325 research outputs found

    Synovialosarcome cervical: a propos d’un cas

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    Introduction : Le synovialosarcome est une tumeur maligne agressive. Les localisations cervico-faciales sont très rares. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas de synovialosarcome dans la région antéro-latérale du cou.Observation : Il s’agit d’un patient âgé de 37 ans, qui a consulté pour une volumineuse tuméfaction latéro-cervicale évoluant depuis 8 mois. La TDM a montré une masse tissulaire bien limitée de la région antérolatérale gauche du cou qui se rehausse faiblement après injection de produit de contraste. Le patient a eu une exérèse tumorale complète. L’examen anatomopathologique a conclu à un synovialosarcome. L’évolution était marquée par la récidive locale rapide, après 15 jours, pour laquelle il a été réopéré avec une radio-chimiothérapie post opératoire. Cependant le patient a présenté une métastase pulmonaire avec une poursuite évolutive.Conclusion : Le synovialosarcome cervical ne présente pas de spécificité clinique et radiologique. Le traitement de choix est la chirurgie.La valeur du traitement adjuvant n’est pas encore bien définie. Le pronostic est mauvais.Mots clés : synovialosarcome, région cervicale, chirurgie, radiothérapie, récidiveIntroduction : The synovial sarcoma is a malignant and aggressive tumor. The cervicofacial locations are rares. We report a new case of synovial sarcoma in the anterolateral region of the neck.Observation : He is a 37 years old patient, with a large latero-cervical tumefaction evolving for 8 months. CT showed well circumscribed tissue mass of the left anterolateral area neck which enhances low after contrast injection. The patient had a complete tumor resection. Histological examination concluded a synovial sarcoma. The evolution was marked by rapid local recurrence, after 15 days, for which he was reoperated with postoperative chemoradiotherapy. However, the patient had a pulmonary metastasis with continued progression.Conclusion : The cervical synovial sarcoma has no specific clinical and radiological character. The treatment of choice is surgery. The value of adjuvant therapy is not well defined. The prognosis is poor.Keywords : synovial sarcoma, neck, surgery, radiotherapy, recurrenc

    Effects of sodium lactate and lactic acid on chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of marinated chicken

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    This study was undertaken to evaluate the chemical changes, microbiological effects and sensory attributes of marinated chicken thighs treated by lactic acid (LA) at different concentrations (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1%) and sodium lactate (SL) at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3%, stored at 4°C. The results reveal that these additives were efficient (P < 0.05) against the proliferation of various spoilage microorganisms; including aerobic, psychrotrophic populations, Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. The general order of antibacterial activity of the different additives used was; LA > SL. Chemical analysis revealed a reduction in the pH value and also in the total volatile bases nitrogen contents in treated thigh. Overall, the findings demonstrate that the addition of 1% LA in marinated chicken can delay the proliferation of spoilage microorganisms and the appearance of undesirable chemical. This LA concentration improves the sensory attributes and extends the shelf life of the product during refrigerated storage. The LA additive have strong potential and promising properties that can, therefore, open new pathways and opportunities for the poultry industrial production for using efficient, safe, and cost-effective additives.Key words: Marinated chicken, sodium lactate, Lactic acid, Microbial quality, Sensory evaluation

    The use of phosphinothricin resistance as selectable marker for genetic transformation of grapevine

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    A transformation procedure with the bar gene as a selectable marker was established via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using strain LBA4404 harbouring the vector pPZP200-bar-gus-intron. Recreation of embryogenic cells from transformation stress in PPT free medium for four weeks improved viability and number of GUS expressing cells. Concentration of 2.5 mg·l-1 PPT yielded highest selection efficiency. Transgenicity of the regenerated grapevine plants was confirmed by histochemical GUS assay and bar specific PCR and RT/PCR. With the described procedure, 20 % of regenerated embryos could be converted into transgenic grapevines.

    Preservation of endangered Tunisian grapevine cultivars using embryogenic cultures

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    The preservation of embryogenic lines derived from several endangered local grapevine cultivars was studied. Embryogenic calluses were obtained from immature anthers of eight cultivars, sampled on both fruity-cuttings and field grown vines. Anthers at the 'separated flower' stage, derived from fruity-cuttings, resulted in an increased induction of somatic embryogenesis, compared to those derived from the The preservation of embryogenic lines derived from several endangered local grapevine cultivars was studied. Embryogenic calluses were obtained from immature anthers of eight cultivars, sampled on both fruity-cuttings and field grown vines. Anthers at the 'separated flower' stage, derived from fruity-cuttings, resulted in an increased induction of somatic embryogenesis, compared to those derived from the 15.6% and 34.8% in 'Kahli Kerkennah' and 'Muscat Raf-raf' cultivars, respectively. Although, morphological diversifications of pro-embryogenic calluses (several necrosis and spontaneous maturation) were observed on the induction mediumafter 5 subcultures. The reduction of 2,4-D and TDZ levels to 4.52 \u3bcM and 2.89 \u3bcM respectively, induced granular and yellowish embryogenic material. Thus, Ch\ue9e and Pool (1987) (CP) enriched with 4.52 \u3bcM of 2,4-D and 2.89 \u3bcM of TDZ revealed to be the most appropriate for long-term maintenance. In fact, all the cultivars presented high and regular embryo maturation rates after 12, 24, 36 and 48 months of cultivation on this medium, under light conditions. After 4 years, they still exhibit high germination and regeneration abilities. Germination of somatic embryos was achieved on Murashige and Skoog (1962) basal-medium, with rates ranging from 69% to 96%. Only 5% of somatic embryos were concerned by morphological variations. The regenerated plantlets presented a normal phenotype under controlled greenhouse conditions, compared to mother plants

