73 research outputs found

    Diarium Vadstenense : A Late Medieval Memorial Book and Political Chronicle

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    This article deals with the Diarium Vadstenense, a Liber memorialis originating in Vadstena, the abbey founded by Saint Birgitta of Sweden. Written by a succession of Birgittine friars, this parchment manuscript is still preserved in its original form. It records internal, monastic events from the founding of the abbey in the second half of the fourteenth century to the time the last brother left the community, after the Reformation. Glimpses from the world outside the abbey are seen here and there throughout the text. However, during a central part of the fifteenth century, some of the entries were extended, and the writing changes character. These texts can be seen as a more or less continuous chronicle, tendentiously describing the complicated political situation in Sweden in the 1460s, a time marked by wars and conflicts. Indeed, parts of the texts were so controversial that they were later (partly) erased by a cautious medieval ‘editor’. The focus in this article will be on the time frame when the text was written, the personal views and opinions of the writers, confidentiality, political bias and censorship

    Gravar under kyrkmurar

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    Graves beneath church walls By Christian Lovén, with an appendix by Claes Gejrot Skeletons discovered beneath church walls are generally taken to be indications of an earlier wooden church at the site. This may not always be true. Canon law, as well as provincial legislations, stated that burials were only allowed at churches. However, canon law allowed for funerals to begin already when the church building was in the planning stages. Three Swedish and Finnish written sources are of interest. The Bishops’ Chronicle of Västergötland (c.1325) states that bishop Sigfrid (11th century) marked three church sites and inaugurated the church yards. Bishop Bengt (c.1150–1180) had several churches erected, and he endowed them. The important point is that the author of the chronicle differs between these activities. An early 16th century Finnish account of the erection of a chapel at Lokalaks, 50 km NW of Turku, begins with the inauguration of the cemetery in 1490, with mass held by the bishop. This was at the request of two local noblemen. After this (post hoc), the two men erected a wooden chapel at the site. The chapel is mentioned in 1512. Finally, in a letter issued in 1470, the bishop of Linköping promises indulgence to all who visit the newly consecrated cemetery at Forsvik and pray at the four crosses erected at the corners of the cemetery (see appendix). No church by this name is known to have existed, but the letter probably concerns Forsvik on the W shore of lake Vättern. These scarce sources confirm that cemeteries may be older than their churches. Normally, the stretches of intended walls would be avoided for funerals. But the erection of the church may have been delayed so much that the layout was forgotten or revised. Considering the number of unfinished projects that we can trace in medieval church buildings, these delays may have been common. This could explain some of the graves beneath church walls. The ultimate form of delay, abandonment of the intended church site, is what appears to have come to pass at Forsvik

    Just another ad?

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    Marketers often target women because they represent over half of the population in Canada and Sweden and because they are the purchasing agents for 85% of household items. Advertisers and marketers use targeted marketing on Social Media platforms in the hopes of engaging the audience enough to initiate a purchasing action. For this paper the goal was to understand the relationship between women aged 55+ and their attitudes and perception of targeted advertising, to see whether it was effective in engaging them as consumers. Through interviews and the think-aloud method we found that while the overall perception of online advertising was negative, in practice, the ads on their social media feed were either accepted as relevant ads, simply ignored/not noticed, or not recognized as advertising. Finally we conclude that because social media gives users the impression that they are in control of the content on their feed, the consequences may be that targeted advertising can influence audience’s perception of who they are, more than they think

    CSR & Krishantering - Konsten att vara beredd för nya utmaningar

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    Examensarbetets titel: CSR & Krishantering – konsten att vara beredd för nya utmaningar Seminariedatum: 2012-01-12 Ämne/kurs: FEKH95, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elsa Gejrot, Emelie Olivensjö & Rebecca Persson Handledare: Lars Carlman Fem nyckelord: CSR, krishantering, företagskultur, kärnvärden, kommunikation Syfte: Syftet är att se om ett företags CSR-arbete tillsammans med dess strategi för krishantering kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för att möta nya etiska kriser. Vi har i arbetet med dunskandalen och syftet med det är för att visa läsaren hur det kan se ut i praktiken. Metod: Empirisk data har samlats in via fallföretagens hemsidor, deras hållbarhetsredovisningar men även genom intervjuer. Vi har använt oss av ostandardiserade intervjuer där vi har kunnat välja både frågeformulering och ordningsföljd på frågorna. Fördelen med detta är att svaren kan bli mer uttömmande och djupare. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggt kring tre huvudområden. Det första huvudområdet är CSR. Här presenteras Archie Carrolls (1991) välkända CSR-pyramid. Redogörelser för Burke och Logsdon Strategiska CSR (Burke & Logsdon i Crane et al 2008) samt Grayson och Hodges sju steg för hur CSR ska leda till Corporate Social Opportunity (2004) sker även i detta huvudområde. För att läsaren ska få en djupare förståelse för hur företag kan arbeta med CSR presenteras även Codes of Conduct, eftersom det är ett av de vanligaste verktygen som företag har anammat för att möta mål inom CSR (Crane et al 2008:432). Det andra huvudområdet är krishantering. Här presenters Skoglunds modell för att bygga beredskap (2002) samt både Skoglunds (2002) och Weiners (2006) syn på hur företag internt kan skapa förberedningsprocesser inför kriser. Det sista huvudområdet har vi valt att benämna företag ur ett internt perspektiv. Mänsklig kompetens, visioner, affärsidé och varumärke presenteras här främst utifrån Erikson (2007) och Sandberg och Targama (1998). Empiri: Uppsatsens empiri bygger på fallföretagen IKEA och Åhléns. Resultat: Vi har kommit fram till att det är det svårt att avgöra om CSR kan underlätta krishantering. Men vi tror att ett arbete med CSR kan förebygga och undvika kriser snarare än underlätta hanteringen av dem. CSR blir inte ett verktyg att skriva ned i en krisplan, men det blir tillsammans med effektiv krishantering något som gynnar företag och som minimerar risk för skandal