96 research outputs found

    Growth, yield, and land use efficiency of soybean-maize relay cropping under saturated soil culture on tidal swamps

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    More than 75 percent of households growing maize and soybean adopts the monoculture method. The relay cropping of soybean-maize is a strategic choice to increase the planted area and productivity of these two commodities' sustainability in tidal swamps. The research aimed to study the land equivalent ratio (LER), determine the best planting spacing and soybean varieties, and the best relay cropping of maize on saturated soil culture in tidal swamps. The experiment was on mineral soils with type B tidal swamps, in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, from July to December 2022. The experiment used a three-factor randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor was soybean varieties: Argomulyo, Gepak Kuning, Detap 1, and Demas 1, the second factor was soybean planting spacing: 78 cm x 15 cm x 12.5 cm and 60 cm x 40 cm x 10 cm, and the third factor was the relay cropping of maize: 30 and 45 days after planting (DAP) of soybeans. Results showed that plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, filled pods, 100 seeds weight, and seed yield were influenced significantly by varieties. Demas 1 variety produced a higher seed yield, with relay cropping and monoculture, i.e., 4.2 tons ha-1 and 4.1 tons ha-1, respectively. Plant height, stem diameters, number of leaves, 100 grains weight, and grain yield in maize were significantly higher at soybean planting spacing of 78 cm x 15 cm x 12.5 cm and relay cropping at 30 DAP. The LER values > 1, indicated that relay cropping increased land productivity as compared to monoculture cultivation. The LER at relay cropping of 30 DAP was significantly highest for Argomulyo and Detap 1 varieties, i.e., 1.8 and 1.8, respectively. Keywords: Land equivalent ratio, planting spacing, relay cropping, saturated soil culture,  tidal swamp

    Control of iron stress in water-saturated tidal land using ameliorant and its impact on rice productivity

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    Fe stress is a problem in swamp lands that reduces the growth and yield of rice. Providing various types of ameliorants and selecting rice varieties are considered an effort to obtain high rice productivity in tidal land. The research aimed to study the effect of various ameliorants on rice growth and production, and to obtain high productivity of tolerant variety to iron stress at different locations of tidal land. The research was conducted in Karya Bakti Village (1°10'34.8" S and 104°09’31.1” E), Rantau Rasau, East Tanjung Jabung, Jambi. This study adopted a split-plot design with different types and doses of ameliorant as the main plots and several rice varieties as the subplots with three replications. The results showed that the application of ameliorant rice husk ash, coconut husk ash, empty bunch oil palm compost, and goat manure stimulated vegetative and generative growth. Meanwhile, the Inpari 16 Pasundan variety was proven to have better growth and higher production as described through plant height, fresh weight of shoots and roots, dry weight of shoots and roots, root length, number of productive tillers, number of grains per panicle, 1,000 grain weight, and harvested dry grain. The highest rice production was in the Inpari 16 Pasundan variety, 9.3 tons ha-1 (low-Fe) and 7.6 tons ha-1 (high-Fe). The combination of rice husk ash (0.25 tons ha-1) + coconut husk ash (0.25 tons ha-1) + empty bunch oil palm compost (0.75 tons ha-1) + goat manure (0.75 tons ha-1) was the best combination to increase rice productivity. Inpari 16 Pasundan is considered a tolerant variety on tidal land with high-Fe stress. The interaction between ameliorants and varieties was significant on plant height at ages 2 and 4 weeks after planting at low-Fe, number of productive tillers at high-Fe, root length at low-Fe and high-Fe, 1,000-grain weight, and number of grains per panicle at low-Fe, and harvested dry grain at low-Fe and high-Fe. Keywords: B-type tidal fields, Fe stress cultivation, organic ameliorant, tolerant rice variety, water-saturated cultivatio

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jagung Manis yang Ditumpangsarikan dengan Kacang Tunggak pada Lahan Pasca Tambang Batu Andesit

