652 research outputs found

    Wealth and price distribution by diffusive approximation in a repeated prediction market

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    The approximate agents’ wealth and price invariant densities of a repeated prediction market model is derived using the Fokker–Planck equation of the associated continuous-time jump process. We show that the approximation obtained from the evolution of log-wealth difference can be reliably exploited to compute all the quantities of interest in all the acceptable parameter space. When the risk aversion of the trader is high enough, we are able to derive an explicit closed-form solution for the price distribution which is asymptotically correct

    Genetic risk factors in male infertility.

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    Long-run heterogeneity in an exchange economy with fixed-mix traders

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    We consider an exchange economy where agents have heterogeneous beliefs and assets are long-lived, and investigate the coupled dynamics of asset prices and agentsâ wealth. We assume that agents hold fixed-mix portfolios and invest on each asset proportionally to its expected dividends. We prove the existence and uniqueness of a sequence of arbitrage-free market equilibrium prices and provide sufficient conditions for an agent, or a group of agents, to survive or dominate. Our main finding is that long-run coexistence of agents with heterogeneous beliefs, leading to asset prices endogenous fluctuations, is a generic outcome of the market selection process

    Innovation, Finance, and Economic Growth : an agent-based model

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    This paper extends the endogenous-growth agent-based model in Fagiolo and Dosi (2003) to study the financegrowth nexus. We explore industries where firms produce a homogeneous good using existing technologies, perform R&D activities to introduce new techniques, and imitate the most productive practices. Unlike the original model, we assume that both exploration and imitation require resources provided by banks, which pool agent savings and finance new projects via loans. We find that banking activity has a positive impact on growth. However, excessive financialization can hamper growth. In- deed, we find a significant and robust inverted-U shaped relation between financial depth and growth. Overall, our results stress the fundamental (and still poorly understood) role played by innovation in the finance-growth nex

    Nuevas especies de Eirenidae (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) de la costa amazónica (norte de Brasil)

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    Two new Eirenidae medusae species were collected on the Amazonian coast, Eutima marajoara n. sp. and Helgicirrha angelicae n. sp. The former differs from other species of the genus by the gonads extending along almost the entire length of the subumbrellar portion of the radial canals but not connected to the ring canal, up to 40 marginal tentacles with conical bulbs and 48 marginal warts, lateral cirri and adaxial papillae on some marginal warts and tentacular bulbs. Helgicirrha angelicae n. sp. differs from other species of the genus by the gonads on the middle portion of the radial canals with medusa buds, the short gastric peduncle, up to 20 marginal tentacles, some with adaxial papillae, up to three marginal warts and two statocysts between successive tentacles, and lateral cirri both on tentacle bulbs and marginal warts.En la costa amazónica se recolectaron dos nuevas especies de medusas Eirenidae, Eutima marajoara n. sp. y Helgicirrha angelicae n. sp. La primera se diferencia de otras especies del género por las gónadas que se extienden a lo largo de casi toda la longitud de la porción subumbrellar de los canales radiales, pero no conectados al canal circular, hasta 40 tentáculos marginales con bulbos cónicos y 48 verrugas marginales, cirros laterales y papilas adaxiales en algunas verrugas marginales y bulbos tentaculares. Helgicirrha angelicae n. sp. se diferencia de otras especies del género por las gónadas en la porción media de los canales radiales con yemas de medusa, pedúnculo gástrico corto, hasta 20 tentáculos marginales, algunos con papilas adaxiales, hasta tres verrugas marginales y dos estatocistos entre tentáculos sucesivos, lateral cirros tanto en bulbos de tentáculos como en verrugas marginales

    New records of Pegantha spp. (Hydrozoa: Narcomedusae) off Northern Brazil

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    Specimens of Pegantha laevis H.B. Bigelow, 1909 and Pegantha triloba Haeckel, 1879 were found in oceanic waters off the northern Brazilian coast. The former species is clearly distinct due to the thickness and shape of peripheral channels, while the latter is recognized mainly due to the exumbrellar furrows and long otoporpae. This study represents the first actual record of P. laevis inside the Brazilian Economic Exclusive zone, since previous reports were far away from the coast, and clarify the presence of P. triloba off Brazil

    Trapaça do maligno... ou trampolim do bem. A limitação humana como vigor da finitude

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    O presente texto é uma reflexão informal a partir das contribuições feitas pelo filósofo Hermógenes Harada sobre o tema da limitação humana e sua importância para o crescimento do espírito. Lança-se mão também do pensamento de H. Rombach para demonstrar o fenômeno da situação-limite humana. Segundo Rombach, há inúmeros elos concêntricos de situações-limite, resguardados por limites, que podem se abrir na medida da disposição de trilhar um caminho de iluminação e transparência da passagem.  A trilha humana encontra sentido na medida em que supera situações-limite e transpõe a si, a realidade, seus semelhantes e o mundo a uma dimensão mais elevada de ser. Nesse sentido é importante lançar um olhar analítico para a dificuldade de ver e experimentar a própria dificuldade como um trampolim de elevação

    Ocupação e escravidão em Moçambique do século XIX

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    Discutir questões relacionadas à ocupação e ao tráfico de escravos em Moçambique ao longo do século XIX é a intenção deste texto. O trabalho trará uma comparação entre a ocupação dos povos Nguni no sul de Moçambique, no começo do século XIX, e a ocupação portuguesa, no final do mesmo século. As consequências destas ocupações para os povos locais também será levado em conta. Permeado de similitudes e diferenças estas ocupações carregaram traços específicos e marcantes na construção do Estado Moçambicano. Outra discussão presente nesta proposta diz respeito às formas de dependência que estiveram presentes em Moçambique, classificadas nas categorias de escravidão doméstica e a escravidão ligada ao modo de produção capitalista. Também se ressalta a relação da escravidão com o tráfico ultramarino, o qual acirrou esta prática e desestruturou a organização de muitos grupos regionais.

    New records of Pegantha spp. (Hydrozoa: Narcomedusae) off Northern Brazil

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    Specimens of Pegantha laevis H.B. Bigelow, 1909 and Pegantha triloba Haeckel, 1879 were found in oceanic waters off the northern Brazilian coast. The former species is clearly distinct due to the thickness and shape of peripheral channels, while the latter is recognized mainly due to the exumbrellar furrows and long otoporpae. This study represents the first actual record of P. laevis inside the Brazilian Economic Exclusive zone, since previous reports were far away from the coast, and clarify the presence of P. triloba off Brazil
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