760 research outputs found

    Are stellar over-densities in dwarf galaxies the "smoking gun" of triaxial dark matter haloes?

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    We use N-body simulations to study the tidal evolution of globular clusters (GCs) in dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. Our models adopt a cosmologically motivated scenario in which the dSph is approximated by a static NFW halo with a triaxial shape. For a large set of orbits and projection angles we examine the spatial and velocity distribution of stellar debris deposited during the complete disruption of stellar clusters. Our simulations show that such debris appears as shells, isolated clumps and elongated over-densities at low surface brightness (>26 mag/arcsec^2), reminiscent of substructure observed in several MW dSphs. Such features arise from the triaxiality of the galaxy potential and do not dissolve in time. Stellar over-densities reported in several MW dSphs may thus be the telltale evidence of dark matter haloes being triaxial in shape. We explore a number of kinematic signatures that would help to validate (or falsify) this scenario. The mean angular momentum of the cluster debris associated with box and resonant orbits, which are absent in spherical potentials, is null. As a result, we show that the line-of-sight velocity distribution may exhibit a characteristic "double-peak" depending on the oriention of the viewing angle with respect to the progenitor's orbital plane. Kinematic surveys of dSphs may help to detect and identify substructures associated with the disruption of stellar clusters, as well as to address the shape of the dark matter haloes in which dSphs are embedded.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the proceedings of "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser., in pres

    Compatibility of the large quasar groups with the concordance cosmological model

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    We study the compatibility of large quasar groups with the concordance cosmological model. Large quasar groups are very large spatial associations of quasars in the cosmic web, with sizes of 50–250 h−1 Mpc. In particular, the largest large quasar group known, named Huge-LQG, has a longest axis of ∼860 h−1 Mpc, larger than the scale of homogeneity (∼260 Mpc), which has been noted as a possible violation of the cosmological principle. Using mock catalogues constructed from the Horizon Run 2 cosmological simulation, we found that large quasar groups size, quasar member number and mean overdensity distributions in the mocks agree with observations. The Huge-LQG is found to be a rare group with a probability of 0.3 per cent of finding a group as large or larger than the observed, but an extreme value analysis shows that it is an expected maximum in the sample volume with a probability of 19 per cent of observing a largest quasar group as large or larger than Huge-LQG. The Huge-LQG is expected to be the largest structure in a volume at least 5.3 ± 1 times larger than the one currently studied

    Efficient Mesh Management in Firedrake Using PETSc DMPlex

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    The use of composable abstractions allows the application of new and established algorithms to a wide range of problems, while automatically inheriting the benefits of well-known performance optimizations. This work highlights the composition of the PETSc DMPlex domain topology abstraction with the Firedrake automated finite element system to create a PDE solving environment that combines expressiveness, flexibility, and high performance. We describe how Firedrake utilizes DMPlex to provide the indirection maps required for finite element assembly, while supporting various mesh input formats and runtime domain decomposition. In particular, we describe how DMPlex and its accompanying data structures allow the generic creation of user-defined discretizations, while utilizing data layout optimizations that improve cache coherency and ensure overlapped communication during assembly computation

    The impact of dark matter cusps and cores on the satellite galaxy population around spiral galaxies

