8,215 research outputs found

    Selection in Unsolicited Ratings: the Case of the Sovereign Debt Market

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    This paper aims at contributing to the debate on whether unsolicited ratings are strategically motivated. I present evidence from the sovereign debt market that strategic motivation is not necessarily behind the patterns that we see in the data and propose a model of credit ratings and ancillary services that abstracts from strategic considerations. In my model, borrowers with different unobservable characteristics select themselves into different solicitation groups. In equilibrium, the model can generate either a negative or a positive selection on unsolicited ratings, depending on the share of unsolicited ratings in a given market. The economic mechanism analyzed in this paper implies a "natural" degree of market selection which is not associated to strategic motivation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Caracterización e interpretación automática de descripciones conceptuales en dominios poco estructurados usando variables numéricas

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    La investigación que se presenta en este proyecto, tiene como objetivo fundamental: establecer una metodología formal para la generación automática de descripciones conceptuales de clases construidas en dominios de naturaleza continua, reales y complejos, llamados Dominios poco Estructurados. Si bien, la metodología tiene como punto de partida el estudio del boxplot múltiple, la formalización del procedimiento de interpretación visual pasa por determinar los valores de cada variable donde se producen cambios en la distribución y construir la tabla de frecuencias condicionadas a dichos intervalos. Ello da lugar a una representación difusa de los grados de pertenencia de los valores de la variable a las distintas clases; lo que constituye un cómodo soporte para caracterizar e interpretar automáticamente las descripciones conceptuales de las clases. La metodología aporta un sistema de caracterización de clases, desde un punto de vista semántico, en comparación con otros métodos de cluster, cuando se aplica sobre datos provenientes de un Dominio poco Estructurado; además, de una nueva aproximación para discretizar el espacio de atributos cuantitativos en términos de intervalos de longitud variable como base de la metodología, y contribuciones a la validación de una clasificación, en cuanto a su representación y calidad, en el sentido de que una clasificación es válida si probamos que las clases obtenidas tienen sentido o utilidad y a la generación automática de clases resultantes como base del proceso predicción y/o diagnóstico. La metodología representa una nueva forma para extraer conocimiento útil y comprensible por el usuario usando una combinación de herramientas estadísticas (boxplot múltiple, análisis de datos), inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje automático, sistemas basados en el conocimiento) y lógica difusa (modelos y razonamiento difusos). Como caso de estudio se ha aplicado a una base de datos de una depuradora de aguas residuales que se describe en el capítulo 4 usando atributos cuantitativos, los resultados que se han obtenidos son prometedores, constituyendo un primer paso para establecer una metodología formal en la obtención automática de interpretaciones conceptuales de clases, sobre la base de atributos cuantitativos para describir los objetos (días en este caso de estudio). Finalmente, nuestro trabajo cumple todas las fases del proceso KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) descritas por Fayyad et al., enfatizando la fase de generación automática de interpretación, en nuestro caso, de las clases resultantes de una partición de referencia.Postprint (published version

    Artistic Identities and Professional Strategies : Francophone Musicians in France and Britain

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    Funding This work was supported by Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/E508628/1] and European Commission [grant number HPSE-CT-2002-00133].Peer reviewedPostprin

    A Changing Climate: Statistical Evidence of the Intellectual Property Landscape of Clean Energy Technologies

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    The intellectual property (IP) system plays an important role in the development and diffusion of technologies by determining the institutional context in which transactions occur. This article reviews the recent EPO report ‘Patents and Clean Energy Technologies: Bridging the Gap between Evidence and Policy’ and offers further insights into the interplay between patents, innovation in climate change mitigating technologies and access to technology. Empirical evidence and analysis of patent trends forms the basis for understanding the spectrum of policy choices available to combat climate change. In an effort to bridge the gap between policy and evidence, the EPO report provides ample statistical analysis of existing patenting trends, fleshes out the current patent landscape and assesses licensing trends in emerging technologies relating to climate change. This review evaluates these statistical insights and discusses the implications for both the developed and developing world. It aims to deepen understanding of how intellectual property influences the development of markets for green technologies.Climate Change Mitigating Technologies, Patent Statistics, European Patent Office, Technology Transfer

    Inertial effects on two-particle relative dispersion in turbulent flows

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    We report experimental results on the relative motion of pairs of solid spheric particles with initial separations in the inertial range of fully developed turbulence in water. The particle densities were in the range of 1ρp/ρf81 \lessapprox \rho_{p}/\rho_{f} \lessapprox 8, \textit{i.e.}, from neutrally buoyant to highly inertial; and their sizes were of the Kolmogorov scale. For all particles, we observed a Batchelor like regime, in which particles separated ballistically. Similar to the Batchelor regime for tracers, this regime was observed in the early stages of the relative separation for times t0.1t0t \lessapprox 0.1 t_0 with t0t_0 determined by the turbulence energy dissipation rate and the initial separation between particle pairs. In this time interval heavier particles separated faster than fluid tracers. The second order Eulerian velocity structure functions was found to increase with density. In other words, both observations show that the relative velocity between inertial particles was larger than that between tracers. Based on the widely used, simplified equation of motion for inertial point-particles, we derived a model that shows an increase in relative velocity between inertial particles. In its scale dependence, however, it disagrees quantitatively with the experimental results. This we attribute to the preferential sampling of the flow field by inertial particles, which is not captured by the model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, epl2.cls, submitted to EP