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    Revegetasi merupakan upaya memperbaiki kondisi tanah akibat penambangan melalui penambahan bahan organik dan penanaman sehingga nilai ekologis serta ekonomi tanah meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait pertumbuhan, produksi, nisbah kesetaraan lahan jagung manis yang ditumpangsarikan dengan kacang tunggak pada lahan pasca tambang batu andesit. Percobaan dilakukan di lahan bekas tambang PT. Diaz Pratama Utama, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten, pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2020. Penelitian disusun berdasarkan rancangan faktorial kelompok lengkap teracak yang terdiri atas dua faktor yaitu jumlah baris tanaman kacang tunggak sebagai tanaman sela dan dosis pupuk kandang kambing. Faktor tanaman sela terdiri atas satu baris dan dua baris kacang tunggak. Faktor dosis pupuk kandang kambing terdiri atas 4 taraf yaitu 0, 5, 10, dan 15 ton ha-1. Setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pupuk kandang kambing 10 ton ha-1 dan pola dua baris tanaman sela kacang tunggak memberikan pengaruh yang terbaik terhadap karakter pertumbuhan jagung manis dan menghasilkan produktivitas jagung manis tertinggi yaitu 12.2 ton ha-1. Penanaman jagung manis dengan pemberian pupuk kandang kambing 10 ton ha-1 dan dua baris tanaman kacang tunggak meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan lahan sebesar 56%. Kata kunci: C-organik, produktivitas, revegetasi, serapan hara, tanaman selaRevegetation is an effort to improve soil conditions and increase the ecological and economic value of the ex-mining soil through the addition of organic matter and planting. This study evaluates the growth, production, and land equivalence ratio of sweet corn intercropped with cowpea on land after andesite mining. The experiment was conducted on the ex-mining land of PT. Diaz Pratama Utama, Serang Regency, Banten, from March to June 2020. This experiment used a completely randomized factorial design and four replications. The first factor was the number of intercropping rows (one or two rows of cowpea), and the second factor was the dose of goat manure (0, 5, 10, and 15 ton ha-1). The results showed that an application of 10 ton ha-1 goat manure with two rows of intercropped cowpea had resulted in the best sweet corn growth and the highest sweet corn yield of 12.2 ton ha-1. Intercropping sweet corn and two rows of cowpea with the application of the goat manure 10 ton ha-1 increased land-use efficiency by 56%. Keywords: C-organic, productivity, revegetation, nutrient uptake, intercroppin

    Relay-cropping soybean-maize in saturated soil culture increases efficiency of land use and nitrogen fertilizer

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    Relay-cropping in saturated soil cultivation could increase land efficiency, but its effect on land use and nitrogen fertilizer efficiency is unclear. The research objective was to evaluate the land productivity of the relay-cropping system by calculating the land equivalent ratio (LER) and the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer, and by determining the effect of previous soybean biomass. The experiment was arranged in a three-factor randomized complete block design. The first factor was the cropping patterns of soybean and maize, i.e., relay-cropping soybean-maize and maize monoculture. The second factor was the maize varieties, i.e., Pioneer 27 and Sukmaraga. The third factor was the application of N fertilizer with 4 doses: 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha-1. The results showed that the application of soybean biomass increased maize yield by 7.24%. Pioneer 27 produced a higher yield than Sukmaraga, and the dose of N fertilizer of 150 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest yield of 7.50 tons ha-1. The highest LER of 1.85% was achieved in the relay-cropping by applying N fertilizer 150 kg ha-1. The experiment concludes relay-cropping after soybean save land by about 85% and save N fertilizer by 33.3%. The reduction of N fertilizer application by 33.3% (100 kg N ha-1) reduced corn cob productivity by 13.3%, and is not significantly different from 150 kg N ha-1.      Keywords: chlorophyll, LER, plant residueRelay-cropping in saturated soil cultivation could increase land efficiency, but its effect on land use and nitrogen fertilizer efficiency is unclear. The research objective was to evaluate the land productivity of the relay-cropping system by calculating the land equivalent ratio (LER) and the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer, and by determining the effect of previous soybean biomass. The experiment was arranged in a three-factor randomized complete block design. The first factor was the cropping patterns of soybean and maize, i.e., relay-cropping soybean-maize and maize monoculture. The second factor was the maize varieties, i.e., Pioneer 27 and Sukmaraga. The third factor was the application of N fertilizer with 4 doses: 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha-1. The results showed that the application of soybean biomass increased maize yield by 7.24%. Pioneer 27 produced a higher yield than Sukmaraga, and the dose of N fertilizer of 150 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest yield of 7.50 tons ha-1. The highest LER of 2.18% was achieved in the relay-cropping without applying follow-up N fertilizer (control). The experiment concludes relay-cropping after soybean save land by about 118% and save N fertilizer by 33.3%. The reduction of N fertilizer application by 33.3% (100 kg N ha-1) reduced corn cob productivity by 13.3%, and is not significantly different from 150 kg N ha-1.      Keywords: chlorophyll, LER, plant residu


