176 research outputs found

    European Use of Space Shuttle

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    Europe\u27s association with the Space Shuttle started in 1973 when the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NASA for the development in Europe with European funds of Spacelab. In addition, it was agreed that ESA would provide approximately one half of the first Spacelab payload which will be carried on the SL-1 mission in September 1983. Further usage of Spacelab is foreseen either in missions dedicated to European countries or in missions shared with NASA. Also, it is anticipated that European space projects will make use of the launch and recovery capability of the Space Shuttle when these services are considered to be cost attractive. Finally, augmentation of the Shuttle\u27s capabilities is another likely area of participation through the provision of a European-built upper stage. This paper summarises these activities both from an ESA-NASA point of view and from the outlook of bilateral (i.e. NASA-ESA Member State) co-operation

    AJAX in the Enterprise

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    Mit Rich Internet Applications wurde in letzter Zeit eine Lösung geschaffen, um reichhaltige, interaktive und ansprechende Benutzerschnittstellen für Webanwendungen zu entwickeln. RIAs können mit den verschiedensten Technologien entwickelt werden. Seit geraumer Zeit ruft in diesem Umfeld die neue Technologie AJAX sehr viel Interesse hervor. Es liegt im Interesse von Daimler Chrysler neue Clientparadigmen zu erforschen. Diese Arbeit untersucht, welche Vorteile, Risiken und Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von AJAX in Enterprise Umgebungen auftreten. Es werden diverser AJAX-Frameworks und die auftretenden Integrationsprobleme betrachtet. Außerdem werden die Vorteile von AJAX durch die Implementierung einer Beispielanwendung aufgezeigt

    Investigation and evaluation of the aging behaviour of technical materials as a selection criterion for use in zinc-air flow batteries

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    Zinc-air secondary batteries have the potential to act as electrochemical energy storage devices in broad industrial applications. The main arguments for developing marketable systems are the good commercial availability and environmental compatibility of zinc [1]. A consortium of different companies and scientific institutions is engaged in the development of a scalable zinc-air secondary battery. For the establishment of the system, the concept and all components, such as the gas diffusion electrode as well as the zinc electrode, are being investigated and optimised. In order to achieve a certain marketability of the battery after the end of the project, the plastic-based housing, sealing and current-conducting components are also being examined for their long-term stability and suitability. The system concept has high demands on the chemical resistance of the components due to the alkaline electrolyte in use. The plastics in question are typical housing materials with good chemical resistance, soft sealing materials based on thermoplastic elastomers and compounds highly filled with graphite for current conduction within the battery. To evaluate the materials, comparative studies are carried out with regard to the material properties, such as mechanical stability and electrical conductivity, and the combustion behaviour to assess the aging between newly produced and aged parts. In particular, the compounds highly filled with graphite presumably exhibit side reactions in contact with the active materials used in the system due to unavoidable impurities. This behaviour is also integrated in the evaluation of the raw material selection

    Health Risk Assessment of Plasticizer in Wastewater Effluents and Receiving Freshwater Systems

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    Health risk assessment of plasticizer in wastewater effluents and receiving freshwater systems Luqman M (ed): Recent Advances in Plasticizers Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Online Publishers, 2012, pp 191-212, ISBN 978-953-51-0363-9A variety of human activities e.g. agricultural activities, urban and industrial development,mining and recreation, significantly alter the quality of natural waters, and changes the water use potential (Spinks et al., 2006; Madungwe and Sakuringwa, 2007). The key to sustainable water resources is, therefore to ensure that the quality of water resources are suitable for their intended uses, while at the same time allowing them to be used and developed to a certain extent. Water quality management, therefore involves the maintenance of the fitness for use of water resources on a sustained basis, by achieving a balance between socio-economic development and environmental protection. Approximately 40 000 small-scale farmers, 15 000 medium-to-large-scale farmers, 120 000 permanent workers, and an unknown number of seasonal workers are involved in irrigation farming, which consumes approximately 51 to 61 % of South Africa’s water on some 1,3 million hectares (Backeberg, 1996; Blignaut and Heerden, 2008). Irrigation farming contributes 25 to 30 % of South Africa’s agricultural output. Agriculture is crucially important to the basic food security of the poor, who constitute 40 % of the population of 42 million, and who are overwhelmingly concentrated in rural areas and (peri-) urban townships (Blignaut and Heerden, 2008). Like many countries in the world, water scarcity is becoming a major problem in South Africa (Marcucci & Tognotti, 2002; Oweis & Hachum, 2009; Komnenic et al., 2009) as dams serving communities with drinking water and water for daily household use, have been less than 30% full in recent years (Qiao et al., 2009; Malley et al., 2009). River water, in combination with groundwater, effluents from wastewater treatment plants, is considered a suitable alternative as a utilisable and potable water source (Blignaut and Heerden, 2008). To complement scare water resources, there has been increase in the number of wastewater facilities in many countries. This is to forestall the outbreak of environmental pollution and spread of diseases, remove conventional pollutants (such as ammonia and phosphate), and to maintain and restore the biologic integrity of surface waters (Wang et al., 2005; Sun et al., 2008)