    Changes in contractile protein expression are linked to ventricular stiffness in infants with pulmonary hypertension or right ventricular hypertrophy due to congenital heart disease

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    Background The right ventricle (RV) is not designed to sustain high pressure leading to failure. There are no current medications to help RV contraction, so further information is required on adaption of the RV to such hypertension. Methods The Right Ventricle in Children (RVENCH) study assessed infants with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery with hypertensive RV. Clinical and echocardiographic data were recorded, and samples of RV were taken from matched infants, analysed for proteomics and compared between pathologies and with clinical and echocardiographic outcome data. Results Those with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) were significantly more cyanosed than those with ventricular septal defect (median oxygen saturation 83% vs 98%, P=0.0038), had significantly stiffer RV (tricuspid E wave/A wave ratio 1.95 vs 0.84, P=0.009) and had most had restrictive physiology. Gene ontology in TOF, with enrichment analysis, demonstrated significant increase in proteins of contractile mechanisms and those of calmodulin, actin binding and others associated with contractility than inventricular septal defect. Structural proteins were also found to be higher in association with sarcomeric function: Z-disc, M-Band and thin-filament proteins. Remaining proteins associated with actin binding, calcium signalling and myocyte cytoskeletal development. Phosphopeptide enrichment led to higher levels of calcium signalling proteins in TOF. Conclusion This is the first demonstration that those with an RV, which is stiff and hypertensive in TOF, have a range of altered proteins, often in calcium signalling pathways. Information about these alterations might guide treatment options both in terms of individualised therapy or inotropic support for the Right ventricle when hypertensive due to pulmoanry hypertension or congenital heart disease

    Development of a Novel Hierarchically Biofabricated Blood Vessel Mimic Decorated with Three Vascular Cell Populations for the Reconstruction of Small-Diameter Arteries

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    The availability of grafts to replace small-diameter arteries remains an unmet clinical need. Here, the validated methodology is reported for a novel hybrid tissue-engineered vascular graft that aims to match the natural structure of small-size arteries. The blood vessel mimic (BVM) comprises an internal conduit of co-electrospun gelatin and polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers (corresponding to the tunica intima of an artery), reinforced by an additional layer of PCL aligned fibers (the internal elastic membrane). Endothelial cells are deposited onto the luminal surface using a rotative bioreactor. A bioprinting system extrudes two concentric cell-laden hydrogel layers containing respectively vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes to create the tunica media and adventitia. The semi-automated cellularization process reduces the production and maturation time to 6 days. After the evaluation of mechanical properties, cellular viability, hemocompatibility, and suturability, the BVM is successfully implanted in the left pulmonary artery of swine. Here, the BVM showed good hemostatic properties, capability to withstand blood pressure, and patency at 5 weeks post-implantation. These promising data open a new avenue to developing an artery-like product for reconstructing small-diameter blood vessels

    Reconstruction of the swine pulmonary artery using a graft engineered with syngeneic cardiac pericytes

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    The neonatal heart represents an attractive source of regenerative cells. Here, we report the results of a randomized, controlled, investigator-blinded preclinical study, which assessed the safety and effectiveness of a matrix graft cellularized with cardiac pericytes (CPs) in a piglet model of pulmonary artery (PA) reconstruction. Within each of five trios formed by 4-week-old female littermate piglets, one element (the donor) was sacrificed to provide a source of CPs, while the other two elements (the graft recipients) were allowed to reach the age of 10 weeks. During this time interval, culture-expanded donor CPs were seeded onto swine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) grafts, which were then shaped into conduits and conditioned in a flow bioreactor. Control unseeded SIS conduits were subjected to the same procedure. Then, recipient piglets were randomized to surgical reconstruction of the left PA (LPA) with unseeded or CP-seeded SIS conduits. Doppler echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) were performed at baseline and 4-months post-implantation. Vascular explants were examined using histology and immunohistochemistry. All animals completed the scheduled follow-up. No group difference was observed in baseline imaging data. The final Doppler assessment showed that the LPA’s blood flow velocity was similar in the treatment groups. CMRI revealed a mismatch in the average growth of the grafted LPA and contralateral branch in both treatment groups. Histology of explanted arteries demonstrated that the CP-seeded grafts had a thicker luminal cell layer, more intraparietal arterioles, and a higher expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) compared with unseeded grafts. Moreover, the LPA stump adjacent to the seeded graft contained more elastin and less collagen than the unseeded control. Syngeneic CP engineering did not accomplish the primary goal of supporting the graft’s growth but was able to improve secondary outcomes, such as the luminal cellularization and intraparietal vascularization of the graft, and elastic remodeling of the recipient artery. The beneficial properties of neonatal CPs may be considered in future bioengineering applications aiming to reproduce the cellular composition of native arteries

    Delegation of Obligations and Responsibility

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    Part 6: Policy Compliance and ObligationsInternational audienceIn this paper, we discuss the issue of responsibilities related to the fulfillment and the violation of obligations. We propose to formally define the different aspects of responsibility, namely causal responsibility, functional responsibility, liability as well as sanctions, and to examine how delegation influences these concepts. Our main aim is to identify the responsibility of each agent that is involved in the delegation of obligations. More precisely, we try to answer to the following questions: who is responsible for the obligation fulfillment? When a violation occurs, which agents are causally responsible for this violation? Who is liable for this violation and to whom? And finally, who must be sanctioned
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