19 research outputs found

    Intelligent processing of experimental data in ISES remote laboratory

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    The paper deals with the design of the intelligent processing of experimental data measured in the remote laboratories, where the measurements are performed by connected clients via the finite-state machine residing at an advanced server. As physical hardware and software is used the Internet School Experimental System (ISES). This platform is intended for educational purposes at schools and universities to provide the suitable measuring environment for students using computers. It is especially suitable for distance students who cannot attend regular courses during their studies of physics, chemistry or electro-engineering. At present, the remote laboratory does not have any data processing technique. This results in excessive demands on storing capacity. The suggested solution solves this drawback by processing and archiving techniques to store measured data after their organizing in predetermined structures and concomitant data volume reduction. The paper is organized in the following manner. In the first section, Introduction, the ISES remote laboratory concept is introduced, following, State of the art, describing present stage of its ISES physical hardware development. The description of ISES physical software is concentrated at the Measureserver core unit realized as the finite-state machine. The next section deals with the design and implementation of the intelligent data processing component, which is focused on the extracting, filtering and archiving of measured data coming from the Measureserver unit communicating with a physical experiment. Finally, all the functional benefits are summarized for interested, who are involved in the remote experiments construction

    Security of ISES measureserver® module for remote experiments against malign attacks

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    This paper focuses on the security of the remote laboratories formed by remote experiments against malign attacks. Surprisingly, in spite of the fact the remote laboratories have been existing for at least three decades but virtually no attention has been devoted to this vital subject. Various malign attacks are analyzed in detail related to the Measureserver® module, which is the basic unit of the ISES (Internet School Experimental System) remote experiments accessed by clients via web pages. Such the laboratories are sometimes called e-laboratories. In the introduction a state of the art, basic features and principles are described. The following chapter analyses general security risks of remote laboratories for their software, hardware and specific risks. Next, possible malicious attacks are determined which could affect the Measureserver module. Finally, the suggestions for adequate security software and hardware solutions are outlined to prevent such attacks

    Real remote experiment with embedded synchronized simulation "Remote Wave Laboratory"

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    The paper describes a new remote experiment in REMLABNET as "Remote Wave Laboratory" constructed on the ISES (Internet School Experimental System). The remote experiment contributes to understanding of concepts of harmonic waves, their parameters (amplitude, frequency and period, and phase velocity) and dependence of the instantaneous phase on time and path covered. Also it serves for the measurements and understanding of the concept of the phase sensitive interference and the superposition of parallel/ perpendicular waves.IZ74Z0_160454, SNF, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung; SNF, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen ForschungSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) "SCOPES" [IZ74Z0_160454]; Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FAI/2017

    REMLABNET IV - LTI federated remote laboratory management system with embedded multiparameter simulations

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    The recent progress in REMLABNET (www.remlabnet.eu ), namely its LTI Federation possibilities with other systems and multiparameter simulations embedded, is presented together with the main recent features of REMLABNET (as a Remote Laboratory Management System). At present the available real remote experiments have been provided for Go-Lab EU FP 7 project. The system with about 20 remote experiments has been with success running since 2013 and has been since constantly improved thanks to the project of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - "SCOPES".Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - "SCOPES" [IZ74Z0_160454]; Internal Agency Grant of the Tomas Bata University [IGA/FAI/2016

    Optimalization of Quality Manual

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    Import 01/09/2009Prezenční639 - Katedra kontroly a řízení jakostivelmi dobř

    Návrh opatření pro zlepšení řízení dokumentace systému managementu jakosti

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    Import 12/09/2007Prezenční639 - Katedra kontroly a řízení jakost

    A visualisation of the results of a thermoforming process simulation in the plastics industry

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    This paper presents the SIMViewer computer program allowing users to visualise the results from the T-SIM simulation software made by Accuform in the field of plastics thermoforming. The main feature is to visualise particular thermoforming process steps of a plastic sheet in a three-dimensional space including all geometric parts of the defined model like a forming die and optional plunger. SIMViewer provides a projection of scalar quantities that characterize the thermoformed region. It is mainly focused on presenting the thickness distribution, thermoforming temperature, stress, strain and other scalars applied on the plastic sheet. This application was developed in C++ programming language, the graphical area was implemented by the OpenGL library and the user interface was created by using the MFC application framework

    A Visualisation of the Results of a Thermoforming Process Simulation in the Plastics Industry

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    This paper presents the SIMViewer computer program allowing users to visualise the results from the T-SIM simulation software made by Accuform in the field of plastics thermoforming. The main feature is to visualise particular thermoforming process steps of a plastic sheet in a three-dimensional space including all geometric parts of the defined model like a forming die and optional plunger. SIMViewer provides a projection of scalar quantities that characterize the thermoformed region. It is mainly focused on presenting the thickness distribution, thermoforming temperature, stress, strain and other scalars applied on the plastic sheet. This application was developed in C++ programming language, the graphical area was implemented by the OpenGL library and the user interface was created by using the MFC application framework