168 research outputs found

    Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of Stephanodiscus triporus (Bacillariophyceae) and related taxa

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    Stephanodiscus triporus was described in 1978, based on a study from the phytoplankton of Volgograd Reservoir that used transmission electron microscopy. This species is small, diameter 3.7–10.6 µm, with 14–30 striae and 30–60 areolae in 10 µm, and differs from other Stephanodiscus species by the presence of three satellite pores in the single central fultoportula. Later a new species similar in morphology to S. triporus, was described from Iowa, USA, namely S. vestibulis. A large population of S. vestibulis was found in Lake Balaton and the species also occurs in different Hungarian and French waters. Detailed comparison of S. triporus and S. vestibulis, based on our results and literature, showed they are very similar. Therefore we reinvestigated the type material of both and compared them with the Hungarian and French specimens. Conventional and geometric morphometric analyses were carried out, also including comparisons with the morphologically closest taxon, S. minutulus. There is a continuum of variation between S. triporus and S. vestibulis (in diameter, the number and morphology of the striae, the position of the valve face fultoportula with three satellite pores, the presence of a vestibulum having more or less the same shape). Hence we suggest that they are conspecific, with S. vestibulis a later synonym of S. triporus


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    Cells well below the reported minimum size for Thalassiosira weisslogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle were observed in two unialgal cultures. The relationship between diameter and number of central fultoportulae was found to be very regular. Regresion analysis of three different populations showed equivalent slopes and r 2 values above 80%. The y-intercepts were significantly different and support observations in the litrature that nonmarine valeve of T. Weissflogii have fewer central fultoportulae than marine forms.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65207/1/j.1529-8817.1987.tb04221.x.pd

    Features of Training Future Teachers of Natural Sciences in Modern Higher Education in the Context of Modern Neurosciences

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    In the article, questions about the features of training future teachers of natural sciences in modern higher education in the context of modern neurosciences are highlighted.It was found that highly qualified and competent teachers are the key to successful higher education. The concept of "neuroscience" is investigated. Publications and books of domestic and foreign scientists on the training of future teachers of natural disciplines in the view of neurosciences are highlighted. The application of methodological approaches in teaching future teachers of natural disciplines is noted. The branch of neuro-andragogy, which is important for adult learning is considered. It is noted that university teachers should enrich the educational process with modern strategies in order to meet the needs of future student teachers. It is noted that future teachers are interested in mastering knowledge of neurosciences, because they understand that this will help them in their professional activities. It has been proven that many scientists argue that education cannot exist today without neurosciences. The facts that have a special impact on the work of the child's body and on learning have been clarified: energy supply, nutrition, stress resistance and environmental pollution. A study of approbation of foreign programs "Scheme of education and neuroscience" and "Science of the brain in motion" was carried out. It was found that students are interested in knowledge about the work of their own brain and try to work on themselves to help the body improve its performance.It is noted that scientists argue that for the activity of the brain to be productive, it is necessary for the neurons, synapse and myelin to work in a balanced way.It was proven that COVID - 19 pandemic to negatively impacted education. It was found that physical activity and the activity of cognitive functions are an integral link. Emphasis is placed on the pedagogy of partnership, which will promote close cooperation of teachers, children and parents and help parents to preserve the health of the child.</em

    Особливості професійної підготовки менеджерів освіти в умовах трансформаційних процесів постмодерного суспільства

