1,140 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge forceps stiffness and related displacement

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    Purpose: To test the stiffness and displacement of different vitreous forceps. Physical features and deformation after multiple procedures were also measured. Methods: Eleven different 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge vitreous forceps were studied. The measurements were repeated loading the probe at different distances from the tip: at the top of the tip and 10 and 20 mm from the tip, respectively. For each probe, 10 successive identical bending tests were performed. The total length and the internal and external diameters of each forceps were also measured. Results: A total of 330 successive identical bending tests were performed. No progression in deformation after the repeated measurements was recorded (p > 0.05). In each gauge group, displacement differences were detected according to the manufacturing metal properties, the total length, and the thickness of the shaft wall. A minimal adequate model to describes forceps displacements in terms of their significant predictors, such as gauge, model, and load distance from the tip, was created. Conclusion: We provided a precise assessment of the stiffness and displacement of different vitreous forceps to enable surgeons to select the optimal instrument according to the benefits and limitations of each forceps

    Generalised Decision Level Ensemble Method for Classifying Multi-media Data

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    In recent decades, multimedia data have been commonly generated and used in various domains, such as in healthcare and social media due to their ability of capturing rich information. But as they are unstructured and separated, how to fuse and integrate multimedia datasets and then learn from them eectively have been a main challenge to machine learning. We present a novel generalised decision level ensemble method (GDLEM) that combines the multimedia datasets at decision level. After extracting features from each of multimedia datasets separately, the method trains models independently on each media dataset and then employs a generalised selection function to choose the appropriate models to construct a heterogeneous ensemble. The selection function is dened as a weighted combination of two criteria: the accuracy of individual models and the diversity among the models. The framework is tested on multimedia data and compared with other heterogeneous ensembles. The results show that the GDLEM is more exible and eective

    Multimodal-based Diversified Summarization in Social Image Retrieval

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    In this paper, we describe our approach and its results for the MediaEval 2015 Retrieving Diverse Social Images task. The main strength of the proposed approach is its flexibility that permits to filter out irrelevant images, and to obtain a reli- able set of diverse and relevant images. This is done by first clustering similar images according to their textual descrip- tions and their visual content, and then extracting images from different clusters according to a measure of user’s cred- ibility. Experimental results shown that it is stable and has little fluctuation in both single-concept and multi-concept queries

    Ésteres alquílicos de ácidos grasos en aceitunas de mesa en relación con fermentaciones anormales y tratamientos tecnológicos mal realizados

