5,454 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Determinants Of Abortion Rates

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    Abortion rates are increasing all around the world, especially for young women. Our proposals for public policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies are based on an analysis of the socio-economic determinants of abortion rates. Special attention is paid to regional levels of alcohol consumption, living conditions, and public spending on health and education. We carry out estimations using data on regions in Spain from 1999 to 2004. There is empirical evidence that socioeconomic conditions, lifestyles and regional characteristics determine regional abortion rates. Our results suggest that it is important to design public policies to reduce alcohol abuse, improve citizens’ working conditions and promote gender equality through government subsidized childcare.abortion rates; unplanned pregnancy; public policies.

    Are Drinkers Prone To Engage In Risky Sexual Behaviors?

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    Sexually transmitted diseases pose an important public health problem around the world. Although many studies have explored the link between alcohol use and risky sexual practices, the unobserved differences among individuals make it difficult to assess whether the associations are casual in nature. In order to overcome these difficulties, we have obtained data from the Spanish Health and Sexual Behavior Survey (2003) in order to analyze risky sexual behaviors using four alternative methodologies: controlling results with a rich set of variables; identifying the impact of alcohol use while assuming there is an identical selection outcome for observed and unobserved variables; estimating alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviors simultaneously based on instrumental variables; and using reduced-form equations to analyze the impact of alcohol prices and other alcohol policies on the likelihood of risky intercourse. We provide empirical evidence that alcohol abuse might increase the probability of risky sex and, more importantly, different alcohol policies are not only effective tools for reducing alcohol demand but also for controlling risky sexual behaviors.alcohol; sexually transmitted diseases; unobserved individual heterogeneity.


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    O. UÑA JUÁREZ y otros, Las dimensiones sociales de la globalización

    Does the political sphere participate in YouTube? Production and consumption of information in the 2017 catalan electoral campaign

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    La posibilidad de participación activa y directa en los contenidos que los nuevos canales digitales otorgan al ciudadano, obliga a replantear las estrategias de comunicación y marketing que, hasta ahora, venía utilizando la esfera política. Recientemente, numerosos estudios abordan el uso que partidos y candidatos hacen de las redes sociales. Twitter y Facebook son las plataformas sobre las que más se ha indagado. Otros canales de comunicación e interacción como YouTube, pese a competir en relevancia con las redes sociales anteriores, carecen de un recorrido académico que permita delimitar su importancia en la nueva configuración de la comunicación política digital. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el uso de YouTube como herramienta estratégica en período de campaña electoral, constatando el grado en que la esfera política participa en la producción de contenidos en esta plataforma y el tipo de consumo que se produce en la misma. Para ello, mediante análisis de contenido, se estudia la campaña electoral que precedió los comicios catalanes del 21D. Integran la muestra cuarenta vídeos, los diez con mayor número de reproducciones que atienden a las etiquetas de búsqueda: Junts per Catalunya, Ciutadans, Puigdemont y Arrimadas. Los resultados evidencian una producción muy baja por parte del ámbito de la política y una intervención media-baja en la creación de contenidos que, mayoritariamente, proceden de material generado por los medios de comunicación tradicionales, lo que apunta a un estadio embrionario en el aprovechamiento que los partidos y candidatos hacen de esta red social.The possibility of active and direct participation in the contents that the new digital channels give to the citizen, forces to rethink the communication and marketing strategies that, until now, the political sphere has been using. Recently, numerous studies address the use that parties and candidates make of social networks. Twitter and Facebook are the platforms on which more has been investigated. Other communication and interaction channels such as YouTube, despite competing in relevance with the previous social networks, lack an academic path that allows to delimit its importance in the new configuration of the digital political communication. The objective of this research is to analyze the use of YouTube as a strategic tool during the campaign period, stating the degree to which the political sphere participates in the production of content on this platform and the type of consumption that occurs in it. To do this, through content analysis, we study the electoral campaign that preceded the Catalan elections of 21D. The sample includes forty videos, the ten with the highest number of reproductions that serve the keywords: Junts per Catalunya, Ciutadans, Puigdemont and Arrimadas. The results show a very low production by the policy field and a medium-low intervention in the creation of content that, mostly, comes from material generated by traditional media, which points to an embryonic stage in the use that the parties and candidates make of this social network

