99 research outputs found


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    El establecimiento de una fuerza laboral t\ue9cnica con una educaci\uf3n s\uf3lida y altamente calificada es un componente esencial para facilitar el desarrollo social y el crecimiento econ\uf3mico de los pa\uedses y regiones del mundo en desarrollo. En el programa Ingenier\ueda de Producci\uf3n de la Universidad Centroccidental \u93Lisandro Alvarado\u94 la competencia generica innovaci\uf3n tecnol\uf3gica es desarrollada a lo largo de la carrera, incluyendo no s\uf3lo la adquisici\uf3n del conocimiento, sino de las habilidades profesionales y las actitudes o valores, con el fin de que el profesional egresado de la misma alcance dicha competencia. De aqu\ued que el presente trabajo de investigaci\uf3n, de tipo descriptivo, expone las actividades y trabajos que realizan los estudiantes del programa en su proceso de ense\uf1anza-aprendizaje de acuerdo al perfil profesional y c\uf3mo \ue9stos ayudan en el logro de dicha competencia, con lo cual se concluye que dicho programa fue dise\uf1ado sembrando una cultura de aprendizaje y de crecimiento para cumplir con los requerimientos del ingeniero del siglo XXI, que incluye la competencia de innovaci\uf3n tecnol\uf3gica, cuyo logro no solo se evidencian en los informe de pasant\ueda o trabajo especial de grado realizado por los estudiantes antes de egresar del programa, sino tambi\ue9n a lo largo de la carrera. Palabras claves: Competencias, Innovaci\uf3n Tecnol\uf3gica, Ingeniero de Producci\uf3n Abstract The establishment of a technical workforce with a solid and highly qualified education is a essential componnent to facilitate social development and economic growth of developed countries and regions of the world. In Engineering Production program of the Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado\u94, the generic competency technological innovation is developed throughout the carreer, including not only the acquisition of knowledge, but of professional skills and attitudes or value, in order that professional graduate reach that competition. Hence the present investigation, of descriptive kind, outlines the activities and work done by students of the program as teaching-learning according to the professional profile and how they help in the achievement of that competition, which it was concluded that this program was designed by seeding a culture of learning and growth to accomplish the requirements of the engineer of the XXI century, including competition for technological innovation, the achievement is not only evident in the internship\ub4s inform or special grade work made by students before graduation program, but also throughout the carreer. Keywords: competency, Technological Innovation, Production Engineer <br

    Alterations of selected serum biochemical and urinary parameters in dogs with chronic enteropathy

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    Background: No specific study on concurrent nephropathy has been conducted in dogs with chronic enteropathy (CE), except for soft-coated Wheaten Terriers. Moreover, limited information exists regarding the urinary profile in dogs with CE.Aim: To describe, compare, and discuss the alterations in selected serum biochemical and urinary parameters in dogs with CE.Methods: Multicentric retrospective study on dogs with CE diagnosed after exclusion of extra-gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, dogs with azotemia and lower urinary tract diseases were excluded. Information on canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity index (CCECAI) score, muscular condition score (MCS), presence of glycosuria, proteinuria [urine protein-to-creatinine (UPC) ratio &gt; 0.5], and/or cylindruria (&gt;1–2 casts/hpf) at diagnosis were gleaned from the medical records. Dogs were retrospectively classified as food-responsive enteropathy, immunosuppressant-responsive enteropathy, or nonresponsive enteropathy based on the presence of gastrointestinal histological inflammation and the treatment response. In addition, based on the serum albumin concentration (ALB), dogs were classified as having protein-losing enteropathy (PLE).Results: Ninety CE dogs were included. Fifty-two dogs had mild-to-severely decreased MCS and 38 dogs showed altered urinary parameters. No significant associations were found between CCECAI and altered urinary parameters. No significant association was found between PLE dogs and altered urinary parameters. PLE dogs showed higher prevalence of proteinuria than non-PLE dogs (p = 0.03; OR = 2.8; 95% CI = 1–6.8).Conclusion: Despite the presence of altered urinary profile in dogs with CE, further studies are needed to explore a possible link between gastrointestinal and renal inflammation

    Evaluation of clinicopathological features in cats with chronic gastrointestinal signs

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    Food-responsive enteropathy (FRE), idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and alimentary tract lymphoma (AL) are often the remaining differentials for cats presenting with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) signs. Differential diagnosis is further complicated by overlapping clinicopathological features and histopathological changes, however. In this study we describe the clinical presentation of cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL, and evaluate possible associations between clinical, clinicopathological, ultrasonographic findings and diagnosis. The medical records of client-owned cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL were reviewed. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models and receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis were used for testing the data. Of the 56 cats included in the study, 22 were diagnosed with FRE (mean age, 70 months ± 49), 17 with IBD (mean age, 101 months ± 40), and 17 with AL (mean age, 122 months ± 45). Cats with FRE were younger and presented more often with diarrhea and less frequently with muscle wasting than cats with IBD or AL. In cats with AL, serum cobalamin levels were lower than in those with FRE or IBD (239 ± 190 ng/L vs. 762 ± 408 ng/L and 625 ± 443 ng/L, respectively) and folate levels were higher than in cats with IBD (18.2 ± 4.2 μg/L vs. 9.1 ± 4.7 μg/L, respectively). Multivariate/ROC curve analysis showed increased values of BUN (sensitivity 100, specificity 29.4, criterion >37 mg/dl) and serum folate (sensitivity 80, specificity 100, criterion >15.6 μg/L) and reduced values of cobalamin (sensitivity 100, specificity 62.5, criterion â¤540 ng/L), which suggested a diagnosis of AL versus IBD. Some clinicopathological features evaluated at diagnosis might suggest AL; however, because differentiating AL from IBD is often difficult, definitive diagnosis should be based on invasive diagnostic workup

