289 research outputs found

    The economics of irrigation in East Pakistan

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    Sociological Foundation of Islamic Banking Law Legislation as the Legal Umbrella of Economic and Islamic Finance Development in Indonesia

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    Objective - Sociologically, the existence of Law No.21/2008 on Islamic Banking in the splendor of economic development and Islamic finance is an interesting thing to observe. This paper wants to discuss the sociological foundation of Islamic banking law legislation as the legal umbrella of economic and Islamic finance development in Indonesia.Methods – qualitative Research, includes the study of law.Conclusions – At least, there are several spectrums that can be understood from the emergence of this law. First,the establishment of Islamic Banking Act is essentially a response to the provisions of Islamic law that has become the popular belief in the majority of Indonesian people who crave the realization of banking institutions which are free from usury, which is the Islamic law since his arrival in the archipelago until now classified as living law in the community. This reality is associated with the construction established by von Savigny. Second, the formation of Law No. 21/2008 concerning Islamic Banking is a response to social economic demand both nationally and globally. The presence of Islamic banks have become a necessity in managing the economy and coping with the economic crisis based on the underlying transaction. Third, the Establishment of Law No. 21/2008 concerning Islamic Banking in legal political perspective, has a basic principle, an aim and a response to the dynamic development of Indonesian society, particularly in relation to the development of Islamic economy. Fourth, formation of Islamic Banking Act affects the Islamic economic development in Indonesia, particularly in relation to the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia

    Strenghtening Families as A Strategy to Support Nation-State

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    This paper was written to present the role of the biggest Islamic religious organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah and NU, in supporting the nation-state through their roles in strengthening families. Family is the smallest social unit in the society that is a base of the formation of all institutions including the nation-state. Therefore, a nation-state genealogically and sociologically appeared and was formed from some units of families that agree with and bind to each other to live together in an area. As a foundation, family situation becomes the determinant of a nation-state existence and sustainability. A family that is strong and has resiliency will realize a nation-state that is strong and has endurance. On the other hand, if the base of a unit, which is a family, is weak, the nation-state will be easily collapsed. On the basis of the importance of families for the nation-state, the Indonesian government has set the rules, the government regulations, and the minister regulations on family development, such as the Acts No. 10 of 1992 on Family Development. An analysis with sociological approach on some rules above is sufficient for a proof that the state or the government is concerned much at family development. The state even has made the marriage law for the Moslems – as the majority – although based on al-Qur’an and Hadith, Islam has very clearly ruled how to build families. Two Islamic societal organizations, NU and Muhammadiyah, also have the concept of family building, which are maslahah family and sakinah family. Studies on some rules and concepts related to families have found that all parties commit to realize the family destination, in which a family has toughness and strength in religious, economic, environmental, and social aspects, so that the family functions like the religious function are really guaranteed; families become the center and also the source of varied virtue and glory. Some facts have been found, which are not a few, about collapsed families and households, but the roles of the state and the societal organizations in strengthening families are sufficient to stem the flow of the destruction of a nation-state. Tough families become the main factor of supporting the toughness and strength of the nation-state


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    Da'wah is an Islamic propagation activity that requires continuing reforms in terms of content, strategies, methods and the da’i’s qualifications. This is due to the dynamics of the mad’u (da’wah addressee) conditions as well as the change of social environment that need to such reforms in order to get a relevant and contextual format in conducting da’wah. The da’wah movement in the global era should not only present the conventionally-traditional content, but also the modern way by using technology. Therefore, it can reach the target widely with the contents basing on the needs and challenges of the complex new society. Relying on the authoritative sources of Islam, the Qur’an and the other relevant sources, this paper presents a da’wah bil hikmah in the context of new society.***Dakwah merupakan aktivitas yang menuntut pembaharuan secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi content, cara, strategi, dan atau metodenya maupun kualifikasi pelakunya. Hal ini karena adanya dinamika sasaran dakwah dan lingkungan sosial yang terus berubah yang menuntut selalu adanya pembaharuan. Pembaharuan ini dalam rangka mencari format yang relevan dan kontekstual dalam dakwah. Garakan dakwah di era global sudah sejatinya menyuguhkan content, bukan hanya secara konvensional-tradisional, tapi secara modern dengan menggunakan IT, sehingga menjangkau sasaran dakwah yang luas, melintas batas dengan isi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tantangan masyarakat baru yang kompleks dan dengan penuh kedalaman, meski bernuansa praktis. Dengan berpijak pada sumber otoritatif Islam, al-Qur’an secara tematik dan sumber lain yang relevan, tulisan ini menyuguhkan dakwah bilhikmah dalam konteks masyarakat baru

