64 research outputs found

    Entamoeba chiangraiensis n. sp. (Amoebozoa: Entamoebidae) isolated from the gut of Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) in northern Thailand.

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    The genus Entamoeba comprises mostly gut parasites and commensals of invertebrate and vertebrate animals including humans. Herein, we report a new species of Entamoeba isolated from the gut of Asian swamp eels (Monopterus albus) in northern Thailand. Morphologically, the trophozoite is elongated and has a single prominent pseudopodium with no clear uroid. The trophozoite is actively motile, 30-50 µm in length and 9-13 µm in width. Observed cysts were uninucleate, ranging in size from 10 to 17.5 µm in diameter. Chromatin forms a fine, even lining along the inner nuclear membrane. Fine radial spokes join the karyosome to peripheral chromatin. Size, host and nucleus morphology set our organism apart from other members of the genus reported from fish. The SSU rRNA gene sequences of the new isolates are the first molecular data of an Entamoeba species from fish. Phylogenetic analysis places the new organism as sister to Entamoeba invadens. Based on the distinct morphology and SSU rRNA gene sequence we describe it as a new species, Entamoeba chiangraiensis

    Circulation and colonisation of Blastocystis subtypes in schoolchildren of various ethnicities in rural northern Thailand

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    is a protist of controversial pathogenicity inhabiting the gut of humans and other animals. Despite a century of intense study, understanding of the epidemiology of remains fragmentary. Here, we aimed to explore its prevalence, stability of colonisation and association with various factors in a rural elementary school in northern Thailand. One hundred and forty faecal samples were collected from 104 children at two time points (tp) 105 days apart. For tp2, samples were also obtained from 15 animals residing on campus and seven water locations. Prevalence in children was 67% at tp1 and 89% at tp2, 63% in chickens, 86% in pigs, and 57% in water. Ten STs were identified, two of which were shared between humans and animals, one between animals and water, and three between humans and water. Eighteen children (out of 36) carried the same ST over both time points, indicating stable colonisation. Presence of (or ST) was not associated with body mass index, ethnicity, birth delivery mode, or milk source as an infant. This study advances understanding of prevalence in an understudied age group, the role of the environment in transmission, and the ability of specific STs to stably colonise children

    Blastocystis One Health Approach in a Rural Community of Northern Thailand: Prevalence, Subtypes and Novel Transmission Routes

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    Blastocystis is the most commonly found eukaryote in the gut of humans and other animals. This protist is extremely heterogeneous genetically and is classified into 28 subtypes (STs) based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene. Numerous studies exist on prevalence of the organism, which usually focus on either humans or animals or the environment, while only a handful investigates all three sources simultaneously. Consequently, understanding of Blastocystis transmission dynamics remains inadequate. Our aim was to explore Blastocystis under the One Health perspective using a rural community in northern Thailand as our study area. We surveyed human, other animal and environmental samples using both morphological and molecular approaches. Prevalence rates of Blastocystis were 73% in human hosts (n = 45), 100% in non-human hosts (n = 44) and 91% in environmental samples (n = 35). Overall, ten subtypes were identified (ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4 ST5, ST6, ST7, ST10, ST23, and ST26), eight of which were detected in humans (ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST7, ST10, and ST23), three in other animals (ST6, ST7, and ST23), while seven (ST1, ST3, ST6, ST7, ST10, ST23, and ST26) were found in the environment. In our investigation of transmission dynamics, we assessed various groupings both at the household and community level. Given the overall high prevalence rate, transmission amongst humans and between animals and humans are not as frequent as expected with only two subtypes being shared. This raises questions on the role of the environment on transmission of Blastocystis. Water and soil comprise the main reservoirs of the various subtypes in this community. Five subtypes are shared between humans and the environment, while three overlap between the latter and animal hosts. We propose soil as a novel route of transmission, which should be considered in future investigations. This study provides a thorough One Health perspective on Blastocystis. Using this type of approach advances our understanding on occurrence, diversity, ecology and transmission dynamics of this poorly understood, yet frequent gut resident

    High diversity of Blastocystis subtypes isolated from asymptomatic adults living in Chiang Rai, Thailand

