767 research outputs found

    La preuve à l'épreuve. Origines et modalités de l'enquête pénale selon Michel Foucault

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    Duguit, e depois? Direito, propriedade e relações sociais

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    In this paper, we present the famous Duguist critique of property based on its sociological foundations. We thus return to the difficulties encountered by Duguit in defending his thesis that property would be a "social function": the demand for solidarity on which the law is supposed to be based turns out to be not so much an objective fact as a demand axiological, for which Duguit finds himself faced with the difficulty of precisely defining the articulation between facts and values, which is at the base of his project of re-founding the law. We show that the interest of the Duguist action lies, however, in this unfinished attempt to re-inscribe the notion of private property in its social framework, which constitutes a critique of the power relations inherent to the market society. Duguit's originality lies then, even today, in his attempt to incorporate public institutions into the effective critique of such a society.Presentamos aquí la famosa crítica duguista de la propiedad a partir de sus fundamentos sociológicos. Volvemos así sobre las dificultades con que se topó Duguit para defender su tesis según la cual la propiedad sería una «función social»: la exigencia de solidaridad sobre la que se supone que se funda el derecho resulta ser no tanto un hecho objetivo como una exigencia axiológica, por lo que Duguit se encuentra ante la dificultad de definir con precisión la articulación entre los hechos y los valores, que se encuentra en la base de su proyecto de refundación del derecho. Demostramos que el interés de la acción duguista reside, sin embargo, en este intento inacabado de reinscribir la noción de propiedad privada en su marco social, lo que constituye una crítica de las relaciones de poder propias de la sociedad de mercado. La originalidad de Duguit reside entonces, aún hoy, en su intento de incorporar las instituciones públicas en la crítica eficaz de tal sociedad.Nous présentons ici la fameuse critique duguiste de la pro­priété basée sur ses fondements sociologiques. On revient ainsi sur les difficultés rencontrées par Duguit pour défendre sa thèse selon laquelle la propriété serait une «fonction sociale»: l’exigence de soli­darité sur laquelle le droit est censé se fonder s’avère être moins un fait objectif qu’une exigence axiologique, pour lequel Duguit se trouve confronté à la difficulté de définir précisément l’articulation entre faits et valeurs, qui est à la base de son projet de refondation du droit. Nous montrons que l’intérêt de l’action duguiste réside cependant dans cette tentative inachevée de réinscrire la notion de propriété privée dans son contexte social, qui constitue une critique des rapports de force inhé­rents à la société de marché. L’originalité de Duguit réside alors, encore aujourd’hui, dans sa tentative d’incorporer les institutions publiques dans la critique effective d’une telle société.Apresentamos aqui a famosa crítica duguista da propriedade a partir de seus fundamentos sociológicos. Voltamos assim sobre as dificuldades encontradas por Duguit para defender sua tese de acordo com a qual a propriedade seria uma “função social”: a exigência de solidariedade em que o direitoi supostamente se deve basear revela-se não tanto um facto objectivo mas uma exigência axiológica, de modo que Duguit encontra-se com a dificuldade de definir com precisão a articulação entre factos e valores, que está na base de seu projecto de refundação do direito. Demonstramos que o interesse da acção de duguista reside, no entanto, nesta tentativa inacabada de reinscrever a noção de propriedade privada em seu quadro social, o que constitui uma crítica das relações de poder típicas da sociedade de mercado. A originalidade de Duguit reside então, ainda hoje, em sua tentativa de incorporar as instituições públicas na crítica efectiva de tal sociedade