    Etika Bisnis dalam Perspektif Islam

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    In 1997-1998 Indonesia experienced a monetary crisis and economic crisis, where one of the factors causing it is the existence of economic wideenization. The image arises because the business ethics of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is low. If analyzed more deeply, the phenomenon is called the term "seller's market", which means the market is dominated by the seller, where the powerful seller is doing a lot of monopoly activities by ignoring the business ethics that becomes an important spirit in business activities.To build a healthy culture in business then it is necessary to use Islamic business ethics that there is a principle about the Barometer of Person and Person Ketaqwaan is a means for worship to Allah SWT. But to start Islamic business ethics must do several things: (1) Intention Ikhlas Expect Ridha Allah SWT. (2) Professional (3) Honest & Trustful (4) Promoting Ethics of a Muslim (5) Not Breaking Sharia Principles (6) And the last is Ukhuwah Islamiyah

    Korelasi Antara pelaksanaan metode terjemah RLQ (a revolutionary way in learning Qur’an) dengan kemampuan peserta dalam memahami arti al-Qur’an di kelompok kajian Qur’an rumah Dannis Pakis Surabaya

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    Al-Qur'an telah memberikan dimensi baru terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, sebelum manusia menemukan dan menentukan teori-teori mengenai kehidupan dan pengetahuan. Lebih dari itu al-Qur'an merupakan pedoman bagi umat Islam. Karena keagungannya belum pernah ada dalam sejarah manusia untuk dapat menandinginya. Sementara sebagian besar umat Islam di Indonesia kemampuan pemahamannya terhadap al-Qur'an baru pada tahap membaca dalam bentuk tekstual Araby. Berangkat dari itu perlu ditanamkan repersepsi yang lebih intens, bahwa kemampuan membaca merupakan tahapan paling awal untuk mendekati dan mengakrabi al-Qur'an, selanjutnya adalah memahami arti dan isi al-Qur' an tersebut. Dari sinilah adanya metode terjemah RLQ (a Revolutionery way in Learning Qur'an) ialah metode revolusioner yang mudah dan cepat menuju khatam dan paham al­ Qur'an. Dengan metode ini kalangan yang belum paham bahasa Arab pun akan terasa mudah memahami al-Qur' an, sehingga menjadikan pribadi memiliki wawasan luas tentang Islam. Dari sinilah penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang korelasi antara pelaksanaan metode terjemah RLQ dengan kemampuan peserta dalam memahami arti al-Qur' an. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, interview, angket, tes, dan dokumentasi sebagai cara untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini. Setelah data terkumpul penulis menggunakan rumus prosentase untuk menjawab permasalahan tentang metode terjemah RLQ dan kemampuan peserta dalam memahami arti al-Qur'an. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya korelasi antara metode terjemah RLQ dengan kemampuan peserta dalam memahami arti al-Qur' an, penulis menggunakan rumus product moment yang nantinya hasil korelasi dari perhitungan rumus akan dikonsultasikan pada harga kritik product moment pada taraf signifikasi 1 % dan5 %. Hasil penelitian berkenaan dengan gambaran umum obyek penelitian, penyajian dan analisa data sebagai hasil dari proses pengumpulan data sebelumnya, serta pengujian hipotesis yang pada akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa ada korelasi antara pelaksanaan metode terjemah RLQ dengan kemampun peserta dalam memahami arti al-Qur'an

    The Political Law of Zakat Management in Indonesia

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    Abstrak:  Penelitian ini difokuskan mencermati isu hukum dan politik pada Undang-Undang (UU)  Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat, terutama relasi zakat dan pajak sebagai pemenuhan amanat konstitusi Pasal 29 jo Pasal 34 ayat (1)  UUD 1945. Eksistensinya  menunjukkan  negara  bangsa menghadirkan aktualisasi hukum agama di ruang publik, yang pelaksanaannya bersinggungan dengan aspek politik dan ekonomi, tetapi dipahami cukup efektif dan efisien untuk membantu pencapaian tujuan negara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum doktrinal  dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, filsafat hukum dan politik. Bahan kepustakaan, baik berupa bahan hukum primer, maupun  sekunder dijadikan sebagai tumpuan utama dalam  inventarisasi dokumen. Bahan hukum yang terkumpul,  melalui prosedur berpikir deduktif dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori negara hukum, politik hukum, dan keadilan.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa politik hukum negara dalam menata relasi pengelolaan zakat dan pajak, dengan memperkuat kewenangan negara  sebagai ‘amil (kelembagaan) zakat, dalam peran sertanya  sebagai regulator sekaligus operator pada pengelolaan dana zakat, karena keterlibatan negara menjanjikan cukup manfaat (keuntungan) untuk kepentingan  politik,  sosial-ekonomi  kenegaraan dalam pemenuhan Pasal 34 ayat (1) UUD 1945Keywords: politik hukum, pengelolaan zakat, zakat di Indonesia, relasi zakat dan pajak, filantropi Islam  Abstract:  The focus of this research is on examining legal and political issues in Law Number 23 Year 2011 concerning Zakat Management, mostly on the relationship between zakat and tax as a requirement of the constitutional mandate on article 29 and Article 34 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitutional. The results show the state of nation provided actualization of religious law in the public space, which implementation contradicted to political and economic aspects. However, it is effective and efficient enough to help in gaining its objectives. This research method is doctrinal with the legislation, legal philosophy and politics were used as the approach. Data collection through library research conducted by the study of documents on primary and  secondary made as main focus in documents inventarization. The legal material collected data, then deductively analyzed, using theories of the rule of law, legal politic, and justice. The political law of a country manages the relationship between zakat and tax management by strengthening the country’s authority as 'amil (institutional) of zakat, in its role as a regulator and operator of zakat fund management, because the country involvement provided sufficient benefits for politics, socio-economic of the country to fill the requirements in Article 34 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Keywords: political law; zakat management; zakat in Indonesia; relationship of zakat and tax; Islamic philanthropy

