5,069 research outputs found

    Development and validation of an instrument to assess and improve clinical consultation skills

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    Context: Development of medical students’ consultation skills with patients is at the core of the UK General Medical Council’s 'Tomorrow’s Doctors' guide (2009). Teaching and assessment of these skills must therefore be a core component of the medical undergraduate curriculum. The Calgary Cambridge guide to the medical interview and the Leicester Assessment Package (LAP) provide a foundation for teaching and assessment, but both have different strengths. Objective: To develop and validate a comprehensive set of generic consultation competencies. Design: The Calgary Cambridge guide to the medical interview was revised to include ‘clinical reasoning’, ‘management’, ‘record keeping’ and ‘case presentation’. Each section was populated with competencies generated from Tomorrow’s Doctors (2009), the LAP and the Calgary Cambridge guide to the medical interview. A Delphi validation study was conducted with a panel drawn from hospital and general practice clinical tutors from eight UK medical schools. Main outcome measures: A priori consensus standards for inclusion (or exclusion) of an element were: at Stage 1 =70% agreement (or disagreement) that the item should be included; at Stage 2 =50% agreement (or disagreement) that the item should be included. If more than 10% of respondents suggested a thematically similar new item (or rewording of an existing item) in Stage 1, it was included in Stage 2. Results: The design stage resulted in a set of 9 categories of consultation skills with 58 component competencies. In the Delphi study all the competencies reached 70% agreement for inclusion, with 24 suggested amendments, all of which achieved consensus for inclusion at Stage 2. Conclusion: We have developed a Generic Consultation Skills assessment framework (GeCoS) through a rigorous initial development and piloting process and a multi-institutional and multi-speciality Delphi process. GeCoS is now ready for use as a tool for teaching, formative and summative assessment in any simulated or workplace environment in the hospital or community clinical setting

    Multi-objective Bayesian optimisation using an exploitative attainment front acquisition function

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordEfficient methods for optimising expensive black-box problems with multiple objectives can often themselves become prohibitively expensive as the number of objectives is increased. We propose an infill criterion based on the distance to the summary attainment front which does not rely on the expensive hypervolume or expected improvement computations, which are the principal causes of poor dimensional scaling in current stateof-the-art approaches. By evaluating performance on the wellknown Walking Fish Group problem set, we show that our method delivers similar performance to the current state-of-theart. We further show that methods based on surrogate mean predictions are more often than not superior to the widely used expected improvement, suggesting that the additional exploration produced by accounting for the uncertainty in the surrogate’s prediction of the optimisation landscape is often unnecessary and does not aid convergence towards the Pareto fron

    Cognitive appraisal of environmental stimuli induces emotion-like states in fish

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    The occurrence of emotions in non-human animals has been the focus of debate over the years. Recently, an interest in expanding this debate to non-tetrapod vertebrates and to invertebrates has emerged. Within vertebrates, the study of emotion in teleosts is particularly interesting since they represent a divergent evolutionary radiation from that of tetrapods, and thus they provide an insight into the evolution of the biological mechanisms of emotion. We report that Sea Bream exposed to stimuli that vary according to valence (positive, negative) and salience (predictable, unpredictable) exhibit different behavioural, physiological and neuromolecular states. Since according to the dimensional theory of emotion valence and salience define a two-dimensional affective space, our data can be interpreted as evidence for the occurrence of distinctive affective states in fish corresponding to each the four quadrants of the core affective space. Moreover, the fact that the same stimuli presented in a predictable vs. unpredictable way elicited different behavioural, physiological and neuromolecular states, suggests that stimulus appraisal by the individual, rather than an intrinsic characteristic of the stimulus, has triggered the observed responses. Therefore, our data supports the occurrence of emotion-like states in fish that are regulated by the individual's perception of environmental stimuli.European Commission [265957 Copewell]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [SFRH/BD/80029/2011, SFRH/BPD/72952/2010]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Choosing the Best Direction of Printing for Additive Manufacturing Process in Medical Applications Using a New Geometric Complexity Model Based on Part CAD Data

