255 research outputs found

    On electrostatic modes in multi-ion and pair-ion collisional plasmas

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    The physics of plasmas containing positive and negative ions is discussed with special attention to the recently produced pair-ion plasma containing ions of equal mass and opposite charge. The effects of the density gradient in the direction perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field vector, observed in the experiment, are discussed. In addition, the possible presence of electrons is discussed in the context of plasma modes propagating at an angle with respect to the magnetic field vector. The electrons may either be added to the plasma or enter the plasma attached to negative ions and then become released from the ions as a result of collisions. It is shown that the electron plasma mode in a cold plasma may become a backward mode in the presence of a density gradient, and this behavior may be controlled either by the electron number density or the mode number in the perpendicular direction. In plasmas with hot electrons an instability may develop, driven by the combination of electron collisions and the density gradient, and in the regime when the ions' response is similar to a sound mode, i.e., for un-magnetized ions, implying mode frequencies much above the ion gyro-frequency or mode wave-lengths shorter than the ion gyro-radius. In the case of a pure pair-ion plasma, for lower frequencies and for parameters close to those used in the recent experiments, the perturbed ions may feel the effects of the magnetic field. In this case the plasma mode also becomes backward, resembling features of an experimentally observed but yet unexplained backward mode.Comment: 17 pages plus 5 figure

    Genome-wide association study of common resistance to rust species in tetraploid wheat

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    Rusts of the genus Puccinia are wheat pathogens. Stem (black; Sr), leaf (brown; Lr), and stripe (yellow; Yr) rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), Puccinia triticina (Pt), and Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), can occur singularly or in mixed infections and pose a threat to wheat production globally in terms of the wide dispersal of their urediniospores. The development of durable resistant cultivars is the most sustainable method for controlling them. Many resistance genes have been identified, characterized, genetically mapped, and cloned; several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance have also been described. However, few studies have considered resistance to all three rust pathogens in a given germplasm. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was carried out to identify loci associated with resistance to the three rusts in a collection of 230 inbred lines of tetraploid wheat (128 of which were Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) genotyped with SNPs. The wheat panel was phenotyped in the field and subjected to growth chamber experiments across different countries (USA, Mexico, Morocco, Italy, and Spain); then, a mixed linear model (MLM) GWAS was performed. In total, 9, 34, and 5 QTLs were identified in the A and B genomes for resistance to Pgt, Pt, and Pst, respectively, at both the seedling and adult plant stages. Only one QTL on chromosome 4A was found to be effective against all three rusts at the seedling stage. Six QTLs conferring resistance to two rust species at the adult plant stage were mapped: three on chromosome 1B and one each on 5B, 7A, and 7B. Fifteen QTLs conferring seedling resistance to two rusts were mapped: five on chromosome 2B, three on 7B, two each on 5B and 6A, and one each on 1B, 2A, and 7A. Most of the QTLs identified were specific for a single rust species or race of a species. Candidate genes were identified within the confidence intervals of a QTL conferring resistance against at least two rust species by using the annotations of the durum (cv. 'Svevo') and wild emmer wheat ('Zavitan') reference genomes. The 22 identified loci conferring resistance to two or three rust species may be useful for breeding new and potentially durable resistant wheat cultivars

    Riqueza, abundância relativa e hábitat de reprodução de espécies de anuros terrestres na região do Triângulo Mineiro, bioma Cerrado, sudeste do Brasil