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    Blastocystis is a common and broadly distributed microbial eukaryote inhabiting the gut of humans and other animals. The genetic diversity of Blastocystis is extremely high comprising no less than 17 subtypes in mammals and birds. Nonetheless, little is known about the prevalence and distribution of Blastocystis subtypes colonising humans in Thailand. Molecular surveys of Blastocystis remain extremely limited and usually focus on the central, urban part of the country. To address this knowledge gap, we collected stool samples from a population of Thai adults (n=178) residing in Chiang Rai Province. The barcoding region of the small subunit ribosomal RNA was employed to screen for Blastocystis and identify the subtype. Forty-one stool samples (23%) were identified as Blastocystis positive. Six of the nine subtypes that colonise humans were detected with subtype (ST) three being the most common (68%), followed by ST1 (17%) and ST7 (7%). Comparison of subtype prevalence across Thailand using all publicly available sequences showed that subtype distribution differs among geographic regions in the country. ST1 was most commonly encountered in the central region of Thailand, while ST3 dominated in the more rural north and northeast regions. ST2 was absent in the northeast, while ST7 was not found in the center. Thus, this study shows that ST prevalence and distribution differs not only among countries, but also among geographic regions within a country. Potential explanations for these observations are discussed herewith

    Blastocystis colonization and associations with population parameters in Thai adults

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    Background: Blastocystis is a unicellular eukaryote commonly found in the intestinal tract of humans and other animals. The prevalence of Blastocystis has been investigated in both developed and developing countries, yet its occurrence and distribution in rural locations has been less studied. Herein, we aimed to examine the distribution of Blastocystis colonization in Thai adults representing background populations along a rural/peri-urban gradient, as well as associations between colonization and personal characteristics. Methodology: A total of 238 participants were recruited from rural and peri-urban areas situated in three provinces. The presence of Blastocystis in feces was evaluated using PCR and qPCR. Information on gender, age, region (province), rural/peri-urban location, and body mass index (BMI) was collected. Principal findings: The overall rate of Blastocystis carriage was 67.2%. Univariate analysis revealed significant associations between Blastocystis carriage and region (p<0.05), location (p<0.001) and age group (p<0.05). Logistic regression analysis revealed that rural/peri-urban location and BMI were significantly associated with Blastocystis carriage. Nine subtypes (ST1-ST7, ST10 and ST23) were identified with ST3, ST7 and ST1 as the most abundant ones, in this order. The greatest diversity of subtypes, in terms of numbers, was found in the middle aged group (nine subtypes), while the least diversity was found in the young adult and obese (three subtypes each) groups. Conclusions: This study increases the understanding of the epidemiology of Blastocystis colonization and its association with population parameters and characteristics in middle-income countries

    Genetic diversity of Blastocystis in non-primate animals

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    Blastocystis is an anaerobic protist, commonly inhabiting the intestinal tract of both humans and other animals. Blastocystis is extremely diverse comprising 17 genetically distinct subtypes in mammals and birds. Pathogenicity of this enteric microbe is currently disputed and knowledge regarding its distribution, diversity and zoonotic potential is fragmentary. Most research has focused on Blastocystis from primates, while sampling from other animals remains limited. Herein, we investigated the prevalence and distribution of Blastocystis in animals held within a conservation park in South East England. A total of 118 samples were collected from 27 vertebrate species. The barcoding region of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA was used for molecular identification and subtyping. Forty one per cent of the species were sequence positive for Blastocystis indicating a high prevalence and wide distribution among the animals in the park. Six subtypes were identified, one of which is potentially novel. Moreover, the majority of animals were asymptomatic carriers, suggesting that Blastocystis is not pathogenic in animals. This study provides a thorough investigation of Blastocystis prevalence within a wildlife park in the UK and can be used as a platform for further investigations on the distribution of other eukaryotic gut microbes

    Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia duodenalis in Dromedary Camels (Camelus dromedarius) from the Algerian Sahara

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    (1) Intestinal microbial parasites are major contributors to the global burden of gastrointestinal disease. Such infections are mainly caused by Cryptosporidium, Giardia duodenalis, and Entamoeba histolytica. These parasites are transmitted either directly or indirectly through oral–fecal routes. Previous reports suggested that camels could play a role in the zoonotic transmission of various clinically and veterinary important intestinal parasites, however, limited data are available on intestinal infections of camels, particularly on a molecular level. We aimed to explore the occurrence of these three parasites in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Algeria. (2) A total of 68 samples—63 stool samples from camels and five from the environment—were collected from two desert regions in Algeria and analyzed using PCR and qPCR methods. (3) Overall, 7% of the camels tested positive for zoonotic subtypes of Cryptosporidium spp., while 16% of the camels tested positive for G. duodenalis. Two environmental samples also tested positive for G. duodenalis. None of the samples were positive for Entamoeba histolytica. (4) Our results provide one of the first molecular-based identification of these gut parasites in dromedary camels in Algeria. The presence of G. duodenalis in the host and the environment unveils, in part, the circulation route of this parasite. Our results will spearhead further investigations into the prevalence and epidemiology of gut parasites in hoofed animals and raise questions concerning their role in health and disease in the area