    Urgencias obstétricas en el parto

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    En España, la mayoría de muertes maternas se producen por urgencias obstétricas. Las principales causas son la hemorragia postparto, shock séptico y trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo. Sin embargo, existen otras con menor incidencia: distocia de hombros, embolia de líquido amniótico, parada cardiorrespiratoria y prolapso del cordón. El objeto de este trabajo es analizar estas complicaciones impredecibles. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos (Pubmed, SciELO y BUVa) y asociaciones científicas (SEGO, ACOG, AHA y OMS). La distocia de hombros se produce cuando se impacta el hombro del feto en la pelvis materna, requiriendo maniobras adicionales para el expulsivo. La embolia de líquido amniótico aparece cuando el líquido amniótico con elementos en suspensión, penetran en la circulación materna. La parada cardiorrespiratoria cursa con interrupción brusca, inesperada y potencialmente reversible de la actividad mecánica del corazón y de la respiración espontánea. Cuando el cordón umbilical se desliza en el espacio libre, comprometiendo la circulación funicular se produce el prolapso. Su aparición repentina y la gravedad de los síntomas comprometen en cortos períodos de tiempo la vida de la embarazada-feto. Por este motivo, los asistentes deben estar concienciados de los riesgos, dotados de conocimientos y habilidades actualizados para realizar el diagnóstico precoz e instaurar, con la mayor brevedad, las medidas de emergencia para su resolución. Destaca el papel de la matrona, ya que en muchos casos será la primera profesional en detectarlo y comenzar las actuaciones iniciales en el parto distócico.Grado en Enfermerí

    Microscopic interpretation of viscosity for simple fluids

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2024, Tutor: Alberto Fernandez-NievesThe main objective of this study is to provide a novel microscopic interpretation of the viscosity of simple fluids on the basis of the law of energy conservation applied to simple shear or Couette flow. Ultimately reflecting the balance between stored and dissipated energy. This balance then leads to an expression for the viscosity: η = G0τ , with G0 the instantaneous elastic modulus and τ the relaxation time. By means of linear oscillatory rheology we measure the viscosity of a liquid and its relaxation time, then obtain an estimate of G0. The value of η is then confirmed by steady-state rheology measurements

    Smooth Dynamical Downscaling of the Wind with the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)

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    Màster de Meteorologia, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutors: Pedro Peixoto, Bernat CodinaIn the wind industry, wind time series for the past years are commonly generated using an atmospheric model to dynamically downscale large-scale reanalysis to local wind flow. Instead of relying on a nesting strategy like the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) runs on variable resolution meshes that allow for smooth transitions. The goal of this study is to design MPAS meshes that are robust, accurate and computationally efficient for wind resource assessment applications. We have designed a benchmark validation of one-year simulations in wind-energy-relevant locations representing different geographies and flow complexity scenarios. To focus on identifying real differences between modeling wind time series using regional MPAS meshes compared to using WRF nested domains, both models share the same settings whenever possible and the post-processing is analogous for MPAS and WRF output. Besides, WRF simulations were run with and without nudging (the assimilation of reanalysis data on all points of the outer WRF domain), which is an option known to improve the accuracy of the results, and it is not implemented in MPAS yet. The real-data comparison shows that MPAS improves all wind speed metrics with respect to WRF simulations without nudging, but it has generally worse accuracy than the WRF simulations that do have nudging. This is a strong indication that the MPAS model indeed benefits from smooth transitions between scales, and that further developments on MPAS may turn it into a standard for wind resource applications

    Analysis of pollution by heavy metals in sediments and species of commercial interest of the Galician coast

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    Concentration of different heavy metals was quantified for sediments and bivalves of commercial interest from four different areas of the Galician coast (NW-Spain). Analysed species were, Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Ensis siliqua, Venerupis pullastra and Ruditapes decussatus. Higher metal contamination in organisms than in sediments show the bioaccumulation ability of these bivalves, specially in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and razor shells (Ensis siliqua). Although two sampled areas are nowadays included in Natura 2000 network (Corrubedo and Mandeo), in 2003, when sampled, they were highly polluted, specially Mandeo and organisms from Corrubedo, these may be and indicator of different wastes and heavy metal inputs in Mandeo and time recovering differences after an oil spill. All areas showed metal concentration above the sediment quality guidelines proposed values by the NOAA, numbers established by OSPAR, and concentrations established by the UE about seafood.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2013/201

