138 research outputs found

    Diplomado de profundización cisco ccnp solución de dos escenarios presentes en entornos corporativos bajo el uso de tecnología cisco

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    Esta actividad consta del previo estudio de dos módulos CCNP ROUTE y CCNP SWITCH avalados por Cisco Networking Academy. Los contenidos están articulados con múltiples temáticas que permiten crear redes empresariales eficaces y escalables; así como instalar, configurar, supervisar, y solucionar problemas en los equipos pertenecientes a la infraestructura de una red multipropósito y multiplataforma. Se plantean dos escenarios el cual siguiendo unos lineamientos específicos nos permiten poner en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos en el diplomado de profundización CCNP. El primer escenario está relacionado con los principios básicos de la red y los protocolos de enrutamiento IP versión 4 (IPv4) e IP versión 6 (IPv6), el Protocolo de enrutamiento de gateway interior mejorado (EIGRP), el protocolo Primer camino más corto (OSPF) y el protocolo de puerta de enlace de frontera (BGP). El segundo escenario está relacionado con la implementación, monitoreo, seguridad y administración de la conmutación en una arquitectura de red empresarial, la implementación de VLANs en redes corporativas, y la configuración y optimización para una alta disponibilidad y redundancia en los switches de capa 2 y capa 3.This activity consists of the previous study of two modules CCNP ROUTE and CCNP SWITCH endorsed by Cisco Networking Academy. The contents are articulated with multiple themes that allow to create efficient and scalable business networks; as well as to install, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the equipment belonging to the infrastructure of a multipurpose and multiplatform network. Two scenarios are proposed which following specific guidelines allow us to put into practice all the knowledge acquired in the CCNP deepening diploma. The first scenario is related to the basic principles of the network and the IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6) routing protocols, the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), the First Shortest Path protocol (OSPF) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The second scenario is related to the implementation, monitoring, security and management of switching in an enterprise network architecture, the implementation of VLANs in corporate networks, and the configuration and optimization for high availability and redundancy in Layer 2 switches and layer 3

    Insomnia, cognition, aging: genetic and environmental influences

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityStudying insomnia in aging populations is critical since the risk of insomnia increases with age, and insomnia is associated with numerous negative outcomes, such as cognitive impairments and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. The Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA) is a longitudinal study that investigates the relative contributions of genes and the environment to age-related changes in a broad range of characteristics. This thesis examined VETSA participants (n=1237; mean age=55.6) and utilized classic twin analyses, neuropsychological assessments, hormone, genotype, and structural MRI data to explore the etiology of insomnia, the relationship between insomnia and depression, and the mechanisms through which insomnia may influence cognitive decline. Results demonstrate that genetic factors are responsible for approximately 34% of the variation in individual differences in insomnia while non-shared environmental influences are responsible for the remaining 66%; shared family environmental influences are negligible. This study was the first investigation of the extent to which symptoms of insomnia and depression share a single genetic liability or independent liabilities, as these disorders often co-occur. Results demonstrate that much of the genetic influence on insomnia is also associated with depression, suggesting that the comorbidity between these disorders reflects shared genetic effects. There is an association between insomnia and poorer performance on tests of general cognitive ability, visual spatial processing and memory, short term memory, and working memory. After adjusting for depression, insomnia was significantly related to visual spatial processing and memory, suggesting that treating insomnia might be a successful intervention for individuals who demonstrate visual spatial memory and processing impairments. To explore mechanisms through which insomnia influences cognitive decline, cortisol, hippocampal volume, and the apoE genotype were examined. Insomnia was significantly related to smaller hippocampal volume; there was no association between insomnia and cortisol levels. ApoE genotype is related to deficits in recovering from neuronal insult, but insomnia did not differentially impact cognition based on apoE genotype. However, trends towards interactions were observed, particularly on memory domains. These findings have implications for the treatment of insomnia and depression and may inform prevention and intervention techniques aimed at cognitive preservation, which is of central importance in successful aging

    Onset of Multiple Chronic Conditions and Depressive Symptoms: A Life Events Perspective.

