72 research outputs found

    State of the art nano materials

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    ABSTRACT: The special issue of ANM2017 is a collection of papers from the 9th series ANM (Advanced Nano Materials) conference, which was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 19-21 July 2017. State of the art results were discussed by eminent researchers on a wide range of subjects including nanomaterials, graphene materials, polymer nanocomposites, magnetic materials, spintronics materials, hydrogen energy, nanoelectronics and solar energy materials. We thank all the reviewers for their detailed reviews which immensely helped the authors to improve the quality of their papers. Advanced Nano Materials, ANM (https://www.advancednanomaterials-conference.com/) is an annual conference at the University of Aveiro, Portugal and we invite all our colleagues working in the field of energy materials to attend the next ANM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    State of the art energy materials

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    ABSTRACT: The special issue of AEM2017 is a collection of papers from the second series of AEM (Advanced Energy Materials) conference, which was held at the University of Surrey, England, from 11-13 September 2017. State of the art results were discussed by eminent researchers on a wide range of subjects including battery, fuel cells, catalysis, carbon materials, photovoltaics, biofuels, polymer-based hydrogen storage, hydrogen production by various methods, crystalline porous materials for hydrogen storage. We thank all the reviewers for their detailed reviews which immensely helped the authors to improve the quality of their papers. Advanced Energy Materials, AEM (www.advanced-energymaterialsconference.com) is an annual conference and we invite all our colleagues working in the field of energy materials to attend the next AEM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intervenção em património : (dois casos de estudo e duas contribuições teóricas)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura, apresentada ao Departamento de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UC.O presente trabalho pretende elaborar uma reflexão acerca da intervenção em património construído. A abordagem ao tema é feita com base em dois casos de estudo: a Pousada de Santa Marinha da Costa e a Pousada de Santa Maria do Bouro. A escolha destes dois projectos incidiu na procura de focagem do estudo. Em ambos os casos, trata-se de edifícios históricos conventuais/monásticos portugueses que, ao longo dos séculos, foram objecto de adições, reconstruções e reformas, apresentando, por isso, uma forte proximidade nas suas qualidades tipológicas e morfológicas. A condição de ambos os edifícios antes da intervenção era idêntica, entregues ao abandono e em parcial estado de ruína. As duas intervenções, que visavam a reabilitação dos imóveis e a sua reconversão a pousada, respondendo a exigências programáticas análogas, foram entregues a dois arquitectos portugueses de sólido relevo na arquitectura contemporânea portuguesa e internacional, Fernando Távora e Eduardo Souto de Moura, traduzindo-se em obras de arquitectura qualificada e de incontestável cunho de autor. Esta fortíssima semelhança entre os pontos de partida dos dois projectos possibilitou tanto a focagem da abordagem do tema como uma análise comparativa das distintas metodologias projectuais perante contextos, problemas e imposições idênticas. A análise dos projectos referidos é feita através de ferramentas e de conceitos apreendidos no estudo de duas contribuições teóricas no campo do restauro e intervenção no património: a Teoria do Restauro (Teoria del Restauro), de Cesare Brandi (1906 – 1988), editado em 1963, e O Culto Moderno dos Monumentos (Der moderne Denkmalkultus), ensaio de Aloïs Riegl (1858-1905) datado de 1903. Cesare Brandi, no referido trabalho, apresenta uma nova abordagem metodológica baseada em processos de análise crítica da obra de arte, defendendo a validação dos seus aspectos históricos e qualidades estéticas, com o objectivo de garantir a transmissão da comunicação estética patente em cada obra. O produto dessa análise sustenta as escolhas e tomadas de decisões que resultam na operação e acções da intervenção. Brandi defende que cada caso de restauro é único, tornando impossível a definição de regras e normas fixas para a disciplina de restauro e que as escolhas na acção de restauro devem incidir sobre um conhecimento crítico e aprofundado da história, da estética e da matéria do objecto, de tal modo que as escolhas e acções consequentes desses juízos prévios possam orientar a acção de restauro da forma mais adequada a cada caso. Aloïs Riegl, em 1903, escreve O Culto Moderno dos Monumentos, enquanto historiador de arte e conservador de museu. O seu ensaio consiste numa análise crítica do significado de monumento histórico orientada através de uma distinção e oposição de duas