5,785 research outputs found

    Using Burdens of Proof to Allocate the Risk of Error when Assessing Developmental Maturity of Youthful Offenders

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    Behavioral and neuroscientific research provides a relatively clear window into the timing of developmental maturity from adolescence to early adulthood. We know with considerable confidence that, on average, sixteen-year-olds are less developmentally mature than nineteen-year-olds, who are less developmentally mature than twenty-three-year-olds, who are less developmentally mature than twenty-six-year-olds. However, in the context of a given case, the question presented might be whether a particular seventeen-year-old defendant convicted of murder is “developmentally mature enough” that a sentence of life without parole can be constitutionally imposed on him or her. While developmental maturity can be accurately measured in group data, it cannot be assessed in individuals with confidence. This fact is an instance of a fundamental disconnect that occurs at the intersection of science and law between what scientists study and what courts ordinarily need to know. Scientists typically study phenomena at the group or population level, whereas courts usually need to determine whether a particular case is an instance of some known phenomenon. This is called the group to individual (G2i) problem. Although the G2i problem cannot be fully resolved, it can be managed by using the base-rate data available in the research literature to set the burden of proof. Setting the burden of proof is a classic mechanism for allocating the risks of making a mistake. Two factors in particular inform judgments about allocating risk of error, with the first being the likelihood or frequency of the fact in question and the second being the costs associated with the error. The rarer the fact and the larger the cost of a mistake, the greater the burden of proof should be. The latter factor, the costs associated with error, lies behind the traditional burdens of proof of preponderance of evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt in civil and criminal cases, respectively. In contrast, while the former factor, the frequency of the fact in question, is used regularly in areas of applied science, it has generally not informed allocations of burdens of proof in court. This Article sets forth a framework of shifting burdens of proof grounded in the research literature that can be employed to allocate the risk of error when assessing developmental maturity in the sentencing of offenders across the age spectrum

    Clonality, recombination, and hybridization in the plumbing-inhabiting human pathogen Fusarium keratoplasticum inferred from multilocus sequence typing

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    Sammanfattning/AbstractHelene Erös och Jennie Karlsson (2013). Action programs as tool for learning.Specialpedagogprogrammet 90hp Skolutveckling och ledarskap LĂ€rande och samhĂ€lle, Malmö högskolaProblemomrĂ„de: Skolverket (2012) presenterade nyligen de senaste resultaten frĂ„n PIRLS och TIMMS. De visade att Sveriges elever i Ă„rskurs 4 hade försĂ€mrats inom lĂ€sning och i matematik hade de lĂ€gre resultat Ă€n andra EU/OECD lĂ€nder. Detta Ă€r alarmerande och mĂ„ste tas pĂ„ allvar. SĂ€mre resultat leder pĂ„ sikt till att fler och fler Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram behöver utfĂ€rdas. Det Ă€r viktigt att Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen fungerar som redskap för att motverka de negativa utvecklingstrenderna.Syfte: Syftet med vĂ„r undersökning var att undersöka Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram som verktyg för lĂ€rande. Med hjĂ€lp av vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar belyste vi Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram ur flera perspektiv. De var blanketternas utformning och innehĂ„ll, synen pĂ„ lĂ€rande i Ă„tgĂ€rderna och hur lĂ€rare arbetar med Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram i undervisningen. Teoretisk ram: I arbetet utgick vi frĂ„n tvĂ„ teorier om lĂ€rande, kognitiv konstruktivism och social konstruktivism. Vi anvĂ€nde Ă€ven teori utifrĂ„n det sociokulturella perspektivet. Tidigare forskning kring Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram och riktlinjer frĂ„n lagar, lĂ€roplaner och allmĂ€nna rĂ„d bildade en bakgrund.Metod: Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys av Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram och halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lĂ€rare frĂ„n tvĂ„ kommuner.Resultat med analys: VĂ„ra resultat visar att begrepp i Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen som styrkor eller organisation, grupp och individ tolkas olika av lĂ€rare. MĂ„len Ă€r överlag svĂ„ra för eleven att uppnĂ„ inom en rimlig tid och det Ă€r vanligt att mĂ„lformuleringarna Ă€r otydliga. ÅtgĂ€rderna ligger mycket pĂ„ individnivĂ„ och omfattas mest av fĂ€rdighetstrĂ€ning. FörĂ€ldrars och elevers delaktighet vid utformningen av Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen varierar. I intervjuerna framkommer att lĂ€rarna ser elevernas svĂ„righeter som nĂ„got utöver och utanför den ordinarie undervisningen. LĂ€rarna förlĂ€gger Ă„tgĂ€rderna under eget arbete i eller utanför klassrummet och ibland till och med innan eller efter skoltid. Konklusion: Formuleringarna av mĂ„l och Ă„tgĂ€rder varierar beroende pĂ„ vem som skriver. För att Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram ska fungera som verktyg för lĂ€rande mĂ„ste pedagogerna först förstĂ„ begreppen i Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen. De mĂ„ste Ă€ven ha kunskaper om var eleverna befinner sig i sin utveckling och framförallt vart de Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g sĂ„ att mĂ„l och Ă„tgĂ€rder blir kortsiktiga, konkreta och mĂ€tbara. Blanketternas utformning och ordval kan förvilla pedagogerna och bidra till feltolkningar. Detta Ă€r ett omrĂ„de som vi inte hittat nĂ„gon forskning kring. UtifrĂ„n ett sociokulturellt perspektiv drar vi slutsatsen att fler Ă„tgĂ€rder bör ligga pĂ„ gruppnivĂ„ dĂ€r dialogen blir ett viktigt redskap.Implementering: Specialpedagogens roll blir att föra en regelbunden dialog med lĂ€rarna ute pĂ„ skolorna om Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammens begrepp och vad som ska ingĂ„ i programmen. En annan uppgift för specialpedagogen blir att fĂ„ lĂ€rarna att anvĂ€nda sig av gruppen och fĂ„ arbetet med Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen integrerat i den ordinarie undervisningen. FĂ„r vi till detta blir Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen fungerande verktyg för lĂ€rande. VĂ„ra resultat stĂ€mmer med tidigare forskning kring formuleringen av innehĂ„llet i Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammen. Implikationerna gĂ€ller dĂ€rför bĂ„de för oss specifikt men Ă€ven i vidare mening

