449 research outputs found

    Distribution of the genus Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit. (Amaryllidaceae) in Tuscany (central Italy)

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    The authors report an updated distribution of the genus Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit. (Amaryllidaceae) in Tuscany by the analysis of herbarium specimens, bibliographic references and records in the field. S. colchiciflora occurs in six localities, four in southern Tuscany and two in northern Tuscany. One out of them, the first in Firenze province, is here recorded. On the contrary, S. lutea is widespread in the region, but the distinction between natural populations and those escaped from cultivation is not always certain. Habitat suitability model at regional level for S. colchiciflora is also reported

    Electro-osmotic flows inside triangular microchannels

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    This work presents a numerical investigation of both pure electro-osmotic and combined electro-osmotic/pressure-driven flows inside triangular microchannels. A finite element analysis has been adopted to solve the governing equations for the electric potential and the velocity field, accounting for a finite thickness of the electric double layer. The influence of non-dimensional parameters such as the aspect ratio of the cross-section, the electrokinetic diameter and the ratio of the pressure force to the electric force on the flow behavior has been investigated. Numerical results point out that the velocity field is significantly influenced by the aspect ratio of the cross section and the electrokinetic diameter. More specifically, the aspect ratio plays an important role in determining the maximum volumetric flow rate, while the electrokinetic diameter is crucial to establishing the range of pressures that may be sustained by the electro-osmotic flow. Numerical results are also compared with two correlations available in the literature which enable to assess the volumetric flow rate and the pressure head for microchannels featuring a rectangular, a trapezoidal or an elliptical cross-section

    Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Is Telerehabilitation the Answer?

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has induced worldwide governments to adopt severe rules limiting individual freedom and imposing social distancing (eg, closing school, mandatory quarantine, restricting entertainments)1 in order to prevent the collapse of national health care systems. In addition to the goal of reducing the COVID-19 pandemic, this paradigm shift brings a different allocation of resources within diagnosis-related groups toward high-intensity levels of care (eg, intensive care units) needed for patients suffering of severe COVID-19. Although these measures are necessary in this pandemic, they constitute a barrier for health care professionals who are usually in close contact with patients needing low-intensity care, such as musculoskeletal (MSK) physical therapists

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C Terhadap Kadar Neutrofil Setelah Latihan Fisik

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    : Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant. Vitamin C can prevent tissue damage by reducing the production of oxidants. Supplementation of vitamin C is reported to have a protective effect against muscle injury induced by physical exercise. Physical exercise can trigger oxidative stress caused by tissue injury. Neutrophils play an active role in the process of phagocytosis of bacteria, microorganisms, and clean up the damaged tissue caused by tissue injury. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of vitamin C on neutrophil count after physical exercise. The study was a field experimental with pre post test control group design. To test the significance of this research, the statistical test such as Mann Whitney U with a standard error of 5% or α = 0.05. Physical exercise such as futsal for 60 minutes conducted by 30 male respondents were divided into 2 groups: treatment and control. The levels of neutrophils measured after physical exercise and after the administration of vitamin C 500 mg. There was no significant effect of vitamin C on levels of neutrophils after physical exercise where significant value 0.378. Conclusion: In this research vitamin C had no effect on levels of neutrophils after physical exercise

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pencacah Daun dan Ranting Gambir

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    Tanaman Gambir merupakan tanaman perdu yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Ekstrak (getah) daun dan ranting gambir mengandung asam katechu tannat (tanin), katechin, pyrocatechol, florisin dan lilin fixed oil. Sumatera Barat merupakan penghasil gambir terbesar di Indonesia namun bila dilihat dari produktivitas per hektar masih rendah yaitu berkisar antara 300 sampai 400 kg gambir kering per hektar per tahun. Hal ini disebabkan pengolahan gambir yang masih tradisional. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas adalah dengan dibuatnya alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir. Alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam proses pengempaan karena daun dan ranting gambir sudah dicacah terlebih dahulu. Kapasitas alat pencacah ini adalah 53,83 kg/jam dan laju pengumpanan 63,6 kg/jam. Untuk analisa ekonomi teknik didapat total biaya tetap Rp.1.911.052/tahun, total biaya tidak tetap Rp. 91.088,8 / jam, biaya sewa alat Rp. 1.706,9 /jam dan BEP untuk pengoperasionalan alat 2.365,45 Kg/jam. Harga jual alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir adalah Rp. 7.463.000 dengan laba 30