    Duguit, e depois? Direito, propriedade e relações sociais

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    Presentamos aquí la famosa crítica duguista de la propiedad a partir de sus fundamentos sociológicos. Volvemos así sobre las dificultades con que se topó Duguit para defender su tesis según la cual la propiedad sería una «función social»: la exigencia de solidaridad sobre la que se supone que se funda el derecho resulta ser no tanto un hecho objetivo como una exigencia axiológica, por lo que Duguit se encuentra ante la dificultad de definir con precisión la articulación entre los hechos y los valores, que se encuentra en la base de su proyecto de refundación del derecho. Demostramos que el interés de la acción duguista reside, sin embargo, en este intento inacabado de reinscribir la noción de propiedad privada en su marco social, lo que constituye una crítica de las relaciones de poder propias de la sociedad de mercado. La originalidad de Duguit reside entonces, aún hoy, en su intento de incorporar las instituciones públicas en la crítica eficaz de tal sociedad.Apresentamos aqui a famosa crítica duguista da propriedade a partir de seus fundamentos sociológicos. Voltamos assim sobre as dificuldades encontradas por Duguit para defender sua tese de acordo com a qual a propriedade seria uma “função social”: a exigência de solidariedade em que o direitoi supostamente se deve basear revela-se não tanto um facto objectivo mas uma exigência axiológica, de modo que Duguit encontra-se com a dificuldade de definir com precisão a articulação entre factos e valores, que está na base de seu projecto de refundação do direito. Demonstramos que o interesse da acção de duguista reside, no entanto, nesta tentativa inacabada de reinscrever a noção de propriedade privada em seu quadro social, o que constitui uma crítica das relações de poder típicas da sociedade de mercado. A originalidade de Duguit reside então, ainda hoje, em sua tentativa de incorporar as instituições públicas na crítica efectiva de tal sociedade.In this paper, we present the famous Duguist critique of property based on its sociological foundations. We thus return to the difficulties encountered by Duguit in defending his thesis that property would be a “social function”: the demand for solidarity on which the law is supposed to be based turns out to be not so much an objective fact as a demand axiological, for which Duguit finds himself faced with the difficulty of precisely defining the articulation between facts and values, which is at the base of his project of re-founding the law. We show that the interest of the Duguist action lies, however, in this unfi-nished attempt to re-inscribe the notion of private property in its social framework, which constitutes a critique of the power relations inherent to the market society. Duguit’s originality lies then, even today, in his attempt to incorporate public institutions into the effective critique of such a society.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema: Outcomes from an Angioedema Expert Consensus Meeting

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    Several types of angioedema exist beyond hereditary angioedema (HAE) types I/II; however, the diagnostic and treatment needs of these conditions are not well understood. Noticeably, there are no licensed treatments available for other forms of angioedema beyond HAE types I/II, and similarly they are unresponsive to conventional antihistamine/glucocorticoid treatment. A group of angioedema experts met in Budapest in May 2013 to discuss such issues, presenting their experience, reviewing available literature and identifying unmet diagnostic and treatment needs in three different angioedema types: HAE with normal C1-inhibitor (C1-INH; previously referred to as type III HAE); nonallergic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)-induced angioedema (ACEI-AAE), and acquired angioedema due to C1-INH deficiency (C1-INH-AAE). The group identified unmet diagnostic and treatment needs in HAE-nC1-INH, C1-INH-AAE and ACEI-AAE, explored remedies and made recommendations on how to diagnose and treat these forms of angioedema. The group discussed the difficulties associated with using diagnostic markers, such as the level and function of C1-INH, C1q and C4 to reliably diagnose the angioedema type, and considered the use of genetic testing to identify mutations in FXII or XPNPEP2 that have been associated with HAE-nC1-INH and ACEI-AAE, respectively. Due to the lack of approved treatments for HAE-nC1-INH, ACEI-AAE and C1-INH-AAE, the group presented several case studies in which therapies approved for treatment of HAE types I/II, such as icatibant, ecallantide and pasteurized, nanofiltered C1-INH, were successful. It was uniformly agreed that further studies are needed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of angioedema other than HAE types I/II. (c) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

