201 research outputs found

    Isolamento e caratterizzazione strutturale di terpenoidi da Podocarpus gracilior Pilger (Podocarpaceae)

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    SOMMARIO Tre nuovi terpenoidi, 2,16-diidrossi-4-carbossi-O--D-glucopiranosil-19-nortotarolo (10), nagilactone K (8) e acido 15-idrossi phaseico (11) sono stati isolati dalle foglie di Podocarpus gracilior Pilger, una conifera appartenente alla famiglia delle Podocarpaceae, originaria dell’Africa Centro-Orientale e conosciuta come “African Fern Pine”. La famiglia delle Podocarpaceae è un’antica famiglia di Gimnosperme diffusa in particolar modo nelle foreste tropicali e subtropicali dell’emisfero australe. Nella medicina tradizionale le specie appartenenti a questo genere sono utilizzate per il trattamento di febbre, asma, tosse, colera e malattie veneree. Nel corso dell’ultimo decennio è stata effettuata un’ampia ricerca sulle piante del genere Podocarpus provenienti dalla Nuova Zelanda, Australia, Cina e Giappone. Tali studi fitochimici, che riportano la presenza di interessanti composti terpenoidici bioattivi, hanno quindi incoraggiato lo studio di questa specie. Le foglie di P. gracilior, precedentemente essiccate e macinate, sono state sottoposte a macerazione con solventi a polarità crescente: n-esano, cloroformio, una miscela di cloroformio-metanolo (9:1) e metanolo. In questo lavoro sono stati presi in considerazione gli estratti cloroformio-metanolico 9:1 (RCM), metanolico (RM) e cloroformico (RC). Gli estratti RCM, RM e RC sono stati sottoposti a cromatografia di esclusione molecolare su una colonna Sephadex LH-20 o a cromatografia flash su colonna di gel di silice, seguita da cromatografia ad alta pressione su fase inversa (RPHPLC) e/o estrazione su fase solida (SPE). L’analisi di tali estratti ha portato all’isolamento e alla caratterizzazione di diversi metaboliti secondari; in particolare, tre nuovi composti terpenoidici mai isolati precedentemente in natura (8, 10 e 11), quattro composti appartenenti alla classe dei diterpeni (3, 4, 7 e 12), uno ionone (composto 1), un fitoecdisteroide (composto 2) e tre lignani (composti 5, 6 e 9) già precedentemente isolati da altre specie del genere Podocarpus. La caratterizzazione dei composti è stata possibile grazie all’utilizzo di tecniche spettroscopiche NMR mono e bidimensionali quali esperimenti 1H-NMR, 13CNMR, 1D-TOCSY, DQF-COSY, HSQC, HMBC e analisi di spettrometria di massa ESI-MS. Lo studio fitochimico di tale specie ha quindi confermato, come riportato in letteratura, l’abbondanza di composti terpenoidici nel genere Podocarpus. Tali metaboliti secondari presentano diverse attività biologiche quali antibatterica, antitumorale, antiinfiammatoria e antifungina

    Del “MERCOSUR comercial” al “MERCOSUR social” : Rupturas y continuidades

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    Existe un consenso en los analistas de la región con respecto al giro conceptual del MERCOSUR con el cambio de siglo, puntualizándose en particular sobre un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo que fue configurándose en las sucesivas Cumbres, paradigma que puede ser definido como multidimensional, intercultural y con un fuerte énfasis en el componente social. Esta concepción ya se va vislumbrando a través del discurso emergente en el Consenso de Buenos Aires (2003).Instituto de Integración Latinoamerican

    Del “MERCOSUR comercial” al “MERCOSUR social” : Rupturas y continuidades

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    Existe un consenso en los analistas de la región con respecto al giro conceptual del MERCOSUR con el cambio de siglo, puntualizándose en particular sobre un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo que fue configurándose en las sucesivas Cumbres, paradigma que puede ser definido como multidimensional, intercultural y con un fuerte énfasis en el componente social. Esta concepción ya se va vislumbrando a través del discurso emergente en el Consenso de Buenos Aires (2003).Instituto de Integración Latinoamerican