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    Additive manufacturing processes is now experiencing significant growth and is at the origin of intense research activity (optimization of topology, biomedical applications, etc.). One of the characteristics of this method is that the geometric complexity is free. The complexity of a CAD model is also a field of research. The basic idea is that the complexity of a component has implications in design and especially in manufacturing. Indeed, industrial competitiveness in the mechanical field generated the need to produce increasingly complex systems and parts (in terms of geometry, topology ...). Part deposition orientation is also very important factor of additive manufacturing as it effects build time, support structure, dimensional accuracy, surface finish and cost of the part. A number of layered manufacturing process specific parameters and constraints have to be considered while deciding the part deposition orientation. Determination of an optimal part deposition orientation is a difficult and time consuming task as one has to trade-off among various contradicting objectives like part surface finish and build time. This paper describes and compares various attempts made to determine part deposition orientation of orthoses using geometric complexity model and part CAD information. (c) Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

    On-chip manipulation of single photons from a diamond defect

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    Operating reconfigurable quantum circuits with single photon sources is a key goal of photonic quantum information science and technology. We use an integrated waveguide device containing directional couplers and a reconfigurable thermal phase controller to manipulate single photons emitted from a chromium related color center in diamond. Observation of both a wavelike interference pattern and particlelike sub-Poissionian autocorrelation functions demonstrates coherent manipulation of single photons emitted from the chromium related center and verifies wave particle duality. © 2013 American Physical Society

    The regional economic impact of more graduates in the labour market: a “micro-to-macro” analysis for Scotland

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    This paper explores the system-wide impact of graduates on the regional economy. Graduates enjoy a significant wage premium, often interpreted as reflecting their greater productivity relative to non-graduates. If this is so there is a clear and direct supply-side impact of HEI activities on regional economies. We use an HEI-disaggregated computable general equilibrium model of Scotland to estimate the impact of the growing proportion of graduates in the Scottish labour force that is implied by the current participation rate and demographic change, taking the graduate wage premium in Scotland as an indicator of productivity enhancement. While the detailed results vary with alternative assumptions about the extent to which wage premia reflect productivity, they do suggest that the long-term supply-side impacts of HEIs provide a significant boost to regional GDP. Furthermore, the results suggest that the supply-side impacts of HEIs are likely to be more important than the expenditure impacts that are the focus of most HEI impact studies

    A Geographically-Restricted but Prevalent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strain Identified in the West Midlands Region of the UK between 1995 and 2008

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    Background: We describe the identification of, and risk factors for, the single most prevalent Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain in the West Midlands region of the UK.Methodology/Principal Findings: Prospective 15-locus MIRU-VNTR genotyping of all M. tuberculosis isolates in the West Midlands between 2004 and 2008 was undertaken. Two retrospective epidemiological investigations were also undertaken using univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis. The first study of all TB patients in the West Midlands between 2004 and 2008 identified a single prevalent strain in each of the study years (total 155/3,056 (5%) isolates). This prevalent MIRU-VNTR profile (32333 2432515314 434443183) remained clustered after typing with an additional 9-loci MIRU-VNTR and spoligotyping. The majority of these patients (122/155, 79%) resided in three major cities located within a 40 km radius. From the apparent geographical restriction, we have named this the "Mercian" strain. A multivariate analysis of all TB patients in the West Midlands identified that infection with a Mercian strain was significantly associated with being UK-born (OR = 9.03, 95% CI = 4.56-17.87, p 65 years old (OR = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.09-0.67, p < 0.01). A second more detailed investigation analyzed a cohort of 82 patients resident in Wolverhampton between 2003 and 2006. A significant association with being born in the UK remained after a multivariate analysis (OR = 9.68, 95% CI = 2.00-46.78, p < 0.01) and excess alcohol intake and cannabis use (OR = 6.26, 95% CI = 1.45-27.02, p = .01) were observed as social risk factors for infection.Conclusions/Significance: The continued consistent presence of the Mercian strain suggests ongoing community transmission. Whilst significant associations have been found, there may be other common risk factors yet to be identified. Future investigations should focus on targeting the relevant risk groups and elucidating the biological factors that mediate continued transmission of this strain

    A combined transmission spectrum of the Earth-sized exoplanets TRAPPIST-1 b and c

