194 research outputs found

    Análisis semiolingüístico de una entrevista en el marco de los discursos sobre medicina popular en instituciones de salud

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar una entrevista realizada a la esposa de un Machi (agente de medicina mapuche), desde un enfoque semiolingüístico, prestando especial atención a la lógica y mecanismos que generalmente sostienen a una producción lingüística. Para ello, nos remitimos a la utilización de las herramientas del análisis del discurso, en un sentido transversal e interdisciplinario. Abordaremos, además, algunas de las variables puestas en juego en los intentos de integración entre la medicina oficial y las prácticas en salud de las culturas indígenas.This work aims to discuss an interview with the wife of a Machi (mapuche medicine agent), a semiolinguistico approach, paying special attention to the logic and mechanisms that usually hold a linguistic production. To do this, we refer to the use of the analysis tools of discourse, in a transversal and interdisciplinary sense. We will address, in addition, some of the variables implemented in game integration efforts between the official medicine and practices in health of indigenous cultures.Fil: Gianuzzi, Elisa R. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentin

    Policies, perception of policies, and teacher attitudes: their influence on the use of sacred music in public high schools

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    Thesis (D.M.A.)--Boston UniversityIn the last century, various court decisions and society's further acceptance of the premise of separation of church from state influenced the delivery of educational curricula in the United States. These legal and philosophical changes influenced public education policies leaving many areas open for discussion, disagreement, and reconciliation as to educators' personal and professional beliefs and their school districts' policies regarding the academic use sacred music in music curriculum. This qualitative study examined how policy, teacher perceptions of those policies, and teacher attitudes about the role of sacred music influence the inclusion or exclusion of sacred music in public high school music programs. I conducted this study in two stages. In Stage 1, I sent surveys to all high school (grades 9-12), instrumental and vocal music teachers in New Jersey. In Stage 2, I conducted 12 interviews with a group of purposefully selected teachers. I compiled, organized, and analyzed the collected data in order to discover the factors that influenced music educators' decisions to include or exclude sacred music in their programs and gain an understanding of the experiences of the music educators participating in this study. Participants claimed to be aware of policies at the state level that did not exist, district policies that they could not confirm, and an assortment of implied and understood policies left to individual interpretation. Classroom teachers were responsible for curricular content, formation, implementation, and enforcement of policy whether formal, informal, understood, or personally developed. The consensus among the participants in this study was regardless of any form of policy--formal, informal, implied, or personally developed--sacred music was an important component of a well-rounded program. Participants programmed sacred music for its educational value and not for devotional or religious purposes. Teaching, rehearsing, and performing sacred music was permissible when it fulfilled the educational goals of the curriculum. Teachers recommended a balanced program that included sacred and secular music, and--if possible--music of other religions

    Experiencias durante el Internado Médico en Detecta Clínica en los servicios de Gineco-obstetricia, Pediatría; Medicina Interna y Cirugía, periodo 2022

