2,344 research outputs found

    Towards the de\ufb01nition of a new river water line for North-Eastern Italy

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    In the last decades there has been active research on the relation between the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and climate variations at the regional scale. Particularly, the analysis of meteoric water lines is an important tool to understand climate processes at the local/regional scale. In this view, considering the strict relation between the isotopic composition of river water and the one of precipitation, surface running waters (i.e. rivers, streams, creeks) and their catchments can be considered as \u201cnatural pluviometers\u201d. In this study the analysis of the isotopic composition of surface waters was carried out in order to develop a new meteoric water line of North-East Italy. The dataset includes samples collected between 2012 and 2016 from i) small catchments, typically < 30 Km2 (Ressi Creek, Bridge Creek and Vauz Creek, Noce Bianco stream, Posina river), where it is easier to relate the stream water isotopic composition to distinct meteoric end-members (e.g., rainfall,snowmeltandglaciermelt);andii)largebasins(Adige:12,100Km2 andPo:71,000Km2)whichintegrate multiple components giving information at the regional scale. Preliminary results show that distinct river water lines are characterized by different slopes and intercepts. The slopes vary between 5.46 and 8.02, whereas the intercepts vary between -9.15 and 11.82. In particular river meteoricwaterlinesde\ufb01nedforRessiCreek(\u3b4Dh\uaf7.48 \u3b418O+10.27,n=831;R2 =0.88)andNoceBiancostream (\u3b4Dh\uaf7.66 \u3b418O+7.27, n=484; R2 = 0.95) con\ufb01rm the similarity with the meteoric line developed for northern Italy. On the contrary, the isotopic composition of streams in small (< 10 Km2) snow-dominated catchments (Bridge Creek and Vauz Creek) deviate from the North Italy meteoric line due to the important contribution of snowmelt that is typically characterized by a different isotopic signature compared to the precipitation input. River water lines for large basins (Po and Adige) are characterized by slopes and intercepts in the range of the Global Meteoric Water Line. Finally, it is important to emphasize that the current dataset, progressively updated, represents a snapshot of a short monitoring period and that future investigations are useful to highlight seasonal variations and on-going environmental changes

    Heavy oxygen recycled into the lithospheric mantle

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    Magmas in volcanic arcs have geochemical and isotopic signatures that can be related to mantle metasomatism due to fluids and melts released by the down-going oceanic crust and overlying sediments, which modify the chemistry and mineralogy of the mantle wedge. However, the effectiveness of subduction-related metasomatic processes is difficult to evaluate because the composition of arc magmas is often overprinted by interactions with crustal lithologies occurring during magma ascent and emplacement. Here, we show unequivocal evidence for recycling of continental crust components into the mantle. Veined peridotite xenoliths sampled from Tallante monogenetic volcanoes in the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain) provide insights for mantle domains that reacted with Si-rich melts derived by partial melting of subducted crustal material. Felsic veins crosscutting peridotite and the surrounding orthopyroxene-rich metasomatic aureoles show the highest 18O/16O ratios measured to date in upper mantle assemblages worldwide. The anomalously high oxygen isotope compositions, coupled with very high 87Sr/86Sr values, imply the continental crust origin of the injected melts. Isotopic anomalies are progressively attenuated in peridotite away from the veins, showing 18O isotope variations well correlated with the amount of newly formed orthopyroxene. Diffusion may also affect the isotope ratios of mantle rocks undergoing crustal metasomatism due to the relaxation of 18O isotope anomalies to normal mantle values through time. Overall, the data define an O isotope “benchmark” allowing discrimination between mantle sources that attained re-equilibration after metasomatism (&gt;5 Myr) and those affected by more recent subduction-derived enrichment processes