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    Kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai khasiat obat dan hingga saat ini belum banyak informasi mengenai kadar bioaktifnya. Bioaktif yang terdapat pada daun kepel salah satunya flavonoid yang dapat digunakan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan bioaktif daun kepel pada umur daun yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sejak Juni sampai November 2013 di Arboretum Lanskap IPB (Bogor, Indonesia). Bagian tanaman yang digunakan sebagai sampel yaitu daun muda, sedang dan dewasa. Rata-rata kadar bioaktif daun tanaman kepel pada masing-masing umur daun dibandingkan menggunakan uji t-student’s. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas enzim phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) dan kadar antosianin pada daun muda relatif lebih tinggi dari daun tua dan daun sedang. Daun kepel dewasa memiliki kadar flavonoid dan total klorofil yang paling tinggi dari pada daun sedang dan daun muda. Kadar flavonoid daun kepel menurun, sedangkan kadar antosianin, aktivitas PAL dan total klorofil meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya curah hujan. Daun kepel yang sudah dewasa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku obat

    The Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization and Variety on The Growth and Production of Soybean (Glycine m a (L.) Merr) Under Saturated Soil Culture

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    The objective of this expaiment was to study the effect of phosphorus fertilization on the growth and production of Americana and Lokon under saturated soil culture. The experiment was conducted at the Cikarawang Experimental Station, IPB, on a Latosol, from November 1988 until April 1989. Soybean yield did not respond to the phosphorus application, and maybe due to improved soil P availability under saturated condition. Leaf P concentrations at 9 weeks were sufficient (0.303 to 0.357%) for all levels of treatment. Active nodule growth was longer under saturated soil culture than conventional irrigation. Maximum active nodule growth under conventional culture was reached at 6 weeks, but under saturated soil culture was still increasing between 6 to 9 weeks from 0.175 to 0.342 g/plant for Americana and from 0.162 to 0.260 g/plant for Lokon. Increase of active nodule dry weight was followed by increase of leaf N concentration between 6 to 9 weeks from 3.366 to 3.674% for Americana, and from 3.382 to 3.695% for Lokon. Americana was more tolerant than Lokon to saturated soil culture. Number of Tied pods, 100- sads weight, and seed dry weight/plot of Americana were bigger than Lokon

    Respons Pertumbuhan, Fisiologi, dan Produksi Kedelai terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Nitrogen dengan Dosis dan Waktu yang Berbeda

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    Fertilization is needed to support the growth of soybean plants. Nitrogen is a type of fertilizer that is needed by soybeans in considerable amounts. Aplication of nitrogen at different times is able to affect the production and quality of soybean seeds. The purpose of this study was to attain information about the morphology, physiology, and production responses of two soybean varieties to the supply of N. This research was conducted at the Cikabayan Experimental Station, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor Regency. This study used a completely randomized block design with two factors, namely two soybean varieties consisting of Tanggamus and Biosoy 1, and four combinations of N fertilizer doses that were without N fertilization, fertilized N at planting date, fertilized N at the seed filling phase, and fertilized N at planting date+seed filling phase with two replications. The dosage of urea fertilizer used was 25 kg ha-1, so that the N dosages is obtained 11,5 kg ha-1. The results showed that the application of N fertilizers at planting and during the seed filling phase (N3) was an effective time to increase soybean production.   Keywords: fertilization, morphology, seed qualit