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para el diseño e instalación de una planta para la producción de sidra a partir de manzana delicia (Pyrus malus D)

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    The main objective of this project is to determine the technical, economic, financial and market viability, through a preliminary study for the design and installation of a cider factory from Delicia apple. In the chapter on Market Research, our target market was identified. As a result, our product would be accepted in sectors A and B of Lima Metropolitana, which represents 26.5% of the population. Likewise, as it is an alcoholic beverage, it will be sold only to people over 18 years of age, which is, 71% of the inhabitants. Thanks to the segmentation and the support of a survey of 477 people, a project demand of 535,941.54 bottles of cider of 330ml corresponding to the first year will be presented. Later, a macro and micro location study was carried out in order to obtain the most optimal location for the project. In that way, the cities of Lima, Ica and Ancash were first evaluated considering different factors, where Lima was chosen, mainly because of its proximity to the raw material. Finally, the plant will be located in Ate, as it is the industrial area closest to the market compared to the other alternatives evaluated. On the other hand, the size of the plant was established from the analysis of different factors, obtaining a size of 636,430.58 annual units defined by the size - market relationship. In addition, at least 434,764 units per year would have to be produced to make a profit. Regarding the engineering of the project, it was observed that the fermentation operation represents the bottleneck of the process, with a capacity of 815,823.82 bottles. In addition, the plant layout was established, determining a total area of 750 m2. Referring to the economic and financial evaluation, it was shown that the project is profitable, obtaining an economic VAN of S/.820,648.66, TIR of 35.68% and RP 2.89 years. In the same way, a financial VAN of S/.901,818.52, TIR of 46.07% and RP 2.43 years. The total investment requirement of the project is S/.1,280,614.82, which is financed the 30% at an annual effective rate of 11.55% and COK of 15.03%. Finally, as a social evaluation there is S/.67,400.78 of capital density, S/.0.71 of capital intensity and product-capital ratio of S/. 1.40.El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es demostrar la viabilidad técnica, económica, financiera y de mercado, a través de un estudio de prefactibilidad para el diseño e instalación de una planta para la producción de sidra a partir de manzana Delicia. En el capítulo de estudio de mercado, se identificó al mercado objetivo, destacando que el producto sería aceptado en los sectores A y B de Lima Metropolitana, lo que representa el 26.5% de la población. A su vez, por tratarse de una bebida alcohólica, estará dirigido solo a personas mayores de 18 años, es decir, 71% de los habitantes. Con la segmentación mencionada y el apoyo de una encuesta realizada a 477 personas, se presentará una demanda del proyecto de 535,941.54 botellas de sidra de 330 ml correspondientes al primer año. Luego, se realizó un estudio de macro y micro localización con el fin de obtener la ubicación óptima para el proyecto. Así, se evaluaron primero los departamentos de Lima, Ica y Áncash considerando diferentes factores, donde se escogió a Lima principalmente por su cercanía a la materia prima. Finalmente, la planta estará ubicada en Ate, por ser la zona industrial más cercana al mercado frente a las demás alternativas evaluadas. Por otro lado, se calculó el tamaño de la planta del proyecto a partir del análisis de diversos factores, obteniendo un tamaño de 636,430.58 unidades anuales definido por la relación tamaño – mercado. Además, se tendría que producir como mínimo 434,764 unidades al año para obtener ganancias. En lo referente a la ingeniería del proyecto, la operación de fermentación representa el cuello de botella del proceso, con una capacidad de 815,823.82 botellas. Además, se estableció la disposición de planta, determinando un área total de 750m2. En cuanto a la evaluación económica y financiera, se demostró que el proyecto es rentable, dando como resultado un VAN económico de S/.820,648.66 y una TIR de 35.68% y un PR 2.89 años. De la misma manera, se obtuvo un VAN financiero de S/.901,818.52 y una TIR de 46.07% y un PR 2.43 años. Así, para este proyecto se requiere una inversión total de S/.1,280,614.82, de la cual se financia el 30% a una tasa efectiva anual de 11.55% y un COK del 15.03%. Por último, como evaluación social se tiene S/.67,400.78 de densidad de capital, S/.0.71 de intensidad de capital y una relación producto-capital de S/. 1.40


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    La presente investigación titulada: Responsabilidad extracontractual en la afectación de los derechos del consumidor en Chiclayo, 2016, tiene como objetivo general proponer una modificatoria a la Ley de Protección de los Derechos del Consumidor en su Art. 100, que establezca un porcentaje indemnizatorio destinado a resarcir el daño originado por la responsabilidad extracontractual del proveedor al consumidor afectado. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva propositiva. La población muestral estuvo conformada por 150 personas (consumidores) con la finalidad de abordar su experiencia con INDECOPI y establecer un criterio por medio del cual se proponga una modificación legislativa. Del análisis de la Ley N°29571 Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor y del Código Civil, específicamente en materia de responsabilidad civil extracontractual e indemnización, se encontró un vacío legal en cuánto al resarcimiento de los daños originados por la responsabilidad extracontractual del proveedor hacia un consumidor afectado. Se concluye que es necesaria una modificación del art. 100 de la Ley N°29571, en la cual se establecerá una indemnización al consumidor afectado. Finalmente, de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, las investigadoras elaboran una propuesta legislativa para modificar el Art. 100 que establezca un porcentaje indemnizatorio destinado a resarcir el daño originado por la responsabilidad extracontractual del proveedor al consumidor afectado.Tesi