    Far-Infrared Radiative Properties of Water Vapor and Clouds in Antarctica

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    Abstract Water vapor and clouds are among the most important greenhouse components whose radiative features cover all the broad spectral range of the thermal emission of the atmosphere. Typically more than 40% of the total thermal emission of Earth occurs in the far-infrared (FIR) spectral region from 100 to 667 cm−1 (wavelengths from 100 to 15 µm). Nevertheless, this spectral region has not ever been fully covered down to 100 cm−1 by space missions, and only a few ground-based experiments exist because of the difficulty of performing measurements from high altitude and very dry locations where the atmosphere is sufficiently transparent to observe the FIR emission features. To cover this lack of observations, the Italian experiment "Radiative Properties of Water Vapor and Clouds in Antarctica" has collected a 2-yr dataset of spectral measurements of the radiance emitted by the atmosphere and by clouds, such as cirrus and polar stratospheric clouds, from 100 to 1,400 cm−1 (100–7 µm of wavelength), including the underexplored FIR region, along with polarization-sensitive lidar observations, daily radiosondes, and other ancillary information to characterize the atmosphere above the site. Measurements have been performed almost continuously with a duty cycle of 6 out of 9 h, from the Italian–French base of Concordia at Dome C over the Antarctic Plateau at 3,230 m MSL, in all-sky conditions since 2012. Because of the uniqueness of the observations, this dataset will be extremely valuable for evaluating the accuracy of atmospheric absorption models (both gas and clouds) in the underexplored FIR and to detect possible daily, seasonal, and annual climate signatures

    High-MgO lavas associated to CFB as indicators of plume-related thermochemical effects: the case of ultra-titaniferous picrite-basalt from the Northern Ethiopian-Yemeni plateau

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    A comprehensive petrological and geochemical dataset is reported in order to define the thermo-compositional characteristics of Ti (Fe)-enriched picrite-basalt lavas (HT2, TiO2 3-7 wt%), erupted close to the axial zone of the inferred Afar mantle plume, at the centre of the originally continuous Ethiopian-Yemeni CFB plateau (ca. 30Ma) which is zonally arranged with progressively lower Ti basalts (HT1, TiO2 2-4 wt%; LT, TiO2 1-3 wt%) toward the periphery. Integrated petrogenetic modelling based on major and trace element analyses of bulk rocks, minerals and melt inclusions in olivines, as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-He-O isotope compositional variations enables us to make several conclusions. 1) The phase equilibria constraints indicate that HT2 primary picrites were generated at ca. 1570°C mantle potential temperatures (Tp) in the pressure range 4-5 GPa whereas the HT1 and LT primary melts formed at shallower level (&lt; 2 to 3 GPa, Tp 1530 °C for HT1 and 1430°C for LT). Thus the Afar plume head was a thermally and compositionally zoned melting region with maximum excess temperatures of 300-350°C with respect to the ambient mantle. 2) The HT2 primary melts upwelled nearly adiabatically to the base of the continental crust (ca. 1 GPa) where fractionation of olivine, followed by clinopyroxene, led to variably differentiated picritic and basaltic magmas. 3) Trace element modelling requires that the primary HT2 melts were generated - either by fractional or batch melting (F 9-10%) - from a mixed garnet peridotite source (85%) with 15% eclogite (derived from transitional MORB protoliths included in Panafrican terranes) that has to be considered a specific Ti-Fe and incompatible element enriched component entrained by the Afar plume. 4) The LT, HT1 and HT2 lavas have 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5131-0.5128, whereas Sr-Pb isotopes are positively correlated with TiO2, varying from 87 Sr/86Sr 0.7032 and 206Pb/204Pb 18.2 in LT basalts to 87Sr/86Sr 0.7044 and 206Pb/204Pb 19.4 in HT2 picrite-basalts. High 3He/4He (15-20 RA) ratios are exclusively observed in HT2 lavas, confirming earlier evidence that these magmas require a component of deep mantle in addition to eclogite, while the LT basalts may more effectively reflect the signature of the pre-existing mantle domains. The comparison between high-MgO (13-22%) lavas from several Phanerozoic CFB provinces (Karoo, Paranà-Etendeka, Emeishan, Siberia, Deccan, North Atlantic Province) shows that they share extremely high mantle potential temperatures (Tp 1550-1700°C) supporting the view that hot mantle plumes are favoured candidates for triggering many LIPs. However, the high incompatible element and isotopic variability of these high-MgO lavas (and associated CFB) suggest that plume thermal anomalies are not necessarily accompanied by significant and specific chemical effects, which depend on the nature of mantle materials recycled during the plume rise, as well as by the extent of related mantle enrichments (if any) on the pre-existing lithospheric section