    La promotion de la santé mentale des pères durant la période périnatale: travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction: Depuis 2015, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé [OMS] appelle les Sages-femmes* à inclure les pères dans les services de périnatalité pour améliorer la santé des mères et des enfants. Cependant, selon les recherches récentes près d’un père sur dix souffrirait de dépression périnatale [DPN] avec des répercussions négatives sur toute la famille notamment le développement des enfants. Objectif : Explorer les facteurs protecteurs de la santé mentale des pères et le rôle que pourraient avoir les sages-femmes auprès des pères. Méthode : Ce travail est une revue de la littérature scientifique limitée à 5 articles recueillis dans les bases de données Medline, PsycINFO, CINAHL, MIDIRS et le moteur de recherche Google Scholar grâce à des mots6clés tels que « fathers », « mental health » et « midwives » avec un filtre incluant les publications du 1.01.2004 au 15.01.2018. Résultats : Selon les études, les pères ont besoin de soutien émotionnel et informatif pour assurer leur bien6être psychique durant la période périnatale. Le bien-être de la partenaire, la satisfaction dans le couple, le sentiment de cohérence familiale et le sentiment d’auto6efficacité parentale seraient des facteurs protecteurs de la DPN. Les pères expriment un sentiment d’exclusion des services de périnatalité et un manque de reconnaissance dans leur rôle de coparent. Ils questionnent leur légitimité à y être inclus craignant le regard de la société et d’ôter des ressources à la mère et l’enfant. Les sages6femmes ont besoin de formations complémentaires et ne semblent pas être l’interlocuteur privilégié, cependant elles peuvent avoir un impact favorable. Les pères se disent intéressés par de l’information sur différents supports et des services de périnatalité plus flexibles. Limites : La santé mentale des pères est un objet de recherche récent et les publications peu nombreuses limitent la comparaison des résultats. De plus, la paternité évoluant rapidement socialement, cette revue de la littérature devrait être mise à jour régulièrement. Conclusion : Ces résultats invitent les sages-femmes à réfléchir à la place accordée aux pères dans les services de périnatalité, la formation des sages6 femmes et les programmes à destination des parents. Des interventions favorisant le bien être des partenaires, la qualité de la relation de couple, le sentiment de cohérence familial et le sentiment d’auto-efficacité parentale des pères pourraient être mises en place. *Bien qu'il s'entende aussi au masculin, le terme sage-femme est employé au féminin par mesure de simplification

    Shoot regeneration and genetic transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. leaf discs

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    A reproducible procedure was developed for genetic transformation of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. cv. Blaumeise by Agrobacterium tumefaciens following the development of an efficient regeneration system using leaf discs excised from 12 to 15 weeks old meristem-derived vitroplants. Explants were cultivated on solid B5 medium complemented with maltose 110 mM, BAP 10 μM and NAA 0.5 μM. A low light regime of 17 μmol m−2 s−1 improved regeneration frequency up to 86%. For transformation, leaf discs were inoculated and co-cultivated with two disarmed A. tumefaciens strains, EHA 101 and LBA 4404, both carrying the binary vector pFAJ3000 which contained the nptII selectable gene and the GUS reporter gene. A pre-culture period of 3 days and a short co-cultivation duration (1 day) improved the efficiency of transformation. Inoculation of only 10 min with agitation including (or not) vacuum infiltration was sufficient. If selection on kanamycin containing medium was applied after a 2 weeks culture period on shoot regeneration medium, the percentage of explants forming kanamycin-resistant shoots increased from 3.3 to 13.3%. Integration and expression of the introduced transgene were confirmed by histochemical GUS assay, PCR and Southern blot analysis. Flowering of transgenic plants in glasshouse occurred 10 months after acclimatization

    Short-term pretreatment with a dual 5α-reductase inhibitor before bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (b-turp): evaluation of prostate vascularity and decreased surgical blood loss in large prostates