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    There are several methods to prepare table olives, and each of the steps and conditions during this processing can affect the composition and nutritional value of the product. The influence of abnormal fermentation and poorly conducted technological treatments was examined here in terms of the lipid fraction of table olives. In ‘Greek style’ olives, a low concentration of brine can allow the growth of spontaneous microflora and consequent organoleptic defects (‘putrid/butyric fermentation’, ‘winey-vinegary’). Here, the ‘Kalamata’ and ‘Moresca’ cultivars can produce methyl esters (methyl oleate/ linoleate: 553 and 450 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively) and ethyl esters (ethyl oleate/ inoleate: 4764 and 4195; palmitate: 617 and 886 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively). In ‘Sevillan style’ olives, a high NaOH concentration influences the fatty-acid composition less, but is difficult to eliminate, for a ‘soapy’ defect. The ‘Giarraffa’ and ‘Nocellara del Belice’ cultivars produce only ethyl esters (ethyl oleate/ linoleate: 222 and 289 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively). With this production of ethyl and methyl esters from the principal fatty acids in the lipid fractions of table olives, methods that provide only biological treatments (i.e., Greek style) pose more risk than methods that provide only chemical treatments (i.e., Sevillan style).H�a�y� �v�a�r�i�o�s� �m�ét�o�d�o�s� �p�a�r�a� �p�r�e�p�a�r�a�r� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�,� �y� �c�a�d�a� �u�n�o� �d�e� �l�o�s� �p�a�s�o�s� �y� �c�o�n�d�i�c�i�o�n�e�s� �d�u�r�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�e� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�m�i�e�n�t�o� �p�u�e�d�e�n� �a�f�e�c�t�a�r� �a� �l�a� �c�o�m�p�o�s�i�c�i�ón� �y� �a�l� �v�a�l�o�r� �n�u�t�r�i�c�i�o�n�a�l� �d�e�l� �p�r�o�d�u�c�t�o�.� �L�a� �i�n�f�l�u�e�n�c�i�a� �d�e� �l�a� �f�e�r�m�e�n�t�a�c�i�ón� �a�n�o�r�m�a�l� �y� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �t�e�c�n�o�l�ó�g�i�c�o�s� �m�a�l� �r�e�a�l�i�z�a�d�a�s� �s�e� �e�x�a�m�i�nó� �a�q�u�í� �e�n� �t�é�r�m�i�n�o�s� �d�e� �l�a� �f�r�a�c�c�i�ó�n� �l�i�p�í�d�i�c�a� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�.� �E�n� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�d�a�s� �m�e�d�i�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �g�r�i�e�g�o�,� �l�a� �b�a�j�a� �c�o�n�c�e�n�t�r�a�c�i�.�n� �d�e� �s�a�l�m�u�e�r�a� �p�e�r�m�i�t�e� �e�l� �c�r�e�c�i�m�i�e�n�t�o� �e�s�p�o�n�tá�n�e�o� �d�e� �m�i�c�r�o�f�l�o�r�a� �y� �l�a� �c�o�n�s�i�g�u�i�e�n�t�e� �a�p�a�r�i�c�i�ó�n� �d�e� �d�e�f�e�c�t�o�s� �o�r�g�a�n�o�l�é�p�t�i�c�o�s� �(‘�f�e�r�m�e�n�t�a�c�i�ó�n� �b�u�t�í�r�i�c�a� �y� �a�v�i�n�a�g�r�a�d�o’ )�.� �L�o�s� �c�u�l�t�i�v�a�r�e�s� �d�e� �‘K�a�l�a�m�a�t�a’� �y� ‘M�o�r�e�s�c�a’� �p�u�e�d�e�n� �p�r�o�d�u�c�i�r� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �m�e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �5�5�3� �y� �4�5�0� �m�g·�k�g�-1� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�e�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�me�n�t�e�)� �y� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �4�7�6�4� �y� �4�1�9�5�;� �p�a�l�m�i�t�a�t�o�:� �6�1�7� �y� �8�8�6� �m�g·k�g�-1�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�m�e�n�t�e�)�.� �E�n� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�d�a�s� �m�e�d�i�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �s�e�v�i�l�l�a�n�o�,� �l�a� �a�l�t�a� �c�o�n�c�e�n�t�r�a�c�ió�n� �d�e� �N�a�O�H� �i�n�f�l�u�y�e� �m�e�n�o�s� �e�n� �l�a� �c�o�m�p�o�s�i�c�ión� �d�e� �ác�i�d�o�s� �g�r�a�s�o�s�,� �p�e�r�o� �e�s� �d�i�fíc�i�l� �d�e� �e�l�i�m�i�n�a�r� �e�l� �d�e�f�e�c�t�o� �j�a�b�ón�.� �L�o�s� �c�u�l�t�i�v�a�r�e�s� �d�e� �‘G�i�a�r�r�a�f�f�a’� y� �‘N�o�c�e�l�l�a�r�a� �d�e�l� �B�e�l�i�c�e’ �p�r�o�d�u�c�e�n� �s�o�l�a�m�e�n�t�e� é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�éíl�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �2�2�2� �y� �2�8�9� �m�g�·�k�g-1� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�e�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�m�e�n�t�e�)�.� �C�o�n� �e�s�t�a� �p�r�o�d�u�c�c�ión� �d�e� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �y� �m�e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �d�e� �l�o�s� �á�c�i�d�o�s� �g�r�a�s�o�s� �p�r�i�n�c�i�p�a�l�e�s� �e�n� �l�a�s� �f�r�a�c�c�i�o�n�e�s� �l�i�pí�d�i�c�a�s� �d�e� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�,� �l�o�s� �mét�o�d�o�s� �q�u�e� �p�r�o�p�o�r�c�i�o�n�a�n� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �u�n�i�c�a�m�e�n�t�e� �b�i�o�ló�g�i�c�o�s� �(�e�s� �d�e�c�i�r�,� �d�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �g�r�i�e�g�o�)� �p�l�a�n�t�e�a�n� �má�s� �r�i�e�s�g�o�s� �q�u�e� �l�o�s� �m�ét�o�d�o�s� �q�u�e� �p�r�o�p�o�r�c�i�o�n�a�n� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �q�uí�m�i�c�o�s� �(�e�s� �d�e�c�i�r�,� �d�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �s�e�v�i�l�l�a�n�o�)�

    Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Biometer as Screening Strategy for Macular Disease in Patients Scheduled for Cataract Surgery

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    The aim of this study was to assess the central macular imaging captured with an optical biometer based on full-eye-length Swept-Source OCT (SS-OCT) scan as a screening strategy for identifying macular diseases in patients scheduled for cataract surgery. 1,114 eyes of 749 consecutive patients underwent a biometrical examination with IOLMaster 700 SS-OCT technology (Carl Zeiss) and conventional Spectral-Domain OCT (SD-OCT) (Spectralis OCT, Heidelberg) device analysis on the same day. Seven examiners graded the scans individually in a full-masked mode. Twenty-five eyes were excluded for media opacities. Among the 1,089 included eyes, statistical analysis revealed a mean Kendall\u2019s Coefficient of 0.83 (range 0.76\u20130.89). A logistic regression model demonstrated a highly significant correlation (p < 0.001) between the coefficient of concordance and SD-OCT imaging. Intraobserver reproducibility was 0.89 (range 0.86\u20130.91). Optical biometer SS-OCT scans showed a mean sensitivity of 0.81 and a mean specificity of 0.84. The positive and negative predictive value detected was 0.78 and 0.86, respectively. In order to predict the risk of reduced visual recovery, especially in cases of retinal pathology, optical biometer with SS-OCT scan has proven to be a useful modality for detecting macular structural abnormalities in patients undergoing cataract surgery. Conventional SD-OCT remains mandatory to confirm the presumed diagnosis

    Nanotechnology-Assisted Cell Tracking

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    The usefulness of nanoparticles (NPs) in the diagnostic and/or therapeutic sector is derived from their aptitude for navigating intra-and extracellular barriers successfully and to be spatiotemporally targeted. In this context, the optimization of NP delivery platforms is technologically related to the exploitation of the mechanisms involved in the NP–cell interaction. This review provides a detailed overview of the available technologies focusing on cell–NP interaction/detection by describing their applications in the fields of cancer and regenerative medicine. Specifically, a literature survey has been performed to analyze the key nanocarrier-impacting elements, such as NP typology and functionalization, the ability to tune cell interaction mechanisms under in vitro and in vivo conditions by framing, and at the same time, the imaging devices supporting NP delivery assessment, and consideration of their specificity and sensitivity. Although the large amount of literature information on the designs and applications of cell membrane-coated NPs has reached the extent at which it could be considered a mature branch of nanomedicine ready to be translated to the clinic, the technology applied to the biomimetic functionalization strategy of the design of NPs for directing cell labelling and intracellular retention appears less advanced. These approaches, if properly scaled up, will present diverse biomedical applications and make a positive impact on human health

    High-level information fusion for risk and accidents prevention in pervasive oil industry environments

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    Proceedings of: 12th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, University of Salamanca (Spain), 4th-6th June, 2014.Information fusion studies theories and methods to effectively combine data from multiple sensors and related information to achieve more specific inferences that could be achieved by using a single, independent sensor. Information fused from sensors and data mining analysis has recently attracted the attention of the research community for real-world applications. In this sense, the deployment of an Intelligent Offshore Oil Industry Environment will help to figure out a risky scenario based on the events occurred in the past related to anomalies and the profile of the current employee (role, location, etc.). In this paper we propose an information fusion model for an intelligent oil environment in which employees are alerted about possible risk situations while their are moving around their working place. The layered architecture, implements a reasoning engine capable of intelligently filtering the context profile of the employee (role, location) for the feature selection of an inter-transaction mining process. Depending on the employee contextual information he will receive intelligent alerts based on the prediction model that use his role and his current location. This model provides the big picture about risk analysis for that employee at that place in that moment.This work was partially funded by CNPq BJT Project 407851/2012-
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