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    Objetivo: Describir y realizar un análisis crítico de los casos clínicos vistos durante el internado de la carrera de medicina en Detecta Clínica. Metodología: Es un trabajo descriptivo y analítico de la experiencia clínica obtenida durante el periodo de mayo 2022 a febrero 2023 en el internado médico realizado en Detecta Clínica. Resultados principales o hallazgos: Se presentan 30 casos clínicos, de las principales especialidades médicas como son ginecología- obstetricia, pediatría, cirugía y medicina interna. De los casos presentados se puede aprender habilidades clínicas importantes como es la recopilación de datos útiles para una buena elaboración de la historia clínica y el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico y analítico que nos permita elaborar un manejo integral y profesional con el paciente. Conclusiones El internado médico es una etapa elemental en la carrera de medicina, con el fin de formar excelentes futuros médicos, y poner en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos durante los 6 años previos de formación académica, conseguidos en la facultad. En esta etapa se obtienen las competencias suficientes para cuidar, proteger y recuperar la salud individual y colectiva de los pacientes y su entorno, respectivamente. Esto bajo la actuación profesional, considerando los principios éticos, realizando una atención integral y colocando gran relevancia en promoción y prevención de salud.Objective: To describe and carry out a critical analysis of the clinical cases seen during the internship of the medical career at Detecta Clínica. Methodology: It is a descriptive and analytical work of the clinical experience obtained during the period from may 2022 to february 2023 in the medical internship carried out at Detecta Clínica. Results: 30 clinical cases are presented, from the main medical specialties such as gynecology-obstetrics, pediatrics, surgery and internal medicine. From the cases presented, important clinical skills can be learned, such as the collection of useful data for a good preparation of the clinical history and the development of critical and analytical thinking that allows us to develop a comprehensive and professional management with the patient. Conclusions: The medical internship is an elementary stage in the medical career, in order to train excellent future doctors, and put into practice all the knowledge acquired during the previous 6 years of academic training, obtained in the faculty. In this stage, sufficient skills are obtained to care for, protect and recover the individual and collective health of patients and their environment, respectively. This under professional performance, considering ethical principles, providing comprehensive care and placing great importance on health promotion and prevention.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Estudio de la evolución de diferentes nubes protoestelares en simulaciones

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    Tesis (Lic. en Astronomía)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2021.El proceso de formación estelar es aún uno de los principales problemas sin resolver de la astrofísica moderna. A pesar de que el conocimiento acerca de este proceso fundamental, conectado a las áreas de formación galáctica, ciencia planetaria y la evolución estelar, se ha modificado y ampliado notablemente en las últimas décadas gracias a las nuevas observaciones y a los avances teóricos, aún quedan muchas incógnitas por responder. Con el fin de brindar información sobre este proceso, en este trabajo se realizaron simulaciones numéricas SPH de la evolución de nueve nube protoestelares, creadas con el código TURBULENT-CLOUD, variando el índice del espectro de potencias en velocidades inicial, la magnitud de la energía cinética inicial, y el modelo ecuación de estado. Todas las nubes poseen el mismo radio, masa, cantidad de partículas, temperatura, y perfil radial de densidad inicial; y logran formar partículas sink al evolucionar. Se realizaron comparaciones entre simulaciones sobre distintas propiedades tales como la evolución de su espectro de potencias, energía y multiplicidad de sistemas formados.The process of star formation is still one of the main unsolved problems of modern astrophysics. Although the knowledge about this fundamental process, connected to the areas of galactic formation, planetary science and stellar evolution, has been significantly modified and extended in the last decades thanks to new observations and theoretical advances, there are still many unknowns to be answered. In order to provide information about this process, in this work we performed SPH numerical simulations of the evolution of nine protostellar clouds, created with the TURBULENT-CLOUD code, varying the index of the power spectrum in initial velocities, the magnitude of the initial kinetic energy, and the model equation of state. All clouds have the same radius, mass, number of particles, temperature, and initial radial density profile; and they manage to form sink particles as they evolve. Comparisons were made between simulations on different properties such as the evolution of their power spectrum, energy and multiplicity of formed systems.Fil: Gianuzzi, Emmanuel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina

    César Vallejo y la arquitectura incaica: una crónica rescatada

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    This article presents and comments briefly “Les forteresses incas”, a forgotten chronicle by César Vallejo published in the French magazine Monde Illustré on 22 September 1934. It calls attention, besides, to the pertinence of carrying out new archival investigations that allow us to shed light on one the most unknown periods of César Vallejo’s journalist activity, the one which goes from 1932 to 1935.Este artículo da a conocer y comenta brevemente “Les forteresses incas”, una crónica olvidada de César Vallejo publicada en la revista francesa Monde Illustré el 22 de septiembre de 1934. En él se llama la atención, además, sobre la pertinencia de llevar a cabo nuevas investigaciones de archivo que permitan arrojar luz sobre uno de los periodos más desconocidos de la actividad periodística de César Vallejo, el comprendido entre los años 1932 y 1935

