2,022 research outputs found

    Anisotropic total variation flow of non-divergence type on a higher dimensional torus

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    We extend the theory of viscosity solutions to a class of very singular nonlinear parabolic problems of non-divergence form in a periodic domain of an arbitrary dimension with diffusion given by an anisotropic total variation energy. We give a proof of a comparison principle, an outline of a proof of the stability under approximation by regularized parabolic problems, and an existence theorem for general continuous initial data, which extend the results recently obtained by the authors.Comment: 27 page

    Periodic total variation flow of non-divergence type in Rn

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    We introduce a new notion of viscosity solutions for a class of very singular nonlinear parabolic problems of non-divergence form in a periodic domain of arbitrary dimension, whose diffusion on flat parts with zero slope is so strong that it becomes a nonlocal quantity. The problems include the classical total variation flow and a motion of a surface by a crystalline mean curvature. We establish a comparison principle, the stability under approximation by regularized parabolic problems, and an existence theorem for general continuous initial data.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    A caricature of a singular curvature flow in the plane

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    We study a singular parabolic equation of the total variation type in one dimension. The problem is a simplification of the singular curvature flow. We show existence and uniqueness of weak solutions. We also prove existence of weak solutions to the semi-discretization of the problem as well as convergence of the approximating sequences. The semi-discretization shows that facets must form. For a class of initial data we are able to study in details the facet formation and interactions and their asymptotic behavior. We notice that our qualitative results may be interpreted with the help of a special composition of multivalued operators

    A level set crystalline mean curvature flow of surfaces

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    We introduce a new notion of viscosity solutions for the level set formulation of the motion by crystalline mean curvature in three dimensions. The solutions satisfy the comparison principle, stability with respect to an approximation by regularized problems, and we also show the uniqueness and existence of a level set flow for bounded crystals.Comment: 55 pages, 4 figure

    Existence and uniqueness for a crystalline mean curvature flow

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    An existence and uniqueness result, up to fattening, for a class of crystalline mean curvature flows with natural mobility is proved. The results are valid in any dimension and for arbitrary, possibly unbounded, initial closed sets. The comparison principle is obtained by means of a suitable weak formulation of the flow, while the existence of a global-in-time solution follows via a minimizing movements approach

    Lorentz space estimates for vector fields with divergence and curl in Hardy spaces

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    In this note, we establish the estimate on the Lorentz space L(3/2,1)L(3/2,1) for vector fields in bounded domains under the assumption that the normal or the tangential component of the vector fields on the boundary vanishing. We prove that the L(3/2,1)L(3/2,1) norm of the vector field can be controlled by the norms of its divergence and curl in the atomic Hardy spaces and the L1L^1 norm of the vector field itself.Comment: 11page

    Energy solutions to one-dimensional singular parabolic problems with BVBV data are viscosity solutions

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    We study one-dimensional very singular parabolic equations with periodic boundary conditions and initial data in BVBV, which is the energy space. We show existence of solutions in this energy space and then we prove that they are viscosity solutions in the sense of Giga-Giga.Comment: 15 page

    Bent rectangles as viscosity solutions over a circle

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    We study the motion of the so-called bent rectangles by the singular weighted mean curvature. We are interested in the curves which can be rendered as graphs over a smooth onedimensional reference manifold. We establish a sufficient condition for that. Once we deal with graphs we can have the tools of the viscosity theory available, like the Comparison Principle. With its help we establish uniqueness of variational solutions constructed by the authors [18]. In addition, we establish a criterion for the mobility coefficient guaranteeing vertex preservation

    Global well-posedness for the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations with highly oscillating initial data

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    In this paper, we prove the global well-posedness for the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations in the critical functional framework. Especially, this result allows to construct global solutions for a class of highly oscillating initial data.Comment: 20page

    Asymptotics of solutions to the Navier-Stokes system in exterior domains

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    We consider the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with the Dirichlet boundary condition in an exterior domain of Rn\mathbb{R}^n with n2n\geq2. We compare the long-time behaviour of solutions to this initial-boundary value problem with the long-time behaviour of solutions of the analogous Cauchy problem in the whole space Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We find that the long-time asymptotics of solutions to both problems coincide either in the case of small initial data in the weak LnL^{n}-space or for a certain class of large initial data