563 research outputs found

    Faster Algorithms for Weighted Recursive State Machines

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    Pushdown systems (PDSs) and recursive state machines (RSMs), which are linearly equivalent, are standard models for interprocedural analysis. Yet RSMs are more convenient as they (a) explicitly model function calls and returns, and (b) specify many natural parameters for algorithmic analysis, e.g., the number of entries and exits. We consider a general framework where RSM transitions are labeled from a semiring and path properties are algebraic with semiring operations, which can model, e.g., interprocedural reachability and dataflow analysis problems. Our main contributions are new algorithms for several fundamental problems. As compared to a direct translation of RSMs to PDSs and the best-known existing bounds of PDSs, our analysis algorithm improves the complexity for finite-height semirings (that subsumes reachability and standard dataflow properties). We further consider the problem of extracting distance values from the representation structures computed by our algorithm, and give efficient algorithms that distinguish the complexity of a one-time preprocessing from the complexity of each individual query. Another advantage of our algorithm is that our improvements carry over to the concurrent setting, where we improve the best-known complexity for the context-bounded analysis of concurrent RSMs. Finally, we provide a prototype implementation that gives a significant speed-up on several benchmarks from the SLAM/SDV project

    Fit for what?: towards explaining Battlegroup inaction

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    The thrust of this paper concerns the case of the European Battlegroup (BG) non-deployment in late 2008, when the United Nations requested European military support for the United Nations Organisation Mission peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The argument is built on the fact that when, in official documents, the EU approaches the European security and ESDP/CSDP's military crisis management policy and interventions, it makes strong references to the United Nations and the UN Charter Chapter VII's mandate of restoring international peace and security. Such references make it seem that supporting the UN when it deals with threats and crises is a primary concern of the EU and the member states. These allusions lead to the main contention of this paper, that there is much ambivalence in these indications. The paper develops its argument from one key hypothesis; namely, that the non-deployment of a European BG in the DRC, at the end of 2008, constitutes a useful case study for detecting a number of ambiguities of the EU in respect of its declarations in the official documents establishing the European military crisis management intervention structure

    Fast index based algorithms and software for matching position specific scoring matrices

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    BACKGROUND: In biological sequence analysis, position specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) are widely used to represent sequence motifs in nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences. Searching with PSSMs in complete genomes or large sequence databases is a common, but computationally expensive task. RESULTS: We present a new non-heuristic algorithm, called ESAsearch, to efficiently find matches of PSSMs in large databases. Our approach preprocesses the search space, e.g., a complete genome or a set of protein sequences, and builds an enhanced suffix array that is stored on file. This allows the searching of a database with a PSSM in sublinear expected time. Since ESAsearch benefits from small alphabets, we present a variant operating on sequences recoded according to a reduced alphabet. We also address the problem of non-comparable PSSM-scores by developing a method which allows the efficient computation of a matrix similarity threshold for a PSSM, given an E-value or a p-value. Our method is based on dynamic programming and, in contrast to other methods, it employs lazy evaluation of the dynamic programming matrix. We evaluated algorithm ESAsearch with nucleotide PSSMs and with amino acid PSSMs. Compared to the best previous methods, ESAsearch shows speedups of a factor between 17 and 275 for nucleotide PSSMs, and speedups up to factor 1.8 for amino acid PSSMs. Comparisons with the most widely used programs even show speedups by a factor of at least 3.8. Alphabet reduction yields an additional speedup factor of 2 on amino acid sequences compared to results achieved with the 20 symbol standard alphabet. The lazy evaluation method is also much faster than previous methods, with speedups of a factor between 3 and 330. CONCLUSION: Our analysis of ESAsearch reveals sublinear runtime in the expected case, and linear runtime in the worst case for sequences not shorter than | [Formula: see text] |(m )+ m - 1, where m is the length of the PSSM and [Formula: see text] a finite alphabet. In practice, ESAsearch shows superior performance over the most widely used programs, especially for DNA sequences. The new algorithm for accurate on-the-fly calculations of thresholds has the potential to replace formerly used approximation approaches. Beyond the algorithmic contributions, we provide a robust, well documented, and easy to use software package, implementing the ideas and algorithms presented in this manuscript

    A parallel, distributed-memory framework for comparative motif discovery

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    The increasing number of sequenced organisms has opened new possibilities for the computational discovery of cis-regulatory elements ('motifs') based on phylogenetic footprinting. Word-based, exhaustive approaches are among the best performing algorithms, however, they pose significant computational challenges as the number of candidate motifs to evaluate is very high. In this contribution, we describe a parallel, distributed-memory framework for de novo comparative motif discovery. Within this framework, two approaches for phylogenetic footprinting are implemented: an alignment-based and an alignment-free method. The framework is able to statistically evaluate the conservation of motifs in a search space containing over 160 million candidate motifs using a distributed-memory cluster with 200 CPU cores in a few hours. Software available from http://bioinformatics.intec.ugent.be/blsspeller

    Convergence towards a European strategic culture? A constructivist framework for explaining changing norms.

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    The article contributes to the debate about the emergence of a European strategic culture to underpin a European Security and Defence Policy. Noting both conceptual and empirical weaknesses in the literature, the article disaggregates the concept of strategic culture and focuses on four types of norms concerning the means and ends for the use of force. The study argues that national strategic cultures are less resistant to change than commonly thought and that they have been subject to three types of learning pressures since 1989: changing threat perceptions, institutional socialization, and mediatized crisis learning. The combined effect of these mechanisms would be a process of convergence with regard to strategic norms prevalent in current EU countries. If the outlined hypotheses can be substantiated by further research the implications for ESDP are positive, especially if the EU acts cautiously in those cases which involve norms that are not yet sufficiently shared across countries

    Native Speaker Perceptions of Accented Speech: The English Pronunciation of Macedonian EFL Learners

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    The paper reports on the results of a study that aimed to describe the vocalic and consonantal features of the English pronunciation of Macedonian EFL learners as perceived by native speakers of English and to find out whether native speakers who speak different standard variants of English perceive the same segments as non-native. A specially designed computer web application was employed to gather two types of data: a) quantitative (frequency of segment variables and global foreign accent ratings on a 5-point scale), and b) qualitative (open-ended questions). The result analysis points out to three most frequent markers of foreign accent in the English speech of Macedonian EFL learners: final obstruent devoicing, vowel shortening and substitution of English dental fricatives with Macedonian dental plosives. It also reflects additional phonetic aspects poorly explained in the available reference literature such as allophonic distributional differences between the two languages and intonational mismatch

    The pre-concept design of the DEMO tritium, matter injection and vacuum systems

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    In the Pre-Concept Design Phase of EU-DEMO, the work package TFV (Tritium – Matter Injection – Vacuum) has developed a tritium self-sufficient three-loop fuel cycle architecture. Driven by the need to reduce the tritium inventory in the systems to an absolute minimum, this requires the continual recirculation of gases in loops without storage, avoiding hold-ups of tritium in each process stage by giving preference to continuous over batch technologies, and immediate use of tritium extracted from tritium breeding blankets. In order to achieve this goal, a number of novel concepts and technologies had to be found and their principal feasibility to be shown. This paper starts from a functional analysis of the fuel cycle and introduces the results of a technology survey and ranking exercise which provided the prime technology candidates for all system blocks. The main boundary conditions for the TFV systems are described based on which the fuel cycle architecture was developed and the required operational windows of all subsystems were defined. To validate this, various R&D lines were established, selected results of which are reported, together with the key technology developments. Finally, an outlook towards the Concept Design Phase is given