    Cooperation in the agrofood industry: the case of ternera del Maestrazgo

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Economia / Master in Economics. Codi: SRN015. Curs acadèmic 2017-2018This paper describes the importance of the agrofood sector an cooperatives in Europe, with particular interest in Spain. This part gives a framework to the analysis of a representative farm in the beef sector located in Puertomingalvo. Using real data we compute the profit function of the farm and propose diverse scenarios. Our study shows that this kind of firms depend mostly on subsidies. A proposal is to create a cooperative that allows farmers to sell their product charging higher prices following a strategy of vertical integration. In particular we focus in a cooperative in Cantavieja, "Carnes del Maestrazgo" that is making efforts oriented to this objective but had many difficulties in keeping cooperation from farmers. As a tool to analyze the difficulties for cooperation we design a framed field experiment to observe the attitude of farmers

    Reverse emissions: The latest pathways to transform CO2 into solid carbon and other storable value-added products

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    Currently, the main cause of climate change are greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. These gases are mostly expelled when fossil fuels are burned for energy. One of the most important ones is carbon dioxide. The need to avoid CO2 emissions into the atmosphere increases exponentially as the years go by since its emissions are causing sudden changes in the planetary temperature and global climatic changes. Several approaches and new technologies are being documented to mitigate the increase in these types of emissions. For this purpose, carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies have drawn global attention as a solution to the emission reduction requirement. They presume to be a permanent solution for the CO2 emissions problem. In order to find an efficient usage and transformation process of these CO2 emissions captured, an extended bibliographical research has been made. The main targets of these transformations have been five value-added products that complement several chemical industries: coal, methanol, methane, dimethyl ether, and polymers. Thus, CO2 from exhaust gases could be transformed into new products or precursors of many others valuable to the industry. These technologies help to mitigate the impact to the atmosphere and can improve both the global economy and the scarcity of raw materials, as well as helping to create a closed and clean cycle of carbon lifeActualment, la causa principal del canvi climàtic són les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle a l'atmosfera. Aquests gasos s'expulsen principalment quan es cremen combustibles fòssils per obtenir energia. Un dels més importants és el diòxid de carboni. La necessitat d'evitar les emissions de CO2 a l'atmosfera augmenta exponencialment amb el pas dels anys, ja que les emissions estan provocant canvis bruscos en la temperatura planetària i canvis climàtics globals. S'estan documentant diversos enfocaments i noves tecnologies per reduir l'augment d'aquest tipus d'emissions. Amb aquest propòsit, les noves tecnologies de captura, emmagatzematge i ús del carboni, han cridat l’atenció mundial com una solució al requisit de reducció d’emissions. Presumeixen de ser una solució permanent al problema de les emissions de CO2. Per tal de trobar un procés eficient d'aprofitament i transformació d'aquestes emissions de CO2 capturades, s'ha dut a terme una investigació bibliogràfica extensa. Els objectius principals d'aquestes transformacions han estat cinc productes d'alt valor que complementen diverses indústries químiques: carbó, metanol, metà, dimetil èter i polímers. Així, el CO2 dels gasos d'escapament es podria transformar en nous productes o precursors de molts d’altres valuosos per a la indústria. Aquestes tecnologies ajuden a mitigar l'impacte a l'atmosfera i millorar tant l'economia global, com l'escassetat de primeres matèries, a més d'ajudar a crear un cicle tancat i net de vida del carboniActualmente, la principal causa del cambio climático son las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. Estos gases se expulsan principalmente cuando se queman combustibles fósiles para obtener energía. Uno de los más importantes es el dióxido de carbono. La necesidad de evitar las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera aumenta exponencialmente con el paso de los años ya que sus emisiones están provocando cambios bruscos en la temperatura planetaria y cambios climáticos globales. Se están documentando varios enfoques y nuevas tecnologías para mitigar el aumento de este tipo de emisiones. Con este propósito, las nuevas tecnologías de captura, almacenamiento y utilización de carbono han llamado la atención mundial como una solución al requisito de reducción de emisiones. Presumen de ser una solución permanente al problema de las emisiones de CO2. Con el fin de encontrar un proceso eficiente de aprovechamiento y transformación de estas emisiones de CO2 capturadas, se ha realizado una extensa investigación bibliográfica. Los principales objetivos de estas transformaciones han sido cinco productos de alto valor que complementan varias industrias químicas: carbón, metanol, metano, dimetil éter y polímeros. Así, el CO2 de los gases de escape podría transformarse en nuevos productos o precursores de muchos otros valiosos para la industria. Estas tecnologías ayudan a mitigar el impacto en la atmósfera y pueden mejorar tanto la economía global como la escasez de materias primas, además de ayudar a crear un ciclo cerrado y limpio de vida del carbon