21,682 research outputs found

    RISE: a fast-readout imager for exoplanet transit timing

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    By the precise timing of the low amplitude (0.005 - 0.02 magnitude) transits of exoplanets around their parent star it should be possible to infer the presence of other planetary bodies in the system down to Earth-like masses. We describe the design and construction of RISE, a fast-readout frame transfer camera for the Liverpool Telescope designed to carry out this experiment. The results of our commissioning tests are described as well as the data reduction procedure necessary. We present light curves of two objects, showing that the desired timing and photometric accuracy can be obtained providing that autoguiding is used to keep the target on the same detector pixel for the entire (typically 4 hour) observing run.Comment: Published in PROC SPIE, vol 7014, 70416

    Non-invasive, near-field terahertz imaging of hidden objects using a single pixel detector

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    Terahertz (THz) imaging has the ability to see through otherwise opaque materials. However, due to the long wavelengths of THz radiation ({\lambda}=300{\mu}m at 1THz), far-field THz imaging techniques are heavily outperformed by optical imaging in regards to the obtained resolution. In this work we demonstrate near-field THz imaging with a single-pixel detector. We project a time-varying optical mask onto a silicon wafer which is used to spatially modulate a pulse of THz radiation. The far-field transmission corresponding to each mask is recorded by a single element detector and this data is used to reconstruct the image of an object placed on the far side of the silicon wafer. We demonstrate a proof of principal application where we image a printed circuit board on the underside of a 115{\mu}m thick silicon wafer with ~100{\mu}m ({\lambda}/4) resolution. With subwavelength resolution and the inherent sensitivity to local conductivity provided by the THz probe frequencies, we show that it is possible to detect fissures in the circuitry wiring of a few microns in size. Imaging systems of this type could have other uses where non-invasive measurement or imaging of concealed structures with high resolution is necessary, such as in semiconductor manufacturing or in bio-imaging

    Spin photocurrents and circular photon drag effect in (110)-grown quantum well structures

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    We report on the study of spin photocurrents in (110)-grown quantum well structures. Investigated effects comprise the circular photogalvanic effect and so far not observed circular photon drag effect. The experimental data can be described by an analytical expression derived from a phenomenological theory. A microscopic model of the circular photon drag effect is developed demonstrating that the generated current has spin dependent origin.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Chaotic Interaction of Langmuir Solitons and Long Wavelength Radiation

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    In this work we analyze the interaction of isolated solitary structures and ion-acoustic radiation. If the radiation amplitude is small solitary structures persists, but when the amplitude grows energy transfer towards small spatial scales occurs. We show that transfer is particularly fast when a fixed point of a low dimensional model is destroyed.Comment: LaTex + 4 eps file

    Termination dependent topological surface states of the natural superlattice phase Bi4_4Se3_3

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    We describe the topological surface states of Bi4_4Se3_3, a compound in the infinitely adaptive Bi2_2-Bi2_2Se3_3 natural superlattice phase series, determined by a combination of experimental and theoretical methods. Two observable cleavage surfaces, terminating at Bi or Se, are characterized by angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, and modeled by ab-initio density functional theory calculations. Topological surface states are observed on both surfaces, but with markedly different dispersions and Kramers point energies. Bi4_4Se3_3 therefore represents the only known compound with different topological states on differently terminated surfaces.Comment: 5 figures references added Published in PRB: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.08110

    The Lambda-Lambda Interaction and ^{6}_{Lambda Lambda}He

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    An OBE potential model for the ^{1}S_0 S = -2 interaction is analyzed with emphasis on the role of coupling between the Lambda Lambda, N Xi, and Sigma Sigma channels. Singlet scalar exchange, an approximation to two-pion exchange, is significant in all channels; surprisingly, the one-pion exchange component is almost negligible. The size of the channel coupling as a function of the overall strength of the OBE model potential is examined. Implications of the analysis for the binding energy of ^{6}_{Lambda Lambda}He are considered; the new experimental datum may suggest a consistency between the extracted Lambda Lambda matrix element and the relation implied by SU(3) among OBE baryon-baryon interactions. \\Comment: 4 pages brief report to Physical Review

    Magnetoresistance, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic rare-earth transition-metal magnesium compounds

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    We present a study of the magnetoresistance, the specific heat and the magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic RETRETMg intermetallics with RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Eu, Gd, Yb and T=AgT = {\rm Ag}, Au and of GdAuIn. Depending on the composition these compounds are paramagnetic (RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Yb) or they order either ferro- or antiferromagnetically with transition temperatures ranging from about 13 to 81 K. All of them are metallic, but the resistivity varies over 3 orders of magnitude. The magnetic order causes a strong decrease of the resistivity and around the ordering temperature we find pronounced magnetoresistance effects. The magnetic ordering also leads to well-defined anomalies in the specific heat. An analysis of the entropy change leads to the conclusions that generally the magnetic transition can be described by an ordering of localized S=7/2S=7/2 moments arising from the half-filled 4f74f^7 shells of Eu2+^{2+} or Gd3+^{3+}. However, for GdAgMg we find clear evidence for two phase transitions indicating that the magnetic ordering sets in partially below about 125 K and is completed via an almost first-order transition at 39 K. The magnetocaloric effect is weak for the antiferromagnets and rather pronounced for the ferromagnets for low magnetic fields around the zero-field Curie temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures include
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