    Effusion Cooling Plates for Combustor Liners: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Density Ratio

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    AbstractEffusion cooling represents the state-of-the-art of liner cooling technology for modern combustors. The present paper describes experimental tests aiming at evaluating the cooling performance of a multi-perforated plate in real engine representative fluid- dynamic conditions. Adiabatic effectiveness maps were obtained following the mass transfer analogy by the use of Pressure Sensitive Paint. In addition, a CFD campaign was performed in order to benchmark the reliability in estimating the cooling performance of effusion cooling liners. In order to include anisotropic diffusion effects, the k − ω SST turbulence model was corrected considering a tensorial definition of the eddy viscosity with an algebraic correction to dope its stream-span components

    Quartz-bearing rhyolitic melts in the Earth’s mantle

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    The occurrence of rhyolite melts in the mantle has been predicted by high pressure-high temperature experiments but never observed in nature. Here we report natural quartz-bearing rhyolitic melt inclusions and interstitial glass within peridotite xenoliths. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz crystals shows the unequivocal continental crustal derivation of these melts, which approximate the minimum composition in the quartz-albite-orthoclase system. Thermodynamic modelling suggests rhyolite was originated from partial melting of near-anhydrous garnet-bearing metapelites at temperatures ~1000 °C and interacted with peridotite at pressure ~1 GPa. Reaction of rhyolite with olivine converted lherzolite rocks into orthopyroxene-domains and orthopyroxene + plagioclase veins. The recognition of rhyolitic melts in the mantle provides direct evidence for element cycling through earth's reservoirs, accommodated by dehydration and melting of crustal material, brought into the mantle by subduction, chemically modifying the mantle source, and ultimately returning to surface by arc magmatism

    A new synthetic dual agonist of GPR120/GPR40 induces GLP-1 secretion and improves glucose homeostasis in mice.

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    Abstract G-protein coupled receptors 40 and 120 (GPR40 and GPR120) are increasingly emerging as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of altered glucose homeostasis, and their agonists are under evaluation for their glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-mediated therapeutic effects on insulin production and sensitivity. Here, we characterized a new dual GPR40 and GPR120 agonist (DFL23916) and demonstrated that it can induce GLP-1 secretion and improve glucose homeostasis. Resulting from a rational drug design approach aimed at identifying new dual GPR120/40 agonists able to delay receptor internalization, DFL23916 had a good activity and a very high selectivity towards human GPR120 (long and short isoforms) and GPR40, as well as towards their mouse orthologous, by which it induced both Gαq/11-initiated signal transduction pathways with subsequent Ca2+ intracellular spikes and G protein-independent signaling via β-arrestin with the same activity. Compared to the endogenous ligand alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a selective GPR120 agonist (TUG-891) and a well-known dual GPR40 and GPR120 agonist (GW9508), DFL23916 was the most effective in inducing GLP-1 secretion in human and murine enteroendocrine cells, and this could be due to the delayed internalization of the receptor (up to 3 h) that we observed after treatment with DFL23916. With a good pharmacokinetic/ADME profile, DFL23916 significantly increased GLP-1 portal vein levels in healthy mice, demonstrating that it can efficiently induce GLP-1 secretion in vivo. Contrary to the selective GPR120 agonist (TUG-891), DFL23916 significantly improved also glucose homeostasis in mice undergoing an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

    Critical evaluation of an intercalibration project focused on the definition of new multi-element soil reference materials (AMS-MO1 and AMS-ML1)

