42 research outputs found

    Revision of the genus Tapholeon Wells, 1967 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae)

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    To date, only two species are known in the laophontid genus Tapholeon Wells, 1967 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). In the present contribution, a redescription of the type species T. ornatus Wells, 1967, based on the type material, is provided. Furthermore, two new species are described from the coast of Kenya, T. inconspicuus sp. nov. and T. tenuis sp. nov. Two species, formerly attributed to Asellopsis Brady and Robertson, 1873 (namely A. arenicola Chappuis, 1954 and A. chappuisius Krishnaswamy, 1957), are allocated to Tapholeon based on the absence of sexual dimorphism in the swimming legs P2-P4. The former of the two species is redescribed based on additional material from the Comoros. An updated generic diagnosis and a key to the six species of Tapholeon are included

    Massive IIA supergravities

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    We perform a systematic search for all possible massive deformations of IIA supergravity in ten dimensions. We show that there exist exactly two possibilities: Romans supergravity and Howe-Lambert-West supergravity. Along the way we give the full details of the ten-dimensional superspace formulation of the latter. The scalar superfield at canonical mass dimension zero (whose lowest component is the dilaton), present in both Romans and massless IIA supergravities, is not introduced from the outset but its existence follows from a certain integrability condition implied by the Bianchi identities. This fact leads to the possibility for a certain topological modification of massless IIA, reflecting an analogous situation in eleven dimensions.Comment: 35 pages; v2: typos corrected, added eq. (A4

    Supersymmetry of Massive D=9 Supergravity

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    By applying generalized dimensional reduction on the type IIB supersymmetry variations, we derive the supersymmetry variations for the massive 9-dimensional supergravity. We use these variations and the ones for massive type IIA to derive the supersymmetry transformation of the gravitino for the proposed massive 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 13 page

    Hypermultiplets and hypercomplex geometry from 6 to 3 dimensions

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    The formulation of hypermultiplets that has been developed for 5-dimensional matter multiplets is by dimensional reductions translated into the appropriate spinor language for 6 and 4 dimensions. We also treat the theories without actions that have the geometrical structure of hypercomplex geometry. The latter is the generalization of hyper-Kaehler geometry that does not require a Hermitian metric and hence corresponds to field equations without action. The translation tables of this paper allow the direct application of superconformal tensor calculus for the hypermultiplets using the available Weyl multiplets in 6 and 4 dimensions. Furthermore, the hypermultiplets in 3 dimensions that result from reduction of vector multiplets in 4 dimensions are considered, leading to a superconformal formulation of the c-map and an expression for the main geometric quantities of the hyper-Kaehler manifolds in the image of this map.Comment: 18 pages; v2: several clarifications in text and formulae, version to appear in Class.Quantum Gravit

    N=2 supergravity in five dimensions revisited

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    We construct matter-coupled N=2 supergravity in five dimensions, using the superconformal approach. For the matter sector we take an arbitrary number of vector-, tensor- and hyper-multiplets. By allowing off-diagonal vector-tensor couplings we find more general results than currently known in the literature. Our results provide the appropriate starting point for a systematic search for BPS solutions, and for applications of M-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds with fluxes.Comment: 35 pages; v.2: A sign changed in a bilinear fermion term in (5.7

    Wess-Zumino sigma models with non-Kahlerian geometry

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    Supersymmetry of the Wess-Zumino (N=1, D=4) multiplet allows field equations that determine a larger class of geometries than the familiar Kahler manifolds, in which covariantly holomorphic vectors rather than a scalar superpotential determine the forces. Indeed, relaxing the requirement that the field equations be derivable from an action leads to complex flat geometry. The Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism is used to show that if one requires that the field equations be derivable from an action, we once again recover the restriction to Kahler geometry, with forces derived from a scalar superpotential.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Scherk-Schwarz Reduction of D=5 Special and Quaternionic Geometry

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    We give the N=2 gauged supergravity interpretation of a generic D=4, N=2 theory as it comes from generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5, N=2 (ungauged) supergravity. We focus on the geometric aspects of the D=4 data such as the general form of the scalar potential and masses in terms of the gauging of a ``flat group''. Higgs and super-Higgs mechanism are discussed in some detail.Comment: final version to be published on Class.Quant.Gra

    The general gaugings of maximal d=9 supergravity

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    We use the embedding tensor method to construct the most general maximal gauged/massive supergravity in d=9 dimensions and to determine its extended field content. Only the 8 independent deformation parameters (embedding tensor components, mass parameters etc.) identified by Bergshoeff \textit{et al.} (an SL(2,R) triplet, two doublets and a singlet can be consistently introduced in the theory, but their simultaneous use is subject to a number of quadratic constraints. These constraints have to be kept and enforced because they cannot be used to solve some deformation parameters in terms of the rest. The deformation parameters are associated to the possible 8-forms of the theory, and the constraints are associated to the 9-forms, all of them transforming in the conjugate representations. We also give the field strengths and the gauge and supersymmetry transformations for the electric fields in the most general case. We compare these results with the predictions of the E11 approach, finding that the latter predicts one additional doublet of 9-forms, analogously to what happens in N=2, d=4,5,6 theories.Comment: Latex file, 43 pages, reference adde