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    Background: While the association between depressive symptoms and chronic illness has been the subject of many studies, little is known about whether depressive symptoms differ as a function of the illnesses people have as they transition to living with multiple chronic conditions. Methods: Self-reports of five diagnosed chronic conditions (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and pulmonary disease) and depressive symptoms were provided by 3,396 people participating in three waves of the ORANJ BOWL Results: Between 2006 and 2014, controlling for age, gender, income, race, and a lifetime diagnosis of depression, people who transitioned to having a diagnosis of multiple chronic conditions had significantly higher levels of depressive symptoms than people who did not make this transition. The diagnosis of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and pulmonary disease, but not hypertension had independent effects, increasing depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Having a diagnosis of multiple chronic conditions leads to increases in depressive symptoms, but not all illnesses have the same effect. Findings highlight the need for clinicians to be aware of mental health risks in patients diagnosed with multiple chronic conditions, particularly those with a diagnosis of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and pulmonary disease. Clinical care providers should take account of these findings, encouraging psychosocial supports for older adults who develop multiple chronic conditions to minimize the negative psychological impact of illness diagnosis

    PA1710-7-RACUQuemes : rediseño arquitectónico de la capa de presentación de la plataforma Quemes para incorporar atributos de calidad que mejoren la usabilidad

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda la problemática identificada en la plataforma Quemes en el componente de software asociado a que el sistema no está enfocado al usuario final, se identifican problemas funcionales de usabilidad y una oportunidad de incluir nuevas funcionalidades. Con el propósito de solucionar esta problemática y de mejorar la experiencia del usuario en su interacción con el sistema, se implementaron un conjunto de principios heurísticos orientados a la usabilidad, lineamientos y buenas prácticas para el diseño de interfaces de usuario; así como lineamientos y principios definidos en el campo de la interacción de humano computador, y los atributos de calidad de software definidos en la norma ISO 9126.In the present work, we address the problems ¡dentified in the Quemes platfoiTn in the software component associated to the system, that is not focused on the end user, we identify functional problems of usability and an opportunity to inelude new functionalities. To solve these problems and improve the use*' expeiience in its inteiaction with the system, a set of heuristic principies oriented to usability, guidelines and good practices for the design of user interfaces were im- plemented; As well as defined guidelines and principies in the field of human Computer inter- action, and the software quality attributes defined in ISO 9126.Magíster en Ingeniería de Sistemas y ComputaciónMaestrí

    African-American patients with cancer Talking About Clinical Trials (TACT) with oncologists during consultations: evaluating the efficacy of tailored health messages in a randomised controlled trial—the TACT study protocol

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    Introduction Low rates of accrual of African-American (AA) patients with cancer to therapeutic clinical trials (CTs) represent a serious and modifiable racial disparity in healthcare that impedes the development of promising cancer therapies. Suboptimal physician–patient consultation communication is a barrier to the accrual of patients with cancer of any race, but communication difficulties are compounded with AA patients. Providing tailored health messages (THM) to AA patients and their physician about CTs has the potential to improve communication, lower barriers to accrual and ameliorate health disparities. Objective (1) Demonstrate the efficacy of THM to increase patient activation as measured by direct observation. (2) Demonstrate the efficacy of THM to improve patient outcomes associated with barriers to AA participation. (3) Explore associations among preconsultation levels of: (A) trust in medical researchers, (B) knowledge and attitudes towards CTs, (C) patient-family member congruence in decision-making, and (D) involvement/information preferences, and group assignment. Methods and analysis First, using established methods, we will develop THM materials. Second, the efficacy of the intervention is determined in a 2 by 2 factorial randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of (1) providing 357 AA patients with cancer with THM with 2 different ‘depths’ of tailoring and (2) either providing feedback to oncologists about the patients\u27 trial THM or not. The primary analysis compares patient engaged communication in 4 groups preconsultation and postconsultation. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the Virginia Commonwealth University Institutional Review Board. To facilitate use of the THM intervention in diverse settings, we will convene ‘user groups’ at 3 major US cancer centres. To facilitate dissemination, we will post all materials and the implementation guide in publicly available locations