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    We use N-body simulations to study the effects that a divergent (i.e. ‘cuspy') dark matter profile introduces on the tidal evolution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). Our models assume cosmologically motivated initial conditions where dSphs are dark-matter-dominated systems on eccentric orbits about a host galaxy composed of a dark halo and a baryonic disc. We find that the resilience of dSphs to tidal stripping is extremely sensitive to the cuspiness of the inner halo profile; whereas dwarfs with a cored profile can be easily destroyed by the disc component, those with cusps always retain a bound remnant, even after losing more than 99.99 per cent of the original mass. For a given halo profile, the evolution of the structural parameters as driven by tides is controlled solely by the total amount of mass lost. This information is used to construct a semi-analytic code that follows the tidal evolution of individual satellites as they fall into a more massive host, which allows us to simulate the hierarchical build-up of spiral galaxies assuming different halo profiles and disc masses. We find that tidal encounters with discs tend to decrease the average mass of satellite galaxies at all galactocentric radii. Of all satellites, those accreted before re-ionization (z≳ 6), which may be singled out by anomalous metallicity patterns, provide the strongest constraints on the inner profile of dark haloes. These galaxies move on orbits that penetrate the disc repeatedly and survive to the present day only if haloes have an inner density cusp. We show that the size-mass relationship established from Milky Way (MW) dwarfs strongly supports the presence of cusps in the majority of these systems, as cored models systematically underestimate the masses of the known ultra-faint dSphs. Our models also indicate that a massive M31 disc may explain why many of its dSphs with suitable kinematic data fall below the size-mass relationship derived from MW dSphs. We also examine whether our modelling can constrain the mass threshold below which star formation is suppressed in dark matter haloes. We find that luminous satellites must be accreted with masses above 108-109 M⊙ in order to explain the size-mass relation observed in MW dwarf

    Ultraviolet Fe II Emission in Fainter Quasars: Luminosity Dependences, and the Influence of Environments

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    We investigate the strength of ultraviolet Fe II emission in fainter quasars com- pared with brighter quasars for 1.0 :( z :( 1.8, using the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) DR7QSO catalogue and spectra of Schneider et al., and the SFQS (SDSS Faint Quasar Survey) catalogue and spectra of Jiang et al. We quantify the strength of the UV Fe II emission using the W 2400 equivalent width of Weymann et al., which is defined between two rest-frame continuum windows at 2240–2255 and 2665–2695 ˚A. The main results are the following. (1) We find that for W 2400 2: 25 ˚A there is a universal (i.e. for quasars in general) strengthening of W 2400 with decreasing intrinsic luminosity, L3000. (2) In conjunction with previous work by Clowes et al., we find that there is a further, differential, strengthening of W 2400 with decreasing L3000 for those quasars that are members of Large Quasar Groups (LQGs). (3) We find that increasingly strong W 2400 tends to be associated with decreasing FWHM of the neighbouring Mg II λ2798 broad emission line. (4) We suggest that the dependence of W 2400 on L3000 arises from Lyα fluorescence. (5) We find that stronger W 2400 tends to be associated with smaller virial estimates from Shen et al. of the mass of the central black hole, by a factor ∼ 2 between the ultrastrong emitters and the weak. Stronger W 2400 emission would correspond to smaller black holes that are still growing. The differential effect for LQG members might then arise from preferentially younger quasars in the LQG environments

    Intervening Mgii absorption systems from the SDSS DR12 quasar spectra

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    We present the catalogue of the Mg II absorption systems detected at a high significance level using an automated search algorithm in the spectra of quasars from the twelfth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A total of 266,433 background quasars were searched for the presence of absorption systems in their spectra. The continuum modelling for the quasar spectra was performed using a mean filter. A pseudo-continuum derived using a median filter was used to trace the emission lines. The absorption system catalogue contains 39,694 Mg II systems detected at a 6.0, 3.0σ level respectively for the two lines of the doublet. The catalogue was constrained to an absorption line redshift of 0.35 6 z2796 6 2.3. The rest-frame equivalent width of the λ2796 line ranges between 0.2 6 Wr 6 6.2 ˚A. Using Gaussian-noise only simulations we estimate a false positive rate of 7.7 per cent in the catalogue. We measured the number density ∂N2796/∂z of Mg II absorbers and find evidence for steeper evolution of the systems with Wr > 1.2 ˚A at low redshifts (z2796 6 1.0), consistent with other earlier studies. A suite of null tests over the redshift range 0.5 6 z2796 6 1.5 was used to study the presence of systematics and selection effects like the dependence of the number density evolution of the absorption systems on the properties of the background quasar spectra. The null tests do not indicate the presence of any selection effects in the absorption catalogue if the quasars with spectral signal-to-noise level less than 5.0 are removed. The resultant catalogue contains 36,981 absorption systems. The Mg II absorption catalogue is publicly available
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