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    Three Earth-sized exoplanets were recently discovered close to the habitable zone of the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. The nature of these planets has yet to be determined, since their masses remain unmeasured and no observational constraint is available for the planetary population surrounding ultracool dwarfs, of which the TRAPPIST-1 planets are the first transiting example. Theoretical predictions span the entire atmospheric range from depleted to extended hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. Here, we report a space-based measurement of the combined transmission spectrum of the two inner planets made possible by a favorable alignment resulting in their simultaneous transits on 04 May 2016. The lack of features in the combined spectrum rules out cloud-free hydrogen-dominated atmospheres for each planet at 10-σ\sigma levels; TRAPPIST-1 b and c are hence unlikely to harbor an extended gas envelope as they lie in a region of parameter space where high-altitude cloud/haze formation is not expected to be significant for hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. Many denser atmospheres remain consistent with the featureless transmission spectrum---from a cloud-free water vapour atmosphere to a Venus-like atmosphere.Comment: Early release to inform further the upcoming review of HST's Cycle 24 proposal

    The genome sequence of <i>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</i>, causative agent of chronic Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Background:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Trypanosoma brucei gambiense&lt;/i&gt; is the causative agent of chronic Human African Trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness, a disease endemic across often poor and rural areas of Western and Central Africa. We have previously published the genome sequence of a &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; isolate, and have now employed a comparative genomics approach to understand the scale of genomic variation between &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; and the reference genome. We sought to identify features that were uniquely associated with &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; and its ability to infect humans.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods and findings:&lt;/b&gt; An improved high-quality draft genome sequence for the group 1 &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; DAL 972 isolate was produced using a whole-genome shotgun strategy. Comparison with &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; showed that sequence identity averages 99.2% in coding regions, and gene order is largely collinear. However, variation associated with segmental duplications and tandem gene arrays suggests some reduction of functional repertoire in &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; DAL 972. A comparison of the variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) in &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; with all &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; sequence reads showed that the essential structural repertoire of VSG domains is conserved across &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; This study provides the first estimate of intraspecific genomic variation within &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt;, and so has important consequences for future population genomics studies. We have shown that the &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; genome corresponds closely with the reference, which should therefore be an effective scaffold for any &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt; genome sequence data. As VSG repertoire is also well conserved, it may be feasible to describe the total diversity of variant antigens. While we describe several as yet uncharacterized gene families with predicted cell surface roles that were expanded in number in &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt;, no &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt;-specific gene was identified outside of the subtelomeres that could explain the ability to infect humans.&lt;/p&gt

    Identification of the factors associated with outcomes in a condition management programme

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: A requirement of the Government’s Pathways to Work (PtW) agenda was to introduce a Condition Management Programme (CMP). The aim of the present study was to identify the differences between those who engaged and made progress in this telephone-based biopsychosocial intervention, in terms of their health, and those who did not and to determine the client and practitioner characteristics and programme elements associated with success in a programme aimed at improving health.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Data were obtained from the CMP electronic spreadsheets and clients paper-based case records. CMP standard practice was that questionnaires were administered during the pre- and post-assessment phases over the telephone. Each client’s record contains their socio-demographic data, their primary health condition, as well as the pre- and post-intervention scores of the health assessment tool administered. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the relationships between the database variables. Clients were included in the study if their records were available for analysis from July 2006 to December 2007.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Results: On average there were 112 referrals per month, totalling 2016 referrals during the evaluation period. The majority (62.8%) of clients had a mental-health condition. Successful completion of the programme was 28.5% (575 “completers”; 144 “discharges”). Several factors, such as age, health condition, mode of contact, and practitioner characteristics, were significant determinants of participation and completion of the programme. The results showed that completion of the CMP was associated with a better mental-health status, by reducing the number of clients that were either anxious, depressed or both, before undertaking the programme, from 74% to 32.5%.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: Our findings showed that an individual's characteristics are associated with success in the programme, defined as completing the intervention and demonstrating an improved health status. This study provides some evidence that the systematic evaluation of such programmes and interventions could identify ways in which they could be improved.&lt;/p&gt