    Aplicación de la Metodologia para la Modificación de Asfaltos Convencionales Mediante Polimeros en el Pavimento de la Carretera Pilcomayo - Chupaca 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación debe responder al siguiente problema: ¿De qué manera influye la modificación de asfaltos convencionales con polímeros mediante la metodología Marshall en el pavimento de la carretera Pilcomayo-Chupaca 2016?, el objetivo general es: Determinar la influencia de los polímeros (EVA, SBR, SBS Y CAUCHO) en los asfaltos convencionales modificados mediante la metodología MARSHALL en el pavimento de la carretera Pilcomayo-Chupaca, y la hipótesis que debe verificarse es: La influencia de los polímeros (EVA, SBR,SBS Y CAUCHO ) como modificación de asfaltos convencionales tiene mejores características que le dé un asfalto convencional mediante la metodología MARSHALL. Respecto a la metodología de investigación empleada es del tipo DEDUCTIVO -ANALITICO, el tipo de investigación es APLICADO – CUANTITATIVO, con un diseño de investigación CUASI EXPERIMENTAL, teniendo un nivel de investigación DESCRIPTIVO EXPLICATIVO y así mismo el método de recolección de datos empleado es la OBSERVACIÓN teniendo como instrumento GUÍA DE OBSERVACIONES. Así que la principal conclusión es la aplicación de modificadores en los asfaltos convencionales mejoran notablemente las propiedades mecánicas alargando su tiempo de vida, también el costo beneficio del polímero EVA es un 88% más que el de un asfalto convencional, siendo la mejor elección para nuestra unidad de análisis. Palabras claves: Asfaltos convencionales. Metodología Marshall. Polímeros.Tesi

    Adaptación de grúa hidráulica para la mejora del tiempo de carguío de palma en un volquete Volvo NL12 de la Asociación de Palmicultores de Alianza - San Martín, 2019

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    El trabajo de investigación titulado: Adaptación de grúa hidráulica para la mejora del tiempo de carguío de palma en un volquete Volvo NL12 de la Asociación de Palmicultores de Alianza - San Martín, 2019, tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, siendo esta de tipo aplicada, de nivel explicativo y diseño experimental. Por lo tanto, se tomó una población y muestra de 1 volquete como objeto de estudio, para la cual se utilizó una ficha de registro de datos para la recolección de las diversas observaciones de tiempo de carguío, llegando finalmente a las siguientes conclusiones: Mediante la matriz morfológica se ha diseñado 3 prototipos de grúa hidráulica, tomando en cuenta el sistema de alimentación, el cilindro hidráulico, el sistema de accionamiento, el sistema de transmisión, el sistema de levantamiento y el ángulo de giro, componentes que han contribuido a las evaluaciones de la propuesta más óptima, reflejada a través de la valoración técnica y económica. En cuanto al cálculo de los costos de fabricación se ha determinado que esta asciende a un valor de S/ 39 865.00. De acuerdo a las pruebas realizadas se determinó que para mejorar el tiempo de carguío es necesario adaptar una grúa hidráulica que una botella de vástago de desplazamiento de 1.5 m, con un pistón de diámetro de 3 pulgadas, a una presión de 1500 psi. Por último, de acuerdo a los cálculos realizados en cuanto a los tiempos de carguío por personas se determina que lo hace en un promedio de 5.9540 12 toneladas de palma, asimismo, con la grúa hidráulica se ha determinar que carga 12 tonelada en un promedio de 1.0036 horas

    Genetic and environmental influences on sleep quality in middle‐aged men: a twin study

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    Poor sleep quality is a risk factor for a number of cognitive and physiological age-related disorders. Identifying factors underlying sleep quality are important in understanding the etiology of these age-related health disorders. We investigated the extent to which genes and the environment contribute to subjective sleep quality in middle-aged male twins using the classical twin design. We used the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index to measure sleep quality in 1218 middle-aged twin men from the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (mean age = 55.4 years; range 51-60; 339 monozygotic twin pairs, 257 dizygotic twin pairs, 26 unpaired twins). The mean PSQI global score was 5.6 [SD = 3.6; range 0-20]. Based on univariate twin models, 34% of variability in the global PSQI score was due to additive genetic effects (heritability) and 66% was attributed to individual-specific environmental factors. Common environment did not contribute to the variability. Similarly, the heritability of poor sleep-a dichotomous measure based on the cut-off of global PSQI>5-was 31%, with no contribution of the common environment. Heritability of six of the seven PSQI component scores (subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, and daytime dysfunction) ranged from 0.15 to 0.31, whereas no genetic influences contributed to the use of sleeping medication. Additive genetic influences contribute to approximately one-third of the variability of global subjective sleep quality. Our results in middle-aged men constitute a first step towards examination of the genetic relationship between sleep and other facets of aging.Accepted manuscrip