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    Objective: To investigate if short-term treatment with dutasteride (8 weeks) before bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (B-TURP) can reduce intraoperative bleeding, as dutasteride a dual 5α-reductase inhibitor (5-ARI) blocks the conversion of testosterone into its active form dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and reduces prostate volume and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, while increasing urinary flow rate. Patients and Methods: In all, 259 patients were enrolled and randomised to two groups: Group A, receiving placebo and Group B, receiving dutasteride (0.5mg daily for 8 weeks). Blood samples were taken before and after B-TURP for serum chemistry evaluation. In particular we evaluated blood parameters associated with blood loss [haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (Ht)] and prostate vascularity [vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) immunoreactivity and microvessel density (MVD) using cluster of differentiation 34 (CD34) immunoreactivity]. Results: Total testosterone, DHT, PSA level and prostate volume were evaluated and with the exception of DHT and PSA level there was no statistically significant differences between the groups. When comparing changes in Hb and Ht between Group A and Group B before and after B-TURP, there was a statistically significant difference only in patients with large prostates of ≥50mL (ΔHb 3.86 vs 2.05g/dL and ΔHt 4.98 vs 2.64%, in Groups A and B, respectively). There was no significant difference in MVD and VEGF index in prostates of <50mL, conversely in large prostates the difference become statistically significant. Conclusions: Dutasteride was able to reduce operative and perioperative bleeding only in patients with large prostates (≥50mL) that underwent B-TURP. Our findings are confirmed by Hb and Ht values reported before and after the B-TURP and reductions in the molecular markers for VEGF and CD34 in the dutasteride-treated specimens

    miRNA profiles as a predictor of chemoresponsiveness in Wilms' tumor blastema.

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    The current SIOP treatment protocol for Wilms' tumor involves pre-operative chemotherapy followed by nephrectomy. Not all patients benefit equally from such chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to generate a miRNA profile of chemo resistant blastemal cells in high risk Wilms' tumors which might serve as predictive markers of therapeutic response at the pre-treatment biopsy stage. We have shown here that unsupervised hierarchical clustering of genome-wide miRNA expression profiles can clearly separate intermediate risk tumors from high risk tumors. A total of 29 miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed between post-treatment intermediate risk and high risk groups, including miRNAs that have been previously linked to chemo resistance in other cancer types. Furthermore, 7 of these 29 miRNAs were already at the pre-treatment biopsy stage differentially expressed between cases ultimately deemed intermediate risk compared to high risk. These miRNA alterations include down-regulation in high risk cases of miR-193a.5p, miR-27a and the up-regulation of miR-483.5p, miR-628.5p, miR-590.5p, miR-302a and miR-367. The demonstration of such miRNA markers at the pre-treatment biopsy stage could permit stratification of patients to more tailored treatment regimens

    Attenuated androgen discontinuation in patients with hereditary angioedema: a commented case series

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    Background: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is characterized by potentially severe and life-threatening attacks of localized swelling. Prophylactic therapies are available, including attenuated androgens. Efficacy of attenuated androgens has not been assessed in large, randomized, placebo-controlled trials and can be associated with frequent, and sometimes severe, side effects. As better tolerated targeted therapies become available, attenuated androgen withdrawal is increasingly considered by physicians and their patients with HAE. Attenuated androgens withdrawal has not been systematically studied in HAE, although examination of other disorders indicates that attenuated androgen withdrawal may result in mood disturbances and flu-like symptoms. Standardized protocols for attenuated androgen discontinuation that continue to provide control of attacks while limiting potential attenuated androgen withdrawal symptoms are not established as the outcomes of different withdrawal strategies have not been compared. We aim to describe the challenges of attenuated androgen discontinuation in patients with HAE and how these may continue into the post-androgen period. Case presentation: We present a retrospective case series of 10 patients with confirmed type I HAE who have discontinued prophylactic treatment with attenuated androgens. The most common reason for attenuated androgen discontinuation was side effects. Attenuated androgens were either immediately withdrawn, tapered and/or overlapped with another treatment. The major challenge of discontinuation was the management of an increased frequency and severity of HAE attacks in some patients. Conclusions: Healthcare teams need to undertake careful planning and monitoring after attenuated androgens discontinuation, and modify treatment strategies if HAE control is destabilized with an increased number of attacks. Discontinuation of attenuated androgens is definitively an option in an evolving HAE treatment landscape, and outcomes can be favourable with additional patient support and education