    FEASIBILITY STUDY OF A NEW MASS FLOW SYSTEM. Quarterly Report No. 1 Covering the Period from June 1 to September 1, 1960. With this is bound: QUARTERLY REPORT NO. 1 FOR PERIOD FROM JULY 15TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1960

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    A mass flow measurement technique is described which has the capability of measuring homogeneous flow, slurries, highly corrosive fluids, and multiphase fluids. The device features ruggedness and reliability and has the ability to measure external to the flow. In the proposed system, the fluid is made to pass through a U-shaped tube wherein measurements of the augular momentum and density yield mass flow directly. As the fluid traverses the 180 deg bend, a radial force is generated, which can be measured with a force transducer. Density is determined by measurement of the radiation absorption in the fluid. (W.D.M.

    Antimicrobial resistance screening and profiles: A glimpse from the South African perspective

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    According to the Centre for Disease Dynamics Economics and Policy, South Africa represents a paradox of antibiotic management similar to other developing countries, with both overuse and underuse (resulting from lack of access) of antibiotics. In addition, wastewater reuse may contribute towards antibiotic resistance through selective pressure that increases resistance in native bacteria and on clinically relevant bacteria, increasing resistance profiles of the common pathogens. Sediments of surface water bodies and wastewater sludge provide a place where antibiotic resistance genes are transferred to other bacteria. Crop irrigation is thought to be a potential source of exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria through the transfer from the water or sludge into crops. The objectives of this study were to examine the antibiotic-resistance profiles of Escherishia coli from three agricultural locations in the Western Cape, South Africa. Using a classical microbiology culture approach, the resistance profiles of E. coli species isolated from river water and sediments, farm dams and their sediments and a passive algal wastewater treatment ponds and sediment used for crop irrigation were assessed for resistance to 13 commonly used antibiotics. Randomly selected E. coli isolates from the sediment and water were tested for resistance

    Four decades of water recycling in Atlantis (Western Cape, South Africa): Past, present and future

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    The primary aquifer at Atlantis (Western Cape, South Africa) is ideally suited for water supply and the indirect recycling of urban stormwater runoff and treated domestic wastewater for potable purposes. The relatively thin, sloping aquifer requires careful management of the artificial recharge and abstraction for balancing water levels. Water quality management is a further key issue at Atlantis for ensuring the highest quality potable water. Groundwater quality varies from point to point in the aquifer, while urban runoff and wastewater qualities vary greatly. The layout of the town allows for the separation of stormwater from the residential and industrial areas as well as separate treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater. This permits safe artificial recharge of the various water quality portions at different points in the aquifer, either for recycling or for preventing seawater intrusion. All of the management actions are dependent on detailed data collection and this paper describes the various parts of the system, describes the data collection activities, and provides results of the monitoring and aquifer responses over the past four decades. Challenges related to iron fouling of production boreholes are also described. The presence of emerging contaminants was studied in 2008 but requires follow-up research for establishing the extent of any possible threat to water recycling. In order to address the shortcomings of the system a risk management plan based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points approach was developed. Lessons learnt from the Atlantis experience can be transferred to other potential sites for establishment of similar systems in arid and semi-arid areas of South Africa and the African continent.Keywords: Atlantis, managed aquifer recharge, water recycling, groundwater, stormwater, wastewater, monitorin

