46 research outputs found


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    Abstract Balinese arts can be said one of the most important entities in the system of tourism industry in Bali. However, due to the business maximalization of the industry, the Balinese arts are commodified (getting a “commodification” , that is a process of excessive commoditization and commercialization for the sake of economic benefit). This study shows that, in terms if an aesthetic discourse, such a phenomenon is no longer relevant to be analyzed in a modern aesthetics but postmodern one. It is said so since the modern one can not express unstability , irony, and chaos, which are really facts in the postmodern age. In fact, in the hand of tourism capitalization, the Balinese arts such as Barong Dance and Kecak Dance shown to the tourists semiotic forms of fun and not of meaning. By this, cultural tourism in Bali, including the two most popular dance shows, can be categorized a postmodern industry

    Managing Sustainable Tourism in Monkey Forest Ubud due to Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the sustainable tourism management of Monkey Forest Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, in the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic which has resulted in a tourism crisis. Research methods: This study uses a qualitative method to describe the condition of Monkey Forest Ubud in the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is explained in a descriptive manner to show the sustainability management applied by its management during the pandemic. Results and discussion: The management of Monkey Forest Ubud carries out operations by paying attention to economic, ecological and socio-cultural aspects, which aims to create sustainable tourism in the pandemic situation, so as to create harmonization of relations between the surrounding community and the manager of such an attraction. Implication: The management must pay attention to economic, ecological and socio-cultural aspects which shows that Monkey Forest Ubud supports sustainable tourism

    Analisa Sedimentasi Akibat Pemasangan Breakwater Di Tanah Lot Bali

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    Dalam tugas akhir ini ada dua hal yang dibahas yaitu perilaku sedimen dan perencanaan perlindungan pantai Tanah Lot. Sediment yang terjadi di Tanah Lot yaitu pada bagian belakang pura yang diakibatkan adanya arus pasang surut membawa material dan terjebak oleh adanya breakwater yang telah ada. Analisa perhitungan sedimentasi dengan menggunakan metode Bijker didapat besarnya transpor sedimen yang bergerak kearah Utara adalah 52648,932 ms/th dan ke arah Timur sebesar 26598,754 m3/th. Arus yang bergerak ke arah utara mempunyai kecendrungan untuk mengendapkan material yang dibawanya. Dalam 1 tahun material yang diendapkan sebesar 6593,57 m3/th dengan kecepatan pengendapan sebesar 65,94 cm/th. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi sedimentasi yang terjadi maka direncanakan pembangunan breakwater. Breakwater yang dibangun adalah tipe overtopping, guna melindungi keindahan pantai. Jenis bangunan pelindung pantai ini sangat efektif untuJc kondisi gelombang yang datang tegak 1 urus terahadap garis pantai dan dapat menahan perpindahan sedimen. Dengan dibangunnya kontruksi breakwater ini diharapkan dapat meminimalkan kerusakan/erosi pantai dan dapat menahan laju angkutan sedimen. Breakwater yang dibangun diletakkan pada kedalaman 5 meter dengan panjang 150 meter dan jarak dari pantai 140 meter

    Implementation of Tri Hita Karana Local Knowledge in Uluwatu Temple Tourist Attraction, Bali, Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the implementation of Tri Hita Karana (THK) local knowledge at Uluwatu Temple Tourist Attraction in Badung Regency which is one of Bali’s popular destinations.   Theoretical framework: In this study, the theory of cultural tourism is used, especially the one relating to a local knowledge where the local knowledge is an integral part of the local cultural system. In this case, THK consists of three aspects, namely (1) the relationship between humans and God as the Creator, (2) the relationship among humans, and (3) the relationship between humans and the natural environment.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The sample population consisted of two hundred respondents, who are selected based on the predetermined criteria. The data obtained are then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, Ttest, Ftest, and the coefficient of determination test (R2).   Findings: The results showed that humans-God (parhyangan), humans-other humans (pawongan), and humans-natural environment (palemahan) interactions had a favorable and substantial impact on the development of cultural tourism at Uluwatu Temple Tourist Attraction. The local knowledge keeps the tourism business sustainable at the tourist attraction.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This research practically becomes a model for the implementation of cultural tourism business which ideally should not leave aspects of local knowledge in the local community. All tourism stakeholders strive to unite in carrying out cultural tourism that has been aligned with the existence of local knowledge existed in the community.   Originality/value: The study uses a quantitative approach to analyze all aspects of THK which leads to findings of integrated theology-sociology-ecology that are in harmony with each other in the tourism business as a research multidisciplinary. The results of this study broadened the appeal of scientific discourse in the field of cultural tourism. The God's entity (aspect of religiosity), as shown through THK and its implementation in business activities with the holy site as capital is important to strengthen understanding of cultural tourism

