960 research outputs found

    Studies on African zygaenoid moths (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea) The genus Psycharium Herrich-Schäffer, with descriptions of four new species (Somabrachyidae)

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    The genus Psycharium is revised for the first time. Until now, only a drawing of the female type species was known. The male and female of the type species, P. pellucens Herrich-Schaffer, and four new species, montanum, kammanassiense, bamardi and natalense,are comprehensively described. A key to the species of Psycharium, based on males and females (except for P. natalense where only males are known), is given. Descriptions of taxa include drawings of their genitalia

    A Review of Leaf-mining Insects and Control Options for their Management, with Special Reference to Holocacista capensis (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae) in Vineyards in South Africa

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    A leaf-mining pest occurring on commercial varieties of Vitis vinifera in South Africa was investigated due to the presence of cocoons on fruit. The leaf miner, Holocacista capensis, was reported on grapevines in 2012. Since its discovery on commercial grape varieties, control strategies have consisted solely of insecticide applications. Despite the fact that the leaf-mining habit is taxonomically diverse and considered ancient, little is generally known of leaf-mining larvae. A review was conducted in order to better understand the leaf-mining strategy and amalgamate the current knowledge of other leaf-mining insects.  The general evolutionary history within the full complement of taxa that display the leaf-mining habit is discussed. The review focuses on lepidopteran leaf-mining pests and discloses the known information associated with the first report and the impact of H. capensis in the Western Cape, South Africa. As no control methods have been identified for H. capensis in vineyards, various chemical, biological and cultural control strategies adopted for other leaf-mining pests were investigated. Control options, including theuse of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), parasitoids, physical and cultural control measures, were considered and are discussed. Alternate control methods are pertinent for the grape-growing industry to avoid the development of the insecticide resistance that is common amongst leaf miners. This review aims to consolidate the available literature and therefore aid in the development of an integrated pest management strategy to effectively control H. capensis in infested vineyards in South Africa

    Palaeozoic insects of southern Africa: a review

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    Although a substantial number of Triassic insect fossils have been discovered in southern Africa, relatively few insect fossils are known from the Permian deposits of this region. Fossil insects from the Permian period elsewhere, including the extensive entomological fauna from Eastern Europe (including Russia), Brazil and Australia is well-documented. The Irati Formation in the Parana Basin of Brazil, the temporal and lithological correlate of the Permian Whitehill Formation of South Africa, has yielded fossil insects belonging to Homoptera, N europtera, Coleoptera and Mecoptera. Fossil insects from the Whitehill Formation are usually poorly preserved and only seven specimens are mentioned in the literature. An overview is given of the more recent discoveries of Permian fossil insects in South Africa. This includes the discovery of the oldest beetle in Africa, the oldest longhorned grasshopper in the Southern Hemisphere and a survey of the Permian insects from the Beaufort Group of Natal. Reasons for the paucity of Permian insects are briefly discussed.Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust; French Embassy in South Africa; Co-operation and Cultural Servic

    Phagocytosis and macrophage polarisation on bacterially contaminated dental implant materials and effects on tissue integration

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    Bacterial contamination is hard to avoid during dental implant surgery. Macrophages and their polarisation play a decisive role in bacterial colonisation and tissue integration on bacterially contaminated dental implants. The present study investigated the role of macrophages in stimulating tissue coverage overgrowth of contaminating oral bacteria on polished titanium (Ti-P) and acid-etched zirconium dioxide (ZrO2-MA) dental implant materials. Different co-culture models were employed to determine phagocytosis rates of Streptococcus mitis or Staphylococcus aureus contaminating a dental implant surface and the influence of contaminating bacteria and osteoblasts (U2OS) on macrophage polarisation. S. aureus was phagocytized in higher numbers than S. mitis in bi-cultures on smooth Ti-P surfaces. Contaminating S. mitis stimulated near full polarisation of macrophages from a non-Ym1-expressing- to a Ym1-expressing-phenotype on smooth Ti-P, but on ZrO2-MA both phenotypes occurred. In tri-cultures with U2OS-cells on smooth Ti-P, a larger percentage of macrophages remained in their non-Ym1-expressing, "fighting" M1-like phenotype to clear Ti-P surfaces from contaminating bacteria. On ZrO2-MA surfaces, more macrophages tended towards their "fixand-repair" M2-like phenotype than on Ti-P surfaces. Surface coverage of smooth, bacterially contaminated Ti-P surfaces by U2OS-cells was more effectively stimulated by fighting, M1-like macrophages than on ZrO2-MA surfaces. Comprehensive guidelines are provided for the development of infection-resistant, dental implant materials, including bacteria, tissue and immune cells. These guidelines point to more promising results for clinical application of Ti-P as compared with ZrO2-MA