categorias de valores dos monumentos: os valores rememorativos (Erinnnerungswerte), que dizem respeito ao tempo e ao passado e, portanto, à história e à memória; e os valores de contemporaneidade (Gegenwarstswerte), ligados ao presente e ao homem moderno. A asserção clara destes valores e do seu peso patentes num monumento histórico permite a compreensão e avaliação dos seus possíveis conflitos e oposições relativas traduzindo-se na possibilidade crítica e analítica das metodologias, estratégias e escolhas a adoptar na intervenção. Riegl nega o absoluto e a rigidez de normas e, assim como Brandi, não defende uma solução única, mas uma relativização dialéctica que permita orientar as acções perante cada caso. Com base nestes dois contributos teóricos, ambos abrindo espaço para uma postura crítica e de juízos de valor na intervenção em património, os casos de estudo deste trabalho, as pousadas de Santa Marinha da Costa e de Santa Maria do Bouro, surgem como duas possíveis abordagens metodológicas, resultando em projectos de arquitectura qualificada, que tinham por base o mesmo ponto de partida: a reconversão de um edifício conventual/monástico a pousada. Abstract This work attempts to be a reflection on architectural intervention in architectural heritage. The approach to this subject is based on two case studies: Pousada de Santa Marinha da Costa and Pousada de Santa Maria do Bouro. The choice of the aforementioned two projects resulted from the process of narrowing the scope of this study. Both projects are Portuguese historical monastic/conventual buildings, which were subjected, throughout the centuries, to additions, rebuilding and restoration, thereby presenting similarities in their typology and morphology. The state of both buildings before intervention was identical, both were abandoned and partially in ruins. The aim of the interventions was to rehabilitate and convert the buildings into “pousadas”; guided by similar programmatic requirements, the interventions were commissioned to two Portuguese architects, renowned in Portuguese contemporary and international Architecture: Fernando Távora e Eduardo Souto de Moura. Their intervention translated into highly qualified architectural works with undeniable personal marks. The striking resemblance between the starting point of the two projects allowed for the delimitation of the scope of the subject, as well as a comparative analysis of distinct project methodologies adopted in view of identical contexts, problems and impositions. The analysis uses tools and concepts acquired through the study of two theoretical approaches to restoration and intervention in historical buildings: Theory of Restoration (Teoria del Restauro), from Cesare Brandi (1906 – 1988), published in 1963, and The Modern Cult of Monuments (Der moderne Denkmalkultus), an essay by Aloïs Riegl (1858-1905) from 1903. Cesare Brandi presents a new methodological approach based upon processes of critical analysis of the work of art, defending the validation of its historical and aesthetical qualities, in order to assure the aesthetical communication manifest in every work. The outcome of such an analysis provides choices and decisions that will lead to intervention operations and actions. Brandi sustains that each restoration case is unique and, thus, it is impossible to define clear and fixed rules in the discipline of Restoration; according to him, the choices made in the course of a restoration action should focus on a critical and deep knowledge of the history, aesthetic and matter of the object, such that the choices and actions based on those judgments may guide the restoration action as adequately as possible in each particular case. Aloïs Riegl, in 1903, wrote The Modern Cult of Monuments as an art historian and museum conservator. His essay constitutes a critical analysis of the meaning of historical monument supported by the distinction and opposition of two value categories of monuments: the recollection values (Erinnnerungswerte), referring to time and past and, therefore, to history and memory; the contemporaneity values (Gegenwarstswerte), linked to present and modern man. To assert these values and their importance within the context of a historical monument enables one to understand and assess of possible conflicts and relative oppositions, and to a critical analysis of the methodologies, strategies and choices made prior to an intervention. Riegl denies the absolute and the rigidity of norms and, like Brandi, does not defend one only solution, rather a dialectical relativisation that guides actions in each particular action. Based on these two theoretical contributions, both allowing a judgmental and critical stance in heritage architecture, the case studies of Santa Marinha da Costa and Santa Maria do Bouro reveal two possible methodological approaches, which resulted in quality architecture works started from the same point of departure: the conversion of a conventual/monastic building into an “pousada”