    Kecak Touristic Performance in Uluwatu Temple: Its Aspects of Vocal Karawitan

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    The writers conducted the process of observation, literature study, and interviews with the head of Karang Boma Studio, Pecatu Village to get information related to the Kecak performance at Uluwatu Temple. The uniqueness of this Kecak art can be seen in the presentation that uses human voice accompaniment. Processing melodies and interlocking cak patterns really requires strong breathing. The aesthetic value can be seen from the wholeness in the presentation of Kecak which is presented in its entirety with the patterns arranged in the Kecak's vowels by highlighting the harmonious vocal processing techniques between plain and sangsih cak. The balance in the presentation of Kecak is seen from the melody processing and cak pattern pronunciation that is dynamically balanced and does not occur as a dominant one

    Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort: A Support for Employee Productivity during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: This study attempts to describe the efforts made by Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort in supporting employee’s productivity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research method: Data collection techniques are done through interview. Data gained were analyzed in a descriptive-qualitative way. Results and discussion: The efforts made by Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort can support the productivity of its employees by conducting online and offline training activities. Analysis of the quantity, quality and work time of employees, show that the training is really carried out. Implication: The training activities implemented by Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort have indirectly facilitated employee productivity during the Covid-19 pandemic

    THE CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment) Program for New Normal Life in Tijili Benoa Curated Artotel

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    Abstract : Purpose: This research aims to analyze the CHSE (cleanliness, health, safety, and environment) program in a hotel so that the level of the hotel room occupancy can be increased especially due to Covid-19 pandemic. Research methods: This is a qualitative research. The data collection method is literature study which is obtained from the Human Resources Department of Tijili Benoa Curated Artotel, Bali, Indonesia. Findings: Tijili Benoa Curated Artotel is still using WHO guidelines where the CHSE program is not fully complete according to the regulations of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Currently what has been done by Tijili Benoa Curated Artotel is the guidelines taken from the WHO decision. Implications: The program can be developed in accordance with the latest Kemenparekraf (Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif) guidelines so that the hotel can be certified CHSE and can develop future strategies in increasing room occupancy. &nbsp


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    Bog­Bog cartoon was a mass media production which was rich in strong artistic and Balinese cultural values. Social changes cannot be avoided since Bali became a global tourist destination. On one hand, Bali cannot be avoided from being attracted by the global strength; on the other hand, attempts are perpetually made to maintain its cultural identity. The descriptive method was used in the present study, which was intended to explain how the Bog-Bog cartoon was visualized and what meanings were hidden in it. Keywords: Visualization, Cartoon, Bog­Bog Magazine, Social Representatio

    Analysis of Guest Satisfaction towards the Quality of Bartender Services

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    Purpose: This research is to determine the level of guest satisfaction with bartender services and efforts to increase guest satisfaction at a 5 star hotel bar in Jimbaran tourist area, Badung, Bali, Indonesia. Research methods: Data are obtained by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents. The data were then processed by SERVQUAL and Important-Performance Analysis techniques presented with Cartesian Diagrams. Findings: The guest satisfaction with bartender services at the hotel bar as a whole is high indicated by the act that a positive SERVQUAL score gap was more than the negative SERVQUAL score gap Implications: The hotel bar needs to improve the quality of its bartender services, such as coordination between the bartender and waiter/waitress so that there is no delay in the process of service to guests

    Room Allotment Management to Increase Room Occupancy and its Implication to Hotel Management Strategy

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    In the tourism industry, fluctuations in room occupancy are common. Many hotels offer various types of accommodation and service options needed by guests, causing competition between one hotel and another hotel. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management of room allotment in an effort to increase room occupancy at a one 5-star hotel in the southern part of Bali. This study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with analysis of POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling) and SWBR (Strength, Weakness, Benefit, Risk). Data is obtained using the interview method. This study also explains how the implications of room allotment management on management strategy at the hotel. The results of this study indicate that the management of the allotment room has been done quite well but has not provided maximum results in increasing room occupancy. The implications of giving room allotment based on management functions indicate that negotiations still have problems with the prices determined, there are strengths, weaknesses, benefits and risks in organizing the people who regulate the room allotment, the room allotment given has not been 100% fulfilled and there is no a special system to control room allotment. Future research is recommended with regard to the effectiveness of room allotment through the system.&nbsp