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    The article is devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of professional training of educational managers within the requirements of transformational society. In the conditions of the prevailing postmodernism new requirements to the manager of education as the specialist and as the person are allocated, according to what the emphasis on the influence of such processes as globalization, informatization, and innovative development on the preparation of experts in management is made. Changes in the educational paradigm indicate the need for a specialist with universal abilities, able to quickly adapt to new socio-economic and social changes and effectively perform their professional duties. The analysis of the newest tendencies in pedagogical education proves the growth of requirements to professionally significant qualities of the head of a educational institution. Based on a thorough analysis, the features of professional competence of education managers, their professionally important and personal qualities that determine their professional activity are determined. Among the main professionally significant qualities of an education manager are such as strategic thinking, readiness for self-development, ability to make operational decisions, special and general abilities, positive motivation of professional activity, cross-cultural com-petence, emotional intelligence and cognitive empathy, effective time management. It is established that the effectiveness of management activities of a education manager is determined by his ability to properly assess the business environment, set complex but achievable goals, organize staff for their implementation.Стаття присвячена дослідженню теоретичних аспектів професійної підготовки менеджерів освіти в умовах вимог трансформаційного суспільства. В умовах панівного постмодернізму висуваються нові вимоги до менеджера освіти як фахівця і як особистості, відповідно до чого робиться акцент на вплив таких процесів, як глобалізація, інформатизація, інноваційний розвиток на підготовку фахівців з менеджменту. Зміни в освітній парадигмі свідчать про необхідність фахівця з універсальними здібностями, здатного швидко адаптуватися до нових соціально-економічних і соціальних змін та ефективно виконувати свої професійні обов’язки. Аналіз новітніх тенденцій у педагогічній освіті свідчить про зростання вимог до професійно значущих якостей керівника навчального закладу. На основі ретельного аналізу визначено особливості професійної компетентності менеджерів освіти, їх професійно важливі та особистісні якості, що визначають професійну діяльність. Серед основних професійно значущих якостей менеджера освіти такі як стратегічне мислення, готовність до саморозвитку, здатність приймати оперативні рішення, спеціальні та загальні здібності, позитивна мотивація професійної діяльності, крос-культурна компетентність, емоційний інтелект та когнітивні здібності. емпатія, ефективний тайм-менеджмент. Встановлено, що ефективність управлінської діяльності менеджера освіти визначається його здатністю правильно оцінювати бізнес-середовище, ставити складні, але досяжні цілі, організовувати персонал для їх реалізації

    Pretest probability of coronary artery disease as a factor for optimizing invasive diagnostics in routine clinical practice

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    According to the European Society of Cardiology guidelines, patients with chest pain requires the calculation of pretest probability (PTP) of coronary artery disease (CAD), followed by the identification of diagnostic tactics.Aim. To analyze the registry of patients with stable CAD in order to assess the frequency of PTP calculation, as well as the validity of diagnostic tactics choice depending on its level.Material and methods. The data of the registry of patients with stable CAD for the periods from 2012 to 2014 and from 2017 to 2019 were analyzed. We assessed the number of CAD patients, proportion of men, and distribution of patients depending on angina functional class. In addition, data on PTP calculation, as well as distribution of patients and diagnostic strategy selected depending on its value was analyzed. To assess differences (p) in pairwise comparisons, Student’s t-test was used. Differences were considered significant at p&lt;0,05. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 (Microsoft, USA) and STATISTICA 6.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA).Results. In 2017-2019, the number of detected CAD cases and proportion of men increased. In both time periods, an insufficient level of calculating PTP of CAD remains. In patients with intermediate PTP, 15-85% of priority tactics are invasive interventions, and with high PTP, the percentage of invasive methods does not reach the proper level, which does not correspond to modern guidelines for the management of CAD patients and leads to misappropriation of funds and healthcare resources.Conclusion. According to medical records, PTP can be determined in less than half of patients. In CAD patients with intermediate PTP, non-invasive studies are not carried out in full, since coronary angiography is preferred. In patients with a high PTP, invasive diagnostics is insufficient

    Centric diatoms of large rivers and tributaries in Hungary: morphology and biogeographic distribution

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    Centric diatoms of 107 different Hungarian running waters were investigated. Among them the largest was the River Danube, from which more than one hundred plankton samples were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Only one sample was analysed from creeks, which were the smallest running waters analysed in this study. There were also channels with slow currents flowing out of rivers or connecting different rivers.In total, 41 centric taxa belonging to 11 genera were found during this study. The average number of taxa found in a single watercourse was 7, the maximum 40 and the minimum 1. Cyclotella meneghiniana was the most frequently encountered species (present in 60% ofsites). Twelve taxa were found in more than 20% of sites, 7 taxa between 5–10% and 6 taxa only in one site

    Siliceous microfossil distribution in the surficial sediments of Lake Baikal

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    Examination of surficial sediments at 16 stations shows minor, but consistent differences in the numbers and kinds of siliceous microfossils deposited in different regions of Lake Baikal. There is a general north-south decreasing trend in total microfossil abundance on a weight basis. Endemic plankton diatom species are the most abundant component of assemblages at all stations. Chrysophyte cysts are present at all stations, but most forms are more abundant at northern stations. Non-endemic plankton diatom species are most abundant at southern stations. Small numbers of benthic diatoms and sponge spicules are found in all samples. Although low numbers are present in offshore sediments, the benthic diatom flora is very diverse. Principal components analysis confirms primary north-south abundance trends and suggests further differentiation by station location and depth.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43071/1/10933_2004_Article_BF00682594.pd