    The potential of selected macroalgal species for treatment of AMD at different pH ranges in temperate regions

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    The metal bioaccumulation potential of selected macroalgae species as different pH ranges were study for usage as part of a possible secondary passive AMD treatment technology in algae ponds in temperate regions during winter months. . Two separate studies were conducted to determine the suitability of macroalgae for passive treatment when metabolic processes in macrophytes and microrganisms in constructed wetlands decreases due to seasonal changes. In the field study, the bioconcentration of metals (mg/kg dry weight) measured in the macroalgae mats were in the following order: site 1. Oedegonium crassum Al > Fe > Mn > Zn; site 2. Klebsormidium klebsii, Al > Fe > Mn > Zn; site 3. Microspora tumidula, Fe > Al > Mn > Zn and site 4. M. tumidula, Fe > Mn > Al > Z. In the laboratory study, cultured macroalgae K. klebsii, O. crassum and M. tumidula isolated from the field sampling sites were exposed to three different pH values (3, 5 and 7), while bioaccumulation of the metals, Al, Fe, Mn and Zn and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity was measured in the different algae species at a constant water temperature of 14 ËšC. . Bioaccumulation of Al was the highest for O. crassum followed by K. klebsii and M. tumidula (p < 0.0001). From the study it was evident that the highest metal bioaccumulation occurred in the macroalgae O. crassum at all three tested pH values under constant low water temperature.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/watreshb201

    Microbial monitoring of surface water in South Africa: an overview

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    Infrastructural problems force South African households to supplement their drinking water consumption from water resources of inadequate microbial quality. Microbial water quality monitoring is currently based on the Colilert®18 system which leads to rapidly available results. Using Escherichia coli as the indicator microorganism limits the influence of environmental sources on the reported results. The current system allows for understanding of long-term trends of microbial surface water quality and the related public health risks. However, rates of false positive for the Colilert®18-derived concentrations have been reported to range from 7.4% to 36.4%. At the same time, rates of false negative results vary from 3.5% to 12.5%; and the Colilert medium has been reported to provide for cultivation of only 56.8% of relevant strains. Identification of unknown sources of faecal contamination is not currently feasible. Based on literature review, calibration of the antibiotic-resistance spectra of Escherichia coli or the bifidobacterial tracking ratio should be investigated locally for potential implementation into the existing monitoring system. The current system could be too costly to implement in certain areas of South Africa where the modified H2S strip test might be used as a surrogate for the Colilert®18

    Treated Acid Mine Drainage and Stream Recovery: Downstream Impacts on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Relation to Multispecies Toxicity Bioassays

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    Research ArticleThe success and long term effectiveness of extensive and expensive engineering solutions to restore streams impacted by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is rarely tested. Concentrations of pollutants were measured in water along a longitudinal gradient from a stretch of the Tweelopie stream, South Africa, that receives pH-treated acid mine drainage (AMD) from an abandoned gold mine. The biotoxic effects of treated AMD were determined through macroinvertebrate biotic indices (SASS5) and a battery of toxicity bioassays. These included the L. sativa, A. cepa, D. magna toxicity and Ames mutagenicity tests, as well as an in vitro human liver cancer cell line HepG2. Even though the Tweelopie stream was moderately to severely degraded by multiple anthropogenic stressors, the impact of the treated AMD was masked by the improvement in the system downstream after mixing with the domestic wastewater effluent receiving stream, and subsequent further dilution as a result of the karst springs downstream. The general improvement of the system downstream was clearly shown by the decrease in the ecotoxicity and mutagenicity in relation to the in-stream macroinvertebrates. PCA multivariate analysis successfully displayed associations between the different environmental variables and the decrease in toxicity and subsequent ecosystem improvement downstream. This study indicated that environmental management of AMD remediation should consider long term assessment strategies, including multiple factors, to promote biological ecosystem recovery
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