    Trade-off between photovoltaic systems installation and agricultural practices on arable lands: An environmental and socio-economic impact analysis for Italy

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    The paper introduces and discusses an open-source spatial-based model (called r.green.solar) able to quantify the energy production from solar photovoltaic (PV) ground-mounted panels. Socio-economic and environmental impacts can be evaluated by the model. The model starts from the theoretical quantity of solar PV potential energy and estimates a reduction of total amount of energy based on legal, technical, recommended and economic constraints. Model outputs were used for a trade-off analysis between energy production and traditional crops for food/feed cultivation on not irrigated arable land. The model was tested at regional level for a Mediterranean context (Italy). The results confirm that the economic profitability of PV systems follows a north-south gradient, but the main impacts are related to local peculiarities – such as the disposal of not irrigated arable land and the presence of constraints, in particular the landscape maintenance, the morphological variables and the specialization index – and crop yields. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rightsreserved

    Gastroparesis: New insights into an old disease

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    Gastroparesis (Gp) is a chronic disease characterized by a delayed gastric emptying in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Although this condition has been reported in the literature since the mid-1900s, only recently has there been renewed clinical and scientific interest in this disease, which has a potentially great impact on the quality of life. The aim of this review is to explore the pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutical aspects of Gp according to the most recent evidence. A comprehensive online search for Gp was carried out using MEDLINE and EMBASE. Gp is the result of neuromuscular abnormalities of the gastric motor function. There is evidence that patients with idiopathic and diabetic Gp may display a reduction in nitrergic inhibitory neurons and in interstitial cells of Cajal and/or telocytes. As regards diagnostic approach, 99-Technetium scintigraphy is currently considered to be the gold standard for Gp. Its limits are a lack of standardization and a mild risk of radiation exposure. The C13 breath testing is a valid and safe alternative method. 13C acid octanoic and the 13C Spirulina platensis recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration are the most commonly used diagnostic kits. The wireless motility capsule is a promising technique, but its use is limited by costs and scarce availability in many countries. Finally, therapeutic strategies are related to the clinical severity of Gp. In mild and moderate Gp, dietary modification and prokinetic agents are generally sufficient. Metoclopramide is the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for Gp. However, other older and new prokinetics and antiemetics can be considered. As a second-line therapy, tricyclic antidepressants and cannabinoids have been proposed. In severe cases the normal nutritional approach can be compromised and artificial nutrition may be needed. In drug-unresponsive Gp patients some alternative strategies (endoscopic, electric stimulation or surgery) are available

    "Solid state charge trapping": Examples of polymer systems showing memory effect

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    The paper reports on a characteristic property of electroactive materials bearing an electron-rich and an electron-poor moiety, known as charge trapping. As examples of materials that exhibit this phenomenon, films of poly(4,4"-dipentoxy-4\u27-(2,2\u27-dicyano)ethenyl-2,2\u27:5\u27,2"-terthiophene), poly(2,3-dihexylthieno[3,4-b]pyrazine) and a blend between a fulleropyrrolidine derivative and poly(3-hexylthiophene) were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, spectroelectrochemistry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. In the cyclic voltammetry, the reduction processes show the reverse oxidation potential about 1 V higher than the expected value, indicating a strong stabilization of the corresponding anion species. The mechanism leading to the stabilisation of the anions is discussed and the results indicate that the investigated materials exhibit a remarkable and quite stable memory effect
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