    Unveiling hidden companions in post-common-envelope binaries: A robust strategy and uncertainty exploration

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    Some post-common-envelope binaries are binary stars with short periods that exhibit significant period variations over long observational time spans. These eclipse timing variations (ETVs) are most likely to be accounted for by the presence of an unseen massive companion, potentially of planetary or substellar nature, and the light-travel time (LTT) effect. In this study, our main objective is to describe the diversity of compatible nontransit companions around PCEBs and explore the robustness of the solutions by employing tools for uncertainty estimation. We select the controversial data of the QS Vir binary star, which previous studies have suggested hosts a planet. We employ a minimizing strategy, using genetic algorithms to explore the global parameter space followed by refinement of the solution using the simplex method. We evaluate errors through the classical MCMC approach and discuss the error range for parameters. Our results highlight the strong dependence of ETV models for close binaries on the dataset used, which leads to relatively loose constraints on the parameters of the unseen companion. We find that the shape of the OCO-C curve is influenced by the dataset employed. We propose an alternative method to evaluate errors on the orbital fits based on a grid search surrounding the best-fit values, obtaining a wider range of plausible solutions that are compatible with goodness-of-fit statistics. We also analyze how the parameter solutions are affected by the choice of the dataset, and find that this system continuously changes the compatible solutions as new data are obtained from eclipses. The best-fit parameters for QS Vir correspond to a low-mass stellar companion (57.71 MjupM_{jup} ranging from 40 to 64 MjupM_{jup}) on an eccentric orbit (e=0.910.17+0.07e=0.91^{+0.07}_{-0.17}) with a variety of potential periods (P=16.690.42+0.47P = 16.69 ^{+0.47}_{-0.42} yr.)Comment: 13 Pages. 14 Figures. A&A A&A approved. article aa47030-2

    A Local Decision Algorithm for Maximum Lifetime in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile hosts of ad-hoc networks operate on battery, hence optimization of system lifetime, intended as maximization of the time until the first host drains-out its battery, is an important issue. Some routing algorithms have already been proposed, that require the knowledge of the future behavior of the system, and/or complex routing information. We propose a novel routing algorithm that allows each host to locally select the next routing hop, having only immediate neighbor information, to optimize the system lifetime. Simulation results of runs performed in different scenarios are finally shown

    Efecto de tratamientos no térmicos (ozono gaseoso, alta presión) en el desarrollo microbiano y calidad de carnes bovinas

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    Dentro de las tecnologías no térmicas que se aplican en un producto alimentario, se encuentran el tratamiento con ozono gaseoso (OG) y las altas presiones hidrostáticas (APH). El OG es un agente antimicrobiano, por otra parte, APH permite controlar el desarrollo de microorganismos alteradores y patógenos. Entre los microorganismos patógenos Listeria monocytogenes resulta de interés ya que es capaz de sobrevivir a temperaturas de refrigeración. En este trabajo se analizó el efecto de tratamientos no térmicos (OG y APH) sobre el desarrollo de la flora natural heterótrofa y sobre Listeria monocytogenes inoculada en carne bovina y almacenada a 4 y 10°C y se estudió el efecto de dichos tratamientos sobre las características fisicoquímicas y parámetros de calidad (coloración y oxidación lipídica) de las carnes utilizadas.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Nanoscale superconducting properties of amorphous W-based deposits grown with focused-ion-beam

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    We present very low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/S) measurements in W-based amorphous superconducting nanodeposits grown using a metal-organic precursor and focused-ion-beam. The superconducting gap closely follows s-wave BCS theory, and STS images under magnetic fields show a hexagonal vortex lattice whose orientation is related to features observed in the topography through STM. Our results demonstrate that the superconducting properties at the surface of these deposits are very homogeneous, down to atomic scale. This, combined with the huge nanofabrication possibilities of the focused-ion-beam technique, paves the way to use focused-ion-beam to make superconducting circuitry of many different geometries