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    Soils are complex matrices and their geochemical investigation necessarily needs reliable Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), i.e. standards, to support analytical precision and accuracy. In particular, the definition of soil multi-element CRMs is particularly complex and involves an inter-laboratory program that employs numerous analytical techniques. In this study, we present the results of the inter-calibration experiment focused on the certification of two new soil standards named AMS-ML1 and AMS-MO1. The two soils developed on sandstone and serpentinite parent materials, respectively. The experiment involved numerous laboratories and focused on the evaluation of soil physicochemical parameters and geochemical analyses of major and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Inductive Coupled Plasma techniques (ICP-OES and ICP-MS). The data was statistically elaborated. Three levels of repeatability and accuracy in function of the different analytical methods and instrumentation equipment was observed. The statistical evaluation of the results obtained by ICP-OES on Aqua Regia extracts (i.e., Lilliefors test for normally, Grubbs test for outliers, Cochran test for outliers in variances and ANOVA) allowed to computed some certified values for the two proposed soil standards. This preliminary study will represent the first step of a more thorough intercalibration ring-test involving a higher number of laboratories, in order to propose the investigated matrices as CRMs

    Petrogenesis of Mediterranean lamproites and associated rocks: the role of overprinted metasomatic events in the postcollisional lithospheric upper mantle

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    High-MgO lamproite and lamproite-like (i.e. lamprophyric) ultrapotassic rocks are recurrent in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions. They are associated in space and time with ultrapotassic shoshonites and high-K calc-alkaline rocks. This magmatism is linked with the geodynamic evolution of the westernmost sector of the Alpine–Himalayan collisional margin, which followed the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Subduc- tion-related lamproites, lamprophyres, shoshonites and high-K calc-alkaline suites were emplaced in the Medi- terranean region in the form of shallow level intrusions (e.g. plugs, dykes and laccoliths) and small volume lava flows, with very subordinate pyroclastic rocks, starting from the Oligocene, in the Western Alps (northern Italy), through the Late Miocene in Corsica (southern France) and in Murcia-Almeria (southeastern Spain), to the Plio- Pleistocene in Southern Tuscany and Northern Latium (central Italy), in the Balkan peninsula (Serbia and Mac- edonia) and in the Western Anatolia (Turkey). The ultrapotassic rocks are mostly lamprophyric, but olivine latitic lavas with a clear lamproitic affinity are also found, as well as dacitic to trachytic differentiated products. Lamp- roite-like rocks range from slightly silica under-saturated to silica over-saturated composition, have relatively low Al2O3, CaO and Na2O contents, resulting in plagioclase-free parageneses, and consist of abundant K-feldspar, phlogopite, diopsidic clinopyroxene and highly forsteritic olivine. Leucite is generally absent, and it is rarely found only in the groundmasses of Spanish lamproites. Mediterranean lamproites and associated rocks share an extreme enrichment in many incompatible trace elements and depletion in High Field Strength Elements and high, and positively correlated Th/La and Sm/La ratios. They have radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd iso- tope compositions, high 207Pb over 206Pb and high time-integrated 232Th/238U. Their composition requires an originally depleted lithospheric mantle source metasomatized by at least two different agents: (1) a high Th/ La and Sm/La (i.e. SALATHO) component deriving from lawsonite-bearing, ancient crustal domains likely hosted in mélanges formed during the diachronous collision of the northward drifting continental slivers from Gondwana; (2) a K-rich component derived from a recent subduction and recycling of siliciclastic sediments. These metasomatic melts produced a lithospheric mantle source characterized by network of felsic and phlogo- pite-rich veins, respectively. Geothermal readjustment during post-collisional events induced progressive melt- ing of the different types of veins and the surrounding peridotite generating the entire compositional spectrum of the observed magmas. In this complex scenario, orogenic Mediterranean lamproites represent rocks that charac- terize areas that were affected by multiple Wilson cycles, as observed in the Alpine–Himalayan Realm