    Rbm45 Homo-Oligomerization Mediates Association With Als-Linked Proteins And Stress Granules

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    The aggregation of RNA-binding proteins is a pathological hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). RBM45 is an RNA-binding protein that forms cytoplasmic inclusions in neurons and glia in ALS and FTLD. To explore the role of RBM45 in ALS and FTLD, we examined the contribution of the protein\u27s domains to its function, subcellular localization, and interaction with itself and ALS-linked proteins. We find that RBM45 forms homo-oligomers and physically associates with the ALS-linked proteins TDP-43 and FUS in the nucleus. Nuclear localization of RBM45 is mediated by a bipartite nuclear-localization sequence (NLS) located at the C-terminus. RBM45 mutants that lack a functional NLS accumulate in the cytoplasm and form TDP-43 positive stress granules. Moreover, we identify a novel structural element, termed the homo-oligomer assembly (HOA) domain, that is highly conserved across species and promote homo-oligomerization of RBM45. RBM45 mutants that fail to form homo-oligomers exhibit significantly reduced association with ALS-linked proteins and inclusion into stress granules. These results show that RMB45 may function as a homo-oligomer and that its oligomerization contributes to ALS/FTLD RNA-binding protein aggregation


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate integrated electromyographic (IEMG) activity of the quadriceps (Q), hamstring (H), and gastrocnemius (G) muscle groups during the performance of 10 randomly ordered plyometric (P) exercises. Subjects included 23 adults who routinely performed P. A one way Repeated Measures ANOVA indicated Q-IEMG activity was significantly different (p 0.05) were found for the G-IEMG for female subjects and those with vertical jumps less than 50 cm, or for the H muscle group. Bonferonni adjusted pairwise comparisons of main effects revealed differences in IEMG between specific P exercises

    Portable Multi Metalworking Tool

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    The number of machine shops for students are scarce and the available shops are not open at convenient times. Students want to be able to machine his or her own parts but have to wait to be a member of a school class or company. If only there was a machine that can lathe, mill, and drill press and can be taken anywhere the student desires. Now there is! The Portable Multi Metalworking Tool is a combination machine that can perform lathing, drilling and milling

    Non-volatile particle emissions from aircraft turbine engines at ground-idle induce oxidative stress in bronchial cells

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    Aircraft emissions contribute to local and global air pollution. Health effects of particulate matter (PM) from aircraft engines are largely unknown, since controlled cell exposures at relevant conditions are challenging. We examined the toxicity of non-volatile PM (nvPM) emissions from a CFM56-7B26 turbofan, the world's most used aircraft turbine using an unprecedented exposure setup. We combined direct turbine-exhaust sampling under realistic engine operating conditions and the Nano-Aerosol Chamber for In vitro Toxicity to deposit particles onto air-liquid-interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) at physiological conditions. We evaluated acute cellular responses after 1-h exposures to diluted exhaust from conventional or alternative fuel combustion. We show that single, short-term exposures to nvPM impair bronchial epithelial cells, and PM from conventional fuel at ground-idle conditions is the most hazardous. Electron microscopy of soot reveals varying reactivity matching the observed cellular responses. Stronger responses at lower mass concentrations suggest that additional metrics are necessary to evaluate health risks of this increasingly important emission source