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Galur-Galur Padi Toleran Fe Generasi F8 Hasil Persilangan IR64 x Hawara Bunar di Lahan Pasang Surut, Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    Utilization of marginal lands such as tidal land should be done to increase rice production as a solution of the decreasing productive land. However, rice cultivation in such land will be affected by low soil fertility, soil acidity and Fe toxicity. Fe-tolerant varieties are needed to overcome those problems. The objective of the research was to analyze the growth and production of Fe tolerant rice lines in tidal soil type C, Banyuasin, South Sumatera. Screening for Fe-tolerant character of 54 rice lines from the F8 RIL population derived from a cross between rice var. IR64 and var. Hawara Bunar using hydroponic technique under 1000 ppm Fe resulted 25 Fe-tolerant lines. The field test of 25 putative tolerant rice lines, at the tidal land in Banyuurip, Banyuasin, showed that the most lines grew better than that of var. Hawara Bunar parent. Several lines produced yield higher than that of var. Hawara Bunar parent. The field experiment resulted two rice lines, which were IRH108 and IRH195 that potential for further studies.

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai Hitam dengan Pemberian Jenis Biomassa dan Dosis Pemupukan Kalsium pada Budidaya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Penggunaan Budidaya Jenuh Air (BJA) pada lahan pasang surut merupakan salah satu solusi peningkatan produksi kedelai nasional. Pemberian biomassa dan pemupukan Ca menjadi pertimbangan dalam melengkapi paket teknologi budidaya jenuh air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis biomassa dan dosis pemupukan Ca yang secara nyata meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai hitam dengan budidaya jenuh air di lahan pasang surut. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Karyabhakti, Kecamatan Rantau Rasau, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi pada Agustus hingga November 2017. Rancangan petak tersarang digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan dua faktor, yaitu sumber biomassa dan dosis pemupukan Ca. Sumber biomassa terdiri atas tiga level antara lain kontrol, biomassa teki-tekian, dan jerami, sedangkan dosis pemupukan Ca terdiri atas empat level, yaitu kontrol, 250 kg ha-1, 500 kg ha-1, dan 750 kg ha-1. Kombinasi keduanya diulang sebanyak tiga ulangan sehingga menghasilkan 36 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh faktor tunggal sumber biomassa dan dosis pemupukan Ca secara umum berbeda sangat nyata dalam meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot kering bintil akar, bobot 100 biji, bobot ubinan, dan produktivitas kedelai hitam. Produktivitas tertinggi pengaruh faktor tunggal sumber biomassa adalah perlakuan pemberian biomassa teki sebesar 2.74 ton ha-1, sedangkan pengaruh faktor tunggal dosis pemupukan Ca terbaik adalah pemupukan Ca 500 kg ha-1 sebesar 2.49 ton ha-1. Interaksi kedua faktor hanya berbeda nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, bobot kering batang, dan jumlah polong isi

    Penggunaan Herbisida Untuk Pengendalian Gulma Pada Budi Daya Kedelai Jenuh Air Di Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Weed is a problem on the soybean saturated culture in tidal swamp land. The objective of this study was to obtain the most effective herbicide for weed control on soybean planted under saturated culture in the tidal swamp land. Research was conducted in tidal swamp land at Banyu Urip village, Tanjung Lago districs, Banyuasin, South Sumatra Province, from July to December 2013, using a randomized block design consisted, of the eight treatments, with three replications. The treatments were: control (P0), manual weeding 4 weeks after planting (P1), paraquat 2 l/ha 4 weeks after planting (P2), glyphosate 3 l/ha 4 after planting (P3), oxyfluorfen 2 l/ha 3 days before planting (P4), oxyfluorfen 3 days before planting 2 l/ha followed application of paraquat 4 weeks after planting 2 l/ha (P5), oxyfluorfen 3 days before planting 2 l/ha followed application of glyphosate 4 weeks after planting 3 l/ha (P6), penoxulam 1 l/ha 2 weeks after planting (P7). Results showed that herbicide paraquat effectively suppressed total dry weight of weeds at 4, 6, and 8 weeks after planting. Cyperus iria was the most dominant weed in the field, with Sum Dominance Ratio 37.7%. The highest soybean productivity was 3.7 t/ha obtained from glyphosate treatment. Pre-emergence herbicide applications should be done prior to soybean planting and the post-emergence herbicide application must be done carefully by using nozzle lid to prevent toxicity to the crop plants