    Klimaatadaptatie droge rurale zandgronden - Gelderland

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    Het doel van dit project is een beeld te krijgen van de gevolgen van klimaatveranderingen voor de droge zandgronden van de provincie Gelderland, om de gevolgen van klimaatverandering in gebiedsontwikkelingsprocessen in te bouwen in de gebieden ‘Baakse Beek’ en ‘Blauwe Bron’. Het doel van dit project is een beeld te krijgen van de gevolgen van klimaatveranderingen voor de droge zandgronden van de provincie Gelderland, om de gevolgen van klimaatverandering in gebiedsontwikkelingsprocessen in te bouwen in de gebieden ‘Baakse Beek’ en ‘Blauwe Bron’. In workshops werd door wetenschappers en betrokkenen bij de gebiedsprocessen kennis over effecten van klimaatverandering en adaptatiemogelijkheden gedeeld en werden kennisleemten geïdentificeerd, om de gebiedsprocessen klimaatbestendig te maken

    Timing measurements with a 3D silicon sensor on Timepix3 in a 180 GeV/<i>c</i> hadron beam

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    Test beam measurements have been carried out with a 3D sensor on a Timepix3 ASIC and the time measurements are presented. The measurements are compared to those of a thin planar sensor on Timepix3. It is shown that for a perpendicularly incident beam the time resolution of both detectors is dominated by the Timepix3 front-end. The 3D detector is dominated by the time-to-digital conversion whereas the analog front-end jitter also gives a significant contribution for the thin planar detector. The 3D detector reaches an overall time resolution of 567 ± 6 ps compared to 683 ± 8 ps for the thin planar detector. For a grazing angle beam, however, the thin planar detector achieves a better time resolution because it has a lower pixel capacitance, and therefore suffers less from jitter in the analog front-end for the low charge signals that mainly occur in this type of measurement. Finally, it is also shown that the 3D and thin planar detector can achieve time resolutions for large clusters of about 100 ps and 250 ps, respectively, by combining many single hit measurements

    Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake

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    The Gorkha earthquake (M 7.8) on 25 April 2015 and later aftershocks struck South Asia, killing ~9,000 and damaging a large region. Supported by a large campaign of responsive satellite data acquisitions over the earthquake disaster zone, our team undertook a satellite image survey of the earthquakes’ induced geohazards in Nepal and China and an assessment of the geomorphic, tectonic, and lithologic controls on quake-induced landslides. Timely analysis and communication aided response and recovery and informed decision makers. We mapped 4,312 co-seismic and post-seismic landslides. We also surveyed 491 glacier lakes for earthquake damage, but found only 9 landslide-impacted lakes and no visible satellite evidence of outbursts. Landslide densities correlate with slope, peak ground acceleration, surface downdrop, and specific metamorphic lithologies and large plutonic intrusions

    Eindrapportage Hotspot Oude Vaart - Reest

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    De beekdalen in Drenthe zijn bij uitstek gebieden waar de effecten van de klimaatverandering merkbaar zullen zijn. Dat wordt veroorzaakt doordat beeksystemen kwetsbaar zijn voor klimatologische veranderingen. Daarnaast worden de in het gebied aanwezige functies landbouw en natuur in sterke mate beïnvloed door klimaatverandering. Hierbij spelen veranderingen in de waterhuishouding een belangrijke rol
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