28 research outputs found

    Características de la práctica docente universitaria: caminos hacia la formación permanente de los docentes

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    La investigación que se reporta tiene como objetivo caracterizar la práctica de 100 docentes de la Universidad Antonio Nariño (Bogotá-Colombia) en cuanto a lo didáctico, para desde allí proponer procesos de formación o perfeccionamiento generales para los docentes. Así, con un enfoque cualitativo (descriptivo-interpretativo) y a través de la observación directa y no participativa, se recolecta información para analizar la práctica docente a través de las categorías: a) aspectos previos, b) tipos de conocimientos-aprendizajes, c) evaluación, d) estrategias de enseñanza, e) participación en el desarrollo del currículo, f) investigación en el aula. Se evidencia que hay avances en la innovación en las estrategias de enseñanza, pero falencias profundas en las estrategias de evaluación; inclusión de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de los temas, pero no en la estructuración de los procesos curriculares; no se evidencia la investigación en el aula. Como perspectivas se plantea que la investigación educativa y los procesos de perfeccionamiento de docentes universitarios aborden los aspectos epistemológicos disciplinares, los cuales en combinación con teorías del aprendizaje, permitan construir modelos didácticos específicos en cada área

    Inteligencias múltiples y deporte

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    El propósito del presente estudio, basándonos en la Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner, consiste en averiguar si existe un perfil de inteligencia típico para deportistas, y si a su vez se pueden identificar subperfiles en función de la modalidad deportiva practicada. Definido el perfil para personas deportistas y el perfil para cada modalidad, se comparan, al objeto de poder contrastarlas. Contamos con la colaboración de futbolistas, baloncestistas, nadadores y atletas, además de personas no deportistas, que cumplimentaron el cuestionario para delimitar el perfil de IM. Se intenta determinar si existen diferencias por el hecho de ser hombre o mujer deportista en las modalidades en las que contamos con sujetos de ambos sexos. Del análisis se desprende la existencia de un perfil de IM para deportistas, que a su vez presenta diferencias en función de la modalidad deportiva practicada

    Intel·ligències múltiples i esport

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    El propòsit del nostre estudi, basat en la Teoria de les Intel·ligències Múltiples de Gardner, consisteix a esbrinar si hi ha un perfil d’intel·ligència típic per a esportistes, i si alhora es poden identificar subperfils en funció de la modalitat esportiva practicada. Un cop definit el perfil per a persones esportistes i el perfil per a cada modalitat, es comparen, amb la finalitat de poder contrastar‑les. Vam comptar amb la col·laboració de futbolistes, basquetbolistes, nedadors i atletes, a més a més de persones no esportistes, que van emplenar el qüestionari per delimitar el perfil d’IM. S’intenta determinar si existeixen diferències pel fet de ser home o dona esportista en les modalitats en les quals vam comptar amb subjectes de tots dos sexes. De l’anàlisi es desprèn l’existència d’un perfil d’IM per a esportistes, que alhora presenta diferències en funció de la modalitat esportiva practicada

    Aglomeración acústica de partículas

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    PACS: 43.35, 43.25.-- Publicado en el Vol. XXXI, núm. 3-4, tercer y cuarto trimestre 2000 de la Revista de Acústica: Número especial dedicado al XXV Aniversario del Instituto de Acústica del C.S.I.C.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta una recopilación de las principales aportaciones llevadas a cabo en el campo de la aglomeración acústica de partículas desde 1972. A lo largo de este periodo de tiempo se ha consolidado esta línea de investigación. Se han estudiado y simulado numéricamente los mecanismos básicos del proceso de aglomeración. Paralelamente se han desarrollado y validado nuevos sistemas macrosónicos a escala de laboratorio y de planta piloto para la retención de partículas finas (0.1 - 2.5 μm) en efluentes industriales. Los principales logros científicos llevados a cabo en esta temática han dado lugar a más de setenta publicaciones internacionales.[EN] A summary of the most relevant R+D contributions since 1972 on the acoustic particle agglomeration is presented in this paper. Along this period the research topic has been well consolidated. The basic mechanisms involved in the agglomeration process have been studied and simulated numerically. In parallel, new macrosonic systems at laboratory and pilot plant scale have been developed and validated to reduce fine particle emissions (0.1 - 2.5 μm). The main scientific results obtained were published in more than seventy international papers.Peer reviewe