    “Evaluación de la osmolalidad de la bebida energizante a base de tuna (opuntia ficus-indica) y guayusa (ilex guayusa)”

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    In the present research study, the creation of an innovative energizing beverage has been carried out, based on the combination of two ancestral ingredients: prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) and guayusa (Ilex guayusa). The main purpose of the study was to maximize the use of the ancestral prickly pear fruit, which is poorly commercialized, by combining its valuable nutritional properties with those of guayusa. A rigorous complete random experimental design has been used, which involved the use of four key factors, A + B + C + D, with levels of prickly pear pulp concentration as factor A, guayusa infusion as factor B, type of salts as factor C, and water as factor D, respectively. As a result, a total of 13 treatments have been obtained, which have been thoroughly evaluated through the Design Expert 22.0.2 program. Through a comprehensive sensory analysis with a group of university students, it has been determined that treatment 11 is the most accepted. It is important to highlight that thanks to the Design Expert 22.0.2 program, it has been possible to accurately verify that treatment 11 is the best of all the treatments analyzed. This particular treatment has been shown to contain the following concentrations: 70% prickly pear pulp, 20% guayusa infusion, 0.44% salts, and 9.55% water. In order to ensure the safety and quality of the energizing beverage, a series of physical chemical, proximal, and nutritional analyses have been carried out to verify if treatment 11 complies with the standards established by Ecuadorian regulations. The results obtained regarding titratable acidity (9%), pH (5.44), total solids (10.15%), and density (0.96 g/ml) have been carefully compared with the INEN 2304, 2017 standard, and it has been found that they are within the established range. In addition, it has been verified that osmolality (553 mmol/kg) and conductivity (2.37 μS/cm) comply with the standards established by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Colombian regulations, respectively. The microbiological analyses carried out on treatment 11 have revealed a quantity of mesophilic aerobes CFU/gEn el presente estudio de investigación se ha llevado a cabo la creación de una bebida energizante innovadora, basada en la combinación de dos ingredientes ancestrales: la tuna (Opuntia ficus indica) y la guayusa (Ilex guayusa). El propósito principal del estudio ha sido maximizar el uso de la fruta ancestral de tuna, la cual es poco comercializada, mediante la combinación de sus valiosas propiedades nutritivas con las de la guayusa. Se ha empleado un riguroso diseño experimental al azar completo, que ha involucrado la utilización de cuatro factores clave, A + B + C + D, con niveles de concentración de pulpa de tuna como factor A, infusión de guayusa como factor B, tipo de sales como factor C y agua como factor D, respectivamente. Como resultado, se han obtenido un total de 13 tratamientos, que han sido minuciosamente evaluados por medio del programa Design Expert 22.0.2. A través de un análisis sensorial exhaustivo con un grupo de estudiantes universitarios, se ha determinado que el tratamiento 11 es el más aceptado. Es importante destacar que gracias al programa Desing Expert Tridial (versión 22.0.2), se ha podido verificar de manera precisa que el tratamiento 11 es el mejor de todos los tratamientos analizados. Este tratamiento, en concreto, ha demostrado contener las siguientes concentraciones: 70 % pulpa de tuna, 20 % infusión de guayusa, 0,44 % de sales y 9,55 % agua. Con el fin de garantizar la seguridad y calidad de la bebida energizante, se han llevado a cabo una serie de análisis físico-químicos, proximales y nutricionales, para verificar si el tratamiento 11 cumple con los estándares establecidos por las normas ecuatorianas. Los resultados obtenidos en relación a la acidez titulable (9 %), pH (5,44), sólidos totales (10,15 %) y densidad (0,96 g/ml) han sido cuidadosamente comparados con la norma INEN 2304, 2017, y se ha constatado que se encuentran dentro del rango establecido. Además, se ha comprobado que la osmolalidad (553 mmol/kg) y la conductividad (2,37 μS/cm) cumplen con los estándares establecidos por las normas de la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) y la norma colombiana, respectivamente. Los análisis microbiológicos realizados sobre el tratamiento 11, han revelado una cantidad de Aerobios Mesófilos UFC/