88 research outputs found

    XVIII amžiaus antrosios pusės Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės universalieji laikmačiai: Vilniaus ir Gardino kalendoriai

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    The article focuses on the calendars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) which were published in the second half of the 18th century. Emphasizing the fact that in the Age of Enlightenment calendars as well as other periodicals underwent significant developments in terms of form, content, and audi­ence,Vilnius Calendar (pl. Kalendarz Wileński) and Grodno Calendar (Kalędarz Grodzieński) are being analysed.Vilnius and Grodno Calendars included news from the whole world and from the area of the GDL. The information concerning astronomy, medicine, and prophesies also used to be published there.The calendars dealt with social and moral issues of the time and were considered to be peculiar in­structors of the society. Apart from that they enabled their readers to express themselves by proclaiming openly society’s interests and needs. In this way a specific communication medium between this uni­versal form of press and its audience was created.  From the publications of Vilnius and Grodno Calendars the history of Lithuanian post could be traced. There is also much information of the state management in the GDL in the last decades of the 18th century.In general Vilnius and Grodno Calendars could be regarded as some ABC books of politics, econo­my, and culture that were dedicated to the inquisitive and demanding society of the second half of the 18th century

    Ugdymo kokybės vertinimas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: mokytojų ir mokinių požiūris

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    Quality of the educational system became the EU priority aim when highlighting the tendencies of internalisation of education. While undergoing increase of responsibility of every educational institution and its community members for educational quality, self-assessment of school helps to reveal knowledge of its community on internal processes from contribution to result, perception of one’s institution as the whole, formation of the philosophy of monitoring and assessment of the educational process, the culture of quality. Quality assessment of an educational institution is a multiple one and it has a number of purposes. Assessment based on attitude of participants of the educational process is significant because it complements conclusions of internal and external audit, provides opportunities for a more thorough analysis of the state of institution’s quality of activities, makes the feedback among participants of the educational process effective, helps in self-development of reflection abilities, can benefit to discussion among school community on conception, standards, optimisation methods, etc. of quality. Exchange of attitudes as well as dialogue within school community should be a permanent process. The research has proved that obvious differences between teachers and pupils, conception and perception of significance of educational quality exist in the gymnasium. The most pronounced differences in assessment of educational quality became highlighted in assessment of various aspects of the process of teaching and learning: purposefulness of organisation of the process of teaching and learning, attractiveness, the level of mastering of the content of teaching and learning, effectiveness of feedback, purpose and significance of homework tasks, encouragement of activeness and progress of pupils, assessment of teaching and learning achievements, school’s capacity to meet the needs of the learners. Mokytoja metodininkė, Juliaus Janonio gimnazijosdirektoriaus pavaduotoja ugdymuiTilžės g. 137, LT-76348 ŠiauliaiTel. (8 41) 52 33 75El. paštas: [email protected] lt Docentė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėŠiaulių universiteto Edukologijos katedraP. Višinskio g. 25, LT-76351 ŠiauliaiTel. (8 41) 59 57 18El. paštas: [email protected] nagrinėjamas mokytojų ir mokinių požiūris į ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje kokybę, pagrindžiant jos aktualumą Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos švietimo raidos kontekste. Analizuojami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai, išryškinant mokytojų ir mokinių požiūrių į atskirus ugdymo proceso komponentus ir jo organizavimo aspektus bei juos sąlygojančius veiksnius panašumus ir skirtumus.

    Kuratoriaus vaidmuo kariūnų adaptacijos procese: atvejo analizė

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    The goal to improve the quality of studies is one of the basic objectives in a modern higher educational institution. The support of academic community to students in the adaptation process is perceptible as a part of the higher educational institution service system, which is oriented to the students’ academic and social needs in order to develop the type of studies tailored to a student personally. In this article a tutor‘s role in cadets’ adaptation process is discussed in the aspect of educational interaction and cadets’ support. Adaptation is perceived as an ability of a young person to adapt to the changeable conditions and new environment as well as an acquisition of new competencies. In addition, the tutor’s personal qualities, competencies, values and the variety of his / her roles and activities required for this position are analyzed. According to the empirical research data, cadets‘ expectations and the difficulties of the adaptation in the academy, i.e. the ability to adapt to a new (“closed”) environment, strict timetable, the adjustment of academic and military studies, the mastering of new forms of studies based on self-dependent work, the lack of free time, are approached. It is stressed, that the process of cadets’ and tutors’ successful educational interaction is based on the mutual recognition, the maintaining of qualitative inter-relations, emotional support and participating together in different activities. The results of cadet platoons tutors’ support are very diverse: from the discovering of motivation methods to study better, the improvement of progressiveness, skills of problem solving, enhanced cadets’ confidence and self-dependence to a successful finishing of their studies. The research data show the positive evaluation of tutors’ role and allow to project guidelines in order to improve the cadets’ adaptation process in the military academy.Akademinės bendruomenės parama studentams adaptacijos procese suprantama kaip aukštosios mokyklos teikiamų paslaugų sistemos dalis, skirta akademiniams ir socialiniams studentų poreikiams tenkinti siekiant plėtoti į studentą orientuotas studijas. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas kuratoriaus vaidmuo kariūnų1 adaptacijos procese pedagoginės sąveikos ir paramos kariūnams aspektu, kuratoriaus veiklai reikalingos asmeninės savybės, kompetencijos, vertybės, kuratoriaus veiklos ir vaidmenų įvairovė, kariūnų lūkesčiai bei adaptacijos Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijoje (toliau – Karo akademijoje) sunkumai. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė teigiamą kariūnų kuratorių veiklos vertinimą bei leido numatyti veiklos gaires siekiant gerinti kariūnų adaptacijos Karo akademijoje procesą

    Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe

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    Fire is a natural component of global biogeochemical cycles and closely related to changes in human land use. Whereas climate-fuel relationships seem to drive both global and subcontinental fire regimes, human-induced fires are prominent mainly on a local scale. Furthermore, the basic assumption that relates humans and fire regimes in terms of population densities, suggesting that few human-induced fires should occur in periods and areas of low population density, is currently debated. Here, we analyze human-fire relationships throughout the Holocene and discuss how and to what extent human driven fires affected the landscape transformation in the Central European Lowlands (CEL). We present sedimentary charcoal composites on three spatial scales and compare them with climate model output and land cover reconstructions from pollen records. Our findings indicate that widespread natural fires only occurred during the early Holocene. Natural conditions (climate and vegetation) limited the extent of wildfires beginning 8500 cal. BP, and diverging subregional charcoal composites suggest that Mesolithic hunter-gatherers maintained a culturally diverse use of fire. Divergence in regional charcoal composites marks the spread of sedentary cultures in the western and eastern CEL The intensification of human land use during the last millennium drove an increase in fire activity to early-Holocene levels across the CEL Hence, humans have significantly affected natural fire regimes beyond the local scale - even in periods of low population densities - depending on diverse cultural land-use strategies. We find that humans have strongly affected land-cover- and biogeochemical cycles since Mesolithic times

    The most popular releases of the Grodno Printing House in the second half of the 18th century

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    XVIII a. antros pusės daugkartinių Gardino spaustuvės leidinių analizė rodo, kad svarbiame Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės (toliau – LDK) kultūros centre leisti tekstai savo tematika, žanrais, forma buvo gana skirtingi. Spausdinti įvairūs vertimai iš anglų, prancūzų, vokiečių kalbų, taip pat lenkiški originalai (grožiniai kūriniai, didaktiniai pamokymai,Gardino seimuose sakytos kalbos, pamokslai). Atkreiptinas dėmesys į tai, kad Vilniaus spaustuvių (pranciškonų, jėzuitų akademijos, bazilijonų) 17 kartų perleista Mykolo Olševskio „Broma atverta ing viečnastį“ Gardine nepasirodė nei originalia lietuvių, nei verstine lenkų kalba. Ištyrus XVIII a. antros pusės Gardino spaustuvės leidinius, daroma išvada, kad tuo laiku dar nauja selektyvaus skaitymo tendencija nulėmė konkrečių tekstų pasirinkimą, o kartu ir jų populiarumą. Taip pat fiksuojamas ir tuometinės LDK visuomenės praktikuotas intensyvusis skaitymo būdas (kai tas pats tekstas skaitytas daug kartų), kurį Vakarų Europoje sparčiai keitė ekstensyvusis (kai skaityta greitai ir kuo daugiau).An analysis of the Grodno Printing House releases in the second half of the 18th century shows that among the texts of multiple publication, those that appeared in Grodno, a cultural center of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania, were of different themes, genres, and forms. Various translations from English, French, German, as well as original publications in Polish, such as works of fiction, didactic teachings, speeches delivered in the Grodno Sejm, and religious sermons, were printed in the Grodno Printing House. It must be pointed out that the most popular Lithuanian book of the 18th century, Mykolas Olševskis’s Broma atverta ing viečnastį, which was republished 17 times by different Vilnius printing houses (e.g., the Franciscans’, the Jesuit Academy’s, and the Basilians’), was not released in Grodno. Neither an original edition of Broma, nor its translation into Polish appeared there. Investigating Grodno Printing House releases enabled us to draw the conclusion that the choice and the popularity of certain texts depended on a new tendency of selective reading. Another conclusion is that in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania people in the second half of the 18th century most often practiced intensive reading which in Western Europe had been rapidly replaced by the extensive one