    Prototheca bovis, a unicellular achlorophyllous trebouxiophyte green alga in the healthy human intestine

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    Introduction: Prototheca species are non-photosynthetic trebouxiophyte algae ubiquitously distributed in nature and can be found in sewage and soil. This microbial eukaryote causes human protothecosis in immunocompromised individuals. Thus, Prototheca presence in the stool of individuals without gastrointestinal symptoms has been reported only rarely. Hypothesis/Gap statement: There is an absence of detailed characterization of human Prototheca isolates. Aim: The aim of this study was to perform morphological and molecular characterization of Prototheca isolates obtained from human stool. Methodology: Prototheca was isolated from fecal samples of four individuals living in a rural area in Thailand. A combination of bioimaging along with molecular and bioinformatics tools was used to characterize the four strains. The growth rate was tested using four media and three temperature conditions. Phylogenetic analysis using the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) and cytochrome b (cytb) was also performed. Results: Static and live microscopy demonstrated the various life stages of Prototheca and its major defining cellular characteristics. An optimized DNA extraction methodology that improves DNA yield is provided. Partial fragments of the SSU rRNA and cytb genes were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis placed all four strains in the clade with Prototheca bovis. More broadly, Prototheca was not monophyletic but split into at least two distinct clades instead. Conclusion: The results represent the first molecular characterization of Prototheca in Thailand. The study provides insight into transmission dynamics of the organism and potential caveats in estimating the global prevalence of Prototheca. These will spearhead further investigations on Prototheca occurrence in rural areas of both industrialized and developing nations

    Blastocystis: A mysterious member of the gut microbiome

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    Blastocystis is the most common gastrointestinal protist found in humans and animals. Although the clinical significance of Blastocystis remains unclear, the organism is increasingly being viewed as a commensal member of the gut microbiome. However, its impact on the microbiome is still being debated. It is unclear whether Blastocystis promotes a healthy gut and microbiome directly or whether it is more likely to colonize and persist in a healthy gut environment. In healthy people, Blastocystis is frequently associated with increased bacterial diversity and significant differences in the gut microbiome. Based on current knowledge, it is not possible to determine whether differences in the gut microbiome are the cause or result of Blastocystis colonization. Although it is possible that some aspects of this eukaryote’s role in the intestinal microbiome remain unknown and that its effects vary, possibly due to subtype and intra-subtype variations and immune modulation, more research is needed to characterize these mechanisms in greater detail. This review covers recent findings on the effects of Blastocystis in the gut microbiome and immune modulation, its impact on the microbiome in autoimmune diseases, whether Blastocystis has a role like bacteria in the gut–brain axis, and its relationship with probiotics

    Endophytic Colletotrichum species from Dendrobium spp. in China and Northern Thailand

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    Species of Colletotrichum are commonly found in many plant hosts as pathogens, endophytes and occasionally saprobes. Twenty-two Colletotrichum strains were isolated from three Dendrobium species – D. cariniferum, D. catenatum and D. harveyanum, as well as three unidentified species. The taxa were identified using morphological characterisation and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, GAPDH, ACT and ß–tubulin sequence data. This is the first time to identify endophytic fungi from Dendrobium orchids using the above method. The known species, Colletotrichum boninense, C. camelliae-japonicae, C. fructicola, C. jiangxiense and C. orchidophilum were identified as fungal endophytes of Dendrobium spp., along with the new species, C. cariniferi, C. chiangraiense, C. doitungense, C. parallelophorum and C. watphraense, which are introduced in this paper. One strain is recorded as an unidentified species. Corn meal agar is recommended as a good sporulation medium for Colletotrichum species. This is the first report of fungal endophytes associated with Dendrobium cariniferum and D. harveyanum. Colletotrichum camelliae-japonicae, C. jiangxiense, and C. orchidophilum are new host records for Thailand
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