    First-in-human PeriCord cardiac bioimplant : scalability and GMP manufacturing of an allogeneic engineered tissue graft

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    Altres ajuts: La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund.Small cardiac tissue engineering constructs show promise for limiting post-infarct sequelae in animal models. This study sought to scale-up a 2-cm 2 preclinical construct into a human-size advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP; PeriCord), and to test it in a first-in-human implantation. The PeriCord is a clinical-size (12-16 cm 2) decellularised pericardial matrix colonised with human viable Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSCs). WJ-MSCs expanded following good manufacturing practices (GMP) met safety and quality standards regarding the number of cumulative population doublings, genomic stability, and sterility. Human decellularised pericardial scaffolds were tested for DNA content, matrix stiffness, pore size, and absence of microbiological growth. PeriCord implantation was surgically performed on a large non-revascularisable scar in the inferior wall of a 63-year-old male patient. Coronary artery bypass grafting was concomitantly performed in the non-infarcted area. At implantation, the 16-cm 2 pericardial scaffold contained 12·5 × 10 6 viable WJ-MSCs (85·4% cell viability; <0·51 endotoxin units (EU)/mL). Intraoperative PeriCord delivery was expeditious, and secured with surgical glue. The post-operative course showed non-adverse reaction to the PeriCord, without requiring host immunosuppression. The three-month clinical follow-up was uneventful, and three-month cardiac magnetic resonance imaging showed ~9% reduction in scar mass in the treated area. This preliminary report describes the development of a scalable clinical-size allogeneic PeriCord cardiac bioimplant, and its first-in-human implantation. La Marató de TV3 Foundation, Government of Catalonia, Catalan Society of Cardiology, "La Caixa" Banking Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Institute of Health Carlos III, and the European Regional Development Fund

    Attentional modulation in ballistic and controlled movements

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    Resumen y Capítulo 5 escritos en inglésTesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Psicología Experimental y Fisiología del Comportamiento. Leída el 17 de junio de 200

    Identification of New Templates for the Synthesis of BEA, BEC, and ISV Zeolites Using Molecular Topology and Monte Carlo Techniques

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    The presence of organic structure directing agents (templates) in the synthesis of zeolites allows the synthesis to be directed, in many cases, toward structures in which there is a large stabilization between the template and the zeolite micropore due to dispersion interactions. Although other factors are also important (temperature, pH, Si/Al ratio, etc.), systems with strong zeolite-template interactions are good candidates for an application of new computational algorithms, for instance those based in molecular topology (MT), that can be used in combination with large databases of organic molecules. Computational design of new templates allows the synthesis of existing and new zeolites to be expanded and refined. Three zeolites with similar 3-D large pore systems, BEA, BEC, and ISV, were selected with the aim of finding new templates for their selective syntheses. Using a training set of active and inactive templates (obtained from the literature) for the synthesis of target zeolites, it was possible to select chemical descriptors related to activity, meaning a good candidate template. With a discriminant function defined upon MT, the screening through a database of organic molecules led to a small subset (preselection) of candidate templates for the synthesis of BEA, BEC, and ISV. As far as we know, this is the first time that topological/topochemical descriptors, which do not consider 3-D information on the molecules, have been used to predict the activity of zeolite structure directing agents (SDAs). Following the prediction of SDAs using MT, an automated approach of sequential template filling of micropores based on a combination of Monte Carlo and lattice energy minimization was applied for all the candidate templates in the three zeolites. Two results can be obtained from this: an evaluation of the quality of the molecular topology QSAR models leading to the preselection of templates, and a final selection of candidate templates for the selective synthesis of BEA, BEC, and ISV. Regarding the latter, a good template will be that which maximizes the zeolite-template dispersion interactions with one, and only one, of the three zeolites. The presented methodology can be used to find alternative (maybe cheaper or perhaps more selective) templates than those already known.We thank MICINN of Spain for funding through Projects RTI2018-101784-B-I00, RTI2018-101033-B-I00, and SEV-2016-0683. M.G.-L. thanks GVA for postdoctoral Contract APOSTD/2019/055. The authors thank ASIC-UPV and SGAI-CSIC for the use of their computational facilities

    Investigación en la práctica docente universitaria: obstáculos epistemológicos y alternativas desde la Didáctica General Constructivista