    Climate adaptation, transitions, and socially innovative action-research approaches

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    Climate change may be a game-changer for scientific research by promoting a science that is grounded in linking the production of knowledge and societal action in a transition toward more sustainable development pathways. Here, we discuss participatory action-research (PAR) as a way of thinking and leading investigations that may promote incremental and transformative changes in the context of climate change adaptation research. Our exploration is addressed in the Portuguese context, where PAR and sustainable transition studies are still marginal, and adaptation processes are a recent topic on political agendas. We describe the characteristics of PAR and use two studies of adaptation to illustrate how research and practice co-evolve through interactive cycles. The two studies are works in progress, rather than completed PAR processes. Climate change adaptation is an ongoing and long-term process. Moreover, in Portugal, as in many regions of the world, climate change adaptation is a fairly new topic. Thus, both case studies are now initiating a long-term process of change and adaptation. The completion of one research cycle is a realistic expectation that we have achieved in the two case study experiences. In our discussion of the case studies, we consider how these experiences provide insights into the role of PAR for long-term regime changes. We conclude by pointing to the societal needs addressed by PAR, as a pragmatically oriented and context-specific research design. The approach can be complementary to other frameworks in sustainable transition studies such as transition management. Being more pragmatically oriented, PAR cycles may influence incrementally transformative changes that can be guided by transition management’s long-term design for governing sustainable transitions

    Avaliação da Satisfação Sexual a Longo Prazo de Doentes Submetidas a Sacropexia Laparoscópica: Estudo Retrospectivo de um Centro Terciário