    Strategies of teaching listening at English Education Department of IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    This thesis is the result of the observation to answer the questions of: what are the teaching strategies of listening sill applied by the lecturer to PBI students of semester II?, what are the difficulties encountered by lecturer in teaching listening skill?, how do the students respond the teaching strategies of listening applied by the lecturer?. The data is arranged by doing documentation, observation, interview, questionnaire and analyzed by describing the data (descriptive qualitative). The research concludes that teaching strategies applied by lecturer in listening skill were top down strategy, buttom up strategy, and interactive strategy. The response of students about the lecturer teaching strategies during the class that many of them said that the lecturer teaching strategies were interesting and made them enjoyable in listening because according to them the lecturee was attractive, smart, open-minded, patient, funny. Some of them said that they were boring because the strategies applied by the lecturer were less interesting and less colorful. Most of them prefer top down strategy to bottom up one, some prefer bottom up strategy to top down one, and some liked both of them

    Representasi perilaku muslim dalam film 3: Alif Lam Mim: analisis semiotika model Roland Barthes

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan representasi perilaku muslim yang terdapat dalam film 3: Alif Lam Mim. Fokus penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana representasi perilaku muslim dalam film 3: Alif Lam Mim? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kritis. Menggunakan metode penelitian analisis semiotika model Roland Barthes. Semiotika adalah suatu ilmu atau metode analisis untuk mengkaji tanda. Tanda-tanda adalah perangkat yang dipakai dalam upaya berusaha mencari jalan di dunia ini, ditengah-tengah manusia dan bersama-sama manusia. Barthes membuat sebuah model sistematis dalam menganalisis makna dari tanda-tanda. Fokus perhatian Barthes lebih tertuju kepada gagasan tentang signifikasi dua tahap (two order of signification). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Representasi perilaku sabar dengan sikap mampu menahan emosi dan menerima keputusan. (2) Representasi perilaku adil dengan sikap tanpa pandang bulu dalam menumpas kejahatan. (3) Representasi perilaku bijaksana dengan sikap mengambil keputusan berdasarkan kepentingan orang banyak. (4) Representasi perilaku pemurah dengan sikap suka berbagi dengan orang lain

    Malaysia and the Rome statute: the issue of sovereignty

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    The announcement of Malaysia’s accession to the Rome Statute on March 4, 2019 was met with strong objection by the opposition and some stake holders. One of the main arguments made by those who opposed the Rome Statute was that “it will, in the end, destroy national sovereignty.” Although the argument appears to be political rhetoric, it has already injected confusion among the general public and painted a dark picture that the Rome Statute is a hegemonic law that will rob Malaysia of its sovereignty. The main purpose of the present paper, therefore, is to set the record straight and to prove the simple fact that entering into a treaty is in fact a clear exercise of a State’s sovereignty and not to lose sovereignty. First of all, the paper reappraises the concept of sovereignty: in its original form and its evolution from 16th century to 21st century, on the basis of State practice, doctrine, and judicial pronouncements. Secondly, arguments against the Rome Statute made by some powerful States are analyzed and rebutted. Thirdly, Malaysia’s situation is objectively evaluated in the light of a comparison between the Rome Statute and other onerous treaties to which Malaysia has already been a party. The paper concludes with the findings that the traditional concept of ‘absolute sovereignty’ is no longer relevant in the contemporary interdependent world, that States with their own free will as a rule restrict their sovereignty to subject themselves to international law, and that Malaysia by no means will lose its sovereignty by acceding to a treaty while most importantly the Government must first of all need to convince the people that it is a right thing to do – it is beneficial to the people of Malaysia or it can achieve the higher aim of protecting the humanity