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    The article is structured to show university teaching as a wide field of investigation, and to define the teaching practice as an object of study. In this way, the theoretical and methodological problem emerges as to what and how to observe the didactic dimension of the teaching practice, carrying out a discussion about General Didactics derived from the Theories of Learning and Specific Didactics founded on the epistemological specificity of each discipline. Faced with the difficulty of finding specific didactics for all disciplines that can be part of the formation of different professionals, which should be philosophically, epistemologically, theoretically and methodologically grounded, we propose to choose the General Constructivist Didactics as a theoretical and methodological alternative to fundament the investigation about the didactic aspect of the teaching practice. The article proceeds to a wide survey of the Positivist and Constructivist paradigms and of the didactics supported by each one of them, closing with a proposal for the elements and processes that characterize the General Constructivist Didactics.El artículo se estructura señalando la docencia universitaria como un amplio campo de investigación y definiendo la práctica docente como objeto de estudio. De esta manera, emerge el problema teórico y metodológico de qué y cómo observar la dimensión didáctica en la práctica docente, frente a lo cual se hace una discusión en torno a la Didáctica General como derivada de las Teorías del Aprendizaje y las Didácticas Específicas fundamentadas en la especificidad epistemológica de cada disciplina. Frente a la dificultad de encontrar didácticas específicas de todas las disciplinas que pueden hacer parte de la formación de diferentes profesionales, las cuales estén argumentadas filosófica, epistemológica, teórica y metodológicamente, se propone optar la Didáctica General Constructivista como alternativa teórica y metodológica que fundamente la investigación sobre lo didáctico de la práctica docente. El artículo continúa con una revisión amplia sobre los paradigmas Positivista y Constructivista y las didácticas que desde cada uno se sustentan, para cerrar proponiendo los elementos y procesos que caracterizan la Didáctica General Constructivista

    Assessing the Potential of Implementing a Solar-Based Distributed Energy System for a University Using the Campus Bus Stops

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    Large educational facilities hold great potential for the implementation of solar-based distributed energy systems. The aim of this paper is to present a prototype and an assessment of a solar-based bus shelter photovoltaic system intended to be implemented at a campus scale that serves as an energy-distributed system. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a campus with an area of 7.3 km2 and bus stops’ roof area availability of around 1100 m2 was selected as a case study. The proposed system, apart from considering on-site generation, also considers an increase in end-use services such as the installation of television screens for information, charging docks, surveillance cameras, internet service, and lighting. For the assessment, a load facility survey and an estimation of the baseline energy use was conducted based on two demand use conditions, corresponding to 12 and 24 h for different archetypical stations. It was found that the baseline annual energy consumption for all the bus stops represents from 55–111 MWh. In this paper, an initial prototype of a solar-based bus shelter PV system is presented, and an assessment is carried out to understand its potential application at a large scale. The analysis shows that energy use in the retrofitted stations would rise to 167 MWh/year; however, apart from covering on-site demand, the system has the capacity to generate an additional 175 MWh, feeding nearby university buildings. It is calculated that the system could save around 130 t CO2e annually. The economic analysis shows that the project has a discounted payback (DPB) of almost 9 years and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 5.9%; however, in scenarios where renewable generation and carbon incentives are applied, this improves the project’s DPB to 6 years and the IRR to 13%

    Joint and individual effectiveness of galvanic cutaneous stimulation and tactile stimulation at decreasing Simulator Adaptation Syndrome.

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    This research was focused on investigating the effectiveness of galvanic cutaneous stimulation and tactile stimulation jointly and individually at mitigating Simulator Adaptation Syndrome. Forty drivers (mean age = 23.1 ± 3.4 years old, twenty women) participated in a driving simulation experiment. Total scores of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire, head movements (an index of body balance), and driving performance variables were compared across four different stimulation conditions: i) baseline (where no stimulation was presented), ii) galvanic cutaneous stimulation and iii) tactile stimulation deployed individually, and iv) both techniques deployed jointly. The results showed that both techniques presented in conjunction alleviate Simulator Adaptation Syndrome and improve driving performance more effectively than when they are presented in isolation. Importantly, reduced head movements were only revealed when galvanic cutaneous stimulation was applied. We concluded that the reduction of this syndrome is due to an improvement of body balance (elicited by galvanic cutaneous stimulation), and a distraction from the symptoms (elicited by tactile stimulation). We encourage the use of both techniques simultaneously to decrease Simulator Adaptation Syndrome