100 research outputs found

    Deconstructing and defining EULEX

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    Hailed as the greatest European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) mission to date, the European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) has been oscillating between fulfilling its mission statement crafted in Brussels, while managing the controversial ethnic expectations of the local population in Kosovo. Because of its imposed “status neutral,” in its three years of deployment in Kosovo, EULEX is considered to have been preoccupied with keeping a low profile, remaining invisible and not taking stances in an otherwise politically unsettled territorial entity amid acute ethnic cleavages. While it is considered as an important example to test the EU’s vertical and horizontal consistencies, EULEX’s ambiguous legal status has had its own implications; how EULEX seeks to maintain its coherence within Kosovo with its headquarters in Brussels. With most of its work dedicated to its Press and Information Office, in articulating and setting forward communication in three different languages and aiming three different (to say the least) audiences, its journey is still that of seeking legitimacy and popular support. This work examines EULEX from a critical perspective

    Kosovo Security Force Post 2012 / [presentation given on May 17, 2011]

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    Since the end of the last war in Kosovo, June 1999, Kosovo has been under the sole defense of thousands of NATO troops who have had the task and duty from security and public order to border security and protection of all residents. Given the fact that NATO and KFOR troops are reducing their presence in Kosovo rapidly, the latter needs to act and strengthen its own security and defense capability in order not to allow any security vacuum in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo in the post 2012 period. Kosovo has been through security challenges, from having no security structure to building up a modern security force whose mandate is mostly non-conventional military duties, but only humanitarian and civil protection tasks and missions. However, this Capstone Project recommends the following actions to the Government of Kosovo: 1. KSF has to reach full operational capabilities (FOC) as soon as possible 2. Implement constitutional review Kosovo’s Future Defense Force 3. To accelerate strategic regional compatibility: euroatlantic integration initiatives starting from membership into Adriatic Charter 4. Consider the defense budget scenarios 2012 – 2017

    Kosovar Albanian goldsmiths and bakers in Zagreb: Migration and ethnic enterpreneurship (Translation)

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    This paper is based on qualitative interviews with Kosovar Albanians, goldsmiths (Catholics from Prizren) and bakers (Muslims from the Has region) who live in Zagreb. The interviewees are economic migrants and their descendants who, during the coexistence in Yugoslavia, came to the area of the Republic of Croatia, especially to the tourist towns on the Adriatic coast, in order to work. Seasonal migration usually turned into permanent relocations to the city of Zagreb. With the breakup of Yugoslavia, the migrants became members of a national minority in the Republic of Croatia. Using the ethnography of the particular, and basing the research on migration systems theories, the theories of social and cultural integration and the transnational theory, the aim of this paper is to explore their lived experiences as migrants. The paper shows the causes of the migration and remigration, the reasons and the intensity of the (non)transformation of seasonal into permanent migration, the process of learning the crafts and ethnic entrepreneurship. Researching their life in Zagreb, we were interested in their everyday life, the groups from which they choose their marital partner, the language they speak, their connections to the place they came from, their participation in migrant circles, and how they spend their free time

    The Statistical Comparison of Remittances in Kosovo with Balkan Countries

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    Taking into account that Kosovo is a developing country, revenues coming from other countries play an important role. The paper will present a clear picture that examines the level of remittances in the country as well as external countries. In addition to the level of remittances, a literature review will also be made regarding the methodology used. Remittances received in Kosovo, which also represent the largest category within the secondary income account, amounted to euro 568.8 million in September 2015, representing an annual growth of 12.5 percent. One of the reasons why a remittance study is done is to identify more clearly how remittances affect notwithstanding the reports and publications made by the Kosovo Statistical Agency, the Central Bank of Kosovo, etc. It has been seen that there is still room for detailed analysis of statistics that would be even more useful to have a clearer picture of the interconnection that would affect the decision-making process. In addition to Kosovo, the research is also based on data released by the World Bank on remittances to other Balkan countries. Another purpose of the research is to compare remittances in Kosovo with those of the Balkan countries. Except for comparison, the link between them and their contribution to economic development in one country should be found

    Prvi nalaz šimširovog moljca Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) s Kosova

