37 research outputs found

    Participació de voluntaris en l'estudi de la biodiversitat: un balanç amb resultats positius

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    La tradicional contribució del voluntariat en estudis sobre la natura ha pres recentment un nou impuls gràcies al suport de les tecnologies de gestió de dades i a l'extensió en l'ús de dispositius mòbils. El concepte de ciències ciutadanes aplicat a l'estudi de la biodiversitat ha traspassat les fronteres de la comunitat naturalista i ha esdevingut un veritable fenomen social. La implicació ciutadana en la recerca pot ser variable i gradual, concentrada sovint en projectes que requereixen un elevat nombre d'observacions de camp. La validesa i l'eficiència de les dades proporcionades per persones voluntàries és més alta quan la metodologia dels projectes s'ajusta a la formació prèvia dels participants. Els projectes de ciència ciutadana en estudis de biodiversitat no són experiències només formatives o de conscienciació sinó autèntics exercicis científics en els quals els resultats de la investigació són el valor més rellevant a considerar. A Catalunya hi ha un sòlid suport a la combinació de professionals i voluntaris en estudis de biodiversitat. Un substrat tan favorable convida a iniciar un futur estudi sobre tendències dominants de la inversió de lleure en ciència activa a Catalunya.Due to the proliferation of mobile devices and new technologies in data management, the traditional role of volunteers in studies of nature has recently been showing a new peak in participation. The concept of citizen as applied to studying biodiversity has expanded within the naturalistic community to become a genuine social phenomenon. The role of volunteers in research can be variable and gradual, the aim of involving them is focused on the high need for field observations, and the usefulness and efficiency of volunteers are greater in projects that are well suited to the volunteers’ training and capabilities. Citizen science projects related to biodiversity are not mere training or awareness-raising experiences, but real scientific exercises in which results should be the most important value. In Catalonia there is strong support to mixing professionals and volunteers in biodiversity research. In order to increase this support we expect to gain insight into trends that could explain how people invest their leisure time in science

    La conservació de la diversitat biològica a Catalunya

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    Solving Linux Upgradeability Problems Using Boolean Optimization

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    Managing the software complexity of package-based systems can be regarded as one of the main challenges in software architectures. Upgrades are required on a short time basis and systems are expected to be reliable and consistent after that. For each package in the system, a set of dependencies and a set of conflicts have to be taken into account. Although this problem is computationally hard to solve, efficient tools are required. In the best scenario, the solutions provided should also be optimal in order to better fulfill users requirements and expectations. This paper describes two different tools, both based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT), for solving Linux upgradeability problems. The problem instances used in the evaluation of these tools were mainly obtained from real environments, and are subject to two different lexicographic optimization criteria. The developed tools can provide optimal solutions for many of the instances, but a few challenges remain. Moreover, it is our understanding that this problem has many similarities with other configuration problems, and therefore the same techniques can be used in other domains.Comment: In Proceedings LoCoCo 2010, arXiv:1007.083

    Aula d'Ecologia : cicles de conferències 1999 i 2000

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    Descripció del recurs: 13 juny 2007Conté: Rafael Argullol, Natura i ciutat en el canvi de mil·lenni ; Antoni Lloret, Energies per al segle XXI ; Jorge Wagensberg, Investigació científica i sostenibilitat: l'experiència amazònica ; Manuel Ludevid, El paper de les empreses en la societat sostenible ; Rafael Grasa, El paper de les ONG en la societat sostenible ; Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana, La comunicació en la transició cap a una societat sostenible ; Frederic Ximeno, Estratègies i eines de planificació territorial cap a una ciutat sostenible ; José Luis Porcuna, Estratègies agroecològiques cap a una agricultura sostenible ; Josep Germain, Estratègia catalana per a la biodiversitat ; Carles Gràcia, Els boscos i el funcionament sostenible del planeta ; Manuel Herce, El territori de la ciutat: criteris de sostenibilitat, ordenació i urbanització ; Josep Enric Llebot, Ciència i política del canvi climàtic ; Àlex Aguilar, L'extinció de les espècies: entre la ignorància i la tolerància ; Josep Olives, La ciutat com a idea d'equilibri ; Anna Cabré, Demografia i migracions al segle XXI: què és raonable preveure? ; Manolis Kogevinas, Càncer i exposicions mediambientals ; Ramon Arandes, L'aprofitament de les aigües del subsòl de Barcelona ; Rafael Simó, L'oceà i l'atmosfera, inseparables davant el canvi climàtic global ; Joan Caylà, Sobre el possible impacte mundial de la sida en la dècada 2000-2010 ; Jordi Serra Raventós, Ocupació del litoral i implicacions sobre el territori ; Joan Manuel Vilaplana, Catàstrofes i societat ; Montserrat Vilà, Causes i conseqüències de les invasions biològiques ; Josep Egozcue, Clonatge humà: tècnica i ètica ; Millán M. Millán, Contaminación fotoquímica en la cuenca mediterránea: revisión de los resultados de proyectos de investigación europeos ; Jaume Terradas i José Ángel Burriel, Mapa ecològic de Barcelona

    Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

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    This paper provides an overview of the last 40 years of use, and in many cases abuse, of the natural resources in Catalonia, a country that is representative of European countries in general, and especially those in the Mediterranean region. It analyses the use of natural resources made by mining, agriculture, livestock, logging, fishing, nature tourism, and energy production and consumption. This use results in an ecological footprint, i.e., the productive land and sea surface required to generate the consumed resources and absorb the resulting waste, which is about seven times the amount available, a very high number but very similar to other European countries. This overexploitation of natural resources has a huge impact on land and its different forms of cover, air, and water. For the last 25 years, forests and urban areas have each gained almost 3% more of the territory at the expense of agricultural land; those municipalities bordering the sea have increased their number of inhabitants and activity, and although they only occupy 6.7% of the total surface area, they account for 43.3% of the population; air quality has stabilized since the turn of the century, and there has been some improvement in the state of aquatic ecosystems, but still only 36% are in good condition, while the remainder have suffered morphological changes and different forms of nonpoint source pollution; meanwhile the biodiversity of flora and fauna remains still under threat. Environmental policies do not go far enough so there is a need for revision of the legislation related to environmental impact and the protection of natural areas, flora, and fauna. The promotion of environmental research must be accompanied by environmental education to foster a society which is more knowledgeable, has more control and influence over the decisions that deeply affect it. Indeed, nature conservation goes hand in hand with other social and economic challenges that require a more sustainable vision. Today's problems with nature derive from the current economic model, which is environmentally unsustainable in that it does not take into account environmental impacts. Lastly, we propose a series of reasonable and feasible priority measures and actions related to each use made of the country's natural resources, to the impacts they have had, and to their management, in the hope that these can contribute to improving the conservation and management of the environment and biodiversity and move towards sustainability

    Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

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    This paper provides an overview of the last 40 years of use, and in many cases abuse, of the natural resources in Catalonia, a country that is representative of European countries in general, and especially those in the Mediterranean region. It analyses the use of natural resources made by mining, agriculture, livestock, logging, fishing, nature tourism, and energy production and consumption. This use results in an ecological footprint, i.e., the productive land and sea surface required to generate the consumed resources and absorb the resulting waste, which is about seven times the amount available, a very high number but very similar to other European countries. This overexploitation of natural resources has a huge impact on land and its different forms of cover, air, and water. For the last 25 years, forests and urban areas have each gained almost 3% more of the territory at the expense of agricultural land; those municipalities bordering the sea have increased their number of inhabitants and activity, and although they only occupy 6.7% of the total surface area, they account for 43.3% of the population; air quality has stabilized since the turn of the century, and there has been some improvement in the state of aquatic ecosystems, but still only 36% are in good condition, while the remainder have suffered morphological changes and different forms of nonpoint source pollution; meanwhile the biodiversity of flora and fauna remains still under threat. Environmental policies do not go far enough so there is a need for revision of the legislation related to environmental impact and the protection of natural areas, flora, and fauna. The promotion of environmental research must be accompanied by environmental education to foster a society which is Land 2021, 10, 144 3 of 53 more knowledgeable, has more control and influence over the decisions that deeply affect it. Indeed, nature conservation goes hand in hand with other social and economic challenges that require a more sustainable vision. Today’s problems with nature derive from the current economic model, which is environmentally unsustainable in that it does not take into account environmental impacts. Lastly, we propose a series of reasonable and feasible priority measures and actions related to each use made of the country’s natural resources, to the impacts they have had, and to their management, in the hope that these can contribute to improving the conservation and management of the environment and biodiversity and move towards sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera 2021: desenvolupament i espècies presents

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    En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat despècies observades amb lobjectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversitat.This paper lists the work carried out during the BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera on 21-22 May 2021. We present the list of observed species with the aim of facilitating that these observation could be integrated into public biodiversity databases

    La Desforestació dels tròpics

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