, then, using part of the realized variance to design volatility-scaled versions of traditional portfolios. By applying our method to four risk-portfolios (namely, market, small minus big, high minus low, and winners minus losers), we show that scaling according to an appropriate criterion (i.e. the realized volatility of the largest negative returns) increases the profitability of the original strategies, while it simultaneously reduces other risks related to market crashes. The better economic performance of our method – the inter-quantile semivariance model – lies in its better adjustment to the market liquidity of our statistics, and more accurate modeling of the risk-return relationship and of the asymmetric impacts on consumption, production and asset prices, generated by a different fragment of the market realized variance

    The role of age and biological sex on short-term memory in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

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    Background: Aging plays an important role in cognitive function, memory, and mental health. As we age, some cognitive functions become weaker. Aging is also a critical risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. With recent advances seen in public health, humans are living longer years. This makes it a challenge to make those added years healthy. For this reason, it is important to continue studying its effects by using, the Syrian hamster, as a model. The purpose of the study is to identify other factors that might also have a role in short-term memory, besides aging. Methods: All behavioral experiments were conducted using a 16-hole board apparatus. Each hole was categorized as a zone to collect data. Zone 6 was used to expose the control/treatment during trial 2. Subjects were exposed to either clean or dirty bedding (corresponding to opposite sex odors), control or treatment during this trial. Animals were placed in the hole board for five 3-minute trials; Preexposure, Treatment/Exposure, and Memory tests 1-3. Memory tests 2 and 3 consisted of 15 and 30-minute inter-trial intervals, respectfully, from time of exposure to treatment/control. Three cohorts of male (n=28) and female (n=36) subjects, including young, middle, and old aged dependent on their date of birth, randomly chosen. First, Preexposure trial was done for 3 minutes to collect data on zone preference and expose hamsters to the apparatus. Second, hamsters were exposed to treatment/control on trial 2 for 3 minutes. Thorough cleaning done in between each trial. Hamsters were then tested right after cleaning for memory trial 1. Memory trial 2 took place 15 minutes from the time of treatment/control exposure. Memory trial 3, 30 minutes from the time of treatment/control exposure. Results: Data was collected using ANY-maze tracking system and analyzed with SPSS software using repeated measures ANOVA. Males had more overall entries into the stimulus zone (6) compared to females F (1, 41) = 10.507, p=0.002, but there was no significant interaction between sex and trials F (3, 123) =1.648, p=0.182. There was no sex difference in overall entries into a neutral zone (1) F (1, 41) =0.012, p=0.914 and there was no significant interaction between sex and trials F (3, 123) =0.603, p=0.614. There was no significant interaction between age and trials; old cohort - F (1,41) = .260, p=.613; middle cohort - F (1,41) = 1.526, p=.224; young cohort – F (1,41) = .143, p=.7.07. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence that the Syrian hamster is an excellent animal model for the study of exploring sex differences in learning and memory. Males approached a social stimulus more often than females, and the middle-aged cohort demonstrated a higher main effect during memory trials. In this present study, we will further explore factors like, housing, weight, and age, and their role in short-term memory