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    The box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) is a native species of East Asia and it was accidentally introduced in Europe several years ago most likely through the trade in live plants. It is spreading rapidly all over Europe, including the Balkans. In this contribution, we report for the first time this invasive alien species from Kosovo. A single specimen was found on August 20, 2017, in Veriq village, Istog Municipality. The specimen was observed on a light source nearby a decor plant, Buxus sempervirens L., that offers favourable conditions for its spread.Šimširov moljac Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) je vrsta porijeklom iz istočne Azije koja je slučajno unesena u Europu prije nekoliko godina, najvjerojatnije putem trgovine biljkama. Širi se vrlo brzo cijelom Europom pa tako i Balkanom. U ovom radu donosimo prvi nalaz te invazivne strane vrste za Kosovo. Jedan primjerak je pronađen 20.8.2017. u selu Veriq, općina Istog. Primjerak je primjećen na izvoru svjetla nedaleko ukrasne biljke šimšira, koja pruža pogodne uvjete za širenje vrste

    A saúde começa pela boca : promoção da saúde bucal de escolares do ensino fundamental

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    Orientadora : Profª Msc.Letícia PontesMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Especialização em Saúde para professores do ensino fundamental e médio, Núcleo de Educação a Distância.Inclui referênciasResumo : O presente estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver ações educativas no ambiente escolar, promovendo a promoção da saúde bucal de escolares do ensino fundamental. O trabalho apresenta diferentes momentos educativos, os quais visam orientar os alunos em manter a dentição e a boca saudável, proporcionando a melhora na qualidade da saúde bucal das crianças e dos adolescentes, e indiretamente, de seus familiares, gerando melhor qualidade de vida e bem estar pessoal e social. As ações desenvolvidas abordam temáticas atualizadas e adaptadas às condições e realidades de nossos educandos, apresentando os procedimentos a serem utilizados, estimulando a responsabilidade individual, não só no de melhorar o estado de saúde bucal, mas também de estimular o crescimento pessoal do indivíduo, desenvolvendo um sentido de responsabilidade pelo processo de promoção da própria saúde, entendendo que a saúde bucal não pode ser vista separada da saúde geral, pois a cárie é uma doença que atinge os dentes, interferindo na saúde bucal, refletindo em todo o organismo, afetando direta ou indiretamente a todo o corpo. A prevenção é certamente a forma mais indicada de cuidados com a saúde bucal, como, também é a maneira mais apropriada para proporcionar a melhoria na qualidade de vida e o bem estar das pessoas. Como fundamentação teórica deste estudo, documentos legais, livros e artigos comprovam a importância da educação em saúde bucal, bem como o papel da escola no desenvolvimento das ações educativas

    Assessing quality and use of economic data: case of Kosovo

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    Quality of economic data is of key importance in real assessment of economic situation in a country. Among the challenges in Kosovo in terms of economic statistics is their quality and consistency. Study will examine the quantity and quality of economic data with particular emphasis on macroeconomic data. International statistical standards of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank / Eurostat are used as reference for comparison regarding the quantity and quality of economic data. For the study purposes, the economic data will be divided into sectors according to international standards. Official statistics producers will be used as data inputs as specified in the respective law in Kosovo. Data quality are reliability, transparency, accuracy are criteria to be used. Statistics revision policy or procedure as well as time-series and accessibility will be part of the study also. UBT STATS established in June 2013 deals with the collection, organization and publication of statistical data and emerged as a need of having a structured database consistent with international practices. An overview will be devoted to UBT STATS also as center for statistics, modelling, and economic forecasting

    Novi nalazi Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) iz Albanije i Kosova

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    In this contribution, we report new records of the invasive moth Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) from Albania and Kosovo. Previously, it has been reported from all over the European continent, including all Balkan countries. During this investigation it has been observed at two sites in Albania, located in Kukës and Kavajë municipalities. From Kosovo we report four new sites where this species was observed, belonging to Klinë, Pejë and Prishtinë municipalities.U ovom priopćenju donosimo nove nalaze invazivne vrste šimširovog moljca Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) iz Albanije i Kosova. Dosad je bio zabilježen širom cijele Europe, uključujući sve zemlje Balkana. Tijekom ovog istraživanja zabilježen je na dva lokaliteta u Albaniji, na području općina Kukës i Kavajë. Na Kosovu donosimo četiri nova lokaliteta gdje je zabilježena ova vrsta, a koja se nalaze u općinama Klina, Peć i Priština

    Inclusão digital – observando um processo

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    Este texto trata de um recorte em um projeto de pesquisa, [Oficina Interativa Virtual – OIV] mais especificamente, os resultados de interações entre três escolas situadas em comunidades diversas usando um meio de interação digital. Levando em consideração os fatores favoráveis e os constritores no início deste processo, foram identificadas e nomeadas diferentes fases na interação desses professores. Os resultados aqui apresentados referem-se à inclusão digital que aconteceu com os professores dessas escolas, bem como os diferentes passos evidenciados como constituintes deste processo de inclusã