248 research outputs found

    Radiomics to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer: influence of simultaneous feature selection and classifier optimization

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    According to the guidelines, patients with locally advanced colorectal cancer undergo neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, response to therapy is reached only up to 30% of cases. Therefore, it would be important to predict response to therapy before treatment. In this study, we demonstrated that the simultaneous optimization of feature subset and classifier parameters on different imaging datasets (T2w, DWI and PET) could improve classification performance. On a dataset of 51 patients (21 responders, 30 non responders), we obtained an accuracy of 90%, 84% and 76% using three optimized SVM classifiers fed with selected features from PET, T2w and ADC images, respectively

    A trading-based evaluation of density forecasts in a real-time electricity market

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    This paper applies a multi-factor, stochastic latent moment model to predicting the imbalance volumes in the Austrian zone of the German/Austrian electricity market. This provides a density forecast whose shape is determined by the flexible skew-t distribution, the first three moments of which are estimated as linear functions of lagged imbalance and forecast errors for load, wind and solar production. The evaluation of this density predictor is compared to an expected value obtained from OLS regression model, using the same regressors, through an out-of-sample backtest of a flexible generator seeking to optimize its imbalance positions on the intraday market. This research contributes to forecasting methodology and imbalance prediction, and most significantly it provides a case study in the evaluation of density forecasts through decision-making performance. The main finding is that the use of the density forecasts substantially increased trading profitability and reduced risk compared to the more conventional use of mean value regressions

    An acid-stable laccase from sclerotium rolfsii with potential for wool dye decolourization

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    The plant pathogen basidiomycete S. rolfsii secretes two laccases (SRL1 and SRL2) with molecular weights of 55 and 86 kDa, respectively. Laccase production was shown to be inducible by the addition of 2,5-xylidine to the cultural media. After treatment with a combination of chitinase and -1,3-glucanase, two different laccases were isolated from the sclerotia depending on the stage of sclerotia development. The more prominent laccase, SRL1, was purified and found to decolourize the industrially important wool azo dye Diamond Black PV 200 without the addition of redox mediators. The enzyme (pI 5.2) was active in the acidic pH range, showing an optimal activity at pH 2.4, with ABTS as substrate. The optimum temperature for activity was determined to be 62 ◩C. Enzyme stability studies revealed that SRL1 was notably stable at 18 ◩C and pH 4.5, retaining almost full activity after a week. Oxidation of tyrosine was not detectable under the reaction conditions but the enzyme did oxidize a variety of the usual laccase substrates. SRL1 was strongly inhibited by sodium azide and fluoride. Dye solutions decolourized with the immobilized laccase were successfully used for redyeing.(undefined

    Dalla modalitĂ  faccia-a-faccia ad una lingua scritta emergente: nuove prospettive su trascrizione e scrittura della Lingua dei Segni italiana (LIS).

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    International audienceThis paper presents preliminary findings from research using SignWriting (SW) for representing Italian Sign Language (LIS) in written form. Our analyses are based on three LIS narrative texts elicited from three signers via the presentation of Chafe’s (1980) “Pear Story” film including: - a transcription from a video-recorded, face-to-face signed production; - two texts conceived and expressed directly in written LIS. We describe and discuss similarities and differences in the symbolization processes linked to the communication modalities. We show how SW-encoded representations highlight the differences existing between face-to-face interaction and written expression, as well as between “transcription” and “original” writings. These written representations also provide a powerful methodological tool for improving the analysis of LIS and enhancing metalinguistic reflections on LIS texts in ways until now impossible with other notation systems.Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires d'une recherche qui utilise SignWriting (SW) pour la reprĂ©sentation Ă©crite de la Langue des Signes italienne (LIS). Les analyses sont fondĂ©es sur trois textes narratifs en LIS inspirĂ©s chez trois signeurs aprĂšs avoir assistĂ© Ă  la vision du film "Pear Story" (Chafe, 1980), avec: la transcription d'une production singĂ©e en face-Ă -face et vidĂ©o-enregistrĂ©e, deux textes directement conçus et exprimĂ©s en LIS Ă©crite. Les auteurs dĂ©crivent et analysent les similitudes et les diffĂ©rences dans les processus de symbolisation liĂ©s Ă  la modalitĂ© de communication. Il est ensuite montrĂ© que les reprĂ©sentations codifiĂ©es par SW mettent en Ă©vidence les diffĂ©rences qui existent entre l’interaction face-Ă -face et l’expression Ă©crite, ainsi qu'entre "transcriptions" et Ă©crits "originaux". Ces reprĂ©sentations Ă©crites constituent un outil mĂ©thodologique puissant pour amĂ©liorer l'analyse de la LIS et valoriser les rĂ©flexions mĂ©talinguistiques sur des textes de LIS, selon des modalitĂ©s jusqu’à prĂ©sent impossibles avec d’'autres systĂšmes de notation.Questo documento presenta i risultati preliminari di una ricerca che usa SignWriting (SW) per la rappresentazione in forma scritta della Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS). Le analisi si basano su tre testi narrativi in LIS ispirati in tre segnanti via la visione del film "Pear Story" (Chafe, 1980), tra cui: una trascrizione di una produzione segnata faccia-a-faccia e videoregistrata; due testi direttamente concepiti ed espressi in LIS-scritta. Gli Autori descrivono e discutono le somiglianze e le differenze nei processi di simbolizzazione legati alla modalitĂ  di comunicazione. Viene poi mostrato come le rappresentazioni codificate tramite SW evidenzino le differenze esistenti tra interazione faccia-a-faccia e l'espressione scritta, nonchĂ© tra "trascrizione" e scritti "originali". Queste rappresentazioni scritte forniscono anche un potente strumento metodologico per migliorare l'analisi della LIS e per valorizzare le riflessioni metalinguistiche su testi LIS, in modi finora impossibili con altri sistemi di annotazione

    The stability of money demand in the long-run: Italy 1861–2011

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    Money demand stability is a crucial issue for monetary policy efficacy, and it is particularly endangered when substantial changes occur in the monetary system. By implementing the ARDL technique, this study intends to estimate the impact of money demand determinants in Italy over a long period (1861–2011) and to investigate the stability of the estimated relations. We show that instability cannot be excluded when a standard money demand function is estimated, irrespectively of the use of M1 or M2. Then, we argue that the reason for possible instability resides in the omission of relevant variables, as we show that a fully stable demand for narrow money (M1) can be obtained from an augmented money demand function involving real exchange rate and its volatility as additional explanatory variables. These results also allow us to argue that narrower monetary aggregates should be employed in order to obtain a stable estimated relation

    Neustonic versus epiphytic bacteria of eutrophic lake and their biodegradation ability on deltamethrin

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    This study evaluated biodegradation of the insecticide deltamethrin (1 ÎŒg l−1) by pure cultures of neustonic (n = 25) and epiphytic (n = 25) bacteria and by mixed cultures (n = 1), which consisted of a mixture of 25 bacterial strains isolated from the surface microlayer (SM ≈ 250 Όm) and epidermis of the Common Reed (Phragmites australis, (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) growing in the littoral zone of eutrophic lake CheƂmĆŒyƄskie. Results indicate that neustonic and epiphytic bacteria are characterized by a similar average capacity to degrade deltamethrin. After a 15-day incubation, bacteria isolated from the surface microlayer reduced the initial concentration of deltamethrin by 60%, while the average effectiveness of the bacteria found on the Common Reed equaled 47%