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    Introduction: Traditional treatments for apical compartment prolapse and multicompartment prolapse, such as open sacrocolpopexy, have been associated with concerns regarding sexual function. In recent years, laparoscopic or robotically assisted sacrocolpopexy has emerged as an alternative with potential benefits, including enhanced visualization, symptom relief, and comparable anatomical results. However, the impact of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy (LSP) on long-term sexual satisfaction in women remains an important area of investigation. This retrospective tertiary center study aimed to evaluate the long-term sexual satisfaction in women who underwent LSP for the treatment of POP. The objective was to assess postoperative sexual satisfaction among patients with a history of active sexual life before the surgery. Methods: A total of 30 patients who underwent laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy between August 2014 and December 2016 were included in the analysis. The patients’ sexual satisfaction was assessed using The New Sexual Satisfaction Scale, a validated questionnaire in the Portuguese language with a mean follow-up of 7 years. Baseline characteristics, surgical and function outcomes were also evaluated. Results: Among the participants, 70% remained sexually active after the surgery. The mean score on The New Sexual Satisfaction Scale was 75.1, indicating a moderate to very satisfied level of sexual satisfaction. Out of the patients who reported a change in their sexual satisfaction after surgery, 69.2% would still recommend the procedure to others. The mean rate of global satisfaction with the surgery was 6.97 out of 10, with 83.3% of the patients recommending the surgery to someone else. Conclusion: The study provides valuable insights into the impact of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy on sexual well-being in women with POP. Despite potential changes in sexual function, the majority of patients remained sexually active and perceived the procedure as beneficial, expressing overall satisfaction and recommending it to others. The findings highlight the importance of considering sexual function in the management of POP and suggest that LSP can be an effective treatment option that preserves sexual activity. However, further studies with larger sample sizes and comprehensive assessments are warranted to better understand the complex relationship between pelvic organ prolapse surgery, sexual function, and patient outcomes.Introdução: O tratamento tradicional para o prolapso apical e multicompartimental, como a sacrocolpopexia aberta, tem sido associado a preocupações relacionadas à função sexual. Nos últimos anos, a sacrocolpopexia laparoscópica ou assistida por robot tem surgido como uma alternativa com potenciais benefícios, incluindo melhor visualização, alívio de sintomas e resultados anatómicos comparáveis. No entanto, o impacto da sacrocolpopexia laparoscópica (LSP) na satisfação sexual de longo prazo em mulheres é uma área de investigação importante. Este estudo retrospectivo num centro terciário teve como objetivo avaliar a satisfação sexual a longo prazo de mulheres submetidas a LSP para o tratamento do POP. O objetivo foi avaliar a satisfação sexual pós-operatória em doentes com vida sexual ativa antes da cirurgia. Métodos: Foram incluídas na análise 30 pacientes submetidas a sacrocolpopexia laparoscópica entre agosto de 2014 e dezembro de 2016. A satisfação sexual das pacientes foi avaliada através do questionário The New Sexual Satisfaction Scale, um questionário validado em língua portuguesa, com uma média de follow-up de 7 anos. Características demográficas, resultados cirúrgicos e funcionais foram avaliados. Resultados: Entre as participantes, 70% permaneceram sexualmente ativas após a cirurgia. A pontuação média em The New Sexual Satisfaction Scale foi de 75,1, indicando um nível moderado a muito satisfeito de satisfação sexual. Entre as pacientes que relataram uma mudança na sua satisfação sexual após a cirurgia, 69,2% ainda recomendariam o procedimento a outras pessoas. A taxa média de satisfação global com a cirurgia foi de 6,97 em 10, e 83,3% das pacientes recomendaram a cirurgia a outras pessoas. Conclusão: O estudo oferece insights valiosos sobre o impacto da sacrocolpopexia laparoscópica no bem-estar sexual em mulheres com POP. Apesar das possíveis mudanças na função sexual, a maioria das pacientes permaneceu sexualmente ativa e reconheceu o procedimento como benéfico, expressando satisfação geral e recomendando-o a outras pessoas. Os resultados destacam a importância de considerar a função sexual no tratamento do POP e sugerem que a LSP pode ser uma opção de tratamento eficaz que preserva a atividade sexual. No entanto, estudos adicionais com tamanhos de amostra maiores e avaliações abrangentes são necessários para compreender melhor a relação complexa entre a cirurgia de prolapso de órgãos pélvicos, função sexual e resultados do paciente

    Synthesis and Vasorelaxant Activity of Nitrate−Coumarin Derivatives

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    Due to the need for new chemical entities for cardiovascular diseases, we have synthesized a new series of nitrate−coumarins and evaluated their vasorelaxant activity in contraction-relaxation studies using rat aorta rings precontracted with phenylephrine or by depolarization with a high concentration of potassium chloride. Four of the new compounds were able to relax smooth vascular muscle with a similar profile and potency to glyceryl trinitrate (IC50=12.73 nM) and sodium nitroprusside (IC50=4.32 nM). Coumarin-7-yl-methyl nitrate (4), the best compound within the series, was able to relax smooth vascular muscle in the low nanomolar range (IC50=1.92 nM). The mechanisms of action have been explored, being the activation of sGC and the opening of K+ channels involved. Our studies indicate that the new nitrate derivatives are reversible and not deleterious for aortic rings, suggesting that these compounds have a potential interest for the development of new and highly efficient vasodilator drugsXunta de Galicia. Grant Number: ED431B 2020/26. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant Numbers: PID2020-116076RJ-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-119178GB-I00. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Grant Numbers: PTDC/ASP-PES/28397/2017, CEECIND/02423/2018, UIDB/00081/2020, LA/P/0056/2020, EXPL/BIA-BQM/0492/2021S