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    Based on field observations and pitfall sampling, we determined the species richness, relative abundance, and reproductive habitat of terrestrial frogs in three municipalities in the Triângulo Mineiro region, south Cerrado biome, in southeastern Brazil. We found thirty-two species of terrestrial frogs, belonging to the families Brachycephalidae, Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Dendrobatidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae. Most of the species were found in open areas and reproduced in human-generated environments, such as artificial lakes (10 species) and ponds (14 species). Dominance was high, with Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Leiuperidae) representing 48% of sampled frogs. A larger number of individuals was captured in the wet season, when most of the species were reproducing. Compared to other areas of Cerrado biome, the Triângulo Mineiro sites presented a larger number of species, which may be attributed to the larger sampled area and greater sampling effort, lower altitude and presence of human generated habitats. The richness of terrestrial frogs was also larger than that in some forested localities in southeastern Brazil, indicating that the number of species cannot be explained only by precipitation and type of vegetation cover. The greater abundance of individuals during the wet season may be related to a greater movement of adults to breeding sites and to juvenile recruitment/dispersion. The heterogeneity of environments in the Cerrado biome, including its several isolated highlands, contributes to its high (local and regional) diversity of frogs.Neste estudo foram determinados a riqueza, abundância relativa e hábitat de reprodução de anuros terrestres em três municípios do Triângulo Mineiro, sul do Bioma Cerrado, sudeste do Brasil, baseados em observações de campo e armadilhas de interceptação e queda. Foram encontradas 32 espécies pertencentes às famílias Brachycephalidae, Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Dendrobatidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae e Microhylidae. Muitas dessas espécies foram encontradas em áreas abertas e se reproduziram em ambientes artificiais gerados por ação antrópica, tais como lagos (10 espécies) e poças (14 espécies). Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Leiuperidae) foi a espécie dominante, representando 48% do total amostrado. Um grande número de indivíduos de diferentes espécies foi capturado na estação chuvosa, quando muitas das espécies estavam reproduzindo. As áreas amostradas na região do Triângulo Mineiro apresentaram um maior número de espécies quando comparadas com outras áreas do bioma Cerrado, o que pode ser atribuído à maior área amostrada, ao maior esforço de coleta, baixa altitude e presença de hábitats gerados por ação antrópica. A riqueza de anuros terrestres também foi maior do que àquela encontrada em localidades florestadas no sudeste do Brasil, indicando que o número de espécies não pode ser explicado somente pela precipitação e tipo de cobertura vegetal da área. A grande abundância de indivíduos durante a estação chuvosa pode estar relacionada ao maior movimento de adultos para hábitats de reprodução e ao recrutamento e dispersão de juvenis. A heterogeneidade dos ambientes no bioma Cerrado, incluindo algumas de suas áreas com maiores altitudes, contribui para a alta diversidade (local e regional) de espécies de anuros

    An Examination of Morphometric Variations in a Neotropical Toad Population (Proceratophrys cristiceps, Amphibia, Anura, Cycloramphidae)

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    The species Proceratophrys cristiceps belongs to the genus Proceratophrys within the family Cycloramphidae. These amphibians are found exclusively in South America in the morphoclimatic domain of the semi-arid depression zones in northeastern Brazil known as the Caatinga. We examined intrapopulational variation using univariate and multivariate statistics with traditional and geometric morphometrics, which supported the existence of two morphotypes of this species. Our results indicated significant degrees of variation in skeletal characteristics between some natural populations of this species. Careful analyses of variability levels are fundamental to avoid taxonomic errors, principally in populations that demonstrate characteristics intimately associated with their area of occurrence, as is the case of Proceratophrys cristiceps

    From sleep spindles of natural sleep to spike and wave discharges of typical absence seizures: is the hypothesis still valid?

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    The temporal coincidence of sleep spindles and spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies, together with the transformation of spindles into SWDs following intramuscular injection of the weak GABAA receptor (GABAAR) antagonist, penicillin, in an experimental model, brought about the view that SWDs may represent ‘perverted’ sleep spindles. Over the last 20 years, this hypothesis has received considerable support, in particular by in vitro studies of thalamic oscillations following pharmacological/genetic manipulations of GABAARs. However, from a critical appraisal of the evidence in absence epilepsy patients and well-established models of absence epilepsy it emerges that SWDs can occur as frequently during wakefulness as during sleep, with their preferential occurrence in either one of these behavioural states often being patient dependent. Moreover, whereas the EEG expression of both SWDs and sleep spindles requires the integrity of the entire cortico-thalamo-cortical network, SWDs initiates in cortex while sleep spindles in thalamus. Furthermore, the hypothesis of a reduction in GABAAR function across the entire cortico-thalamo-cortical network as the basis for the transformation of sleep spindles into SWDs is no longer tenable. In fact, while a decreased GABAAR function may be present in some cortical layers and in the reticular thalamic nucleus, both phasic and tonic GABAAR inhibitions of thalamo-cortical neurons are either unchanged or increased in this epileptic phenotype. In summary, these differences between SWDs and sleep spindles question the view that the EEG hallmark of absence seizures results from a transformation of this EEG oscillation of natural sleep

    Ecological Guild Evolution and the Discovery of the World's Smallest Vertebrate

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    Living vertebrates vary drastically in body size, yet few taxa reach the extremely minute size of some frogs and teleost fish. Here we describe two new species of diminutive terrestrial frogs from the megadiverse hotspot island of New Guinea, one of which represents the smallest known vertebrate species, attaining an average body size of only 7.7 mm. Both new species are members of the recently described genus Paedophryne, the four species of which are all among the ten smallest known frog species, making Paedophryne the most diminutive genus of anurans. This discovery highlights intriguing ecological similarities among the numerous independent origins of diminutive anurans, suggesting that minute frogs are not mere oddities, but represent a previously unrecognized ecological guild