59 research outputs found

    Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles

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    We show that simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles. This gives a positive answer to a conjecture by D. Gieseker. The proof uses Hrushovski's theorem on periodic points.Comment: 16 pages. Revised version contains a more general theorem on torsion points on moduli, together with an illustration in rank 2 due to M. Raynaud. Reference added. Last version has some typos corrected. Appears in Invent.math

    Harper operators, Fermi curves, and Picard-Fuchs equations

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    This paper is a continuation of the work on the spectral problem of Harper operator using algebraic geometry. We continue to discuss the local monodromy of algebraic Fermi curves based on Picard-Lefschetz formula. The density of states over approximating components of Fermi curves satisfies a Picard-Fuchs equation. By the property of Landen transformation, the density of states has a Lambert series as the quarter period. A qq-expansion of the energy level can be derived from a mirror map as in the B-model.Comment: v2, 13 pages, minor changes have been mad

    Elliptic curve configurations on Fano surfaces

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    The elliptic curves on a surface of general type constitute an obstruction for the cotangent sheaf to be ample. In this paper, we give the classification of the configurations of the elliptic curves on the Fano surface of a smooth cubic threefold. That means that we give the number of such curves, their intersections and a plane model. This classification is linked to the classification of the automorphism groups of theses surfaces.Comment: 17 pages, accepted and shortened version, the rest will appear in "Fano surfaces with 12 or 30 elliptic curves

    Geometric invariant theory of syzygies, with applications to moduli spaces

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    We define syzygy points of projective schemes, and introduce a program of studying their GIT stability. Then we describe two cases where we have managed to make some progress in this program, that of polarized K3 surfaces of odd genus, and of genus six canonical curves. Applications of our results include effectivity statements for divisor classes on the moduli space of odd genus K3 surfaces, and a new construction in the Hassett-Keel program for the moduli space of genus six curves.Comment: v1: 23 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2017, v2: final version, corrects a sign error and resulting divisor class calculations on the moduli space of K3 surfaces in Section 5, other minor changes, In: Christophersen J., Ranestad K. (eds) Geometry of Moduli. Abelsymposium 2017. Abel Symposia, vol 14. Springer, Cha

    Higher Order Potential Expansion for the Continuous Limits of the Toda Hierarchy

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    A method for introducing the higher order terms in the potential expansion to study the continuous limits of the Toda hierarchy is proposed in this paper. The method ensures that the higher order terms are differential polynomials of the lower ones and can be continued to be performed indefinitly. By introducing the higher order terms, the fewer equations in the Toda hierarchy are needed in the so-called recombination method to recover the KdV hierarchy. It is shown that the Lax pairs, the Poisson tensors, and the Hamiltonians of the Toda hierarchy tend towards the corresponding ones of the KdV hierarchy in continuous limit.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, to be published in Journal of Physics

    Scattering theory for lattice operators in dimension d≄3d\geq 3

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    This paper analyzes the scattering theory for periodic tight-binding Hamiltonians perturbed by a finite range impurity. The classical energy gradient flow is used to construct a conjugate (or dilation) operator to the unperturbed Hamiltonian. For dimension d≄3d\geq 3 the wave operator is given by an explicit formula in terms of this dilation operator, the free resolvent and the perturbation. From this formula the scattering and time delay operators can be read off. Using the index theorem approach, a Levinson theorem is proved which also holds in presence of embedded eigenvalues and threshold singularities.Comment: Minor errors and misprints corrected; new result on absense of embedded eigenvalues for potential scattering; to appear in RM

    On the structure of eigenfunctions corresponding to embedded eigenvalues of locally perturbed periodic graph operators

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    The article is devoted to the following question. Consider a periodic self-adjoint difference (differential) operator on a graph (quantum graph) G with a co-compact free action of the integer lattice Z^n. It is known that a local perturbation of the operator might embed an eigenvalue into the continuous spectrum (a feature uncommon for periodic elliptic operators of second order). In all known constructions of such examples, the corresponding eigenfunction is compactly supported. One wonders whether this must always be the case. The paper answers this question affirmatively. What is more surprising, one can estimate that the eigenmode must be localized not far away from the perturbation (in a neighborhood of the perturbation's support, the width of the neighborhood determined by the unperturbed operator only). The validity of this result requires the condition of irreducibility of the Fermi (Floquet) surface of the periodic operator, which is expected to be satisfied for instance for periodic Schroedinger operators.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    A functorial construction of moduli of sheaves

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    We show how natural functors from the category of coherent sheaves on a projective scheme to categories of Kronecker modules can be used to construct moduli spaces of semistable sheaves. This construction simplifies or clarifies technical aspects of existing constructions and yields new simpler definitions of theta functions, about which more complete results can be proved.Comment: 52 pp. Dedicated to the memory of Joseph Le Potier. To appear in Inventiones Mathematicae. Slight change in the definition of the Kronecker algebra in Secs 1 (p3) and 2.2 (p6), with corresponding small alterations elsewhere, to make the constructions work for non-reduced schemes. Section 6.5 rewritten. Remark 2.6 and new references adde

    The classification of isotrivially fibred surfaces with p_g=q=2

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    An isotrivially fibred surface is a smooth projective surface endowed with a morphism onto a curve such that all the smooth fibres are isomorphic to each other. The first goal of this paper is to classify the isotrivially fibred surfaces with pg=q=2p_g=q=2 completing and extending a result of Zucconi. As an important byproduct, we provide new examples of minimal surfaces of general type with pg=q=2p_g=q=2 and K2=4,5K^2=4,5 and a first example with K2=6K^2=6.Comment: Main paper by M.Penegini. Appendix by S.Rollenske. 31 pages, 6 Figures. v2 changed group relations in Theorem 5.2, changes in Theorem 5.7, new proof of Theorem 4.15, minor corrections of misprint

    Boundary Fixed Points, Enhanced Gauge Symmetry and Singular Bundles on K3

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    We investigate certain fixed points in the boundary conformal field theory representation of type IIA D-branes on Gepner points of K3. They correspond geometrically to degenerate brane configurations, and physically lead to enhanced gauge symmetries on the world-volume. Non-abelian gauge groups arise if the stabilizer group of the fixed points is realized projectively, which is similar to D-branes on orbifolds with discrete torsion. Moreover, the fixed point boundary states can be resolved into several irreducible components. These correspond to bound states at threshold and can be viewed as (non-locally free) sub-sheaves of semi-stable sheaves. Thus, the BCFT fixed points appear to carry two-fold geometrical information: on the one hand they probe the boundary of the instanton moduli space on K3, on the other hand they probe discrete torsion in D-geometry.Comment: harvmac, 20
