219 research outputs found


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    Philosophy is not widely taught in Canadian high schools, although research surrounding its benefits to secondary students—critical thinking, open-mindedness, interest, curiosity, and autonomy—is significant. This study examines an interdisciplinary high school program that integrates English Language Arts (ELA) and Philosophy (ELAP). Not only does ELAP create connectivity across subjects, but it has the potential to engage students in new ways by offering the strengths of ELA’s narrative and creative modes of thinking with the strengths of Philosophy’s paradigmatic or critical modes of thinking. Together, ELA and Philosophy can also lead to more caring thinking. This qualitative research study uses semi-structured interviews with six students who experienced and completed ELAP. This thesis attempts to find out how students’ experiences with ELAP encouraged their engagement, nurtured their autonomy, and/or cultivated their capacity for empathy. Using this study’s findings, the researcher outlines the rationale and benefits of not only integrating ELA and Philosophy curricula, but the value of including Philosophy in Canadian high schools

    Louis-Ferdinand Destouches’ Medical Writing: an Apologia for Industrial and Social Modernization

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    This article proposes an analysis of the medical writings of Louis-Ferdinand Destouches. These writings reveal a critical reflection, in no way a whitewash, on hygiene and public health problems imposed by the war of 14–18. These medical writings, immediate post-war products, show thinking which is in line with the social and ideological ideas we find in Semmelweis, the first of the texts collected in Celine Book 3 (The Basedowine closes collection). Contemporary with the debates of the 20s, he questioned medical theses dedicated to the glorification of industrial and social modernization. Here is presented and clarified some data on their acceptance by the medical profession, the development of Destouches’ career, and his vision of his profession, concluding that these medical writings can be considered embryonic of the views of the man who would become Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Written, mostly, on behalf of the League of Nations during the period 1924–1932, these medical writings, like his medical history, provide the main leitmotifs that will illustrate the Celinian universe: miserable conditions, poverty, alcoholism and human degradation, all the things that made it difficult to exercise the profession of doctor in the urban-industrial society of the early twentieth century. Medicine was my calling (…) Since I was a child I have dreamed of becoming a doctor, I dreamed of healing people (…) (Céline, 1961, p. 207)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Langues, interculturalité et emploi : comment préparer les étudiants et l’université à une société globalisée ?

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    L’enseignement des langues évolue au rythme des recherches sur la didactique, mais pas seulement. La langue n’est plus l’unique facteur décisif dans un contexte multiculturel et professionnalisant. L’enseignement doit donc aussi répondre aux attentes du monde du travail afin de préparer au mieux les apprenants. Quels sont donc les nouveaux objectifs ? La langue peut-elle encore se permettre d’être une unique matière exclusive ? Quelle est la place de l’interculturalité ? Cet article présente plusieurs tests effectués en France et en Italie, dans le but de comprendre et d’adapter l’enseignement de demain aux attentes de chacun. Si flexibilité et adaptation sont les maître-mots de notre société, les établissements de formation doivent eux-aussi se remettre en question

    Caroline Rolland-Diamond, Chicago: Le Moment 68. Territoire de la contestation étudiante et répression politique, Paris, Syllepse, Collection Germe, 2011

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    Pour ceux qui ont vécu ou côtoyé à chaud les mouvements des années soixante aux États-Unis, il semblait que tout ou presque avait été écrit sur cette poussée de fièvre jeune, la colère et la dérision, le courage et l’anti-conformisme ; sur le croisement des révoltes contre la guerre du Vietnam, le racisme institutionnel, les inégalités, les codes sociaux. Le « Mouvement », ce terme qui désigne la prolifération et la diversification des révoltes « jeunes » se combinait avec des événements plus..

    Early T Cell Signalling Is Reversibly Altered in PD-1+ T Lymphocytes Infiltrating Human Tumors

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    To improve cancer immunotherapy, a better understanding of the weak efficiency of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL) is necessary. We have analyzed the functional state of human TIL immediately after resection of three types of tumors (NSCLC, melanoma and RCC). Several signalling pathways (calcium, phosphorylation of ERK and Akt) and cytokine secretion are affected to different extents in TIL, and show a partial spontaneous recovery within a few hours in culture. The global result is an anergy that is quite distinct from clonal anergy induced in vitro, and closer to adaptive tolerance in mice. PD-1 (programmed death -1) is systematically expressed by TIL and may contribute to their anergy by its mere expression, and not only when it interacts with its ligands PD-L1 or PD-L2, which are not expressed by every tumor. Indeed, the TCR-induced calcium and ERK responses were reduced in peripheral blood T cells transfected with PD-1. Inhibition by sodium stibogluconate of the SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases that associate with several inhibitory receptors including PD-1, relieves part of the anergy apparent in TIL or in PD-1-transfected T cells. This work highlights some of the molecular modifications contributing to functional defects of human TIL

    Clinical and molecular practice of European thoracic pathology laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The past and the near future

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    BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the consequences in Europe of the COVID-19 outbreak on pathology laboratories orientated toward the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey was sent to 71 pathology laboratories from 21 European countries. The questionnaire requested information concerning the organization of biosafety, the clinical and molecular pathology, the biobanking, the workload, the associated research into COVID-19, and the organization of education and training during the COVID-19 crisis, from 15 March to 31 May 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. RESULTS: Questionnaires were returned from 53/71 (75%) laboratories from 18 European countries. The biosafety procedures were heterogeneous. The workload in clinical and molecular pathology decreased dramatically by 31% (range, 3%-55%) and 26% (range, 7%-62%), respectively. According to the professional category, between 28% and 41% of the staff members were not present in the laboratories but did teleworking. A total of 70% of the laboratories developed virtual meetings for the training of residents and junior pathologists. During the period of study, none of the staff members with confirmed COVID-19 became infected as a result of handling samples. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on most of the European pathology laboratories included in this study. Urgent implementation of several changes to the organization of most of these laboratories, notably to better harmonize biosafety procedures, was noted at the onset of the pandemic and maintained in the event of a new wave of infection occurring in Europe
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