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing as an Effective Treatment Approach with Traumatized Youth

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    Trauma is anything that impacts an individual’s ability to cope. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidenced-based treatment for many psychological disorders resulting from traumatic stress; however, there is limited research supporting use with children and adolescents. The purpose of this quantitative study was to evaluate the relationship between EMDR treatment on the reduction of trauma symptoms in children and adolescents. This study was grounded in Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theory. The research questions explored the relationship between EMDR as an effective treatment for youth who have experienced trauma. The variables considered the pre- and post-test scores on the Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS), the classification of traumatic distress (acute, chronic, or complex) as measured by the adverse childhood experience (ACE) score prior to the start of treatment, and the total number of EMDR sessions received. Archival data were collected on 52 children and adolescents (11–17 years of age) who have undergone EMDR treatment. Results indicated EMDR treatment did not show any statistically significant difference among youth with acute, chronic, or complex trauma; however, results indicated a statistically significant improvement in trauma symptom scores pre- and post-test treatment. The findings supported the reduction of trauma symptoms in youth after participating in EMDR treatment. Based on the results, it is recommended that further exploration be made in the use of EMDR treatment with children and adolescents. The positive social change that this research has provided is empirical support for evidenced-based treatment for youth who have experienced trauma

    I diritti della donna sedotta : appunti di legislazione civile e penale patria e straniera con richiami alla dottrina ed alla giurisprudenza / Ambrogio Giacobone

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    I diritti della donna sedotta : appunti di legislazione civile e penale patria e straniera con richiami alla dottrina ed alla giurisprudenza / Ambrogio Giacobone Varzi : Tip. De-Grandi, 1890 295 p. ; 23 cm


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    Il presente lavoro di tesi mira al recupero e alla riqualificazione urbana dell'area ex-caserma Bechi Luserna di Pisa, con la creazione di un polo terziario, commerciale, residenziale, alberghiero e congressuale

    Inflación + desarrollo : La inflación argentina: un enfoque estructural

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    Argentina atraviesa un proceso inflacionario de carácter estructural. Esto plantea dos fuertes definiciones: por un lado, el reconocimiento de un proceso de suba generalizada de precios que tiene lugar en Argentina y, por el otro, el de su caracterización como un proceso inseparable del esquema de desarrollo.Centro de Investigación en Economía Política y Comunicación (CIEPYC

    Exploring humanity combining Data Visualization with Digital Art

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    The paper presents two interactive installations that make use of datasets about the University of the Republic of San Marino to increase its visibility through Digital Art and meaning. Vibrancy translates sound in a continuously updated materic flow. Its goal is to show the vivacity of the University, quite isolated and located in an ancient monastery in the inner city of San Marino. This, to tell the restless movement that characterizes the School. Vibrancy’s software detects, processes and translates noises into movement. Metadata Juice explores human relationships mediated by the Internet, representing invisible data and digital relations generated in the virtual web space. The stream of information comes from the University firewall and its representation is associated with the binary code syntax. Data are translated into a hydraulic circuit, creating simultaneously a connection between analogue and digital realities

    Sustainable Data-Driven Strategies and Active Well-Being: A Case Study

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    Nowadays the world is characterized by an increasingly aging society. This phenomenon represents a risk for the sustainability of the healthcare system. One of the factors that can accelerate the consequences of the aging process is sedentary behavior. Currently, there is a large availability of wearable smart devices and mobile applications, that can collect data. However, some social and functional problems were observed, therefore we believe that there is great room for improvement (Mincolelli et al., 2018). In addition, the paradigm of the Internet of Things is enabling those applications to share data with other programs and smart devices, which, in turn, can generate an ecosystem of services that can improve the quality of life, not only of the single user, but of many groups of a determined social context. The contribution presents a case study (PLEINAIR project) that focuses specifically on the development of Human-Centered outdoor smart technologies that can adapt themselves to the necessities of people of all ages and abilities in order to encourage them of taking care of their health