197 research outputs found

    The management of "quality”: class decomposition and racial formation in a Chicago factory

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    Workplace training offers a distinctly explicit and uniquely articulate site for the ethnography of the capital-labor relation as an ideological phenomenon, where the everyday work of hegemony is shown to be deeply grounded in the everyday hegemony of work. In this ethnographic account of a factory classroom devoted to introducing production workers to the precepts of Total Quality Management and training them in Statistical Process Control, the neoliberal reform of the labor process—which sought to accomplish a class decomposition of the company's workforce in favor of an individualizing regime of workers' personal responsibility and accountability for various quality control operations—repeatedly provoked the company's Latino workers into angry and vociferous expressions of antagonism to management. Indeed, insofar as the management's efforts to reform labor by decomposing the workforce as a class formation merely intensified the prevailing preconditions of their racial formation, they thereby only exacerbated anew the Latino workers' antagonism as workers to the terms of their subordination. Thus, the generic (ostensibly race-neutral) reform of the labor process initiated under the aegis of "Total Quality Management” implicated the presumed management of "quality” in a concomitant reconfiguration of what was, effectively, a contemporary regime of racial managemen

    Toward a Marxian anthropology?:Bare, abstract, mobile, global

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    Kidnapping migrants as a tactic of border enforcement

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    This article identifies and analyses the tactic of kidnapping migrants that is increasingly deployed by states to disrupt, decelerate, and block migrants’ mobility. Kidnapping, we argue, is one of the political technologies of capture used by state authorities in their efforts to reassert control over migratory movements. This analysis contributes to a new understanding of the politics of border enforcement through strategies aimed at the containment of migration. The article focuses on the U.S.–Mexico border and the European border in the Mediterranean Sea as crucial sites where states have increasingly engaged in heterogenous modes of kidnapping.It also considers migrant struggles against these diverse kidnapping tactics. Through a focus on kidnapping, the article expands how we understand border violence and interrogates accounts of the biopolitics and necropolitics of borders that rely on the overly reductive formula of ‘making live/letting die’. The article concludes by highlighting how the critical examination of kidnapping migrants allows us to trace affinities and partial continuities among various historical modes of racialised subjugation that have affected both contemporary migrants and previously colonised populations

    The Queer Politics of Migration: Reflections on 'Illegality' and 'Incorrigibility'

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    The most resounding expression of the truly unprecedented mobilizations of migrants throughout the United States in 2006 was a mass proclamation of collective defiance: ÂĄAquĂ­ Estamos, y No Nos Vamos! [Here we are, and we're not leaving!]. This same slogan was commonly accompanied by a still more forcefully incorrigible rejoinder: ÂĄY Si Nos Sacan, Nos Regresamos! [... and if they throw us out, we'll come right back!]. It is quite striking and, as this essay contends, not merely provocative but genuinely productive to note the affinity between the crucial articulation of this radically open - ended politics of migrant presence with the similarly abject and profoundly destabilizing politics of queer presenc e. In a manner remarkably analogous to the slogan, "We're here, we're queer, get used to it!", the dynamic enunciation of these phrases in the context of the mass mobilizations of migrants asserted an irreducible spirit of irreverence and disaffection for state power. Both gestures unreservedly and unapologetically assert not only their irreversible presence, furthermore, but also uphold the intractable challenge of their own intrinsic incorrigibilit

    Evidence for a Low Bulk Crustal Density for Mars from Gravity and Topography

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    Knowledge of the average density of the crust of a planet is important in determining its interior structure. The combination of high-resolution gravity and topography data has yielded a low density for the Moons crust, yet for other terrestrial planets the resolution of the gravity field models has hampered reasonable estimates. By using well-chosen constraints derived from topography during gravity field model determination using satellite tracking data, we show that we can robustly and independently determine the average bulk crustal density directly from the tracking data, using the admittance between topography and imperfect gravity. We find a low average bulk crustal density for Mars, 2582 209 kgm3. This bulk crustal density is lower than that assumed until now. Densities for volcanic complexes are higher, consistent with earlier estimates, implying large lateral variations in crustal density. In addition, we find indications that the crustal density increases with depth

    Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz

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    The demand for high-throughput electron tomography is rapidly increasing in biological and material sciences. However, this 3D imaging technique is computationally bottlenecked by alignment and reconstruction which runs from hours to days. We demonstrate real-time tomography with dynamic 3D tomographic visualization to enable rapid interpretation of specimen structure immediately as data is collected on an electron microscope. Using geometrically complex chiral nanoparticles, we show volumetric interpretation can begin in less than 10 minutes and a high quality tomogram is available within 30 minutes. Real time tomography is integrated into tomviz, an open source and cross platform 3D analysis tool that contains intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUI) to enable any scientist to characterize biological and material structure in 3D

    Serum levels of VCAM-1 are associated with survival in patients treated with nivolumab for NSCLC

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    Background High circulating levels of cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have been supposed to act as a negative prognostic factor. Here, we explored the predictive role of pre-treatment levels of CAMs in previously treated patients receiving nivolumab for NSCLC. Materials and methods Seventy one patients with advanced NSCLC, treated with nivolumab at the dose of 3 mg/kg every 14 days, were enrolled. Maximum follow-up time was 3 years. Serum levels of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and Intracellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were measured at baseline and before each nivolumab administration. Endpoints of the study were a composite outcome of survival >= 2 years or absence of disease progression at the end of the follow-up, and the overall survival. Results Composite outcome and overall survival were positively associated with VCAM-1 baseline levels and with the reduction of VCAM-1 during the treatment. After adjustment for potential confounders, the change in VCAM-1 serum levels during the treatment was an independent predictor of overall survival. Conclusions High baseline serum levels of VCAM-1 are associated with a longer survival in patients treated with nivolumab as second line treatment for NSCLC. Surviving patients experience also a significant reduction in CAMs expression during the treatment. Hence, CAMs might be promising prognostic factors in patients with NSCLC underoing immunotherapy

    Crimmigration and Refugees: Bridging Visas, Criminal Cancellations and ‘Living in the Community’ as Punishment and Deterrence

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    Australia’s status as the only state with a policy of mandatory indefinite detention of all unlawful non-citizens, including asylum seekers, who are within Australian territory is a fact that is both well-known and frequently cited. From its inception, mandatory immigration detention was touted as ‘the method of deterrence for those seeking asylum onshore’ and since then ‘mandatory detention has been at the forefront of a deterrence as control and control as deterrence discourse’2. The imagined subjects of deterrence are frequently asylum seekers presented as ‘bogus’ or as economic migrants, and the sites for control are Australia’s ‘immigration program’ and borders. While these dual factors have animated the implementation and continuation of the policy for over 25 years, the contemporary practice and enforcement of detention in Australia presents a much more complex picture

    Bare life in an immigration jail: technologies of surveillance in U.S. pre-deportation detention

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on 29/08/2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2020.1796266 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Migration policies globally are characterised by a growth in the use of detention. These dynamics have also been noted in the United States of America, where, increasingly, the private immigration detention infrastructure is the most developed in the world. Like other total institutions, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities depend on controlling human bodies. This article, which explains how nation-state sovereignty is created by means of surveillance technologies, draws upon the narratives of 26 Mexicans, deported under the administrations of Presidents Bush and Obama and interviewed in four waves of research between 2012 and 2019 in their hometown. The article describes the lived experience of biopolitical interventions on detainees’ bodies and explains the disciplining role of restricting or limiting access to ICTs. The article uses Agamben’s notion of bare life. It describes how biopolitical interventions and disciplines dehumanise precarious migrants and contribute to their governmentality long after their deportation when they abstain from re-entering the United States. The article complicates the notion of bare life by demonstrating that the use of biometrics (fingerprints) not only dehumanises people but also identifies their bodies and thus rehumanise them.Published onlin
